On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:47 PM, Justin Lee Ewing
<jlew...@jrleindustries.com> wrote:
> I'm not sure how there is mistreatment when known that Solaris 10 is the
> current production-grade product and OpenSolaris, for all intents and
> purposes, a beta product that is currently under active development.  I was
> actually surprised when SUN provided a level of support for OpenSolaris
> above and beyond bug reporting and resolution.

So be it, but the point is that they did offer and push it,
guaranteeing the same level of support as Solaris, etc.  I (perhaps
foolishly) believed it and invested heavily in it. For them to go back
on this is an affront to the idea of being a reliable, trusted
provider.  I'd expect this sort of behaviour from some of the lesser
technology companies, but not from Sun and Oracle.  This is what's
supposed to set them apart.

And while I respect your opinion that Solaris 10 is a "current
production-grade product," to me, the reality is that it's many
versions behind in its huge number of bundled services and it's a lot
of work to trim down.  Its footprint is enormous compared to
OpenSoalris and its not nearly as modern.  I've worked on it since
before it was called Solaris, so I've lived with this for decades now.
 To keep up with these fresh (albeit comparatively crude) Linux
variants, this paradigm had to change and OpenSolaris was the
solution.  Thin and modern but still tremendously more solid than the
others.   That's essentially why we adopted it en masse.
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