Le 23/04/2021 à 11:08, James Richters via fpc-pascal a écrit :
RE: [fpc-pascal] Directory Tree

Now if I type new text in the ODT document, it’s Consolas, but the actual text in the document is still Liberation Serif… and it doesn’t align, if I select all the text and change it to Consolas it’s fine.. I tried making a new template with Word I get a warning that some things won’tbe saved in ODT format.. and then it comes up with Calibri.Maybe it’s an issue with Word.Maybe I’ll have to install open office to make the template.

I found out my error was happening because I didn’t close the template in Word.

May be toot that a handle stays open when I copy the template to a new file in the temp directory. I'm not sure.

The PDF Files have Consolas in them now, but I’m still getting too much space between the lines. I fiddled around with the settings under //Actual line but nothing I change seems to control the line spacing, it’s like it’s 1-1/2 line spaced, instead of just single spaced.

Instead of page breaks,how about just two separate PDF files?One with the tree and one with the file list?

I’ve been trying to clear the old file when Load from file is pressed with a new file.I tried added slFiles.Clear and vst.Clear in ThVirtualStringTree.Load.fromFile, but I get an exception External Sigsegv I think it has to do with an index that is set to the old data size, but I’m not sure how to re-set everything.

I’ve also been trying to save the last used INI file in Configuration.ini

I've added this.

and just load that when the program starts.Is there a way to make it run load from file as soon as the program is open, but after the screen is up so I can still see the load bar?

I’ve also been trying to combine Get Checked Items with get selected items.. so one button gets all items that are either checked or selected, but doesn’t create duplicate entries.

I tried to make a pull request of what I’ve been trying to do with configuration.ini and the combined get checked and selected, but I don’t know if it can be merged because there are a few files I had to commit that had the same name, but the cases were different… I had to commit them with one name and then commit them again with the other name to get past that or I couldn’t do anything with it.

I've added a checked or selected function.

The items are not duplicated and you can click the button Get Checked twice, memory is properly re-initialized.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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