On Mon, 5 Feb 2007, Micha Feigin wrote:
If you think that this is going to bother any semi intelligent system then you
are not only paranoid, you are a very naïve paranoid. It won't spend an extra
millisecond or produce an extra line in the report for whatever master it has.

I can build a smarter filter in five minutes using Perl.

You really have a very naïve view of how intelligence work is conducted.

Maybe not. I am not interested in 'intelligence work', I am interested in the redefinition of 'giant worldwide dragnet' as 'intelligence work'. And in the adjacent redefinition of civilians as something else using information collected as above.

FYI a HMM/Bayesian qualifier like bogofilter could be trained after 10 messages to select on messages containing such headers. However when all the messages contained them the filter was unable to tell the difference between messages with and without information content.


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