> I've moved to 7200RPM 2.5" laptop drives over 3.5"
> drives, for a 
> combination of reasons:  lower-power, better
> performance than a 
> comparable sized 3.5" drives, and generally
> lower-capacities meaning 
> resilver times are smaller. They're a bit more $/GB,
> but not a lot.
> If you can stomach the extra cost (they run $220),
> I'd actually 
> recommend getting a 8x2.5" in 2x5.25" enclosure from
> Supermicro.  It 
> works nicely, plus it gives you a nice little place
> to put your SSD.   :-)

> -- 
> Erik Trimble
> Java System Support
> Mailstop:  usca22-123
> Phone:  x17195
> Santa Clara, CA

Regarding the 2.5" laptop drives, do the inherent error detection properties of 
ZFS subdue any concerns over a laptop drive's higher bit error rate or rated 
MTBF?  I've been reading about OpenSolaris and ZFS for several months now and 
am incredibly intrigued, but have yet to implement the solution in my lab.

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