I'm not sure how there is mistreatment when known that Solaris 10 is the current production-grade product and OpenSolaris, for all intents and purposes, a beta product that is currently under active development. I was actually surprised when SUN provided a level of support for OpenSolaris above and beyond bug reporting and resolution.

The fact that OpenSolaris has a major "release" every 6+ months does not, in my opinion, say "this is production ready" but provides a major point where significant user acceptance testing on features and bugs can be completed. This is quite different than the development repository which can and does contain variable bits.

As far as the EOSL schedule goes, it is clearly a non-production schedule. Opposite to this model is Solaris 10's support... where the entire OS since GA date is supported. Could you imagine if individual Solaris 10 Updates had an EOSL schedule like OpenSolaris? I suspect that when OpenSolaris gets to the point of being considered a production-grade product, the GA date release onward will be supported like Solaris 10 is today. Of course, this is dependent on Oracle's decisions.

Again, all this is just my opinion... take it for what it is.

On 02/22/10 11:12 AM, Jacob Ritorto wrote:
2010/2/22 Matthias Pfützner<matth...@pfuetzner.de>:
You (Jacob Ritorto) wrote:
FWIW, I suspect that this situation does not warrant a "Wait and See"
response.  We're being badly mistreated here and it's probably too
late to do anything about it.  Probably the only chance to quell this
poor stewardship is to get big and loud right away.  Then we can see
if Oracle actually respects the notion of community.
Badly mistreated "here"?

Bad words, you're using, please change them! And, if you have a problem,
escalate with your Sales-Rep!

Of course I will escalate with my sales rep, buy sorry, Matthias, I won't
condone having the carpet yanked out from under me and my business
while putting on a happy face in the forums.  This has to be addressed
in public.  If the word "here" offends you, please take it to mean "as
a consumer group."
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