On Sat, 1 Jan 2005 20:00:48 -0600, Susan Maneck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Saying that a second Guardian must necessarily satisfy certain literal
> criteria in terms of bloodline or saying that a Manifestation can come
> no sooner than 1000 literal years after Bahaullah said is just as much
> an example of "typing up God's hands" as saying that Muhammad (saaws)
> was the last prophet."

> Dear Gilberto,
> You can't compare an issue of successorship to that of a Manifestation. In
> the case of successorship legitimacy (nass) is everything, when it comes to
> a Manifestation it is recognition (irfan) that counts.

That strikes me as kind of an arbitrary distinction, especially in a
religious context. It's not like looking up who is next in the order
or succession after vice-president or something. In a religious
context the claim is that some charism, some supernatural quality is
being transmitted. Otherwise how could you guarantee infallibility.
And if it is something of divine origin which is being conferred, then
why shouldn't it be recognizable by irfan?

> Yes, we are warned
> that a Manifestation will not come in less than a thousand years, but I
> would still judge a claimant more on the basis of their character, their
> writings, etc.
> "None of the claims are a priori illegitimate on the basis of "tying up
> God's hands". They are either true or not true."

> You mean like the claim in Malachi that there would be no more prophets
> until Elijah returns?

I'm not sure what you mean. I just looked up Malachi. It says that
Elijah would come before the great and terrible day of the Lord. But
it doesn't say that no more prophets would come in the meantime.

But even if you were right about that, sure. If the Bible had
statements which clearly restricted the coming of future prophets,
then just because someone believed those statements and applied them
to Islam, I wouldn't automatically accuse the person of arrogance and
pride and blasphemy. They would just be believing what their
scriptures say. I mean, they would be wrong. I would disagree with
them. I might argue with them. But I wouldn't automatically attack
their character or motives just because of the way they interpreted
the Bible.



"My people are hydroponic"

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