>>>AA6YQ comments below

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "John Becker, WØJAB" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>John, do you really characterize the innovation that's been driving 
the development of new digital modes as "madness"? Do you really 
think that the explosion of soundcard digital mode users is "the 

No I don't Dave.


But I do feel that some have come to hate such modes as pactor from 
just what they have read and not seeing what it really is.

>>>As we've discussed several times, this hatred is misplaced. It 
arises from the misuse of Pactor by those who employ it in unattend 
stations without busy frequency detectors becaue ops are QRM'd by 
those stations -- and its a Pactor signal doing the QRMing. As long 
as this abhorrent practice continues, the mode will be maligned -- 
unfairly, but that's just human nature. 

You as a programmer  has done a lot for the ham radio. Just to bad 
I can't use any of it. All the modes you have built your software 
around. I don't use. My love is RTTY, Amtor and Pactor as far as 

>>>You are misinformed, John. WinWarbler supports soundcard RTTY, 
generates CW, and will work with most modems to provide run RTTY, 
Amtor, and the Pactor family. I have used it to monitor WinLink PMBOs 
with my SCS modem. WinWarbler can run soundcard RTTY and a RTTY modem 
(KAM, PK232, SCS, etc.) simultaneously, prividing point-and-click 
tuning with the ability to decode two RTTY QSOs simultaneously, or a 
RTTY DX station and his or her pileup, or one RTTY QSO twice 
(diversity decoding).

But like I side before there seems to be this "non-PSK " and 
"anti-wide" thing going.

>>>No, there is no "non-PSK " and  "anti-wide" thing going. You 
frequently say this, but without evidence or justification. The 
only "anti thing" going on is "anti-QRM from unattended stations 
without busy detectors". I don't know why you choose to frame this 
as "anti-wide"; that position has about as much basis in reality 
as "DXLab doesn't support RTTY".


        Dave, AA6YQ

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