>>>>> "bh" == Brandon High <bh...@freaks.com> writes:

    bh> If you boot from usb and move your rpool from one port to
    bh> another, you can't boot. If you plug your boot sata drive into
    bh> a different port on the motherboard, you can't
    bh> boot. Apparently if you are missing a device from your rpool
    bh> mirror, you can't boot.

yeah, this is retarded and should get fixed.

    bh> zpool.cache saves the device path to make importing pools
    bh> faster. It would be nice if there was a boot flag you could
    bh> give it to ignore the file...

I've no doubt this is true but ISTR it's not related to the booting
problem above becuase I do not think zpool.cache is used to find the
root pool.  It's only used for finding other pools.  ISTR the root
pool is found through devid's that grub reads from the label on the
BIOS device it picks, and then passes to the kernel.  note that
zpool.cache is ON THE POOL, so it can't be used to find the pool (ok,
it can---on x86 it can be sync'ed into the boot archive, and on SPARC
it can be read through the PROM---but although I could be wrong ISTR
this is not what's actually done).

I think you'll find you CAN move drives among sata ports, just not
among controller types, because the devid is a blob generated by the
disk driver, and pci-ide and AHCI will yeild up different devid's for
the same disk.  Grub never calculates a devid, just reads one from the
label (reads a devid that some earlier kernel got from pci-ide or ahci
and wrote into the label).  so when ports and device names change,
rewriting labels is helpful but not urgent.  When disk drivers change,
rewriting labels is urgent.

yeah, the fact that ramdisk booting isn't possible with opensolaris
makes tihs whole situation a lot more serious than it was back when
SXCE was still available for download.  Is there any way to make a
devid-proof rescue boot option?  Is there a way to make grub boot an
iso image off the hard disk for example?

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