> At least to me, this was not clearly "not asking about losing zil" and was
> not clearly "asking about power loss."  Sorry for answering the question
> you
> thought you didn't ask.

I was only responding to your response of WRONG!!!   The guy wasn't wrong in
regards to my questions.  I'm sorry for not making THAT more clear in my

> I would suggest clarifying your question, by saying instead:  "so lets' say
> *power*loss occurs"  Then it would have been clear what you were asking.
I'm pretty sure i did ask about power loss....or at least it was implied by
my point about the UPS.  You're right, i probably should have been a little
more clear.

> Since this is a SSD you're talking about, unless you have enabled
> nonvolatile write cache on that disk (which you should never do), and the
> disk incorrectly handles cache flush commands (which it should never do),
> then the supercap is irrelevant.  All ZIL writes are to be done
> synchronously.
> This SSD doesn't use nonvolatile write cache (at least i don't think it
does, it's a SF-1500 based ssd)
I might be wrong about this, but i thought one of the biggest things about
the sandforce was that it doesn't use DRAM

> If you have a power loss, you don't lose your pool, and you also don't lose
> any writes in the ZIL.  You do, however, lose any async writes that were
> not
> yet flushed to disk.  There is no way to prevent that, regardless of ZIL
> configuration.
Yes, I know that i lose async writes....i just wasn't sure if that resulted
in an issue...I might be somewhat confused to how the ZIL works but i
thought the point of the ZIL was to "pretend" a write actually happened when
it may not have actually been flushed to disk yet...in this case, a write to
the zil might not make it to disk....i just didn't know if this could result
in a loss of a pool due to some sort of corruption of the uberblock or
something.....I'm not entirely up to speed on the voodoo that is ZFS.

I wasn't trying to be rude, sorry if it came off like that.

I am aware of the issue regarding removing the ZIL on non-dev versions of
opensolaris....i am on b134 so that doesnt' apply to me.  Thanks
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