On January 23, 2010 8:23:08 PM -0600 Tim Cook <t...@cook.ms> wrote:
I bet you'll get the same performance out of 3x1.5TB drives you get out of
6x500GB drives too.

Yup.  And if that's the case, probably you want to go with the 3 drives
because your operating costs (power consumption) will be less.

 Are you really trying to argue people should never
buy anything but the largest drives available?

No.  Are you really so dense that you extrapolate my argument to an
extremely broad catch-all?  There are other reasons besides cost that
people might want to buy smaller drives.  And, e.g., if your data set
isn't that large, don't spend money for space you don't need.

The post that I was responding to claimed smaller drives *allowed* him
to get to raidz3.  I challenged that as incorrect.  It's the larger
drives that *require* raidz3 because resilver time is longer.  So far
I've seen no argument to the contrary.  Just a side argument about
cost which I happen to disagree with.  And a followup side argument
about planning for redundancy which I also disagree with.

Let's say you need 3TB of storage.  That's a lot for most home uses.
The actual amount doesn't matter as the costs will scale.  So you
buy 5 1.5TB drives.  4 (2+2) in a raidz2 plus a hot spare.  For the
sake of this argument, let's say you've done the math and raidz2
meets your redundancy requirement, based on time to resilver.  More
likely, a home user has not done the math but that's besides the point.

Now let's do it with .5GB drives.  A quick survey shows me they come
in at about a 10% discount to the 1.5TB drives.  I'm being generous
because I can't even find .5GB drives, but I see that 320GB drives
are about 10% less.  If you want to get even "cheaper", 250GB drives
are about 50% less cost than 1.5TB drives (which by my argument, which
you refute, makes them 3x more expensive but whatever).

So with .5GB drives you need 6+3 drives -- because the smaller drives
"allows" you to get to raidz2, plus a hot spare.  That's twice as many
drives, however you are only paying 10% less per drive.  PLUS with this
many drives you now need a pretty big chassis.  Plus your power costs
are now quite a bit higher.

Please put together a scenario for me where smaller drives cost less.

I hope YOU aren't ever buying for MY company.

Rest assured, I won't be.

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