Hi, Gilberto,

At 06:33 PM 1/1/2005, you wrote:
>>Saying that a second Guardian must necessarily satisfy certain literal 
>>criteria in terms of bloodline or saying that a Manifestation can come no 
>>sooner than 1000 literal years after Bahaullah said is just as much an 
>>example of "typing up God's hands" as saying that Muhammad (saaws) was the 
>>last prophet.<< 

The difference, from my Baha'i point of view, is between whether one believes 
in the continuity of Prophethood or whether one believes, for instance, that 
the Prophets ended with Malachi or Muhammad. Progressive Revelation occurs not 
only from one Prophet to the next but within Prophetic Dispensations, as well. 
So, the Revelation of Baha'u'llah will continue to unfold and become clarified 
until the next Prophet appears (and, perhaps, in a broader sense, for the next 
1/2 million years).

I prefer to take a much very broad view of divine Revelation than many others. 
As I see it, and I am only expressing my own perspective, folks like Meher Baba 
and Ramakrishna could be termed "inspired seers." I can even accept Meher 
Baba's claim to be an avatar. However, here, I would take his use of "avatar" 
to be merely a nominal designation for what I would call a "seer." Moreover, 
Meher Baba, Ramakrishna, Rev. Moon, Aleister Crowley, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam 
Ahmad, etc. would, in the context of their own narrative, paradigm, or 
taxonomy, be prophets, messiahs, and avatars.

With regards, Mark A. Foster * 15 Sites: http://markfoster.net
"Sacred cows make the tastiest hamburger" -- Abbie Hoffman 

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