Le 22/04/2021 à 22:17, James Richters via fpc-pascal a écrit :
RE: [fpc-pascal] Directory Tree
My system could not find DejaVuSans,

You can find it in C:\lazarus\fpc\3.2.0\source\packages\fcl-report\demos\fonts.

May be you don't need to install the font, just add on the line below where you changed the font:


but I found it in the code and changed it to Consolas which is always included with Windows and is a nice clear monospaced font with nice box characters.
Notice it shouldn't be the name displayed for the font by Windows, but its Postscript name, which is buried somewhere in the ttf file, for example CourierNewPSMT for Courier New.

It’s almost perfectthe only issue is that there is too much space between the lines, so the verticals don’t touch the way they are supposed it.. it’s not quite double spaced, more like 1-1/4 or 1-3/8 spaced.. if it was single spaced it would be perfect.I don’t know how to control the spacing between lines.I made the font bigger but there was still a gap.If I could close that gap it would be perfect.

Is there an easy way to send a page break between the file list and the tree?

I'm not an expert of fcl-report but allowing to Michael Van Canneyt response to "fpreport: can not use two ObjectLists as datasource in one report" on 18/03/2021, I think this would be difficult. It think it would need 2 distinct databands which seems to be not possible.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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