> From: zfs-discuss-boun...@opensolaris.org [mailto:zfs-discuss-
> boun...@opensolaris.org] On Behalf Of darkblue
> 1 * XEON 5606
> 1 * supermirco X8DT3-LN4F
> 6 * 4G RECC RAM
> 22 * WD RE3 1T harddisk
> 4 * intel 320 (160G) SSD
> 1 * supermicro 846E1-900B chassis

I just want to say, this isn't supported hardware, and although many people 
will say they do this without problem, I've heard just as many people 
(including myself) saying it's unstable that way.

I recommend buying either the oracle hardware or the nexenta on whatever they 
recommend for hardware.

Definitely DO NOT run the free version of solaris without updates and expect it 
to be reliable.  But that's a separate issue.  I'm also emphasizing that even 
if you pay for solaris support on non-oracle hardware, don't expect it to be 
great.  But maybe it will be.

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