On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:22 AM, Eugen Leitl <eu...@leitl.org> wrote:
> Oracle's silence is starting to become a bit ominous. What are
> the future options for zfs, should OpenSolaris be left dead
> in the water by Suracle? I have no insight into who core
> zfs developers are (have any been fired by Sun even prior to
> the merger?), and who's paying them. Assuming a worst case
> scenario, what would be the best candidate for a fork? Nexenta?
> Debian already included FreeBSD as a kernel flavor into its
> fold, it seems Nexenta could be also a good candidate.
> Maybe anyone in the know could provide a short blurb on what
> the state is, and what the options are.

Of course they can't. If they're in the know, then they're almost certainly
not in a position to talk about it in public. Asking here does not help,
as I doubt if anyone from Sun/Oracle would be wise to give any response.

-Peter Tribble
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