Re: Next steps? (was Re: Is trinidad ready for graduation ?)

2007-04-11 Thread Jeanne Waldman

I like your arguments and after reading this thread, I like the idea
of a subproject better than a TLP too. I wanted to comment so
ya'll will know there are more people reading the thread and
forming an opinion than have been commenting thus far. :)
- Jeanne

Simon Lessard wrote:

Personally I don't think a TLP would be a good idea just yet since JSF is
still relatively new compared to some older well known frameworks. I 

it's easier for new users to find all they need from one entry point and
MyFaces seems the right place for that, at least for now.

Also, being a subproject will probably improve the users' confidence in
library compatibility as well as encourage that compatibility to be
kept/improved by developers.

It may just be a feeling, but it seems to me that making Trinidad TLP 

away would make it look a bit like a loner, especially since Tobago and
Tomahawk are MyFaces sub projects. If JSF component sets should be 

then I think it should be done all at the same time, and this cannot be
achieved until we harmonize Tomahawk, Trinidad and Tobago imho.

My 2¢,

~ Simon

On 4/11/07, Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That was also a point of Noel, when proposing the RCF donation thing.
He was asking, why not having a JSF components project.

Perhaps that might be an interesting option, not sure yet; but when
RCF arrives somewhen.. there would be another component set.

Perhaps we should move the discussion for a split to the MyFaces DEV
list, that the MyFaces PMC is also able to comment.

The components project could have a similar fashion like Jakarta.

But since this isn't yet the case, I'd agree that a subproject is the
best, for now.


On 4/11/07, Adam Winer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If there was an idea to split MyFaces into an implementation
 half and a component set half, each as separate TLPs, then
 I'd see your point - but as it is, MyFaces the TLP is both
 an implementation and (currently) 2 component sets.

 -- Adam

 On 4/10/07, Martin van den Bemt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sorry for the one in all reply..
  Ok, let's switch perspective's here. MyFaces (the codebase) is a JSF
  Tomahawk and Trinidad are JSF component sets. I am not comparing the
possible overlap of the
  component sets, I am  focussing on the possible lack of overlap in
community of the JSF
  implementation and the component sets. Different goals, different
users and different developers
  (although the last is not yet the case, it is most likely someone
interested in components is not
  interested in coding on the JSF implementation).
  Just playing bad cop here though, to hopefully prevent this 

(if you are aware of these
  signs you can watch out for it)
  Not going to vote -1 on a move to MyFaces.

Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

Re: [XRTS] overhaul of the NumberConverter messages (their details)

2007-04-11 Thread Jeanne Waldman

That sounds great to me.
- Jeanne

Martin Marinschek wrote:

Well, that's certainly a good idea!



On 4/11/07, Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


currently we have something like:
The value {1} is not a valid currency value.

The value {1} is not a valid percentage value.

as the detail message for the FacesMessage. The DateTimeConverter is
much nicer to the user. It is providing an example, using the
right format/pattern.

I'd like to add something like that to the NumberConverter as well.


Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

Re: return an Iterator vs a List

2007-04-05 Thread Jeanne Waldman
This is the case. It is really to use the fun new for syntax. At least 
for now.

- Jeanne

Simon Lessard wrote:

In that specific case Iterable would be nice yeah.

On 4/5/07, Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


On 4/5/07, Adam Winer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:()
 If the only reason is to enable the fun new for syntax,
 then we should change the type from Iterator to Iterable,
 instead of List.  List is a much larger contract.

 -- Adam

 On 3/28/07, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi there,
  I'm in the Skinning StyleNode code and I see that the 'get' methods
  return Iterators
  from the good ol' days.
  It seems to me that it is better if they just return Lists so the 

  that iterates over
  the values is cleaner using 5.0's for(String foo : yyy) construct.
  Does anyone see why I wouldn't want these to return List instead of
  Here's a code snippet. Thanks, Jeanne
public IteratorIncludePropertyNode getIncludedProperties()
  if(_includedProperties == null)
ListIncludePropertyNode list = Collections.emptyList();
return list.iterator();
return (Arrays.asList(_includedProperties)).iterator();
 * Gets the properties specified by this node's parent that should
 * ignored. This method will return an empty iterator if
 * [EMAIL PROTECTED] #isInhibitingAll()} returns codetrue/code
 * @return an iterator over the properties that should be ignored,
 * empty iterator if all properties should be.
public IteratorString getInhibitedProperties()
  if(_inhibitedProperties == null)
ListString list = Collections.emptyList();
return list.iterator();
return _inhibitedProperties.iterator();

Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

[API] new api on Skin

2007-04-04 Thread Jeanne Waldman
I'm close to checking in the code regarding adding the Skin's 
styleSheetDocument's id to
the generated css file instead of the version so it will changed when 
the skin's styles

change.. I created  a JIRA issue to track it.
I would like to propose an API on the Skin class to get the Skin's 
StyleSheetDocument's id.
This is so a portal can tell us not to render our stylesheet if they 
have a matching one.
They can use this api to get their stylesheet document id and send it to 
us, along with a
suppressStylesheet flag, and we can suppress the stylesheet if they 
match, otherwise,

we'll default to the portlet skin.

  * Returns the id of the Skin's stylesheet document. This is the 

  * id.
 public String getStyleSheetDocumentId(RenderingContext arc);


Jeanne Waldman wrote:


I'm proposing putting a hashcode value in the generated css file 
instead of a version string.

Let me explain why:

Now your generated css file will be something like this
where the version is 1_2-07-mar-SNAPSHOT

The version # was in the css file name originally so that when a new 

was released the css file name would change and thus
the user will get the new css file instead of the old one that is 
cached in the browser.

A person that creates a skin might update his skin more often than 
Trinidad releases
and so he'll want the generated css filename to change to match his 
release, not Trinidad's.
One way to work around the problem is to add the version to the skin 
file and use that

in the generated filename.
But that is one more file that has to get updated when someone changes 
the skin and/or
releases a new release, so I don't like that idea. I've also discussed 
with some coworkers using
a timestamp, but that got nixed because of the complexities that might 
occur in load-balanced


I think a better way is to create a hashcode of the Skin's 
StyleSheetDocument and
write this in the file. So far people seem to like this idea, and I 
want to know what you think.

Creating a hashcode on StyleSheetDocument
also solves another problem I must solve for the portal project I'm 
working on.
They want to tell me to use a particular skin and suppress my 
stylesheet so that their stylesheet

can be used instead - this is for performance reasons.
I can do that ok, but only if the skin's StyleSheetDocument's hashcode
matches, otherwise the portlet may very well not work with the outer 
page's (portal's) stylesheet if

they don't match exactly.
So I need the portal to tell me their skin's StyleSheetDocument's 
'id/hashcode' and I will compare it
to the portlet's and if they are not the same I will render the 
portlet skin instead of the skin they requested.

Anyway, let me know what you think about adding the hashcode to the 
filename or if you have any questions about this

Also, for the portal part of the problem, I'll need to add an api to 
the Skin class to getStyleSheetDocumentId

or something like that.


add hashcode in the generated css file instead of version?

2007-03-28 Thread Jeanne Waldman


I'm proposing putting a hashcode value in the generated css file instead 
of a version string.

Let me explain why:

Now your generated css file will be something like this
where the version is 1_2-07-mar-SNAPSHOT

The version # was in the css file name originally so that when a new version
was released the css file name would change and thus
the user will get the new css file instead of the old one that is cached 
in the browser.

A person that creates a skin might update his skin more often than 
Trinidad releases
and so he'll want the generated css filename to change to match his 
release, not Trinidad's.
One way to work around the problem is to add the version to the skin 
file and use that

in the generated filename.
But that is one more file that has to get updated when someone changes 
the skin and/or
releases a new release, so I don't like that idea. I've also discussed 
with some coworkers using
a timestamp, but that got nixed because of the complexities that might 
occur in load-balanced


I think a better way is to create a hashcode of the Skin's 
StyleSheetDocument and
write this in the file. So far people seem to like this idea, and I want 
to know what you think.

Creating a hashcode on StyleSheetDocument
also solves another problem I must solve for the portal project I'm 
working on.
They want to tell me to use a particular skin and suppress my stylesheet 
so that their stylesheet

can be used instead - this is for performance reasons.
I can do that ok, but only if the skin's StyleSheetDocument's hashcode
matches, otherwise the portlet may very well not work with the outer 
page's (portal's) stylesheet if

they don't match exactly.
So I need the portal to tell me their skin's StyleSheetDocument's 
'id/hashcode' and I will compare it
to the portlet's and if they are not the same I will render the portlet 
skin instead of the skin they requested.

Anyway, let me know what you think about adding the hashcode to the 
filename or if you have any questions about this

Also, for the portal part of the problem, I'll need to add an api to the 
Skin class to getStyleSheetDocumentId

or something like that.


kill CompoundPropertyNode code in skinning

2007-03-27 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Hi there,

I want to delete the CompoundPropertyNode code from the skinning code. 
Currently you could use it if you wanted, but only from the XSS file. We 
aren't using it from our XSS files.

This is some old doc for it:

The following example shows a border property defined using 
theproperty element:

| |

   property name=border2px dashed #336699/property

Since the border property value is itself a list of values, it can also 
be defined using thecompoundProperty element:

| |

   compoundProperty name=border

The corresponding CSS that is generated for this compound property is:

| |

 border:2px dashed #336699

Compound properties are more used when used in conjunction with 
theincludeValue element. For example, includeValue can be used in 
this example to pick up the border's color from some other shared style:

| |

  compoundProperty name=border
includeValue name=DarkForeground propertyName=color/


Using theincludeValue element in this way can simplify customization. 
In this case, changes to the DarkForeground style are automatically 
propagated to the color used by this border property.

I wanted to give a heads up before I delete the code that refers to 
this. Let me know how you feel about deleting the code.


Re: kill CompoundPropertyNode code in skinning

2007-03-27 Thread Jeanne Waldman
No, it's not documented at all in Trinidad, or at least not that I found 
anywhere. The only documentation I found is for JDeveloper 10.1.2

We do have a feature that is similar to compoundProperty called 
includeProperty that isn't available yet in CSS but is in XSS. I hope we 
can move this forward into CSS sometime. Here is an example from our 
base-desktop.xss file:

 !-- AFVeryDarkForeground is the darkest foreground color in the core 

  color ramp --
 style name=AFVeryDarkForeground
   includeProperty name=AFVeryDarkBackground

It's saying, Set the 'color' to whatever AFVeryDarkBackground's 
'background-color' is

- Jeanne

Matt Cooper wrote:

I too prefer CSS over XSS.

Jeanne:  is this documented at all in any Trinidad documentation?  If not
then +1 (non-binding) from me.  If it is in Trinidad documentation 
then I'd

wait to see if anyone else still wants it.

On 3/27/07, Simon Lessard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hmmm, I'm +1. It's not a bad feature, but I'm not too fond of XSS.

On 3/27/07, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there,

 I want to delete the CompoundPropertyNode code from the skinning code.
 Currently you could use it if you wanted, but only from the XSS 
file. We

 aren't using it from our XSS files.

 This is some old doc for it:

 The following example shows a border property defined using
 theproperty element:

 | |

 property name=border2px dashed #336699/property

 Since the border property value is itself a list of values, it can 

 be defined using thecompoundProperty element:

 | |

 compoundProperty name=border

 The corresponding CSS that is generated for this compound property is:

 | |

   border:2px dashed #336699

 Compound properties are more used when used in conjunction with
 theincludeValue element. For example, includeValue can be used in
 this example to pick up the border's color from some other shared 

 | |

compoundProperty name=border
  includeValue name=DarkForeground 


 Using theincludeValue element in this way can simplify 

 In this case, changes to the DarkForeground style are automatically
 propagated to the color used by this border property.

 I wanted to give a heads up before I delete the code that refers to
 this. Let me know how you feel about deleting the code.


Re: Getting rid of an ugly assert usage

2007-03-15 Thread Jeanne Waldman

That's pretty tricky... and confusing!
I'm fine with getting rid of it.

- Jeanne

Simon Lessard wrote:

Well yeah, it's very hard to read

boolean assertEnabled = false; // Ok we got a variable with value set to

assert assertEnabled = true; // This is an assignment, not a 
comparison, so
if assert is enabled, the line will be executed and assertEnabled 
value will
now be true. Furthermore, since the value of an assignment is the 
value, the assert is really assert true; and thus never fail. If 
assert is

not enabled, assertEnabled keeps its value to false.

if (assertEnabled)
 // This code will execute only if assert is enabled

It's really really ugly imho.

On 3/15/07, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You mean this part?
boolean assertEnabled = false;
assert assertEnabled = true;

if (assertEnabled)

It doesn't make sense to me.

- Jeanne

Adam Winer wrote:
 Yeah, that abuse of assert always bugged me.

 -- Adam

 On 3/15/07, Simon Lessard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello all,

 I would like to get rid of the following code snippet from

 make that usage forbidden in our coding conventions wiki, as it's
 really a
 poor man's #ifdef __DEBUG and goes against the idea of assert not
 performance overhaul at runtime.

 boolean assertEnabled = false;
 assert assertEnabled = true;

 if (assertEnabled)
   // make sure prev operation was get:
   assert (_currentRowSpanState == 2);
   _currentRowSpanState = 0; // indicate that we have reset the

 Any objection?

 ~ Simon

[BUG] recent trouble running Trinidad

2007-02-14 Thread Jeanne Waldman


I updated my trunk and I'm having problems, and I'm wondering if it is 
because of one of these patches.

To reproduce:
- run a demo, like index.jspx
  --- the page comes up fine, but this renders on the page: 

  I see these warnings:
Feb 14, 2007 10:31:25 AM 
org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.RenderingContext attach

WARNING: Trying to attach RenderingContext to a thread that already had one.
Feb 14, 2007 10:31:25 AM 

INFO: Apache Trinidad is using HTTPSession for change persistence
Feb 14, 2007 10:31:26 AM 

WARNING: No AdfRenderingContext available

- I click on a link on the page, and it does not navigate

Does anyone know what the problem is? I doubled checked to make sure I 
had output-modeportlet commented out in trinidad-config.xml.


- Jeanne

Scott O'Bryan wrote:
Can someone please take a look at the patches for the following JIRA 
issues and give me your feedback so that we can get these merged into 
the JSF 1.2 branch and trunk?



Scott O'Bryan

Re: [BUG] recent trouble running Trinidad

2007-02-14 Thread Jeanne Waldman

No, I'm not running in a Portal.
I'll look into it some. If anyone else sees this issue, let me know.

Scott O'Bryan wrote:
The reason I ask is that I was getting a similar error (to the 
StateFieldMarker markup) when using the 1.2 branch, in the Portal 
Proof of Concept environment, with some of my extension involved.  But 
I tracked this down to be an issue with the bridge I was using.  I did 
NOT see this behavior in 1.1 or when running outside of a Portal 
environment in 1.2.  As for the RenderingContext, I didn't mess with 
any of this code as part of either of these patches.

So it doesn't seem like the issues are related to me.


Scott O'Bryan wrote:


You're not using this in a Portal POC correct?


Jeanne Waldman wrote:


I updated my trunk and I'm having problems, and I'm wondering if it 
is because of one of these patches.

To reproduce:
- run a demo, like index.jspx
  --- the page comes up fine, but this renders on the page: 

  I see these warnings:
Feb 14, 2007 10:31:25 AM 
org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.RenderingContext attach
WARNING: Trying to attach RenderingContext to a thread that already 
had one.
Feb 14, 2007 10:31:25 AM 

INFO: Apache Trinidad is using HTTPSession for change persistence
Feb 14, 2007 10:31:26 AM 

WARNING: No AdfRenderingContext available

- I click on a link on the page, and it does not navigate

Does anyone know what the problem is? I doubled checked to make sure 
I had output-modeportlet commented out in trinidad-config.xml.


- Jeanne

Scott O'Bryan wrote:
Can someone please take a look at the patches for the following 
JIRA issues and give me your feedback so that we can get these 
merged into the JSF 1.2 branch and trunk?



Scott O'Bryan

Re: [BUG] recent trouble running Trinidad

2007-02-14 Thread Jeanne Waldman
I did a clean build and it works fine now. Something must have gotten 

I'll apply your 379 to trunk.

- Jeanne

Scott O'Bryan wrote:


I was looking at the trunk and it appears that ADFFACES-379 was not 
applied to trunk and ADFFACES-374 is 1.2 only.  So no, this issue is 
not related being that none of the patched code is actually in the 
trunk.  :)

After you figure out the issue, can you look at applying ADFFACES-379 
to trunk?


Jeanne Waldman wrote:

No, I'm not running in a Portal.
I'll look into it some. If anyone else sees this issue, let me know.

Scott O'Bryan wrote:
The reason I ask is that I was getting a similar error (to the 
StateFieldMarker markup) when using the 1.2 branch, in the Portal 
Proof of Concept environment, with some of my extension involved.  
But I tracked this down to be an issue with the bridge I was using.  
I did NOT see this behavior in 1.1 or when running outside of a 
Portal environment in 1.2.  As for the RenderingContext, I didn't 
mess with any of this code as part of either of these patches.

So it doesn't seem like the issues are related to me.


Scott O'Bryan wrote:


You're not using this in a Portal POC correct?


Jeanne Waldman wrote:


I updated my trunk and I'm having problems, and I'm wondering if 
it is because of one of these patches.

To reproduce:
- run a demo, like index.jspx
  --- the page comes up fine, but this renders on the page: 

  I see these warnings:
Feb 14, 2007 10:31:25 AM 
org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.RenderingContext attach
WARNING: Trying to attach RenderingContext to a thread that 
already had one.
Feb 14, 2007 10:31:25 AM 

INFO: Apache Trinidad is using HTTPSession for change persistence
Feb 14, 2007 10:31:26 AM 

WARNING: No AdfRenderingContext available

- I click on a link on the page, and it does not navigate

Does anyone know what the problem is? I doubled checked to make 
sure I had output-modeportlet commented out in trinidad-config.xml.


- Jeanne

Scott O'Bryan wrote:
Can someone please take a look at the patches for the following 
JIRA issues and give me your feedback so that we can get these 
merged into the JSF 1.2 branch and trunk?



Scott O'Bryan

Re: Patches

2007-02-13 Thread Jeanne Waldman


I'll do my best to review your patches and check them into trunk and the 
JSF 1.2 branch.
It would be great if someone else can give their feedback, since I'm not 
that familiar with what you are doing here..


- Jeanne

Scott O'Bryan wrote:
Can someone please take a look at the patches for the following JIRA 
issues and give me your feedback so that we can get these merged into 
the JSF 1.2 branch and trunk?



Scott O'Bryan

Re: Patches

2007-02-13 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Oh, I see Adam already did this.
Thanks Adam.

Jeanne Waldman wrote:


I'll do my best to review your patches and check them into trunk and 
the JSF 1.2 branch.
It would be great if someone else can give their feedback, since I'm 
not that familiar with what you are doing here..


- Jeanne

Scott O'Bryan wrote:
Can someone please take a look at the patches for the following JIRA 
issues and give me your feedback so that we can get these merged into 
the JSF 1.2 branch and trunk?



Scott O'Bryan

[Skinning] FileSystemStyleCache code - ok to delete?

2007-02-12 Thread Jeanne Waldman
I'm trying to figure out what's going on in FileSystemStyleCache 
regarding the caching code.

I noticed that this code is not called by anyone. Does anyone object to 
my deleting it? Or is there

some use for it so I should keep it around.

  * Returns a shared ImageProvider instance for the specified
  * XSS document and target cache directory.
  * @param source The path of the source XSS document.  The
  *   specified file must be a valid XSS document.  If the specified
  *   file does not exists, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
  * @param target The path of the target directory.  Generated
  *   CSS files are stored in this directory.  If the directory
  *   does not exist and can not be created, an IllegalArgumentException
  *   is thrown.
 public static StyleProvider getSharedCache(
   String source,
   String target
   // Make sure we have some source/target.
   if (source == null)
 throw new IllegalArgumentException(No source specified.);
   if (target == null)
 throw new IllegalArgumentException(No target specified.);

   // First, get the key to use to look up the cache
   String key = _getSharedCacheKey(source, target);

   // See if we've got a shared cache
   StyleProvider cache = _sSharedCaches.get(key);

   // If we didn't find a shared cache, create a new cache
   // and cache it in the shared cache cache.  :-)
   if (cache == null)
 // Create the new cache
 cache = new FileSystemStyleCache(source, target);

 // Before we save the new cache, make sure another thread hasn't
 // already cached a different instance.  Synchronize to lock up
 // _sSharedCaches.
 synchronized (_sSharedCaches)
   StyleProvider tmp = _sSharedCaches.get(key);
   if (tmp != null)
 // Stick with tmp
 cache = tmp;
 _sSharedCaches.put(key, cache);

   return cache;

Re: [Skinning] FileSystemStyleCache code - ok to delete?

2007-02-12 Thread Jeanne Waldman

thanks. I'll kill it right now.

Adam Winer wrote:

Die die die. :)

Unused code should almost always go.  It can always
be revived from source control, and if it's unused, the
odds that it works steadily decreases as time goes on.

-- Adam

On 2/12/07, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm trying to figure out what's going on in FileSystemStyleCache
regarding the caching code.

I noticed that this code is not called by anyone. Does anyone object to
my deleting it? Or is there
some use for it so I should keep it around.

   * Returns a shared ImageProvider instance for the specified
   * XSS document and target cache directory.
   * @param source The path of the source XSS document.  The
   *   specified file must be a valid XSS document.  If the specified
   *   file does not exists, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
   * @param target The path of the target directory.  Generated
   *   CSS files are stored in this directory.  If the directory
   *   does not exist and can not be created, an 

   *   is thrown.
  public static StyleProvider getSharedCache(
String source,
String target
// Make sure we have some source/target.
if (source == null)
  throw new IllegalArgumentException(No source specified.);
if (target == null)
  throw new IllegalArgumentException(No target specified.);

// First, get the key to use to look up the cache
String key = _getSharedCacheKey(source, target);

// See if we've got a shared cache
StyleProvider cache = _sSharedCaches.get(key);

// If we didn't find a shared cache, create a new cache
// and cache it in the shared cache cache.  :-)
if (cache == null)
  // Create the new cache
  cache = new FileSystemStyleCache(source, target);

  // Before we save the new cache, make sure another thread hasn't
  // already cached a different instance.  Synchronize to lock up
  // _sSharedCaches.
  synchronized (_sSharedCaches)
StyleProvider tmp = _sSharedCaches.get(key);
if (tmp != null)
  // Stick with tmp
  cache = tmp;
  _sSharedCaches.put(key, cache);

return cache;

Re: [Skinning] CSS selector limit hit in IE

2007-02-05 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Hi there,
I've changed my mind and instead added this to FileSystemStyleCache. It 
is cleaner. I didn't do this in the first place
because I needed the RenderingContext, and I didn't think I had it. But 
then I noticed that I have it with the getCurrentInstance method.

   Map skinsStyleClassMap = context.getSkin().getStyleClassMap(
   String disableContentCompression =
   boolean compressStyles = (skinsStyleClassMap == shortStyleClassMap) 

Jeanne Waldman wrote:

This is what I've done:
Added a getSkin() on the StyleContext object which I think is a fine 
thing to do, since the StyleContext

gives us information we need to be able to output the stylesheet.

Then I can do this to see if I need to output the compressed 
styleclasses or the uncompressed styleclasses:

String disableContentCompression =
// we do not compress if it is a portlet skin
boolean isPortletSkin =


boolean compressStyles = 


Simon Lessard wrote:

That works, true.

On 2/1/07, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Simon Lessard wrote:
 Hello Jeanne,

 I thought about skinning and portlet before and I came upon pretty
 much the
 same conclusion. However in my idea it was more like a predefined 
 family, like containerProvided maybe. Then renderer would always 

 uncompressed selectors and would leave style/ tag generation to the
 container. Then again the container would need a way to produce the
 CSS, but
 I was not yet to that point.

 I guess a flag in the skin definition works as well, but it seems 
a bit
 strange to have a skin specific for a portlet environment, I would 

 preferred to be able to use any skin.
Like we have desktop skins,
pda skins, we can now also have portlet skins.
This way we don't change the skin-family.
We we have a SimpleDesktop skin, a SimplePda skin, we
now also have a SimplePortlet skin.


 ~ Simon

 On 2/1/07, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I just thought of a reason why I can't simply compress or uncompress
 based on the DISABLE_CONTENT_COMPRESSION flag, and that is the new
 portal skin we've introduced in the portal branch. We don't compress
 styleclasses when using the portal skin.

 The way the skinning works now in the portal branch is:
 1. It assumes we write out both full and compressed styleclasses 
in our

 generated css file.
 2. The Skin has a getStyleClassMap method. For all skins except 
 skins, it returns our styleclass compression map if we aren't 
 content compression, else null; for portal skins it returns a 

 styleclass to portal styleclass map.

 I can see upon writing out the css file I look to see if it is a
 Or what do people think about a flag in the Skin that tells me if 
 StyleClassMap is the compression map that we use to generate the 

 Or maybe in our css generation code we can look at the skin's
 map and glean information from it? Maybe see if it is the same
 compression map that we are using to generate the css file and if 

 then it's ok to just write out compression, and if not, then we

 I'll see what I can do, but I'll want a code review to make sure 
it is

 the best solution.


 Matt Cooper wrote:
  That sounds like a reasonable first step to me since that would
  size the most.
  On 1/31/07, Simon Lessard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I agree, only one version compressed or uncompressed should be
  On 1/31/07, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Simon Lessard wrote:
On 1/31/07, Matt Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 1/31/07, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  As Adam suggest, we could do some runtime evaluation 

  and have many selector uses the same compressed 

  50% gain or so.
 I can do this, too, if we feel we have to. The logic flow
 change, of course.
 Right now we build the shortened style class map, then we
 css file.
 I'd have to either change the shortened style class map 
as I

 styles, or create it a bit later.
 It's no big deal, just more overhead when we create the 

Maybe this goes without saying but we have to be careful 


Re: [Skinning] CSS selector limit hit in IE

2007-02-01 Thread Jeanne Waldman
I just thought of a reason why I can't simply compress or uncompress 
based on the DISABLE_CONTENT_COMPRESSION flag, and that is the new 
portal skin we've introduced in the portal branch. We don't compress our 
styleclasses when using the portal skin.

The way the skinning works now in the portal branch is:
1. It assumes we write out both full and compressed styleclasses in our 
generated css file.
2. The Skin has a getStyleClassMap method. For all skins except portal 
skins, it returns our styleclass compression map if we aren't disabling 
content compression, else null; for portal skins it returns a Trinidad 
styleclass to portal styleclass map.

I can see upon writing out the css file I look to see if it is a portal, 
Or what do people think about a flag in the Skin that tells me if the 
StyleClassMap is the compression map that we use to generate the css?
Or maybe in our css generation code we can look at the skin's styleclass 
map and glean information from it? Maybe see if it is the same 
compression map that we are using to generate the css file and if so, 
then it's ok to just write out compression, and if not, then we don't???

I'll see what I can do, but I'll want a code review to make sure it is 
the best solution.


Matt Cooper wrote:
That sounds like a reasonable first step to me since that would reduce 

size the most.


On 1/31/07, Simon Lessard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I agree, only one version compressed or uncompressed should be enough 


On 1/31/07, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Simon Lessard wrote:
  On 1/31/07, Matt Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 1/31/07, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
As Adam suggest, we could do some runtime evaluation during CSS
and have many selector uses the same compressed selector, this
50% gain or so.
   I can do this, too, if we feel we have to. The logic flow will 

   change, of course.
   Right now we build the shortened style class map, then we 

   css file.
   I'd have to either change the shortened style class map as I 

   styles, or create it a bit later.
   It's no big deal, just more overhead when we create the file.
  Maybe this goes without saying but we have to be careful when doing
  that we only use the same selector when the containment definitions
  the same.
  If we just have:
  .Bar {
color: red;
  then this could be compressed down to:
  .x1 {
color: red;
  But if we have:
  .Bar {
color: red;
  .Foo .Joe {
color: green;
  .Bar .Joe {
color: blue;
  then we cannot use the same compressed name for Foo and Bar, we'd
  .x2 {
color: red;
  .x1 .x3 {
color: green;
  .x2 .x3 {
color: blue;
  If we had:
  .Bar {
color: red;
  .Foo .Joe,
  .Bar .Joe {
color: green;
  then we could compress down to:
  .x1 {
color: red;
  .x1 .x2 {
color: green;
  Yeah that would require quite a lot of evaluation after parsing, if
  done maybe we should consider generating the CSS files at app. 

  rather than at first request because that kind of processing would
  most like
  be O(n!) or O(x^n).
 I was thinking if a style is used anywhere else, period, we do not 

 that with another style. That is less processing, at least.
 Personally, I think doing the only-generated-compressed-styles 
 or (only-non-uncompressed) is enough to solve this problem for a 

 I think this merging solution is lower priority, and more of a
 nice-to-have. What does everyone else think?
 If there is another reason to do this, like performance, and we 
know the

 impact, then that's another thing, but I'd like
 to focus on this issue and the solution right now -- especially since
 we've hit this limit.
 - Jeanne

Re: [Skinning] CSS selector limit hit in IE

2007-02-01 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Simon Lessard wrote:

Hello Jeanne,

I thought about skinning and portlet before and I came upon pretty 
much the

same conclusion. However in my idea it was more like a predefined skin
family, like containerProvided maybe. Then renderer would always uses
uncompressed selectors and would leave style/ tag generation to the
container. Then again the container would need a way to produce the 
CSS, but

I was not yet to that point.

I guess a flag in the skin definition works as well, but it seems a bit
strange to have a skin specific for a portlet environment, I would have
preferred to be able to use any skin.

Like we have desktop skins,
pda skins, we can now also have portlet skins.
This way we don't change the skin-family.
We we have a SimpleDesktop skin, a SimplePda skin, we
now also have a SimplePortlet skin.


~ Simon

On 2/1/07, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just thought of a reason why I can't simply compress or uncompress
based on the DISABLE_CONTENT_COMPRESSION flag, and that is the new
portal skin we've introduced in the portal branch. We don't compress our
styleclasses when using the portal skin.

The way the skinning works now in the portal branch is:
1. It assumes we write out both full and compressed styleclasses in our
generated css file.
2. The Skin has a getStyleClassMap method. For all skins except portal
skins, it returns our styleclass compression map if we aren't disabling
content compression, else null; for portal skins it returns a Trinidad
styleclass to portal styleclass map.

I can see upon writing out the css file I look to see if it is a portal,
Or what do people think about a flag in the Skin that tells me if the
StyleClassMap is the compression map that we use to generate the css?
Or maybe in our css generation code we can look at the skin's styleclass
map and glean information from it? Maybe see if it is the same
compression map that we are using to generate the css file and if so,
then it's ok to just write out compression, and if not, then we don't???

I'll see what I can do, but I'll want a code review to make sure it is
the best solution.


Matt Cooper wrote:
 That sounds like a reasonable first step to me since that would reduce
 size the most.


 On 1/31/07, Simon Lessard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I agree, only one version compressed or uncompressed should be enough

 On 1/31/07, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Simon Lessard wrote:
   On 1/31/07, Matt Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On 1/31/07, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As Adam suggest, we could do some runtime evaluation during
 and have many selector uses the same compressed selector, 

 50% gain or so.
I can do this, too, if we feel we have to. The logic flow will
change, of course.
Right now we build the shortened style class map, then we
css file.
I'd have to either change the shortened style class map as I
styles, or create it a bit later.
It's no big deal, just more overhead when we create the file.
   Maybe this goes without saying but we have to be careful when
   that we only use the same selector when the containment
   the same.
   If we just have:
   .Bar {
 color: red;
   then this could be compressed down to:
   .x1 {
 color: red;
   But if we have:
   .Bar {
 color: red;
   .Foo .Joe {
 color: green;
   .Bar .Joe {
 color: blue;
   then we cannot use the same compressed name for Foo and Bar, 

   .x2 {
 color: red;
   .x1 .x3 {
 color: green;
   .x2 .x3 {
 color: blue;
   If we had:
   .Bar {
 color: red;
   .Foo .Joe,
   .Bar .Joe {
 color: green;
   then we could compress down to:
   .x1 {
 color: red;
   .x1 .x2 {
 color: green;
   Yeah that would require quite a lot of evaluation after 
parsing, if

   done maybe we should consider generating the CSS files at app.
   rather than at first request because that kind of processing 

   most like
   be O(n!) or O(x^n).
  I was thinking if a style is used anywhere else, period, we do not
  that with another style. That is less processing, at least.
  Personally, I think doing the only-generated-compressed-styles
  or (only-non-uncompressed) is enough to solve this problem for a
  I think this merging solution is lower priority, and more of a
  nice-to-have. What does everyone else think?
  If there is another reason to do this, like performance, and we
 know the
  impact, then that's another thing, but I'd like
  to focus on this issue and the solution right now -- especially 

  we've hit

Re: [Skinning] CSS selector limit hit in IE

2007-02-01 Thread Jeanne Waldman

This is what I've done:
Added a getSkin() on the StyleContext object which I think is a fine 
thing to do, since the StyleContext

gives us information we need to be able to output the stylesheet.

Then I can do this to see if I need to output the compressed 
styleclasses or the uncompressed styleclasses:

String disableContentCompression =
// we do not compress if it is a portlet skin
boolean isPortletSkin =


boolean compressStyles = (!true.equals(disableContentCompression)) 

Simon Lessard wrote:

That works, true.

On 2/1/07, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Simon Lessard wrote:
 Hello Jeanne,

 I thought about skinning and portlet before and I came upon pretty
 much the
 same conclusion. However in my idea it was more like a predefined skin
 family, like containerProvided maybe. Then renderer would always 

 uncompressed selectors and would leave style/ tag generation to the
 container. Then again the container would need a way to produce the
 CSS, but
 I was not yet to that point.

 I guess a flag in the skin definition works as well, but it seems a 
 strange to have a skin specific for a portlet environment, I would 

 preferred to be able to use any skin.
Like we have desktop skins,
pda skins, we can now also have portlet skins.
This way we don't change the skin-family.
We we have a SimpleDesktop skin, a SimplePda skin, we
now also have a SimplePortlet skin.


 ~ Simon

 On 2/1/07, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I just thought of a reason why I can't simply compress or uncompress
 based on the DISABLE_CONTENT_COMPRESSION flag, and that is the new
 portal skin we've introduced in the portal branch. We don't compress
 styleclasses when using the portal skin.

 The way the skinning works now in the portal branch is:
 1. It assumes we write out both full and compressed styleclasses 
in our

 generated css file.
 2. The Skin has a getStyleClassMap method. For all skins except 
 skins, it returns our styleclass compression map if we aren't 
 content compression, else null; for portal skins it returns a 

 styleclass to portal styleclass map.

 I can see upon writing out the css file I look to see if it is a
 Or what do people think about a flag in the Skin that tells me if the
 StyleClassMap is the compression map that we use to generate the css?
 Or maybe in our css generation code we can look at the skin's
 map and glean information from it? Maybe see if it is the same
 compression map that we are using to generate the css file and if so,
 then it's ok to just write out compression, and if not, then we

 I'll see what I can do, but I'll want a code review to make sure 
it is

 the best solution.


 Matt Cooper wrote:
  That sounds like a reasonable first step to me since that would
  size the most.
  On 1/31/07, Simon Lessard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I agree, only one version compressed or uncompressed should be
  On 1/31/07, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Simon Lessard wrote:
On 1/31/07, Matt Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 1/31/07, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  As Adam suggest, we could do some runtime evaluation 

  and have many selector uses the same compressed selector,
  50% gain or so.
 I can do this, too, if we feel we have to. The logic flow
 change, of course.
 Right now we build the shortened style class map, then we
 css file.
 I'd have to either change the shortened style class map 
as I

 styles, or create it a bit later.
 It's no big deal, just more overhead when we create the 

Maybe this goes without saying but we have to be careful when
that we only use the same selector when the containment
the same.
If we just have:
.Bar {
  color: red;
then this could be compressed down to:
.x1 {
  color: red;
But if we have:
.Bar {
  color: red;
.Foo .Joe {
  color: green;
.Bar .Joe {
  color: blue;
then we cannot use the same compressed name for Foo and Bar,
.x2 {
  color: red;
.x1 .x3 {
  color: green;
.x2 .x3 {
  color: blue;
If we had:
.Bar {
  color: red;
.Foo .Joe,
.Bar .Joe

Re: svn commit: r501699 - in /incubator/adffaces/trunk/trinidad: trinidad-api/pom.xml trinidad-impl/pom.xml

2007-01-31 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Matthias and I are looking at this offline.
My faces-config.xml in $TRIN_HOME/trinidad-impl/target/classes/META-INF 
is fine.
I even tested this jar and saw that my generated css file no longer has 
unknown-version in it.

We are both on maven 2.0.4.

- Jeanne

Matthias Wessendorf wrote:

Hey Jeanne,

that fix is causing issues with the META-INF stuff in the jars
(for instance an empty faces-config.xml inside the JAR, since there no
one generated to


I did an undo for now,



Author: jwaldman
Date: Tue Jan 30 18:59:12 2007
New Revision: 501699

Added to the pom files so that the MANIFEST.MF will pick up the 
implementation-version String.




Modified: incubator/adffaces/trunk/trinidad/trinidad-api/pom.xml


--- incubator/adffaces/trunk/trinidad/trinidad-api/pom.xml (original)
+++ incubator/adffaces/trunk/trinidad/trinidad-api/pom.xml Tue Jan 30 
18:59:12 2007

@@ -38,6 +38,14 @@
+  archive

+  /archive

Modified: incubator/adffaces/trunk/trinidad/trinidad-impl/pom.xml


--- incubator/adffaces/trunk/trinidad/trinidad-impl/pom.xml (original)
+++ incubator/adffaces/trunk/trinidad/trinidad-impl/pom.xml Tue Jan 
30 18:59:12 2007

@@ -88,6 +88,14 @@
+   configuration
+ archive
+   manifest

+   /manifest
+ /archive
+   /configuration

Re: [Skinning] CSS selector limit hit in IE

2007-01-31 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Simon Lessard wrote:

On 1/31/07, Matt Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 1/31/07, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  As Adam suggest, we could do some runtime evaluation during CSS
  and have many selector uses the same compressed selector, this would
  50% gain or so.
 I can do this, too, if we feel we have to. The logic flow will have to
 change, of course.
 Right now we build the shortened style class map, then we generate the
 css file.
 I'd have to either change the shortened style class map as I merge
 styles, or create it a bit later.
 It's no big deal, just more overhead when we create the file.

Maybe this goes without saying but we have to be careful when doing this
that we only use the same selector when the containment definitions are
the same.

If we just have:

.Bar {
  color: red;

then this could be compressed down to:

.x1 {
  color: red;

But if we have:

.Bar {
  color: red;

.Foo .Joe {
  color: green;

.Bar .Joe {
  color: blue;

then we cannot use the same compressed name for Foo and Bar, we'd 


.x2 {
  color: red;

.x1 .x3 {
  color: green;

.x2 .x3 {
  color: blue;

If we had:

.Bar {
  color: red;

.Foo .Joe,
.Bar .Joe {
  color: green;

then we could compress down to:

.x1 {
  color: red;

.x1 .x2 {
  color: green;

Yeah that would require quite a lot of evaluation after parsing, if 

done maybe we should consider generating the CSS files at app. startup
rather than at first request because that kind of processing would 
most like

be O(n!) or O(x^n).
I was thinking if a style is used anywhere else, period, we do not merge 
that with another style. That is less processing, at least.
Personally, I think doing the only-generated-compressed-styles solution 
or (only-non-uncompressed) is enough to solve this problem for a while.
I think this merging solution is lower priority, and more of a 
nice-to-have. What does everyone else think?
If there is another reason to do this, like performance, and we know the 
impact, then that's another thing, but I'd like
to focus on this issue and the solution right now -- especially since 
we've hit this limit.

- Jeanne

[Skinning] CSS selector limit hit in IE

2007-01-30 Thread Jeanne Waldman


Well, it turns out that IE has a limit to the size of a CSS file. It's 
not the actual size of the file, but rather it is the
# of CSS selectors. I did a test and found out that the limit is 4095 
CSS selectors.

Firefox doesn't appear to have a limit.

As you may know, the CSS file we generate contains both compressed and 
uncompressed styles, like this:

.af_inputText_content, .x01 {background-color: blue}

Our renderers render a shortened styleclass, unless
the DISABLE_CONTENT_COMPRESSION flag is set to true in web.xml, then it 
renders the long styleclass.

input class=x01...

Ok, that's the background.

*The problem* is that because we have a lot of custom components that 
we've built on top of Trinidad, and our customers

have built custom components, etc, and these all have skinning,
we have bumped up against the 4095 selector limit in IE. All selectors 
after the 4095th one are ignored.

*A quick fix*, and probably a good one for a long time, is to render the 
styles in compressed mode when compression is on,
or in uncompressed mode when compression if off. That will reduce our 
style selectors by 1/2, and will help performance to boot. :)

I can also add a warning if we go past 4095 selectors for IE.

Another solution is to break up the file into multiple files when I've 
reached the limit in one file, and include
all the css files into the rendered page. I can do this in addition to 
the quick fix when I have more time.
Or, I'll be forced to do this solution if the above solution can't be 
done for some reason.

Anyway, let me know what you think about the fixes. I'll start 
investigating it to make sure it is possible and won't break
anything. My main concern was if people were using our public style 
classes, like styleClass=.AFInstructionText, but

it looks like we compress these when we are in compressed mode.

Let me know if there are other things I should check.


Re: [Skinning] CSS selector limit hit in IE

2007-01-30 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Hi Matt,

Matt Cooper wrote:

Hi Jeanne,

That example of setting styleClass=AFInstructionText (or 
bar) was the case I was thinking about too and think it should be 
okay to

have all compressed and all uncompressed.
To be on the safe side, I just decided that what I can do is if there is 
not a '|' in the
name, I will output both compressed/non-compressed. Otherwise, one or 
the other.
Having a '|' in the name won't work in css without our preprocessing it, 
so no one
would ever use that name outright. But they might use a styleclass like, 
.Foo, that

they added to their skin.

If there are any cases where a component developer is writing a 

counterpart to their renderer, he or she can send down the resolved style
class along with the rendered content, otherwise they'd just be 

a style class which already is bad practice.

In short, it seems like your suggested change wouldn't be a problem 
from the

use cases I've seen.

Like you say, in the long term, it would be nice to split it up into
multiple files automatically as an added measure--who knows how many
components Trinidad or customers will have in 5 years or more.

Also, I do prefer to have the generated CSS file be a one or the other
(compressed or not compressed) file rather than both.


As part of this change, can you also add a counter?  If the number of
selectors exceeds the limit when generating the IE CSS file, an error or
warning gets logged so that if people are seeing strange behavior, 
we'd know

pretty quickly that this is the cause.  I think that would be a friendly
thing to do for future developers.

Yes, I was planning to do that as part of the 'quick fix'.

Thank you,

On 1/30/07, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Well, it turns out that IE has a limit to the size of a CSS file. It's
not the actual size of the file, but rather it is the
# of CSS selectors. I did a test and found out that the limit is 4095
CSS selectors.
Firefox doesn't appear to have a limit.

As you may know, the CSS file we generate contains both compressed and
uncompressed styles, like this:
.af_inputText_content, .x01 {background-color: blue}

Our renderers render a shortened styleclass, unless
the DISABLE_CONTENT_COMPRESSION flag is set to true in web.xml, then it
renders the long styleclass.
input class=x01...

Ok, that's the background.

*The problem* is that because we have a lot of custom components that
we've built on top of Trinidad, and our customers
have built custom components, etc, and these all have skinning,
we have bumped up against the 4095 selector limit in IE. All selectors
after the 4095th one are ignored.

*A quick fix*, and probably a good one for a long time, is to render the
styles in compressed mode when compression is on,
or in uncompressed mode when compression if off. That will reduce our
style selectors by 1/2, and will help performance to boot. :)
I can also add a warning if we go past 4095 selectors for IE.

Another solution is to break up the file into multiple files when I've
reached the limit in one file, and include
all the css files into the rendered page. I can do this in addition to
the quick fix when I have more time.
Or, I'll be forced to do this solution if the above solution can't be
done for some reason.

Anyway, let me know what you think about the fixes. I'll start
investigating it to make sure it is possible and won't break
anything. My main concern was if people were using our public style
classes, like styleClass=.AFInstructionText, but
it looks like we compress these when we are in compressed mode.

Let me know if there are other things I should check.


Re: svn commit: r500011 - /incubator/adffaces/branches/jwaldman-portal/trinidad/trinidad-impl/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/

2007-01-30 Thread Jeanne Waldman

I just noticed this email. I'll ping Scott.
- Jeanne

Adam Winer wrote:

Has this change been tested?  I'm far from certain
that this was purely an optimization.  We often
check whether there is a PartialPageContext to
see if PPR is enabled, and if this check is removed,
then a lot of code will (I think) assume that PPR
is enabled and available when it is not.

-- Adam


Author: jwaldman
Date: Thu Jan 25 14:02:08 2007
New Revision: 500011

ADFFACES-364 PartialPageContext optimization bug. Check in for Scoot 
O'Bryan to jwaldman-portal branch.

Remove this optimization in _initializePPR:
// Don't bother if PPR isn't even supported
if (!CoreRendererUtils.supportsPartialRendering(this))

The reason is commented in the code:
//There used to be an optimization here which would simply return 

//the PartialRendering capabilities were disabled.  This was removed
//because it is possible for extensions to Trinidad to support 
PPR in a
//container-specific way in a Portal Environment even though such 
//is off by default.  Furthermore, the check on whether something 
is a
//PPR request or not is very efficient, so there is very little 
time saved

//by the optimization.






Thu Jan 25 14:02:08 2007

@@ -466,9 +466,13 @@
 RequestContext context)
-// Don't bother if PPR isn't even supported
-if (!CoreRendererUtils.supportsPartialRendering(this))
-  return;
+//There used to be an optimization here which would simply 
return when
+//the PartialRendering capabilities were disabled.  This was 
+//because it is possible for extensions to Trinidad to support 
PPR in a
+//container-specific way in a Portal Environment even though 
such capability
+//is off by default.  Furthermore, the check on whether 
something is a
+//PPR request or not is very efficient, so there is very little 
time saved

+//by the optimization.

 PartialPageContext partialPageContext =

Re: Request for FloatStart:alias, FloatEnd:alias

2007-01-29 Thread Jeanne Waldman

I'm fine with making these public.
Really, to make these public the minimal thing we should do is to 
document these keys in skin-selectors.xml and to change the comment to 
say they are public instead of private.
We can also change the name to have it start with 'AF' to be consistent 
with the other public keys.

- Jeanne

Jijun Wang wrote:


In base-desktop.xss, we have the following private styles:

 Private BIDI Styles:  Not sure if these are generally useful, but
 if so, these could be made public.

   style name=FloatStart
property name=floatleft/property
   style name=FloatEnd
 property name=floatright/property

   FOR RTL Mode:

   style name=FloatStart
 property name=floatright/property

   style name=FloatEnd
 property name=floatleft/property

It would be useful to make them public. For example, if I want to

 af|foo: {
 float: left;

 af|foo:rtl {
 float: right

 I can define it in one place with the help of the skin key alias of
 af|float: {
 -tr-rule-ref: selector(.FloatStart:alias);

 Could we make the change to have FloatStart:alias and FloatEnd:alias?


 Jijun Wang



Re: unknown-version in generated css file

2007-01-29 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Ok, I figured out what is going on.

If we want our file in our jar to show the implementation 
version, then we need to:
1. Add a file in the META-INF directory that has the 
implementation-version in it.

2. Add this configuration element to the pom.xml file:



We are missing both of these.

Does anyone object to my adding this to get our version in the that's in the jar?

Should I do this for the api jar as well?
What should the version string be? This string will be in the generated 
css file, at least for now. I plan to raise
another issue regarding the version string in the filename, but that can 


- Jeanne

Jeanne Waldman wrote:

I know how this could work (is supposed to work?), because we are 
doing something similar in our internal project . We have a 
MANIFEST.MF file in the impl's META-INF directory that defines 
implementation-version, and I think mvn automatically appends this 
information into the impl jar's MANIFEST.MF file.
In Trinidad, though, I don't see this MANIFEST.MF file in the impl's 
META-INF directory. If I add it myself, do mvn clean install, it still 
doesn't work. But then after looking into it for our internal project, 
I found that it stopped working recently there, too.

Anyway, Bud and I are looking into it, and I'll keep you posted. If 
you know something that I am missing, let me know. :)


Jeanne Waldman wrote:

Hi Adam,
That's what I figured based, but I don't see the implementation 
version in the
So I should have asked, how does it get in the file? 
Maybe I'm not building the jars with the correct flag.

I'm using mvn install jdev:jdev.

- Jeanne

Adam Winer wrote:

The implementation version is defined in the manifest;
since we're going from the StyleSheetDocumentParser's
Package object, that should be the trinidad-impl.jar's

-- Adam

On 1/19/07, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I see that when I run a demo jspx file, the generated css file has
unknown-version in the name.
The reason, I believe, is that the 

in the below code is returning null.
Why is this? Where are we setting (or supposed to be setting) the
implementation version exactly?
Does anyone else see this problem?
I think this code was added in this JIRA issue:


   // If the document version is ${trinidad-version}, replace it
// with the version number right out of our manifest
if (${trinidad-version}.equals(_documentVersion))
  ClassStyleSheetDocumentParser implClass =
  Package implPkg = implClass.getPackage();
  if ((implPkg != null)  (implPkg.getImplementationVersion() 
!= null))

_documentVersion =
_documentVersion = unknown-version;

Re: unknown-version in generated css file

2007-01-24 Thread Jeanne Waldman

I know how this could work (is supposed to work?), because we are doing 
something similar in our internal project . We have a MANIFEST.MF file 
in the impl's META-INF directory that defines implementation-version, 
and I think mvn automatically appends this information into the impl 
jar's MANIFEST.MF file.
In Trinidad, though, I don't see this MANIFEST.MF file in the impl's 
META-INF directory. If I add it myself, do mvn clean install, it still 
doesn't work. But then after looking into it for our internal project, I 
found that it stopped working recently there, too.

Anyway, Bud and I are looking into it, and I'll keep you posted. If you 
know something that I am missing, let me know. :)


Jeanne Waldman wrote:

Hi Adam,
That's what I figured based, but I don't see the implementation 
version in the
So I should have asked, how does it get in the file? Maybe 
I'm not building the jars with the correct flag.

I'm using mvn install jdev:jdev.

- Jeanne

Adam Winer wrote:

The implementation version is defined in the manifest;
since we're going from the StyleSheetDocumentParser's
Package object, that should be the trinidad-impl.jar's

-- Adam

On 1/19/07, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I see that when I run a demo jspx file, the generated css file has
unknown-version in the name.
The reason, I believe, is that the 'implPkg.getImplementationVersion()'
in the below code is returning null.
Why is this? Where are we setting (or supposed to be setting) the
implementation version exactly?
Does anyone else see this problem?
I think this code was added in this JIRA issue:


   // If the document version is ${trinidad-version}, replace it
// with the version number right out of our manifest
if (${trinidad-version}.equals(_documentVersion))
  ClassStyleSheetDocumentParser implClass =
  Package implPkg = implClass.getPackage();
  if ((implPkg != null)  (implPkg.getImplementationVersion() 
!= null))

_documentVersion =
_documentVersion = unknown-version;

Re: Skin packaging

2007-01-22 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Yes, this will work. It was added around November.

- Jeanne

Mark Robinson wrote:


I'm working on a distributable skin package and I've got some 
questions.  If I wrote a trinidad-skins.xml file and placed in it a 
jar, would Trinidad be able to merge multiple trinidad-skins.xml 
files?  Sort of like how JSF can merge multiple faces-config.xml.


Re: unknown-version in generated css file

2007-01-22 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Hi Adam,
That's what I figured based, but I don't see the implementation version 
in the
So I should have asked, how does it get in the file? Maybe 
I'm not building the jars with the correct flag.

I'm using mvn install jdev:jdev.

- Jeanne

Adam Winer wrote:

The implementation version is defined in the manifest;
since we're going from the StyleSheetDocumentParser's
Package object, that should be the trinidad-impl.jar's

-- Adam

On 1/19/07, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I see that when I run a demo jspx file, the generated css file has
unknown-version in the name.
The reason, I believe, is that the 'implPkg.getImplementationVersion()'
in the below code is returning null.
Why is this? Where are we setting (or supposed to be setting) the
implementation version exactly?
Does anyone else see this problem?
I think this code was added in this JIRA issue:


   // If the document version is ${trinidad-version}, replace it
// with the version number right out of our manifest
if (${trinidad-version}.equals(_documentVersion))
  ClassStyleSheetDocumentParser implClass =
  Package implPkg = implClass.getPackage();
  if ((implPkg != null)  (implPkg.getImplementationVersion() != 

_documentVersion =
_documentVersion = unknown-version;

unknown-version in generated css file

2007-01-19 Thread Jeanne Waldman


I see that when I run a demo jspx file, the generated css file has 
unknown-version in the name.
The reason, I believe, is that the 'implPkg.getImplementationVersion()' 
in the below code is returning null.
Why is this? Where are we setting (or supposed to be setting) the 
implementation version exactly?

Does anyone else see this problem?
I think this code was added in this JIRA issue:


  // If the document version is ${trinidad-version}, replace it
   // with the version number right out of our manifest
   if (${trinidad-version}.equals(_documentVersion))
 ClassStyleSheetDocumentParser implClass = 

 Package implPkg = implClass.getPackage();
 if ((implPkg != null)  (implPkg.getImplementationVersion() != null))
   _documentVersion = 

   _documentVersion = unknown-version;

Re: [Skinning Enhancement] -tr-icon-class or equivalent

2006-12-28 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Thanks for the comment. I'll fix that bug so the workaround works. :)

- Jeanne

Adam Winer wrote:

I think, for now, that I'm OK with just requiring inline specification
of the styles - that feels a lot more natural in a CSS file.
At least, as long as it works. :)

-- Adam

On 12/27/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi there,

I see the need to render
img class=someClass width=10 height=8/
when we render a skinning icon.

However, there is currently not a way to specify a styleclass in the
skin css file, although we do have a Java API to do this.

We could do something like:

af|foo::some-icon {
content: url(/path/cat.gif);
-tr-icon-class: someClass;

Let me know if you think I should/shouldn't open an JIRA enhancement for

This isn't a critical bug, since the workaround is to use css properties
inline, and we parse those up and render an inline style property 
like this:

af|foo::some-icon {
content: url(/path/cat.gif);
background-color: blue;
display: block;
img style=background-color:blue; display:block .../
(or should... there's a bug that I filed that I plan to fix where it
only renders the last css property.)


[Skinning Enhancement] -tr-icon-class or equivalent

2006-12-27 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Hi there,

I see the need to render
img class=someClass width=10 height=8/
when we render a skinning icon.

However, there is currently not a way to specify a styleclass in the 
skin css file, although we do have a Java API to do this.

We could do something like:

af|foo::some-icon {
   content: url(/path/cat.gif);
   -tr-icon-class: someClass;

Let me know if you think I should/shouldn't open an JIRA enhancement for 

This isn't a critical bug, since the workaround is to use css properties 
inline, and we parse those up and render an inline style property like this:

af|foo::some-icon {
   content: url(/path/cat.gif);
   background-color: blue;
   display: block;
img style=background-color:blue; display:block .../
(or should... there's a bug that I filed that I plan to fix where it 
only renders the last css property.)


Re: PATCH: ServerSide buttons are back

2006-12-05 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Hi all,

Have we decided that we want to keep the image generation code around, 
then? Looking back at old emails, it sounds like a couple of people want 
to keep the rounded-buttons.


Scott O'Bryan wrote:


Yes, he means trinidadinternal.ui.  The reason we are getting rid of 
this is basically a historical reason.  These classes are basically a 
set of adapters designed to port Oracle's old UIX component base over 
to Faces.  As the components were enhanced and expanded, we started 
turning these components into true Faces Components (which we'll refer 
to as Faces Major) on this list.  While it's acceptable to make 
enhancements to the UI packages until all the UIX components have been 
ported over, it is completely wrong to add any new dependencies from 
outside of these.

I haven't taken a look at your patch, but I would take a look at 
either making your dependancies FacesMajor, or moving the 
functionality you need from the UI package into a non-ui package and 
have the UI classes refer to it.  Make sense?


Mark Robinson wrote:


By myfaces.ui, do you mean trinidadinternal.ui?  Is there a reason 
for getting rid of it?  Also, is there migration documentation?  Ie, 
class X is gone, use class Y and Z.



Adam Winer wrote:


It's not OK for anything in myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit to have
dependencies on code in myfaces.ui;  our goal is to kill all
code in myfaces.ui.

So, for example:

import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.ui.UIXRenderingContext;



... are all off-limits.  (Looking through the patch, it looks as though
added some other imports unnecessarily.)

-- Adam


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When I commit to my branch, it goes to trunk

2006-11-28 Thread Jeanne Waldman

I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong.
I created a branch, but when I commit to it, it commits to trunk.
This is the branch.

I think I'm on the branch, cuz I say Repro-Browser, and this branch 
shows up.

I made sure I did a Switch to this branch after I created it.
When I say Commit, at the top of the Enter Log Message box it says:
Commit to:

But... I see the commit in Trunk, not my branch.

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


Re: When I commit to my branch, it goes to trunk

2006-11-28 Thread Jeanne Waldman

I just checked the branch out and retried and that works.
I don't know how it got in the state that it is in. I wonder if something
is wrong with the Switch function.

- Jeanne

Matthias Wessendorf wrote:


my commits from branch go never to trunk.
What I do is checking the branch out and working on those files.
Perhaps the *relocate* or what ever is sorta wrong in your case?


On 11/28/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong.
I created a branch, but when I commit to it, it commits to trunk.
This is the branch. 

I think I'm on the branch, cuz I say Repro-Browser, and this branch
shows up.
I made sure I did a Switch to this branch after I created it.
When I say Commit, at the top of the Enter Log Message box it says:
Commit to: 

But... I see the commit in Trunk, not my branch.

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


Re: Bug in XSS Skinning Support

2006-11-27 Thread Jeanne Waldman

I agree. XSS was the original format, but then we added the CSS-format
skinning file thinking that it will be more understandable to a person that
would be in charge of the skinning; i.e., someone with css experience.
There are features in XSS that aren't yet in CSS, so we should port
those over before we kill it. The base skins, like simple/minimal ar
using xss.

Adam Winer wrote:

I agree - while I've got nothing against accepting patches to the
XSS code, ideally the XSS code can die ASAP...

-- Adam

On 11/24/06, Simon Lessard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Personally, I hope we'll let it die, especially since inhibit was 
added to

CSS format.

On 11/24/06, Mark Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I've found a bug in the XSS skinning engine.  Specifically, it doesn't
 recognize Icon descriptors while the CSS skinner does.  Right now I'm
 working on a patch the fix this, but my question is,  what is the 

 of XSS support?  Ie, is it going away?


Re: Custom Skins for Different Form Factors

2006-11-16 Thread Jeanne Waldman
This is fine with me; but I suggested it originally. If anyone has any 
objections, let us know.

- Jeanne

Piyush Hari wrote:


I would like to revive the issue with creating custom PDA skins(see 
emails below). I propose adding the @import support so that a user can 
create plus-pda skin by extending the simple-pda and importing the 
plus-Desktop skin.

please read the emails below and let me know what you think about 
this. I will create a JIRA for the same.

Take Care,

- Original Message - From: Jeanne Waldman 

Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: Custom Skins for Different Form Factors

Hi Joey,
We have simple-desktop and simple-pda skins.
You can create a pda or desktop skin by specifying the render-kit-id 
in your skin.
The pda skin extends simple-pda skin. The desktop skin extends 

You created a plus-desktop skin that extends simple-desktop skin.
You like that skin a lot and it has a lot of definitions. Now you 
need a pda version.
You want to use the plus-desktop skin, but you want it to extend 
simple-pda instead.

If you make your plus-pda skin extend plus-desktop skin, it will go 

simple-desktop. (you've verified this, right?)
You don't want that. You want your plus-pda skin to extend
plus-desktop skin, but then you want that to go through simple-pda 
instead of simple-desktop.

I've thought about this some and I think we need a concept of a 
render-kit-neutral skin.

This skin, if picked, will default to extend simple-desktop.

But if this skin is used as a base skin for plus-pda, it will 
eventually extend from simple-pda (the

simple skin with the same render-kit-it).

Another option is to allow imports in the skinning .css file. So you 
can import the stylesheet definitions.
We have this feature in XSS, which is why you see  simple-pda.xss 
imports simple-desktop.xss.

I like the 'abstract' skin idea better. Resource bundles aren't a 
part of the css file, and you might

want to inherit those, too.

I don't know how hard/easy it is to implement these ideas.

One question, how much will need to change if you forget extending 
simple-pda, and have your
plus-pda skin extend plus-desktop which extends simple-desktop? If it 
is just a few fonts, then it might easy enough

to go that route until we have something in place.

Joseph Rozier wrote:


The current method of skin inheritance leads to some issues when a
developer wishes to create a skin family targetting desktop and PDA.

There's no way to make a large number of changes that affect both
desktop and pda in one place, and then tweak what needs to be tweaked
for desktop or PDA.  For example, I may want to change the color in
both desktop and PDA, but I might want to change the font size to 20
for the desktop and 6 for the PDA.

The reason for the problem is that each skin can only extend
Trinidad's simple skin.  There is no way to have an abstract plus
skin that makes the common changes, and then have a plus-desktop
skin and plus-pda skin that makes desktop/pda specific changes.

(Also note that today things are a bit odder, because there's a
simple-pda.xss that extends simple-desktop.xss.  If I specify a skin
in trinidad-skins.xml that is for use with the desktop RenderKit, its
css inherits from simple-desktop.xss.  If I instead specify its use
for the pda RenderKit, its css inherits from simple-pda.xss.  However,
this doesn't lead to a solution because my plus.css may override a
font that is specified in simple-desktop.xss or simple-pda.xss, so
that font would now be used on both desktop and pda.)

I'm hoping that the skinning experts can provide insights/solutions to
this problem.



Re: [Question] trinidad-skins.xml in a jar

2006-11-14 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Arjuna, All,

I like this alternative --the other alternative is to declare the css 
file name to be globally unique
like a java class name.  We need skinning doc, so I have some place to 
'declare' this.

I'll make skin/customSkin.css work instead of META-INF/skin/customSkin.css.
If trinidad-skins.xml is in the META-INF directory, then I'll prepend 

if there is no initial '/'.

This is what I'll do for now.

Note: URLS, like
does not work in style-sheet-name currently. That can be a separate 
issue if anyone cares.


- Jeanne

Arjuna Wijeyekoon wrote:

the other alternative is to declare the css file name to be globally 

like a java class name.

On 11/13/06, Arjuna Wijeyekoon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

also use URL(URL base, String cssFileName)  to construct the path rather
than parsing the string yourself.

On 11/13/06, Arjuna Wijeyekoon  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  If you think the 'right' way is to have skin/customSkin.css work

 +1 for having skin/customSkin.css to work.

 then I could do this:
  when I get each trinidad-skins.xml in a jar, I get a path like this:
  I could strip out the part before the ! and the /trindad- 

  and whatever is left I prepend to whatever is in
  style-sheet-names, and use that String as the styleSheetName.
 This is not going to work.  If there was another jar file that also 

 the name customSkin.css
 then these two would conflict.
 I think you need the entire path right upto the !META-INF  .


 On 11/13/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks Adam.
  see inline
  Adam Winer wrote:
   On 11/8/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
   I have two questions about jar'ing up the skins.
   Let's say someone has jar'd up their skin and the
   I have a jar with this directory structure:
   In trinidad-skins.xml, I needed to put META-INF in front of the
  path for
   the style-sheet-name
   !-- this doesn't work
   Is this correct?
   Hrm, well if you're evaluating skin/customSkin.css relative 
to the
   used to load the trinidad-skins.xml file, it wouldn't be 

  I'm not. Basically what I do is I parse all the 

  and get a list of 'skins', which I sort and then register.
  styleSheetName is a String. When we load the skin that is set in
  trinidad-config.xml (and its ancestor skin files), we
  simply look for a file with that String. We end up using
  ClassLoaderUtils.getResource() to get the META-INF css files.
  If you think the 'right' way is to have skin/customSkin.css work
  of META-INF/skin/customSkin.css, then I could do this:
  when I get each trinidad-skins.xml in a jar, I get a path like this:
  I could strip out the part before the ! and the /trindad- 

  and whatever is left I prepend to whatever is in
  style-sheet-names, and use that String as the styleSheetName.
  Unless there is some easy call that exists that I am missing.
  - Jeanne
   Also, I don't know how the browser is supposed to find the images
  out of
   this jar, where
   The url is:

   0on't think that's gonna work:  we'd need to have a ResourceLoader
   that could reach into JARs.  We haven't built such a thing.  Would
   handy, but I don't think that's an immediate requirement.  For 

   I think of just saying that we only support image URLs that start
   with a slash (and therefore relative to the context root) in this
   -- Adam
   I tried putting META-INF and 'adf/' in the path, but that didn't
   - Jeanne
   Jeanne Waldman wrote:
By the way, I'm going to break this into two issues:
1. enable trinidad-skins.xml to be in META-INF directory and
it can be read out of jars.
   a. first find all trinidad-skins.xml files in
META-INF/trinidad- skins.xml
   b. then look for it in WEB-INF/trinidad-skins.xml. The one
  that is
in WEB-INF 'wins'.
   c. with regards to 'wins'. If I have a skin definition 
that is

SAME skin id, but with different parameters,
   then the one in WEB-INF wins. If I find two in a jar, 

which one should win? The last one I load

Re: [Question] trinidad-skins.xml in a jar

2006-11-13 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Thanks Adam.
see inline

Adam Winer wrote:

On 11/8/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have two questions about jar'ing up the skins.

Let's say someone has jar'd up their skin and the trinidad-skins.xml 

I have a jar with this directory structure:

In trinidad-skins.xml, I needed to put META-INF in front of the path for
the style-sheet-name
!-- this doesn't work

Is this correct?

Hrm, well if you're evaluating skin/customSkin.css relative to the
used to load the trinidad-skins.xml file, it wouldn't be necessary.

I'm not. Basically what I do is I parse all the trinidad-skins.xml files 
and get a list of 'skins', which I sort and then register.
styleSheetName is a String. When we load the skin that is set in 
trinidad-config.xml (and its ancestor skin files), we
simply look for a file with that String. We end up using 
ClassLoaderUtils.getResource() to get the META-INF css files.

If you think the 'right' way is to have skin/customSkin.css work instead 
of META-INF/skin/customSkin.css, then I could do this:

when I get each trinidad-skins.xml in a jar, I get a path like this:
I could strip out the part before the ! and the /trindad-skins.xml part 
and whatever is left I prepend to whatever is in

style-sheet-names, and use that String as the styleSheetName.

Unless there is some easy call that exists that I am missing.

- Jeanne

Also, I don't know how the browser is supposed to find the images out of
this jar, where
The url is:


0on't think that's gonna work:  we'd need to have a ResourceLoader
that could reach into JARs.  We haven't built such a thing.  Would be
handy, but I don't think that's an immediate requirement.  For now,
I think of just saying that we only support image URLs that start
with a slash (and therefore relative to the context root) in this

-- Adam

I tried putting META-INF and 'adf/' in the path, but that didn't work.

- Jeanne

Jeanne Waldman wrote:

 By the way, I'm going to break this into two issues:
 1. enable trinidad-skins.xml to be in META-INF directory and therefore
 it can be read out of jars.
a. first find all trinidad-skins.xml files in
b. then look for it in WEB-INF/trinidad-skins.xml. The one that is
 in WEB-INF 'wins'.
c. with regards to 'wins'. If I have a skin definition that is the
 SAME skin id, but with different parameters,
then the one in WEB-INF wins. If I find two in a jar, then
 which one should win? The last one I load?
I will do something like that and log a warning.
Another thing I can do is try to merge the information, but I
 think this can get confusing.

 2. custom component registering skin additions in trinidad-skins.xml

 - Jeanne

 Jeanne Waldman wrote:

 I was thinking about whether we should use the same file, and the pro
 of using the same file --
 fewer files is really good. The cons, they are aimed at different 

 A custom component developer will want to add to existing skins, not
 create new skins.
 I'll go with the fewer files is really good outweighing the different
 users argument. :)

 Simon, the reason I didn't opt for skin-extension is that we have a
 SkinExtension class - it's creating
 a new skin that extends an existing skin.
 What I want is to use the same skin, and add new component skin
 definitions to it.
 I'm not sure what a good name for it is.

 Right now I look for trinidad-skins.xml in
 web-inf, and I +1 to looking for in in META-INF as well. And yes,
 if there can be multiple trinidad-skins.xml files laying around, I'll
 need to worry
 about order. And... I'll have to make sure that all the skins are
 there before I register
 the skin additions. I'll need to parse these files and buffer up the
 information, then
 order them, then register things.

 Thanks for the feedback.

 - Jeanne

 Adam Winer wrote:

 I don't think it should be a separate file;  it should be a new
 element in trinidad-skins.xml.  And +1 to Simon's request
 for /META-INF support.

 This way, you could use a /META-INF/trinidad-skins.xml
 file to provide drop-in JARs that provide:
  - skin extensions
  - new skins

 One big bit of fun:  you could have one /META-INF/trinidad-skins.xml
 that defines a new my-amazing-skin, and a second JAR
 that defines a new even-better-skin that extends 

 and a third JAR that defines extensions to even-better-skin.
 And you'd have to support the jars getting doled out third, second,
 first by the class

[Question] trinidad-skins.xml in a jar

2006-11-08 Thread Jeanne Waldman

I have two questions about jar'ing up the skins.

Let's say someone has jar'd up their skin and the trinidad-skins.xml file.

I have a jar with this directory structure:

In trinidad-skins.xml, I needed to put META-INF in front of the path for 
the style-sheet-name

   !-- this doesn't work

Is this correct?

Also, I don't know how the browser is supposed to find the images out of 
this jar, where

The url is:


I tried putting META-INF and 'adf/' in the path, but that didn't work.

- Jeanne

Jeanne Waldman wrote:

By the way, I'm going to break this into two issues:
1. enable trinidad-skins.xml to be in META-INF directory and therefore 
it can be read out of jars.
   a. first find all trinidad-skins.xml files in 
   b. then look for it in WEB-INF/trinidad-skins.xml. The one that is 
in WEB-INF 'wins'.
   c. with regards to 'wins'. If I have a skin definition that is the 
SAME skin id, but with different parameters,
   then the one in WEB-INF wins. If I find two in a jar, then 
which one should win? The last one I load?

   I will do something like that and log a warning.
   Another thing I can do is try to merge the information, but I 
think this can get confusing.

2. custom component registering skin additions in trinidad-skins.xml

- Jeanne

Jeanne Waldman wrote:

I was thinking about whether we should use the same file, and the pro 
of using the same file --

fewer files is really good. The cons, they are aimed at different users.
A custom component developer will want to add to existing skins, not 
create new skins.
I'll go with the fewer files is really good outweighing the different 
users argument. :)

Simon, the reason I didn't opt for skin-extension is that we have a 
SkinExtension class - it's creating

a new skin that extends an existing skin.
What I want is to use the same skin, and add new component skin 
definitions to it.

I'm not sure what a good name for it is.

Right now I look for trinidad-skins.xml in
web-inf, and I +1 to looking for in in META-INF as well. And yes,
if there can be multiple trinidad-skins.xml files laying around, I'll 
need to worry
about order. And... I'll have to make sure that all the skins are 
there before I register
the skin additions. I'll need to parse these files and buffer up the 
information, then

order them, then register things.

Thanks for the feedback.

- Jeanne

Adam Winer wrote:

I don't think it should be a separate file;  it should be a new
element in trinidad-skins.xml.  And +1 to Simon's request
for /META-INF support.

This way, you could use a /META-INF/trinidad-skins.xml
file to provide drop-in JARs that provide:
 - skin extensions
 - new skins

One big bit of fun:  you could have one /META-INF/trinidad-skins.xml
that defines a new my-amazing-skin, and a second JAR
that defines a new even-better-skin that extends my-amazing-skin,
and a third JAR that defines extensions to even-better-skin.
And you'd have to support the jars getting doled out third, second,
first by the class loader.  So, the parsing code would need to
do some juggling to make sure this all works.

-- Adam

On 11/6/06, Simon Lessard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


As for the name, maybe skin-extension? skin-addition is as good 

About the structure, I would like to see those placed in
trinidad-skins.xmlalong with the skins. I think we should also extends
our lookup to include
.jar files' /META-INF folder if we don't already do it since it'll 
be needed

for developper wanting to deploy simple skin compliant libraries.


~ Simon

On 11/6/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there,

 Let's say a custom component developer created some new 
components. He

 wants those components  to fit in with the
 'simple' skin. He also wants them to fit in with the 'minimal' 
 or any other public skin out there.  He doesn't have access to 
the files

 where we
 have this information -- our base-desktop.xss, simple-desktop.xss,
 simple-pda.xss, etc.

 With Trinidad's Skin API, he can call the
 method on the skin instance. Aside: I'm not sure *when/where* the 
 component developer would do this, because it would need to be 
after we've

 registered our base skins and any skin extensions, so presumably it
 would need to be after the TrinidadFilter.

 It would be much nicer for the custom component developer if all 
he has

 to do is create an .xml file and stick it in the META-INF
 of his jar file. Then we'll parse the xml file

Re: [Proposal] new skin config file for adding stylesheet with a skin

2006-11-06 Thread Jeanne Waldman
I was thinking about whether we should use the same file, and the pro of 
using the same file --

fewer files is really good. The cons, they are aimed at different users.
A custom component developer will want to add to existing skins, not 
create new skins.
I'll go with the fewer files is really good outweighing the different 
users argument. :)

Simon, the reason I didn't opt for skin-extension is that we have a 
SkinExtension class - it's creating

a new skin that extends an existing skin.
What I want is to use the same skin, and add new component skin 
definitions to it.

I'm not sure what a good name for it is.

Right now I look for trinidad-skins.xml in
web-inf, and I +1 to looking for in in META-INF as well. And yes,
if there can be multiple trinidad-skins.xml files laying around, I'll 
need to worry
about order. And... I'll have to make sure that all the skins are there 
before I register
the skin additions. I'll need to parse these files and buffer up the 
information, then

order them, then register things.

Thanks for the feedback.

- Jeanne

Adam Winer wrote:

I don't think it should be a separate file;  it should be a new
element in trinidad-skins.xml.  And +1 to Simon's request
for /META-INF support.

This way, you could use a /META-INF/trinidad-skins.xml
file to provide drop-in JARs that provide:
 - skin extensions
 - new skins

One big bit of fun:  you could have one /META-INF/trinidad-skins.xml
that defines a new my-amazing-skin, and a second JAR
that defines a new even-better-skin that extends my-amazing-skin,
and a third JAR that defines extensions to even-better-skin.
And you'd have to support the jars getting doled out third, second,
first by the class loader.  So, the parsing code would need to
do some juggling to make sure this all works.

-- Adam

On 11/6/06, Simon Lessard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


As for the name, maybe skin-extension? skin-addition is as good however.

About the structure, I would like to see those placed in
trinidad-skins.xmlalong with the skins. I think we should also extends
our lookup to include
.jar files' /META-INF folder if we don't already do it since it'll be 

for developper wanting to deploy simple skin compliant libraries.


~ Simon

On 11/6/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there,

 Let's say a custom component developer created some new components. He
 wants those components  to fit in with the
 'simple' skin. He also wants them to fit in with the 'minimal' skin
 or any other public skin out there.  He doesn't have access to the 

 where we
 have this information -- our base-desktop.xss, simple-desktop.xss,
 simple-pda.xss, etc.

 With Trinidad's Skin API, he can call the
 method on the skin instance. Aside: I'm not sure *when/where* the 
 component developer would do this, because it would need to be 
after we've

 registered our base skins and any skin extensions, so presumably it
 would need to be after the TrinidadFilter.

 It would be much nicer for the custom component developer if all he 

 to do is create an .xml file and stick it in the META-INF
 of his jar file. Then we'll parse the xml file and register the
 stylesheets with the skins for him.

 *Does anyone object to a new .xml file for custom component skin

 Also, we'll need to discuss the 'api' -- the name and format of the 

 This is what I have right now . The purpose of the file is for
 custom component developers to add skinning information for their 

 components to a
 specific, existing skin. Any name suggestions are welcome!

 ?xml version=1.0?
 skin-additions xmlns=;



 For comparison, here's the trinidad-skins.xml file:
 skins xmlns=;

 Thanks a lot,

excess parsers

2006-11-06 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Hi there,

I see there are a lot of parsers that I'm 99.9% sure we no longer use. 
We used to use them before Trinidad was Trinidad and was UIX.

They are all the parsers in the 
org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.ui.laf.xml.parse package.

Is there a reason that these are still around? I don't need it for skinning.

I can create an issue to delete these files and their references if 
everyone is ok with it.

- Jeanne

Re: excess parsers

2006-11-06 Thread Jeanne Waldman
Except for SkinExtensionParser, that's still used, although it will 
change some after I do my work.

I'll create an issue for the other ones.

- Jeanne

Adam Winer wrote:

Yep, I don't think those are used anymore.

-- Adam

On 11/6/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi there,

I see there are a lot of parsers that I'm 99.9% sure we no longer use.
We used to use them before Trinidad was Trinidad and was UIX.

They are all the parsers in the
org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.ui.laf.xml.parse package.

Is there a reason that these are still around? I don't need it for

I can create an issue to delete these files and their references if
everyone is ok with it.

- Jeanne

Re: panelBox and simple skin

2006-10-31 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Hi Simon,
I just read this thread, and I was going to suggest using an alias.
I think your idea is fine.

- Jeanne

Simon Lessard wrote:

Hello again,

I thought about a 4) last night for this, I could also import
af|panelBox::body in the 4 selectors, basically using it as an alias. 
Is it


On 10/30/06, Simon Lessard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yes we got one. I'll add the issue a bit later tonight.

On 10/30/06, Adam Winer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I agree...  though this is confusing...  I can't
 think of anything better, though.

 Do we have a Wiki page yet for skinning?  This'd
 be a good thing to throw up there.

 -- Adam

 On 10/30/06, Simon Lessard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello all,
  There was a post this morning about a skin selector not working in
  (my implementation). Anyway, the user was trying to use the 

  af|panelBox::body {
  background-color: black;
  However, the background was not changing. This is because simple 

  defines af|panelBox::light af|panelBox::body {background-color:
  it get generated after the root selector in the final CSS, thus 

  There's three way to fix that:
  1) Users can overload the 4 selectors (for each background) to 
set the

  desired color;
  2) Users can use af|panelBox::body, but overload all 4 other body
  in order to inhibit the inherited property;
  3) Remove colors from simple skin and move them to minimal instead.
  Personally I think users should opt for 2) and we should not change
  skin. Anyone has comments about that?
  ~ Simon

Re: making IntegerUtils part of API ?

2006-10-17 Thread Jeanne Waldman


Matthias Wessendorf wrote:


On 10/17/06, Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


any one care to make IntegerUtils from trinidad-impl part of the 
public API?

I like to use it in the api, when working on the validator/converter
*overhaul* issue(s).

the javadoc says:
Class containing various integer utilities. It caches commonly
used Integer objects and String representations of Integers to avoid
expensive object creations.

(and also...)
IntegerUtils is used throughout most Bali projects, and clients are also
encouraged to use it for increased performance.



Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

Re: Build Error - test failure

2006-10-17 Thread Jeanne Waldman

I don't know, but I'd try doing a 'mvn clean' first. Did you do this?
What were the golden file diffs? Maybe that will give a clue.

Piyush Hari wrote:


To fix a commandButton ,presently not rendering on a Pocket IE or IE Mobile 
browser, I changed the following agent capability in pocketie.xml from 'true' 
to 'false'
capability name=-adfinternal-advancedForms value=false/ 

When I built with tests OFF, it worked fine - button displayed and fully 

When I built it with tests ON, it gave me test failures. I copy-pasted the test 
failure files into the golden directory and built again. Again, it gave me test 

Any leads on this ? How do I determine what is going wrong ?

Here is the stack trace :

[INFO] -
[INFO] -
[INFO] There are test failures.
[INFO] -
[INFO] Trace
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: There are test failures.

   at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(
   at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(
   at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(
   at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
   at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launchEnhanced(
   at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launch(
   at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.mainWithExitCode(

   at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.main(
Caused by: org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: There are test 
   at org.apache.maven.test.SurefirePlugin.execute(

   ... 16 more
[INFO] -


Re: svn commit: r451772 [1/8] - in /incubator/adffaces/trunk/trinidad: src/site/xdoc/ trinidad-impl/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/desktop/ trinidad-impl/src/main/jav

2006-10-05 Thread Jeanne Waldman

I might be assuming something that is not correct, so let me ask,
in the case of the train, what part is delegating to the navigationItem 

I'm assuming the af|train::link part.
So, regardless of the skinning syntax (af|train::stop::link or 
af|train::stop af|train::link)

you would map af|navigationItem to af|train::link.

The af|train::stop/p_AFUnvisited, and p_AFReadOnly are still within the 

renderer, right? So there is no need put those on the resource map.

If we used af|train::stop::link format, the css parser would break it 
apart, and it would end up

to be the same as if the skinner wrote af|train::stop af|train::link.
Same with  af|train::stop:unvisited:read-only::link.
We'd break it apart and make it be:
af|tarin::stop:unvisited:read-only af|train::link

It's like how the user types this:
and we resolve it to this:
af|inputText:read-only af|inputText::content

- Jeanne

Simon Lessard wrote:

Linking af|train::link to navigation item alone would not be enough with

This is currently what I use, another why I used a single selecor for all

However take af|train::stop:unvisited:read-only::link

The only way I see would be to set all 3 selectors on the resource map
(af|train::stop::link, p_AFUnvisited and p_AFReadOnly) for both link
seletors (disabled and normal). The main disadvantage with that is 
that it
requires the use of one map instance per station being rendered, which 

be much less efficient than the currently singleton map.


~ Simon

On 10/4/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Simon Lessard wrote:

 Hello all,

 Well, at first I made it that way beause dual pseudo-element was
 removed because it was buggy.

yep, we never had keys with multi-pseudo-elements, so it wasn't written
to support it.

 However, now that it was made that way I don't
 dislike it. It depends how you see the link I guess, both have a
 sense. That being said, on a practical side, the current version is 

 easier since the link rendering is deferred to the navigationItem
 so pushing complex style class in it can be problematic. For instance,
 would it be possible to emulate the following using resource map?

 af|train::stop:unvisited:read-only af|train::link

You would map af|train::link to af|navigationItem.

 The new version of the selector would be
 af|train::stop:unvisited:read-only::link, but I don'T know if the
 architecture could support that.

The parser would have to change, definitely to support it.
We can leave this issue alone for now, since there are so many more
important issues to work out.


 ~ Simon

 On 10/4/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wonder if we should support multiple pseudo-elements. That is, I
 wonder if :

 af|train::stop af|train::link
 af|train::overflow-start af|train::link
 af|train::overflow-end af|train::link

 would make more css-sense if the skinning definition was instead


 The top bunch seems to say style the train's link for the train that
 inside the other train's stop.

 Up until now I have said that multiple pseudo-elements is illegal. I
 see it used in the css spec at all. But it seems to me that it fits
 the css
 syntax more than the top definition. What do people think?

 Some background:

 I used to have this:
 af|inputText:disabled af|inputText::content

 and a team member pointed out that it makes more css sense to have


 So I changed the definition to be af|inputText:disabled::content, but
 parser still parses it to af|inputText:disabled af|inputText::content
 and it
 gets generated to .af_inputText.p_AFDisabled .af_inputText_content.

 Pavitra Subramaniam wrote:

 I didn't realize that it was going to be used this way. We don't
 need the
 stop-link like I suggested.
 - Pavitra

Re: svn commit: r451772 [1/8] - in /incubator/adffaces/trunk/trinidad: src/site/xdoc/ trinidad-impl/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/desktop/ trinidad-impl/src/main/jav

2006-10-04 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Simon Lessard wrote:

Hello all,

Well, at first I made it that way beause dual pseudo-element was 
removed because it was buggy. 

yep, we never had keys with multi-pseudo-elements, so it wasn't written 
to support it.

However, now that it was made that way I don't
dislike it. It depends how you see the link I guess, both have a semantic
sense. That being said, on a practical side, the current version is much
easier since the link rendering is deferred to the navigationItem 
so pushing complex style class in it can be problematic. For instance, 

would it be possible to emulate the following using resource map?

af|train::stop:unvisited:read-only af|train::link

You would map af|train::link to af|navigationItem.

The new version of the selector would be
af|train::stop:unvisited:read-only::link, but I don'T know if the current
architecture could support that.

The parser would have to change, definitely to support it.
We can leave this issue alone for now, since there are so many more 
important issues to work out.


~ Simon

On 10/4/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I wonder if we should support multiple pseudo-elements. That is, I
wonder if :

af|train::stop af|train::link
af|train::overflow-start af|train::link
af|train::overflow-end af|train::link

would make more css-sense if the skinning definition was instead


The top bunch seems to say style the train's link for the train that is
inside the other train's stop.

Up until now I have said that multiple pseudo-elements is illegal. I 
see it used in the css spec at all. But it seems to me that it fits 
the css

syntax more than the top definition. What do people think?

Some background:

I used to have this:
af|inputText:disabled af|inputText::content

and a team member pointed out that it makes more css sense to have this:


So I changed the definition to be af|inputText:disabled::content, but 
parser still parses it to af|inputText:disabled af|inputText::content 
and it

gets generated to .af_inputText.p_AFDisabled .af_inputText_content.

Pavitra Subramaniam wrote:

I didn't realize that it was going to be used this way. We don't 
need the

stop-link like I suggested.

- Pavitra

Re: [jira] Commented: (ADFFACES-56) change -ora-* skinning properties to have another prefix

2006-10-04 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Yeah, I was just thinking -tr- seems like tr.

Matthias Wessendorf wrote:

forward to adffaces-dev

On 10/4/06, Simon Lessard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I don't know, properties will look like -tr-visible-stop-count in the 
Personally, I don't see the markup easily in there. I'm completely +0 


On 10/4/06, Jeanne Waldman (JIRA)


 Jeanne Waldman commented on ADFFACES-56:

 I committed the above change. I can change it if we decide we don't 


  change -ora-* skinning properties to have another prefix
  Key: ADFFACES-56

  Project: MyFaces ADF-Faces
   Issue Type: Improvement
 Reporter: Jeanne Waldman
  Assigned To: Jeanne Waldman
  The -ora- prefix needs to be changed.
  -oam- (for org apache myfaces)

 This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
 If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the 
 For more information on JIRA, see:

Re: Process train and IE

2006-09-27 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Your workaround is fine. Pavitra submitted a bug internally for this, 
but there should be an JIRA issue created if it hasn't been already, 
then such hacks can refer to the issue number.
I'm planning to start on the discussion/resolution of this bug very 
soon, cuz we are using composite selectors all over the place for our 
internal renderers, so we'll be hearing about it if we don't fix this soon.


Simon Lessard wrote:

A browser sepcific key would not help in this case as the problem come 

the evaluation of a state (autogenerated from :state structure) style


~ Simon

On 9/27/06, Scott O'Bryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can't we add a browser specific skinning key for this?


Arjuna Wijeyekoon wrote:
 I think this is fine.

 one thing is to check to see if there already is a utility method to
 out if the agent is IE.

 On 9/27/06, Simon Lessard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My patch is extremely specific to process train, so you won't be able
 apply it directly in any other problem. The main idea behind it is 

 composite selectors cause problems for joins on the content row
 mainly and
 that joins are background images 99% of the times. So, for IE I 
add the

 following to the content row:

 /* -= Simon =-
  * FIXME HACK for MSIE CSS bug involving composite style classes.
  *   Since the bug is most obvious with join background 

  *   I hard code them to none


 Note that I didn't check IE version, I just assume that IE never 



 On 9/26/06, Arjuna Wijeyekoon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  thanks Pavitra,
  Simon, can you post an example of what your patch markup looks
  On 9/26/06, Pavitra Subramaniam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   This is certainly on IE6. But I haven't tried IE7. Here is an
   titletrain Demo/title
   style type=text/css
 body class=
   table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 summary=
 tddiv class=af_train_stop-spacer
 tddiv class=af_train_stop-content 
   a class=af_train_stop-link p_AFVisited
   false;First Step/a/div/td
   - Pavitra
-Original Message-
From: Arjuna Wijeyekoon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2006 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: Process train and IE
is this IE 6 or IE 7?
On 9/23/06, Simon Lessard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello all,

 As you might know, IE has some problems with composite
 (.something.somethingElse for example, but more commonly
 .af_train_stop.p_AFVisited). With process train the most
 issue it yield is showing the stop join on the content row
because of
 how IE evaluate those selectors. I was able to patch it
writing an
 hard coded style on the content row, is that something


 ~ Simon


Re: Process train and IE

2006-09-27 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Thanks Simon I really appreciate all your help with the skinning stuff.


Simon Lessard wrote:


Thank Jeanne. I don't think a JIRA issue was opened yet, I'll do that
tonight and change the reference in me FIXME to that issue.


~ Simon

On 9/27/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Your workaround is fine. Pavitra submitted a bug internally for this,
but there should be an JIRA issue created if it hasn't been already,
then such hacks can refer to the issue number.
I'm planning to start on the discussion/resolution of this bug very
soon, cuz we are using composite selectors all over the place for our
internal renderers, so we'll be hearing about it if we don't fix this


Simon Lessard wrote:

 A browser sepcific key would not help in this case as the problem come
 the evaluation of a state (autogenerated from :state structure) 



 ~ Simon

 On 9/27/06, Scott O'Bryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can't we add a browser specific skinning key for this?


 Arjuna Wijeyekoon wrote:
  I think this is fine.
  one thing is to check to see if there already is a utility 
method to

  out if the agent is IE.
  On 9/27/06, Simon Lessard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  My patch is extremely specific to process train, so you won't be
  apply it directly in any other problem. The main idea behind it is
  composite selectors cause problems for joins on the content row
  mainly and
  that joins are background images 99% of the times. So, for IE I
 add the
  following to the content row:
  /* -= Simon =-
   * FIXME HACK for MSIE CSS bug involving composite style
   *   Since the bug is most obvious with join background
   *   I hard code them to none
  Note that I didn't check IE version, I just assume that IE never
  On 9/26/06, Arjuna Wijeyekoon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   thanks Pavitra,
   Simon, can you post an example of what your patch markup looks
   On 9/26/06, Pavitra Subramaniam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is certainly on IE6. But I haven't tried IE7. Here is an
titletrain Demo/title
style type=text/css

  body class=
table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 

  tddiv class=af_train_stop-spacer
  tddiv class=af_train_stop-content 
a class=af_train_stop-link p_AFVisited
false;First Step/a/div/td
- Pavitra
 -Original Message-
 From: Arjuna Wijeyekoon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2006 1:30 PM
 Subject: Re: Process train and IE

 is this IE 6 or IE 7?

 On 9/23/06, Simon Lessard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello all,
  As you might know, IE has some problems with composite
  (.something.somethingElse for example, but more commonly
  .af_train_stop.p_AFVisited). With process train the most
  issue it yield is showing the stop join on the content row
 because of
  how IE evaluate those selectors. I was able to patch it
 writing an
  hard coded style on the content row, is that something
  ~ Simon


Re: new method on Skin class; new method on Icon class.

2006-09-21 Thread Jeanne Waldman
Thanks Adam, I realized that after sending this initial email, and now I 
have no need to get all the icons because I plan to go a different route 
to getting the icons to the client, so I am not planning to implement 
this api now.

- Jeanne

Adam Winer wrote:

getIcons() makes sense.  But getContent() - it'd be sufficient to
clone the current ResponseWriter with a StringWriter, and get the
contents that way.

-- Adam

On 9/6/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Actually, my question is, I need a new method on the Skin class,
And in the Icon class, I need a new method, getContent().
This is for our client-side rendering, where we need to pass icon
information to the client.

I need to get all icons that are on the skin, and get the content (img
src... or TextIcon info)
to send to the client.

Also, I'm playing with the idea of generating the img markup in a way
so that
the stuff the renderer specifies goes on a span and the stuff that
comes from the
skinning definition goes on the img. This way we have a cleaner
separation of what
came from the skin and what properties are from the skin's icon
This will come in useful for our client-side rendering, as well. We'd
only need to
pass the icon markup that came from the skin to the client.

Thoughts on this one?
(I'll probably need to add a getProperties() api as well, but one step
at a time)

- Jeanne

Simon Lessard wrote:

 I will be all for a new Skin API, let make it an independant module!

 On 9/6/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I can see your point about ending with 'icon' being confusing, but I
 prefer to leave this
 alone for now.

 I'll go ahead and add support for the :hover/etc on the icon skinning

 (I have another issue that goes with this one (new Skin api), but 

 start a new thread)

 - Jeanne

Re: Pending PDA Patches

2006-09-21 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Hi Joey,
I haven't had time to respond.
I don't know what the dependency method should be.
Your suggestion:
Is it acceptable to locally apply the earlier patch that has not yet
been committed and, in effect, include that patch in a new patch?

I think this is acceptable, because I don't think this new patch would get
reviewed until the first patch that it depends on gets checked in.
So then when we review the second patch, the differences won't be the
differences of both patches, just the second patch.

- Jeanne

Joseph Rozier wrote:


I'm resending this since there was no response to the first one...

I'd particularly appreciate a response to what the desired way to
handle patch dependencies is, when one patch is dependent on another
patch that has not yet been committed.  (The review/committing of the
outstanding PDA patches would be appreciated as well. :))



On 9/13/06, Joseph Rozier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The following two JIRAs have patches waiting to be reviewed/committed.
Add 'autoSubmit' support for basic input components on PDAs
Add Agent for BlackBerry Browser 4.0
(this has a fix to the original patch)

Would it be possible to get these two patches committed?

We have fixes for two other JIRAs (ADFFACES-172 and -173) ready to go,
but they have dependencies on these patches.

Also, for the future, what is the protocol for submitting patches that
have dependencies on earlier patches that have not yet been committed.
 Is it acceptable to locally apply the earlier patch that has not yet
been committed and, in effect, include that patch in a new patch?

I can see how that would make patch reviewing a headache, but we're
running into the issue where a lot of the PDA patches have dependences
on earlier patches and it typically takes several days to get even
minor changes reviewed and committed.



Re: Pending PDA Patches

2006-09-21 Thread Jeanne Waldman

I have a question regarding pda code.
In Faces Major renderers, do we add pda hooks into the renderer, or 
should we have separate pda renderers?
I was looking at the pda patch for autoSubmit, and I see this code in 
FormRenderer. Do we have a rule as to when we
should use a pda renderer instead of these hooks? Is it a judgement call 
in how much the code differs?


   if (isPIE  pprContext == null)
+  //PH: Add hidden elements in the form for enabling PPR on IE Mobile.
+  Object domLevel =  
+  if(

+ domLevel == null ||
+ domLevel == TrinidadAgent.DOM_CAP_NONE ||
+ domLevel == TrinidadAgent.DOM_CAP_FORM)
+  {
+FormData formData = arc.getFormData();
+if(formData != null)
+  formData.addNeededValue(XhtmlConstants.EVENT_PARAM);
+  formData.addNeededValue(XhtmlConstants.SOURCE_PARAM);
+  formData.addNeededValue(XhtmlConstants.PARTIAL_TARGETS_PARAM);
+  formData.addNeededValue(XhtmlConstants.PARTIAL_PARAM);
+  }

Jeanne Waldman wrote:

Hi Joey,
I haven't had time to respond.
I don't know what the dependency method should be.
Your suggestion:
Is it acceptable to locally apply the earlier patch that has not yet
been committed and, in effect, include that patch in a new patch?

I think this is acceptable, because I don't think this new patch would 

reviewed until the first patch that it depends on gets checked in.
So then when we review the second patch, the differences won't be the
differences of both patches, just the second patch.

- Jeanne

Joseph Rozier wrote:


I'm resending this since there was no response to the first one...

I'd particularly appreciate a response to what the desired way to
handle patch dependencies is, when one patch is dependent on another
patch that has not yet been committed.  (The review/committing of the
outstanding PDA patches would be appreciated as well. :))



On 9/13/06, Joseph Rozier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The following two JIRAs have patches waiting to be reviewed/committed.
Add 'autoSubmit' support for basic input components on PDAs
Add Agent for BlackBerry Browser 4.0
(this has a fix to the original patch)

Would it be possible to get these two patches committed?

We have fixes for two other JIRAs (ADFFACES-172 and -173) ready to go,
but they have dependencies on these patches.

Also, for the future, what is the protocol for submitting patches that
have dependencies on earlier patches that have not yet been committed.
 Is it acceptable to locally apply the earlier patch that has not yet
been committed and, in effect, include that patch in a new patch?

I can see how that would make patch reviewing a headache, but we're
running into the issue where a lot of the PDA patches have dependences
on earlier patches and it typically takes several days to get even
minor changes reviewed and committed.



Re: IconRenderer

2006-09-12 Thread Jeanne Waldman
I see now what the old IconRenderer is used for; the shuttle renderers 
are not

yet faces-major and they use the old IconRenderer code.

Simon Lessard wrote:

We have many old renderers in the ui package system that are not used
anymore and could be cleared, but I don't know if adam want to do that
already. I guess you could delete it if it prevents compilation, else it
don't hurt to stay there until we kill the whole package tree, or at 

until Adam is back.


~ Simon

On 9/6/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does anyone know why we have 2 IconRenderers... one in
org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.ui.laf.base.xhtml; (non Faces-major

and one in
package org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.xhtml;
(Faces-major package)

I can't tell if the non-Faces-major one is being used anywhere.

Can I delete the non-Faces-major one?


Re: embed key in Icon API - nix it?

2006-09-12 Thread Jeanne Waldman
I'm going to hold off on this. It seems to be used more than I thought, 
and it isn't necessary for my work

after all.
I do think we should get rid of the ALIGN constant, since the html align 
attribute is deprecated,

but this is a clean-up task.

- Jeanne

Simon Lessard wrote:


On 9/6/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I really doubt that anyone is using the embed property that is in the
TextIcon code.
The only renderer I see that is using it is the IconRenderer.
As part of the work to create span with attributes from the renderer
and img/Text with attributes
from the skinning definition, I'd like to get rid of the embed property
that is in the TextIcon.
Any objections? This is a private API right now, which is why I doubt it
is being used.

- Jeanne

Jeanne Waldman wrote:

 Does anyone know why we have 2 IconRenderers... one in
 org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.ui.laf.base.xhtml; (non
 Faces-major package)

 and one in
 package org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.xhtml;
 (Faces-major package)

 I can't tell if the non-Faces-major one is being used anywhere.

 Can I delete the non-Faces-major one?


Re: client js objects: prefix with Tr?

2006-09-08 Thread Jeanne Waldman

I'll comment in email on this.
I'm fine with 'tr'.
FYI, we voted that for our custom css properties, we are going to use 
-tri-, in case that influences anyone.

-- Jeanne

Gabrielle Crawford wrote:

Thanks Matthias, Gunther,

I have opened an issue for this if anyone wants to comment there:



Matthias Wessendorf wrote:

On 9/8/06, Gabrielle Crawford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


This isn't the point of this email, but if anyone with committer status
is reading this, can you uncomment the link to the client validation
chapter here (I'll do it on my next patch otherwise)


Anyway, Trinidad has some public javascript objects, for example
- Converter
- Validator
- FacesMessage

For some doc on these please see:

Anyway, I'm thinking these names seem a bit generic and in order to
ensure Trin's js names don't clash with the js names of Trin's users 
wondering if people think it's a good idea to prefix the names with 

or some other prefix. So for example

Maybe Converter/Validator is abit more generic than FacesMessage :)

- TrConverter
- TrValidator
- TrFacesMessage

Any votes that this is a good idea?

I think it's preferable to use a prefix rather than Trinidad since
this does affect the js size. Any preference for the prefix? Any votes
for the following or other suggestions?


I like the Tr prefix. sounds better than tri or even trin.

+1 on Tr



adding :hover/:active ability to icons

2006-09-06 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Hi there,

Right now, as I know some of you are aware, you can't create an icon 
skinning key like this:


Since it doesn't end in icon or Icon:alias, the parser will consider 
it a styleclass.

I'd like to add the ability to add :hover and :active to the end of an 
icon skinning key and keep it an icon. :)
(We have a requirement in our 'rich' renderers to change icons on mouse 
over and on mouse down.)

Since we 'pass through' all css-2 pseudo-classes, we pass through :hover 
and :active to the skinning key.

The quick and easy change I was going to make is in the code where I 
decide if something is an icon or not.

Right now I check for if it ends with -icon or Icon:alias.

I can change it to
check if it ends with -icon - OR -
check if it has -icon: in it OR
check if it has Icon:alias: in it.


- Jeanne

Re: adding :hover/:active ability to icons

2006-09-06 Thread Jeanne Waldman
I can see your point about ending with 'icon' being confusing, but I 
prefer to leave this

alone for now.

I'll go ahead and add support for the :hover/etc on the icon skinning keys.

(I have another issue that goes with this one (new Skin api), but I'll 
start a new thread)

- Jeanne

Simon Lessard wrote:

+1 for the idea. However I have some concerns about it.

1) If we were earlier in the skinning design I would have preferred 
icon and

aliases to be namespaces, for example:


Ok, the 2 namespaces thing in the first example does not look all that 

but it's easier to standardise that way imho. As for the icon aliases I
would not have treated it in a different way than other aliases. Any 

icon selector would have included the alias and then after parsing, the
content property value would have been resolved for the icon selector
without needing any special processing. Even better would have been to 

@namespace but that could mean too much changes to the parser. However it
will be hard to find something cleaner than the following

@namespace rlt {
   /* Add some selectors */
   @namespace icon {
   af|train::stop:visited {

2) The check if it has -icon: might irritates some developers over 
they already have many special patterns to learn and adding more means 

complexity. Also, if this is the solution we choose whenever a need for a
new feature show up, I believe it will look like a bad design in term of


~ Simon

On 9/6/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi there,

Right now, as I know some of you are aware, you can't create an icon
skinning key like this:


Since it doesn't end in icon or Icon:alias, the parser will consider
it a styleclass.

I'd like to add the ability to add :hover and :active to the end of an
icon skinning key and keep it an icon. :)
(We have a requirement in our 'rich' renderers to change icons on mouse
over and on mouse down.)

Since we 'pass through' all css-2 pseudo-classes, we pass through :hover
and :active to the skinning key.

The quick and easy change I was going to make is in the code where I
decide if something is an icon or not.
Right now I check for if it ends with -icon or Icon:alias.

I can change it to
check if it ends with -icon - OR -
check if it has -icon: in it OR
check if it has Icon:alias: in it.


- Jeanne

new method on Skin class; new method on Icon class.

2006-09-06 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Actually, my question is, I need a new method on the Skin class, getIcons().
And in the Icon class, I need a new method, getContent().
This is for our client-side rendering, where we need to pass icon 
information to the client.

I need to get all icons that are on the skin, and get the content (img 
src... or TextIcon info)

to send to the client.

Also, I'm playing with the idea of generating the img markup in a way 
so that
the stuff the renderer specifies goes on a span and the stuff that 
comes from the
skinning definition goes on the img. This way we have a cleaner 
separation of what

came from the skin and what properties are from the skin's icon definition.
This will come in useful for our client-side rendering, as well. We'd 
only need to

pass the icon markup that came from the skin to the client.

Thoughts on this one?
(I'll probably need to add a getProperties() api as well, but one step 
at a time)

- Jeanne

Simon Lessard wrote:

I will be all for a new Skin API, let make it an independant module!

On 9/6/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I can see your point about ending with 'icon' being confusing, but I
prefer to leave this
alone for now.

I'll go ahead and add support for the :hover/etc on the icon skinning

(I have another issue that goes with this one (new Skin api), but I'll
start a new thread)

- Jeanne

Simon Lessard wrote:

 +1 for the idea. However I have some concerns about it.

 1) If we were earlier in the skinning design I would have preferred
 icon and
 aliases to be namespaces, for example:


 Ok, the 2 namespaces thing in the first example does not look all that
 but it's easier to standardise that way imho. As for the icon 
aliases I

 would not have treated it in a different way than other aliases. Any
 icon selector would have included the alias and then after parsing, 

 content property value would have been resolved for the icon selector
 without needing any special processing. Even better would have been to
 @namespace but that could mean too much changes to the parser. However
 will be hard to find something cleaner than the following

 @namespace rlt {
/* Add some selectors */
@namespace icon {
af|train::stop:visited {

 2) The check if it has -icon: might irritates some developers over
 they already have many special patterns to learn and adding more means
 complexity. Also, if this is the solution we choose whenever a need 

 new feature show up, I believe it will look like a bad design in 
term of



 ~ Simon

 On 9/6/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there,

 Right now, as I know some of you are aware, you can't create an icon
 skinning key like this:


 Since it doesn't end in icon or Icon:alias, the parser will
 it a styleclass.

 I'd like to add the ability to add :hover and :active to the end 
of an

 icon skinning key and keep it an icon. :)
 (We have a requirement in our 'rich' renderers to change icons on 

 over and on mouse down.)

 Since we 'pass through' all css-2 pseudo-classes, we pass through
 and :active to the skinning key.

 The quick and easy change I was going to make is in the code where I
 decide if something is an icon or not.
 Right now I check for if it ends with -icon or Icon:alias.

 I can change it to
 check if it ends with -icon - OR -
 check if it has -icon: in it OR
 check if it has Icon:alias: in it.


 - Jeanne

embed key in Icon API - nix it?

2006-09-06 Thread Jeanne Waldman
I really doubt that anyone is using the embed property that is in the 
TextIcon code.

The only renderer I see that is using it is the IconRenderer.
As part of the work to create span with attributes from the renderer 
and img/Text with attributes
from the skinning definition, I'd like to get rid of the embed property 
that is in the TextIcon.
Any objections? This is a private API right now, which is why I doubt it 
is being used.

- Jeanne

Jeanne Waldman wrote:

Does anyone know why we have 2 IconRenderers... one in
org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.ui.laf.base.xhtml; (non 
Faces-major package)

and one in
package org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.xhtml; 
(Faces-major package)

I can't tell if the non-Faces-major one is being used anywhere.

Can I delete the non-Faces-major one?


Re: TrainRenderer using the new train selectors

2006-08-31 Thread Jeanne Waldman
 Subject: RE: TrainRenderer using the new train selectors

 Hello Simon, Jeanne,

 I have some comments on both your email exhanges. I have
 consolidated all the items below as it was getting hard to 

 - af|train::stop combinable with :selected, :disabled,
 :completed (will probably become p_AFVisited) and :unvisited.
 You can append :readOnly at the end of the result. So
 af|train::stop:unvisited:readOnly is valid

 - Do you think we need to support an
 - I believe Jeanne wanted to have states that don't use camel
 case. So readOnly should be read-only

 - af|train::link
 - should this be ::stop-link or ::link good enough?

 - af|train::join combinable with :disabled, :completed,
 :unvisited and :outer (:outer is used to add joins outside
 the edge of the train. I don't think many will use it, but it
 cost nothing and add more customization

 - :join-outer pseudo element is good enough. Is this used
 outside the parent train icons or between the parent train
 icons and the overflow (or stop)?
 - do we still have the join-overflow? This comes between the
 overflow and regular stops. It may be useful in cases where
 only these joins need not be displayed.

 - af|train::overflow-start combinable with :disabled and
 - af|train::overflow-end combinable with :disabled,
 :unvisited and :readOnly

 - Do you think we should support :unvisited state on
 overflow-start? This may be useful in cases where the train
 is not sequential? I have a scenario where all stops in the
 train are enabled and user can jump around any stop without a
 prescribed order.

 I have the following valid suffixes: (I could not use
 ::content for example since double :: is now prevented from
 Adam's change to prevent some strange behavior it seem)
 -content  (for example, the following is valid:
 af|train::stop-content and
 af|train::stop:selected-content. This selector refers to the
 link cell
 af|(of the train)

 - I agree with Jeanne. Let's call it stop-content:selected. I
 don't think we need stop-content:visited or
 stop-content:unvisited. It's an overkill.

 -icon-block (as above but refers to the icon cell)

 - Perhaps we should have a convention of using -block suffix
 for style classes that go on div and -cell for styles that
 go on td. Is that acceptable?

 I use the same join rule as you, that is previous stop
 determine the join state, except for the join after the
 selected stop. The only exception are disabled stops, those
 have disabled joins on both sides.

 - the join after the selected stop should ideally have the
 state of the following stop. Isn't it? Do you think it will
 be easier to just show the left join of a disabled stop as
 disabled. So if an unvisited stop follows the disabled
 stop, the join between them will show up as unvisited. At
 least this is how I have implemented it. I use the same rule
 for displaying joins before overflows.

 I also go rid of the separator, it's redundant as you can add
 padding to -content selector. I also added two aliases
 .AFTrainContent:alias and .AFTrainIconBlock. So you can add
 spacing between stop with something like the following:
   padding-left: 8px;
   padding-right: 8px;
 When you say separator, do you mean the spacer that separates
 stops? Where is the alias above included? Can you send me a
 HTML fragment?

 - Pavitra

  -Original Message-
  From: Simon Lessard [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 11:43 AM
  Subject: Re: TrainRenderer using the new train selectors
  Then if those selectors are ok for you as well Pavitra I'll
 make the
  changes to -outer and and -icon-cell tonight and upload the
 patch as
  well as a test skin I used.
  ~ Simon
  On 8/29/06, Jeanne Waldman  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

   yep, it all makes sense.
   I can see where you'd want to use a ::content. That would
  make sense.
   We don't do this yet in any of our skinning keys, so I am
 fine with
   the -content, since we do that all over the place. :)
   - Jeanne
   Simon Lessard wrote:
Oups, comments below
On 8/29/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
one question below

Re: Defining styles for access keys (Issue ADFFACES-153)

2006-08-29 Thread Jeanne Waldman
I'm fine with keeping these private styles for now. We can make them 
public skinnable keys later if we want to.

Yee-Wah Lee wrote:


I'm working on issue ADFFACES-153 and would like to know if people have 
feedback on the following.

Summary of issue
 AccessKeyUtils decorates the accessKey by printing a HTML element around it. The HTML is passed in by caller Renderer classes, 
e.g. outputLabel uses U to generate text like UG/Uo to Sitemap. For links, b is used. For labels, 
u is generated. The proposal is to use CSS instead, e.g. span class=AccessKeyStyleG/spano to 

What I've done so far:
 Define global styles to replace b and u, i.e. font-weight: bold, text-decoration:underline. Modify the caller renderer classes to use corresponding style when calling the AccessKeyUtil method. 

Feedback requested:
 The 2 new styles are defined in the private section of base-desktop.xss. Should they be made available/moved to a different section? 


Re: TrainRenderer using the new train selectors

2006-08-29 Thread Jeanne Waldman

one question below

Simon Lessard wrote:

Hello Pavitra,

I had to do about the same changes on my side. Here's my list of selector
and the rules I used:

- af|train::stop combinable with :selected, :disabled, :completed (will
probably become p_AFVisited) and :unvisited. You can append :readOnly 
at the

end of the result. So af|train::stop:unvisited:readOnly is valid
- af|train::link
- af|train::join combinable with :disabled, :completed, :unvisited and
:outer (:outer is used to add joins outside the edge of the train. I 

think many will use it, but it cost nothing and add more customization

Is :outer a state? It sounds to me like it should be af|train::join-outer

- af|train::overflow-start combinable with :disabled and :readOnly
- af|train::overflow-end combinable with :disabled, :unvisited and 

I have the following valid suffixes: (I could not use ::content for 
since double :: is now prevented from Adam's change to prevent some 

behavior it seem)

I don't think two pseudo-elements make sense, does it? I suppose you 
could have
a piece of a piece. Adam prevented it because there were bugs in it. I 
can't recall what the bugs were.

-content  (for example, the following is valid: af|train::stop-content 

af|train::stop:selected-content. This selector refers to the link cell fo
the train)

What does a :selected-content 'state' mean?
How is it different than af|train::stop-content:selected?

-icon-block (as above but refers to the icon cell)

Could you say -icon-cell? We use 'cell' quite a bit in our skinning 

The icons follow the same rule.

On 8/28/06, Pavitra Subramaniam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello Simon,

I have also almost completed implementing the TrainRenderer using the 

skin selectors. It's great to know you are done as well. If you plan to
check in the train renderer code anytime soon, can we agree on the 
list of skin selectors, so that I can reuse them for my work 
internally at

Oracle? I had to make the following changes and wanted to give you an

1. I had to introduce a new state called read-only. This is different
from disabled state, like I explained in a previous email.

2. I removed some redundant skin hooks - I can send you the updated list
of selectors I am using. I also couldn't get the pass-through states
:visited, :active and :unvisited to work, just as you. So I have 
defined selectors like Jeanne suggested (using p_AFVisited, 

etc. and renamed :active to :selected).

3. Finally I have simplified the rules for determining the state of 
I figured it would be much simpler if we did the following. The join 
to the
left of a stop, is 'always in the same state as the stop' (Overflows 

also follow the same rules as stops). So for instance for a train like

V - VR - UV - A - D - UVR - V
vr   uv   v   d  uvrv

NOTE: The only exception, is the join to the left of an active stop is
visited. Also, UVR and VR are stops that are in 2 states 
simulataneously -

'visited  read-only' and 'unvisited  read-only'. Read-only implies the
stop cannot be reached (and hence not clickable) and is dictated by the
'readOnly' property on the component commandNavigationItem.

Please let me know if the above is ok.

- Pavitra

 -Original Message-
 From: Simon Lessard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 11:43 AM
 Subject: Re: Train selectors

 Hmmm you mean somthing like af|train::stop.p_AFVisited?

 On 8/28/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I was thinking :selected for :active. :selected could be used for
  other components, too.
  For :visited/:unvisited, I can't think of a better name.
 I'm thinking
  that we should use .p_AFVisited, .P_AFUnvisited until we have the
  pseudo-class  support in. These wouldn't in a public api
 format, though.
  - Jeanne
  I thought about the following name changes for the selectors:
  :active -- :current or :selected
  :visited/:unvisited -- :completed/:uncompleted or :seen/:unseen
  Do you have any other idea/preference?
  ~ Simon
  Simon Lessard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  2006-08-25 22:49
  Please respond to adffaces-dev
  To: Trinidad - Dev
  Subject:Train selectors
  Yes... again...
  I made a new renderer and it work quite well, but I had to use
  :ora-visited and :ora-active for some selectors because those are
  pass through
  Anyone have better name suggestion while we implement state
  interception on a per component basis?
  ~ Simon

Re: TrainRenderer using the new train selectors

2006-08-29 Thread Jeanne Waldman

yep, it all makes sense.
I can see where you'd want to use a ::content. That would make sense. We 
don't do this yet in any of our skinning keys, so I am fine with the 
-content, since we do that all over the place. :)

- Jeanne

Simon Lessard wrote:

Oups, comments below

On 8/29/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

one question below

Simon Lessard wrote:

 Hello Pavitra,

 I had to do about the same changes on my side. Here's my list of
 and the rules I used:

 - af|train::stop combinable with :selected, :disabled, :completed 

 probably become p_AFVisited) and :unvisited. You can append :readOnly
 at the
 end of the result. So af|train::stop:unvisited:readOnly is valid
 - af|train::link
 - af|train::join combinable with :disabled, :completed, :unvisited and
 :outer (:outer is used to add joins outside the edge of the train. I
 think many will use it, but it cost nothing and add more customization

Is :outer a state? It sounds to me like it should be 

yes, it could be ::join-outer, was made a state only to fit the other 

selectors, but it does make more sense to use -outer for that one.

Does that make more sense now?


~ Simon

- af|train::overflow-start combinable with :disabled and :readOnly
 - af|train::overflow-end combinable with :disabled, :unvisited and

 I have the following valid suffixes: (I could not use ::content for
 since double :: is now prevented from Adam's change to prevent some
 behavior it seem)

I don't think two pseudo-elements make sense, does it? I suppose you
could have
a piece of a piece. Adam prevented it because there were bugs in it. I
can't recall what the bugs were.

I was seeing them more as sub-elements, like ::stop::content (content 
of the


-content  (for example, the following is valid: af|train::stop-content
 af|train::stop:selected-content. This selector refers to the link cell
 the train)

What does a :selected-content 'state' mean?
How is it different than af|train::stop-content:selected?

My bad there, af|train::stop-content:selected is actually what I use. 
if a better selector would have been af|train::stop:selected::content 

-icon-block (as above but refers to the icon cell)

Could you say -icon-cell? We use 'cell' quite a bit in our skinning

Yes I could, I was using block only because it was in Pavitra document at

 The icons follow the same rule.

 On 8/28/06, Pavitra Subramaniam [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Hello Simon,

 I have also almost completed implementing the TrainRenderer using the
 skin selectors. It's great to know you are done as well. If you 
plan to

 check in the train renderer code anytime soon, can we agree on the
 list of skin selectors, so that I can reuse them for my work
 internally at
 Oracle? I had to make the following changes and wanted to give you an

 1. I had to introduce a new state called read-only. This is 

 from disabled state, like I explained in a previous email.

 2. I removed some redundant skin hooks - I can send you the updated
 of selectors I am using. I also couldn't get the pass-through 

 :visited, :active and :unvisited to work, just as you. So I have
 defined selectors like Jeanne suggested (using p_AFVisited,
 etc. and renamed :active to :selected).

 3. Finally I have simplified the rules for determining the state of
 I figured it would be much simpler if we did the following. The join
 to the
 left of a stop, is 'always in the same state as the stop' (Overflows
 also follow the same rules as stops). So for instance for a train 

 V - VR - UV - A - D - UVR - V
 vr   uv   v   d  uvrv

 NOTE: The only exception, is the join to the left of an active 
stop is

 visited. Also, UVR and VR are stops that are in 2 states
 simulataneously -
 'visited  read-only' and 'unvisited  read-only'. Read-only implies
 stop cannot be reached (and hence not clickable) and is dictated 
by the

 'readOnly' property on the component commandNavigationItem.

 Please let me know if the above is ok.

 - Pavitra

  -Original Message-
  From: Simon Lessard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 11:43 AM
  Subject: Re: Train selectors
  Hmmm you mean somthing like af|train::stop.p_AFVisited?
  On 8/28/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I was thinking :selected for :active. :selected could be used for
   other components, too.
   For :visited/:unvisited, I can't think of a better name.
  I'm thinking
   that we should use .p_AFVisited, .P_AFUnvisited until we have the
   pseudo-class  support in. These wouldn't in a public api
  format, though.
   - Jeanne
   I thought

Re: TrainRenderer using the new train selectors

2006-08-29 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Sounds good to me.

Simon Lessard wrote:


Then if those selectors are ok for you as well Pavitra I'll make the 
to -outer and and -icon-cell tonight and upload the patch as well as a 

skin I used.


~ Simon

On 8/29/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

yep, it all makes sense.
I can see where you'd want to use a ::content. That would make sense. We
don't do this yet in any of our skinning keys, so I am fine with the
-content, since we do that all over the place. :)

- Jeanne

Simon Lessard wrote:

 Oups, comments below

 On 8/29/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 one question below

 Simon Lessard wrote:

  Hello Pavitra,
  I had to do about the same changes on my side. Here's my list of
  and the rules I used:
  - af|train::stop combinable with :selected, :disabled, :completed
  probably become p_AFVisited) and :unvisited. You can append 

  at the
  end of the result. So af|train::stop:unvisited:readOnly is valid
  - af|train::link
  - af|train::join combinable with :disabled, :completed, :unvisited
  :outer (:outer is used to add joins outside the edge of the 
train. I

  think many will use it, but it cost nothing and add more

 Is :outer a state? It sounds to me like it should be

 yes, it could be ::join-outer, was made a state only to fit the other
 selectors, but it does make more sense to use -outer for that one.

 Does that make more sense now?


 ~ Simon

 - af|train::overflow-start combinable with :disabled and :readOnly
  - af|train::overflow-end combinable with :disabled, :unvisited and
  I have the following valid suffixes: (I could not use ::content for
  since double :: is now prevented from Adam's change to prevent some
  behavior it seem)

 I don't think two pseudo-elements make sense, does it? I suppose you
 could have
 a piece of a piece. Adam prevented it because there were bugs in 
it. I

 can't recall what the bugs were.

 I was seeing them more as sub-elements, like ::stop::content (content
 of the

 -content  (for example, the following is valid: 

  af|train::stop:selected-content. This selector refers to the link
  the train)

 What does a :selected-content 'state' mean?
 How is it different than af|train::stop-content:selected?

 My bad there, af|train::stop-content:selected is actually what I use.
 if a better selector would have been af|train::stop:selected::content

 -icon-block (as above but refers to the icon cell)

 Could you say -icon-cell? We use 'cell' quite a bit in our skinning

 Yes I could, I was using block only because it was in Pavitra document

  The icons follow the same rule.
  On 8/28/06, Pavitra Subramaniam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hello Simon,
  I have also almost completed implementing the TrainRenderer using
  skin selectors. It's great to know you are done as well. If you
 plan to
  check in the train renderer code anytime soon, can we agree on the
  list of skin selectors, so that I can reuse them for my work
  internally at
  Oracle? I had to make the following changes and wanted to give you
  1. I had to introduce a new state called read-only. This is
  from disabled state, like I explained in a previous email.
  2. I removed some redundant skin hooks - I can send you the 

  of selectors I am using. I also couldn't get the pass-through
  :visited, :active and :unvisited to work, just as you. So I have
  defined selectors like Jeanne suggested (using p_AFVisited,
  etc. and renamed :active to :selected).
  3. Finally I have simplified the rules for determining the 
state of

  I figured it would be much simpler if we did the following. The 

  to the
  left of a stop, is 'always in the same state as the stop' 

  also follow the same rules as stops). So for instance for a train
  V - VR - UV - A - D - UVR - V
  vr   uv   v   d  uvrv
  NOTE: The only exception, is the join to the left of an active
 stop is
  visited. Also, UVR and VR are stops that are in 2 states
  simulataneously -
  'visited  read-only' and 'unvisited  read-only'. Read-only 

  stop cannot be reached (and hence not clickable) and is dictated
 by the
  'readOnly' property on the component commandNavigationItem.
  Please let me know if the above is ok.
  - Pavitra
   -Original Message-
   From: Simon Lessard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 11:43 AM
   Subject: Re: Train selectors
   Hmmm you mean somthing like af|train::stop.p_AFVisited?
   On 8/28/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL

Re: TrainRenderer using the new train selectors

2006-08-29 Thread Jeanne Waldman
We don't want to expose the html, that is for sure. So using block for 
divs and cell for tds should be out.

I was just saying that the skin selector keys we use in Trinidad use 
cell or content, but not block, so even though we weren't as consistent 
as we should have been, let's not add to the inconsistency by adding a 
new term. :)

Pavitra Subramaniam wrote:

Yes it does. That's why I used -block everywhere and some other places -content. But Jeanne seems to recommend cell, so not sure.  !-- Converted from text/rtf format  --  
- Pavitra 
From: Simon Lessard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 2:00 PM To:; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: TrainRenderer using the new train selectors Ah, don't that expose the markup though? ~ Simon On 8/29/06, Pavitra Subramaniam [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote: I am using block to indicate style class that goes in a div and technically I should use cell for style class that goes in a td  - Pavitra  -Original Message-  From: Simon Lessard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 11:18 AM  To:  Subject: Re: TrainRenderer using the new train selectors   Oups, comments below   On 8/29/06, Jeanne Waldman  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: one question below Simon Lessard wrote:  Hello Pavitra,I had to do about the same changes on my side. Here's my list of   selectorand the rules I used:   - af|train::stop combinable with :selected, :disabled, :completed (will probably become p_AFVisited) and :unvisited. You can append:readOnly at the end of the result. Soaf|train::stop:unvisited:readOnly is valid- af|train::link - af|train::join combinable with :disabled, :completed,  :unvisitedand :outer (:outer is used to add joins outside the edge of thetrain. I don't think many will use it, but it cost   nothing and addmore customizationpossibilities) Is :outer a state? It sounds to me like it should be   af|train::join-outer yes, it could be ::join-outer, was made a state only to fit  the other join selectors, but it does make more sense to use  -outer for that one.Does that make more sense now? Regards,   ~ Simon- af|train::overflow-start combinable with :disabled and :readOnly- af|train::overflow-end combinable with :disabled,  :unvisited and :readOnly   I have the following valid suffixes: (I could not use  ::content forexample since double :: is now prevented from Adam's change to prevent some strange behavior it seem) I don't think two pseudo-elements make sense, does it? I  suppose you   could have a piece of a piece. Adam prevented it because there werebugs in it. I can't recall what the bugs were.I was seeing them more as sub-elements, like ::stop::content  (content of the  stop)-content(for example, the following is valid:   af|train::stop-contentandaf|train::stop:selected-content. This selector refers to the linkaf|cell   fothe train)  What does a :selected-content 'state' mean?   How is it different than af|train::stop-content:selected?My bad there, af|train::stop-content:selected is actually  what I use. Even if a better selector would have been   af|train::stop:selected::content imho.-icon-block (as above but refers to the icon cell) Could you say -icon-cell? We use 'cell' quite a bit in our skinning   selectors. Yes I could, I was using block only because it was in Pavitra  document at first.   The icons follow the same rule.   On 8/28/06, Pavitra Subramaniam   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hello Simon,   I have also almost completed implementing the   TrainRenderer usingthe new skin selectors. It's great to know you are done  as well. Ifyou plan to check in the train renderer code anytime  soon, can we agree on the common list of skin selectors, so that I can reusethem for my work internally at Oracle? I had to make the  followingchanges and wanted to give you an update.1. I had to introduce a new state called read-only. This isdifferent from disabled state, like I explained in a  previous email.2. I removed some redundant skin hooks - I can send you  the updated   listof selectors I am using. I also couldn't get the  pass-through states :visited, :active and :unvisited to work, just as you. So I havetemporarily defined selectors like Jeanne suggested (usingp_AFVisited, p_AFUnvisited etc. and renamed :active to   :selected).   3. Finally I have simplified the rules for determining  the state ofjoins.I figured it would be much simpler if we did the following. The join to the left of a stop, is 'always in the same state as thestop' (Overflows could also follow the same rules as  stops). So forinstance for a train likeV - VR - UV - A - D - UVR - Vvr uv v duvrv  NOTE: The only

Re: Custom Skins for Different Form Factors

2006-08-24 Thread Jeanne Waldman

a couple comments inline...

Joseph Rozier wrote:

Hi, Jeanne,

I've got some comments inline...

On 8/23/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Joey,
We have simple-desktop and simple-pda skins.
You can create a pda or desktop skin by specifying the render-kit-id in
your skin.
The pda skin extends simple-pda skin. The desktop skin extends

You created a plus-desktop skin that extends simple-desktop skin.
You like that skin a lot and it has a lot of definitions. Now you need a
pda version.
You want to use the plus-desktop skin, but you want it to extend
simple-pda instead.

Well, if I create a skin in trinidad-skins.xml for the pda renderkit
but use the same plus-desktop.css file I use for the desktop
renderkit, then it extends simple-pda.  The problem is that the
plus-desktop.css file might have overwritten some of the PDA specific
properties from simple-pda.  For example, simple-pda.xss specifies
AFDefaultFont as font-size: 9px, but plus-desktop specifies
AFDefaultFont as font-size: 11px.

If you make your plus-pda skin extend plus-desktop skin, it will go 

simple-desktop. (you've verified this, right?)

I didn't think it was possible for one skin to extend another in that
way--I thought they could only extend from simple-pda/simple-desktop
currently.  Is that not the case?

This was the way it used to be a long time ago. Go ahead and try it.

What I have tried is what I described above (creating the skin
declaratively in trinidad-skins.xml for the PDA RenderKit), and in
that case the skin extended simple-pda, not simple-desktop.

You don't want that. You want your plus-pda skin to extend
plus-desktop skin, but then you want that to go through simple-pda
instead of simple-desktop.

It's not just that I want it to use simple-pda.  Say I have my
plus-desktop.css extending from simple-pda.  Now, my plus-desktop.css
defines an AFDefaultFont size (geared towards replacing the
AFDefaultFont size specified in simple-desktop), so that overwrites
the AFDefaultFont size that I specified in simple-pda.

To fix this, I'd like to have either:

1) a way to overwrite this AFDefaultFontSize in a plus-pda.css that
extends plus-desktop.css OR
2) a plus-generic.css that doesn't specify an AFDefaultFontSize (but
specifies all style info that is common to pdadesktop) and then
plus-desktop.css and plus-pda.css that specifies only those features
that each needs to def

I've thought about this some and I think we need a concept of a
render-kit-neutral skin.
This skin, if picked, will default to extend simple-desktop.

But if this skin is used as a base skin for plus-pda, it will eventually
extend from simple-pda (the
simple skin with the same render-kit-it).

Another option is to allow imports in the skinning .css file. So you can
import the stylesheet definitions.
We have this feature in XSS, which is why you see  simple-pda.xss
imports simple-desktop.xss.

I like the 'abstract' skin idea better. Resource bundles aren't a part
of the css file, and you might
want to inherit those, too.

These are interesting ideas.  Would it be possible to have both? :)

I'm thinking now that since .xss has imports, the code is probably there 
to allow
the skinning .css file to have imports pretty easily as well. I'd go 
this route first,

before I'd do the abstract skin idea.

I don't know how hard/easy it is to implement these ideas.

One question, how much will need to change if you forget extending
simple-pda, and have your
plus-pda skin extend plus-desktop which extends simple-desktop? If it is
just a few fonts, then it might easy enough
to go that route until we have something in place.

I haven't looked into this in detail, but my gut tells me that
plus-pda will likely contain much of what simple-pda contains (as an
attempt to overwrite the properties set in plus-desktop).  If there is
a way for a plus-pda to extend plus-desktop which extends
simple-desktop (or simple-pda), then that would likely give me what I
need for now.

Joseph Rozier wrote:


 The current method of skin inheritance leads to some issues when a
 developer wishes to create a skin family targetting desktop and PDA.

 There's no way to make a large number of changes that affect both
 desktop and pda in one place, and then tweak what needs to be tweaked
 for desktop or PDA.  For example, I may want to change the color in
 both desktop and PDA, but I might want to change the font size to 20
 for the desktop and 6 for the PDA.

 The reason for the problem is that each skin can only extend
 Trinidad's simple skin.  There is no way to have an abstract plus
 skin that makes the common changes, and then have a plus-desktop
 skin and plus-pda skin that makes desktop/pda specific changes.

 (Also note that today things are a bit odder, because there's a
 simple-pda.xss that extends simple-desktop.xss.  If I specify a skin
 in trinidad-skins.xml that is for use with the desktop RenderKit, its
 css inherits from

Re: RTL question

2006-08-24 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Hi Simon,

Appending :rtl should work. There's a chance that this broke recently. 
I'll have to double check. I'll make this high priority.

- Jeanne

Simon Lessard wrote:

Hello all,

Can anyone give me a really short course about RTL support we have in
Trinidad? Basically, I thought I had to add :rtl to style classes 
within the
renderer and the skin, but that's obviously not the case, :rtl to 

seems to work only on icons. In the XSS it's 2 different stylesheets, but
how does it work with CSS skins?

Currently I was able to have it work by adding p_AFRtl to generated
elements' style classes but that must not be the best way to acheive it.


~ Simon

Re: ADFFACES-49 inputText::content:required or inputText:required::content

2006-08-24 Thread Jeanne Waldman
My opinion is that if you want the same pseudo-class to pass through 
when in one state and not when in the other state, then I would just not 
have it pass through in either case, and handle it yourself.

- Jeanne

Simon Lessard wrote:

Hello Pavitra,

My solution would work with it as it is binary, the pseudo-class 
either get

intercepted or pass through, independently of the enclosing element. For
:hover case, it would always go through for Firefox, except if the 
said he wanted to intercept that pseudo-class and for IE it would 
always get
intercepted, even on a / element since the JavaScript required to 

a pseudo-class should always be the same, independently of the element.

So in your case, it would not work. However, I wonder why you would 
want to

intercept it in a case and not in the other as it only remove flexibility
for the end user imho. Can you explain the reason a bit more please?


~ Simon

On 8/23/06, Pavitra Subramaniam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello Jeanne and Simon,

There could be cases where intercepted states for a component or it's
sub-part need to be considered together rather than individually. Or 
in some

case it might be too early for even the renderer to provide a valid
interceptor-state list at init time. The best time may be at 
rendering time.

For instance, let's assume that the component sub-part af|train::stop
can be in the following states :visited and :selected states.

At runtime if the stop is selected, it may be rendered as a span and 
as an

anchor, a , if it was visited before (and hence clickable). Both these
elements may want to support the :hover pseudo-class.

If I wanted the :hover to pass through if it's for selected stop (for 

span) and intercept :hover if it's for a stop that is visited (link),
would the proposed solution work?

- Pavitra

-Original Message-
From: Simon Lessard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 6:28 AM
Subject: Re: ADFFACES-49 inputText::content:required or

Hello Jeanne,

Yes I'm aware that states can go on the component's sub-part, but are 

suggesting that we extends the concept to be flexible enough to allow
thecomponent to intercept a given state on the root element but not 
on the

sub-part? e.g. inputText would intercept :disabled when placed on
af|inputText but not on af|inputText::content? That's some complexity
it's doable I guess.



On 8/22/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I agree that only the renderers should know what states they want to
 intercept. I was thinking we add this information in the renderer .xml
 file and then when we build our classes, we can put this information
 somewhere -- not sure where.

 I'm sure you realize this, but just in case... the states do not have
 to go on the root dom element, they can go on sub-root elements, like

 Simon Lessard wrote:

  Hmmm, I'm leaning toward the per component basis option more and 

  However, I hate static lists and additional config files are not all
  great. I see a possibility though. Maybe it will work, but I did not
  explore that area much yet so I might say something stupid.
  Currently it seem to me that skins are linked to the renderkit. So,
  how feasible would it be to create a SkinRenderKitFactory that
  would, before giving away any renderer, would populate a
  Mapcomponent, liststate be interrogating all renderers in the
  kit. That way, when StyleSheetRenderer would do its work, we would
  be sure that the list is populated. Also, with that solution, only
  the renderers would have to know what states they want to intercept.
  This also fix the synchronization issue, changing the kit or the
  renderer would automatically update the interception list. We would
  have to create a
  BaseRenderer in the API however. I see two additional methods needed
  for such renderers:
  public String getComponentName() // or I guess getRootStyleClass
  would work just as well public ListString getInterceptedStates();
  // Returning the list of states to intercept.
  Makes sense?
  ~ Simon
  On 8/21/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  More comments inline.
  Which way are you leaning?
  - Jeanne
  Simon Lessard wrote:
   Hello Jeanne,
   Thanks for the complete answer.
   On 8/21/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
   Hi Simon,
   Thanks for the email.
   We use both syntaxes, and they mean different things.
   For example:
   af|train::stop:disabled (when this train's stop is disabled,
   the stop like this)
   af|train:disabled::stop (when the entire train is disabled,
  style all
   the stops like this)
   Let's say I have this: span class=myTextHello!/span and
   .myText {color

Re: RTL question

2006-08-24 Thread Jeanne Waldman
I tried this and it works for me. There is a demo of it in the purple 
skin's css file.

 color: red;

If you set the browser to be a rtl language and run the inputText demo, 
you'll see the content's text is red.

- Jeanne

Jeanne Waldman wrote:

Hi Simon,

Appending :rtl should work. There's a chance that this broke recently. 
I'll have to double check. I'll make this high priority.

- Jeanne

Simon Lessard wrote:

Hello all,

Can anyone give me a really short course about RTL support we have in
Trinidad? Basically, I thought I had to add :rtl to style classes 
within the
renderer and the skin, but that's obviously not the case, :rtl to 
seems to work only on icons. In the XSS it's 2 different stylesheets, 

how does it work with CSS skins?

Currently I was able to have it work by adding p_AFRtl to generated
elements' style classes but that must not be the best way to acheive it.


~ Simon

Re: ADFFACES-49 inputText::content:required or inputText:required::content

2006-08-24 Thread Jeanne Waldman

I wasn't really suggesting anything.

By the way, in case you didn't notice, Adam made a change yesterday so 
that ALL pseudo-classes get transformed to .p_AF*, except for the css-2 
pseudo-classes, which pass through.

This simple change buys us a lot. It satisfies my immediate need for a 
pseudo-class solution, and it heads us in the right direction, in that 
the pseudo-class api doesn't have to change when we implement the full 
solution that gives the component developer's more flexibility.

Thanks, Adam!

- Jeanne

Simon Lessard wrote:

Hello Jeanne,

Yes I'm aware that states can go on the component's sub-part, but are you
suggesting that we extends the concept to be flexible enough to allow
thecomponent to intercept a given state on the root element but not on 

sub-part? e.g. inputText would intercept :disabled when placed on
af|inputText but not on af|inputText::content? That's some complexity but
it's doable I guess.



On 8/22/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I agree that only the renderers should know what states they want to
intercept. I was thinking we add this information in the renderer .xml
file and then when we build our classes, we can put this information
somewhere -- not sure where.

I'm sure you realize this, but just in case... the states do not have to
go on the root dom element, they can go on sub-root elements, like

Simon Lessard wrote:

 Hmmm, I'm leaning toward the per component basis option more and more.
 However, I hate static lists and additional config files are not all
 great. I see a possibility though. Maybe it will work, but I did not
 that area much yet so I might say something stupid. Currently it seem
 to me
 that skins are linked to the renderkit. So, how feasible would it 
be to

 create a SkinRenderKitFactory that would, before giving away any
 would populate a Mapcomponent, liststate be interrogating all
 in the kit. That way, when StyleSheetRenderer would do its work, we
 would be
 sure that the list is populated. Also, with that solution, only the
 renderers would have to know what states they want to intercept. This
 fix the synchronization issue, changing the kit or the renderer would
 automatically update the interception list. We would have to create a
 BaseRenderer in the API however. I see two additional methods 
needed for

 such renderers:

 public String getComponentName() // or I guess getRootStyleClass would
 just as well
 public ListString getInterceptedStates(); // Returning the list of
 to intercept.

 Makes sense?

 ~ Simon

 On 8/21/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 More comments inline.
 Which way are you leaning?

 - Jeanne

 Simon Lessard wrote:

  Hello Jeanne,
  Thanks for the complete answer.
  On 8/21/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
  Hi Simon,
  Thanks for the email.
  We use both syntaxes, and they mean different things.
  For example:
  af|train::stop:disabled (when this train's stop is disabled, 

  the stop like this)
  af|train:disabled::stop (when the entire train is disabled,
 style all
  the stops like this)
  Let's say I have this: span class=myTextHello!/span and 

  .myText {color: black}
  .myText:hover {color:red}
  Does this work? (not in my tests)
  It works in Firefox, not IE, as usual. W3C specifies that :hover
  work with everything, but it's not like all browsers will support
  everything W3C says anytime soon. Maybe we should intercept all
  pseudo-classes, if it can be resolved on Java side (like
  resolve it there and it never pass through so we prevent all bad
  from the browser. For states that cannot be resolved in Java, we
  the Agent if it supports the specified pseudo-class for the
  element (link:hover works in IE, but not on anything else). If 

  supports it, we let the class pass through to the generated CSS
  file, if
  the agent does not, then we could add some JS code to emulate it.
  We generate the css file before we render the components, so when
  say we should intercept all pseudo-classes and if it can be
 resolved on
  the Java side, we should resolve it. But how would we know at this
  where we are going to render the pseudo-class? that af|foo:hover
  generated on a link? Maybe af|foo:hover is on a span, but
  af|foo::step:hover is on the link. (we would know if we kept the
  skinning-key - pseudo-class to resolve map). Or do you mean
  that if we can resolve it on the Java side -- even if the browser
  well -- we go ahead and do that?
  I mean litterally that we make a list of pseudo-classes that we 

  we can
  always resolve during rendering, like :disabled, and always 

  it. In
  a sense it would be a way

Re: Custom Skins for Different Form Factors

2006-08-23 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Hi Joey,
We have simple-desktop and simple-pda skins.
You can create a pda or desktop skin by specifying the render-kit-id in 
your skin.
The pda skin extends simple-pda skin. The desktop skin extends 

You created a plus-desktop skin that extends simple-desktop skin.
You like that skin a lot and it has a lot of definitions. Now you need a 
pda version.
You want to use the plus-desktop skin, but you want it to extend 
simple-pda instead.

If you make your plus-pda skin extend plus-desktop skin, it will go through
simple-desktop. (you've verified this, right?)
You don't want that. You want your plus-pda skin to extend
plus-desktop skin, but then you want that to go through simple-pda 
instead of simple-desktop.

I've thought about this some and I think we need a concept of a 
render-kit-neutral skin.

This skin, if picked, will default to extend simple-desktop.

But if this skin is used as a base skin for plus-pda, it will eventually 
extend from simple-pda (the

simple skin with the same render-kit-it).

Another option is to allow imports in the skinning .css file. So you can 
import the stylesheet definitions.
We have this feature in XSS, which is why you see  simple-pda.xss 
imports simple-desktop.xss.

I like the 'abstract' skin idea better. Resource bundles aren't a part 
of the css file, and you might

want to inherit those, too.

I don't know how hard/easy it is to implement these ideas.

One question, how much will need to change if you forget extending 
simple-pda, and have your
plus-pda skin extend plus-desktop which extends simple-desktop? If it is 
just a few fonts, then it might easy enough

to go that route until we have something in place.

Joseph Rozier wrote:


The current method of skin inheritance leads to some issues when a
developer wishes to create a skin family targetting desktop and PDA.

There's no way to make a large number of changes that affect both
desktop and pda in one place, and then tweak what needs to be tweaked
for desktop or PDA.  For example, I may want to change the color in
both desktop and PDA, but I might want to change the font size to 20
for the desktop and 6 for the PDA.

The reason for the problem is that each skin can only extend
Trinidad's simple skin.  There is no way to have an abstract plus
skin that makes the common changes, and then have a plus-desktop
skin and plus-pda skin that makes desktop/pda specific changes.

(Also note that today things are a bit odder, because there's a
simple-pda.xss that extends simple-desktop.xss.  If I specify a skin
in trinidad-skins.xml that is for use with the desktop RenderKit, its
css inherits from simple-desktop.xss.  If I instead specify its use
for the pda RenderKit, its css inherits from simple-pda.xss.  However,
this doesn't lead to a solution because my plus.css may override a
font that is specified in simple-desktop.xss or simple-pda.xss, so
that font would now be used on both desktop and pda.)

I'm hoping that the skinning experts can provide insights/solutions to
this problem.



Re: [Issue] AFEndPadding appears twice in base-desktop.xss

2006-08-23 Thread Jeanne Waldman

This is wanted.

The second one is in a different stylesheet:

styleSheet direction=rtl

- Jeanne

Simon Lessard wrote:

Hello all,

Is that wanted?

~ Simon

Re: panelBox image borders desupport

2006-08-22 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Please use start instead of left and end instead of right.
This way it still makes sense in rtl languages.

See this link for selector names for inspiration:

- Jeanne

Adam Winer wrote:

+1 to this;  and put an af|panelBox on the top table, 'course.

-- Adam

On 8/22/06, Simon Lessard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello everyones,

I see that image borders around panelBox are no longer possible, is 
there a
reason for this or it was simply forgotten while switching to faces 

renderer? If that was an image package issue, I think we can re-add the
support without calling that API simply by generating something like

td class=af|panelBox::top-left-corner/
td class=af|panelBox::top/
td class=af|panelBox::top-right-corner/
td class=af|panelBox::left/
td class=af|panelBox::content
!-- Box content --
td class=af|panelBox::right/
td class=af|panelBox::bottom-left-corner/
td class=af|panelBox::bottom/
td class=af|panelBox::bottom-right-corner/

with style classes looking like:
background-image: url(...);
background-repeat: repeat-x;

background-image: url(...);
background-repeat: repeat-y;

background-image: url(...);
background-repeat: repeat-x;

background-image: url(...);
background-repeat: repeat-y;

background-image: url(...);
height: imageHeight;
width: imageWidth;

background-image: url(...);
height: imageHeight;
width: imageWidth;

background-image: url(...);
height: imageHeight;
width: imageWidth;

background-image: url(...);
height: imageHeight;
width: imageWidth;

background-color: rgb(...);

Is there anything I don't see? That would prevent it from working?

Re: ADFFACES-49 inputText::content:required or inputText:required::content

2006-08-21 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Hi Simon,
Thanks for the email.


We use both syntaxes, and they mean different things.
For example:
af|train::stop:disabled (when this train's stop is disabled, then style 
the stop like this)
af|train:disabled::stop (when the entire train is disabled, style all 
the stops like this)



Let's say I have this: span class=myTextHello!/span and this css:
.myText {color: black}
.myText:hover {color:red}
Does this work? (not in my tests)

It works in Firefox, not IE, as usual. W3C specifies that :hover should 
work with everything, but it's not like all browsers will support 
everything W3C says anytime soon. Maybe we should intercept all 
pseudo-classes, if it can be resolved on Java side (like :disabled), we 
resolve it there and it never pass through so we prevent all bad support 
from the browser. For states that cannot be resolved in Java, we could ask 
the Agent if it supports the specified pseudo-class for the generated 
element (link:hover works in IE, but not on anything else). If the agent 
supports it, we let the class pass through to the generated CSS file, if 
the agent does not, then we could add some JS code to emulate it.

We generate the css file before we render the components, so when you 
say we should intercept all pseudo-classes and if it can be resolved on 
the Java side, we should resolve it. But how would we know at this point 
where we are going to render the pseudo-class? that af|foo:hover will be 
generated on a link? Maybe af|foo:hover is on a span, but 
af|foo::step:hover is on the link. (we would know if we kept the 
skinning-key - pseudo-class to resolve map). Or do you mean literally 
that if we can resolve it on the Java side -- even if the browser can as 
well -- we go ahead and do that?

In the case of :hover, do we pass that through for IE or not? Let's say 
we don't pass it through for IE. Then we'll need some code that gets 
:hover and says, oh, we are on IE, so don't pass this through but 
instead do some onmouseover + css magic. This seems like it could get 
messy fast.

The main problem I have the per component option is the potential 
performance overhaul it represents as well as the increased component 
development complexity (since you have to put more information in the 

I don't think of this as a performance hit, since this will happen at 
the css generation time, not with every renderer. And we cache the 
generated css file.

It would be like the map I have now in FileSystemStyleCache.

However, we would need to keep the renderer and this map in sync. For my 
renderer 'foo', I know that I want to handle 'hover' myself, so I put 
the hover - p_AFHover in the map that will be consulted when we 
generate the css file. af|foo:hover does not pass through. All other 
:hover passes through. I don't think this is that terrible. I like this 
better than the prefix, because if, down the line, we decide that we can 
pass through the pseudo-class, the user's skin will not have to change, 
but our code will get simpler.

The prefix is ok, but I find it a bit counter intuitive since the user has 
to know which states will be handled by browser and which are managed by 
Trinidad. I would prefer to hide that kind of low level implementation 
details to skinners.

We would definitely document all the -tri- pseudo-classes per skinning 
key. For example:
af|inputText:-tri-required, af|inputText:-tri-read-only, 
af|inputText:-tri-disabled.  But for af|train::stop-link,

we'd document that they can use :hover.

On a side note that could lead to a new post, what should we do with 
icons? Currently the engine considers a selector an icon one if it ends 
with -icon. This lead to some strange selectors sometimes like 
-icon-style-class simply to prevent the parser to interpret it as an icon. 
Maybe we should add something like :::icon, ::tri-icon or --icon? That way 
there will be no ambiguity left.

I don't have a problem with saying -icon-style when what you mean is 
that you want to style the icon, and ending the key with -icon when it 
means an icon.

- Jeanne


¬ Simon

Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2006-08-18 18:27
Please respond to adffaces-dev

   Subject:Re: ADFFACES-49 inputText::content:required or 

see inline for some random thoughts.  :) I'm glad you brought this up, 
because I need to come up with a solution soon for our internal project 
that we are working on so that our developers can write their renderers 



Hello all,

I raised that issue a while back, but now it's a bit more important since 


I'm trying to finalize ADFFACES-49 issue. What selector synthax do you 
prefer for states:

1.1. component::subPart:state
1.2. component:state::subPart. 


We use both syntaxes, and they mean different things.

1.1 means

Re: ADFFACES-49 inputText::content:required or inputText:required::content

2006-08-21 Thread Jeanne Waldman

More comments inline.
Which way are you leaning?

- Jeanne

Simon Lessard wrote:

Hello Jeanne,

Thanks for the complete answer.

On 8/21/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

Hi Simon,
Thanks for the email.


We use both syntaxes, and they mean different things.
For example:
af|train::stop:disabled (when this train's stop is disabled, then 

the stop like this)
af|train:disabled::stop (when the entire train is disabled, style all
the stops like this)


Let's say I have this: span class=myTextHello!/span and this 

.myText {color: black}
.myText:hover {color:red}
Does this work? (not in my tests)

It works in Firefox, not IE, as usual. W3C specifies that :hover should
work with everything, but it's not like all browsers will support
everything W3C says anytime soon. Maybe we should intercept all
pseudo-classes, if it can be resolved on Java side (like :disabled), we
resolve it there and it never pass through so we prevent all bad 

from the browser. For states that cannot be resolved in Java, we could
the Agent if it supports the specified pseudo-class for the generated
element (link:hover works in IE, but not on anything else). If the 
supports it, we let the class pass through to the generated CSS 
file, if

the agent does not, then we could add some JS code to emulate it.

We generate the css file before we render the components, so when you
say we should intercept all pseudo-classes and if it can be resolved on
the Java side, we should resolve it. But how would we know at this point
where we are going to render the pseudo-class? that af|foo:hover will be
generated on a link? Maybe af|foo:hover is on a span, but
af|foo::step:hover is on the link. (we would know if we kept the
skinning-key - pseudo-class to resolve map). Or do you mean literally
that if we can resolve it on the Java side -- even if the browser can as
well -- we go ahead and do that?

I mean litterally that we make a list of pseudo-classes that we know 
we can
always resolve during rendering, like :disabled, and always intercept 
it. In

a sense it would be a way to cover browsers' lack of support for those

In the case of :hover, do we pass that through for IE or not? Let's say

we don't pass it through for IE. Then we'll need some code that gets
:hover and says, oh, we are on IE, so don't pass this through but
instead do some onmouseover + css magic. This seems like it could get
messy fast.

Fair point, the renderers would have to check if there's a selector using
:hover defined in the current skin and add some JS, it's messy indeed.

The main problem I have the per component option is the potential
performance overhaul it represents as well as the increased component
development complexity (since you have to put more information in the

I don't think of this as a performance hit, since this will happen at
the css generation time, not with every renderer. And we cache the
generated css file.
It would be like the map I have now in FileSystemStyleCache.

Small question here. When is the CSS generated exactly? Is it at 
startup or
at the first request for a given skin family? If it is during startup, 

performance hit is indeed a non issue.

rendered in StyleSheetRenderer. We get it out of the cache if it is 
there, otherwise we generate it.

However, we would need to keep the renderer and this map in sync. For my

renderer 'foo', I know that I want to handle 'hover' myself, so I put
the hover - p_AFHover in the map that will be consulted when we
generate the css file. af|foo:hover does not pass through. All other
:hover passes through. I don't think this is that terrible. I like this
better than the prefix, because if, down the line, we decide that we can
pass through the pseudo-class, the user's skin will not have to change,
but our code will get simpler.

Not that bad, but I kind of dislike hard coded lists as component 

won't be able to use the skinning feature without giving it to Trinidad
project since they will have to hack Trinidad's jar file to add their own
states to the map. If that way is chosen, I would rather use another
configuration file or some faces-config meta-data entries. For now 
skin is

not a public API, but I'm prety sure it will become one at some point in

We definitely need to get it out of FileSystemStyleCache. No doubt about it.

The prefix is ok, but I find it a bit counter intuitive since the 
user has
to know which states will be handled by browser and which are 
managed by

Trinidad. I would prefer to hide that kind of low level implementation
details to skinners.

We would definitely document all the -tri- pseudo-classes per skinning
key. For example:
af|inputText:-tri-required, af|inputText:-tri-read-only,
af|inputText:-tri-disabled.  But for af|train::stop-link,
we'd document that they can use :hover.

It works, but it's a bit ugly imho

Re: [Proposal] Change to RenderingContext.setSkinResourceKeyMap semantic

2006-08-21 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Hi Simon,

This pattern was introduced to handle the case where we are using the 
same renderer to render different components, but we want to make sure 
the style classes that get rendered are for the correct component. If 
I'm writing a renderer for the XYZ component, and I want to use the 
menuBar renderer code, then I would map the menuBar style classes to XYZ 
style classes. That way I'll get XYZ style classes for my XYZ component.

If a renderer doesn't share rendering code, then they don't need to do this.

Another thing the renderer could do is to use renderer delegation. Then, 
the renderer could have a inner class that overrides the MenuBar 
renderer, for example, and overrides the methods which return style 
classes (this assumes there are appropriate hooks for this in the 
renderer you are overriding, which probably isn't the case)

I don't understand your grandparent example well enough to comment on 
it. First I wanted to be sure you understand what the purpose of this 
map is.

- Jeanne

Simon Lessard wrote:

Hello all,

It seems that most renderers use 
RenderingContext.setSkinResourceKeyMap to
temporarily alter the skin selectors used by their children. The use 
case is

almost always :

Map original = RenderingContext.getSkinResourceKeyMap();
// do some work

I see three problems with that pattern.
First, there's no way to enforce it.

Secondly, it can lead to some unworking case. Imagine we have something


Now let say child uses af|component, af|component::part and
af|component::part:state selectors. Let assume that grand-parent 

af|component to GrandParentReplacement and parent redirects
af|component::part to ParentReplacement and 

to af|component. The above pattern will result in the following
- af|component -- not redirected
- af|component::part -- ParentReplacement
- af|component::part:state -- af|component

However, the above result is most likely not what was wanted. I 
believe it

should be more like:
- af|component -- GrandParentReplacement
- af|component::part -- ParentReplacement
- af|component::part:state -- GrandParentReplacement

So I would suggest to change setSkinResourceKeyMap to 

and add a popSkinResourceKeyMap as well as a peekSkinResourceKeyMap. The
selector resolution could then move through the whole redirection 
chain as

well as simplify the code required inside renderer. The above code would

// do some work

The third problem I see with this pattern is that parents has to know 

kind of children they will contain, which is really bad for the component
developers working outside Trinidad project but wanting to use its 

feature (yes I know, that API is not currently public). I don't see any
solution to this problem yet, but I believe we should find a standardized
way to handle children selector redirection because some Trinidad 

seem a bit too strongly coupled together imho.


~ Simon

Re: [Proposal] Change to RenderingContext.setSkinResourceKeyMap semantic

2006-08-21 Thread Jeanne Waldman
This is probably true. The person that is writing the renderer and 
knowing that he is sharing the menuBar renderer can look at the menuBar 
renderer to see that it is mapping to somethingOriginalKey, and then he 
would map somethingOriginalKey to af|XYZ::something. This isn't 
ideal, I agree, but I think there are quite a few higher priority items.

Simon Lessard wrote:

Hello again Jeanne,

I see... It does less than I was thinking, but I think the issue I was
seeing can still happen if the renderer you want to use also uses the
resourceKeyMap. Let say that menuBar has af|menuBar and
af|menuBar::something classes. However, the something is actually 

by another renderer, so I would map somethingOriginalKey to
af|menuBar::something right? Let say that I want to create XYZ 

and use menuBar renderer. I would have to map af|XYZ and
af|XYZ::something with the equivalent menuBar classes right? 
However, with

the current pattern would it not end with:

af|XYZ and af|menuBar::something being used while af|XYZ and
af|XYZ::something should be what we wanted?

Thanks for the nice explanation, it cleared some gray zones,

~ Simon

On 8/21/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Simon,

This pattern was introduced to handle the case where we are using the
same renderer to render different components, but we want to make sure
the style classes that get rendered are for the correct component. If
I'm writing a renderer for the XYZ component, and I want to use the
menuBar renderer code, then I would map the menuBar style classes to XYZ
style classes. That way I'll get XYZ style classes for my XYZ component.

If a renderer doesn't share rendering code, then they don't need to do

Another thing the renderer could do is to use renderer delegation. Then,
the renderer could have a inner class that overrides the MenuBar
renderer, for example, and overrides the methods which return style
classes (this assumes there are appropriate hooks for this in the
renderer you are overriding, which probably isn't the case)

I don't understand your grandparent example well enough to comment on
it. First I wanted to be sure you understand what the purpose of this
map is.

- Jeanne

Simon Lessard wrote:

 Hello all,

 It seems that most renderers use
 RenderingContext.setSkinResourceKeyMap to
 temporarily alter the skin selectors used by their children. The use
 case is
 almost always :

 Map original = RenderingContext.getSkinResourceKeyMap();
 // do some work

 I see three problems with that pattern.
 First, there's no way to enforce it.

 Secondly, it can lead to some unworking case. Imagine we have 



 Now let say child uses af|component, af|component::part and
 af|component::part:state selectors. Let assume that grand-parent
 af|component to GrandParentReplacement and parent redirects
 af|component::part to ParentReplacement and
 to af|component. The above pattern will result in the following
 - af|component -- not redirected
 - af|component::part -- ParentReplacement
 - af|component::part:state -- af|component

 However, the above result is most likely not what was wanted. I
 believe it
 should be more like:
 - af|component -- GrandParentReplacement
 - af|component::part -- ParentReplacement
 - af|component::part:state -- GrandParentReplacement

 So I would suggest to change setSkinResourceKeyMap to
 and add a popSkinResourceKeyMap as well as a 
peekSkinResourceKeyMap. The

 selector resolution could then move through the whole redirection
 chain as
 well as simplify the code required inside renderer. The above code 


 // do some work

 The third problem I see with this pattern is that parents has to know
 kind of children they will contain, which is really bad for the
 developers working outside Trinidad project but wanting to use its
 feature (yes I know, that API is not currently public). I don't see 

 solution to this problem yet, but I believe we should find a
 way to handle children selector redirection because some Trinidad
 seem a bit too strongly coupled together imho.


 ~ Simon

Re: Button skinning (was Re: [Proposal] Skin hooks for mouseOver and onPress)

2006-08-18 Thread Jeanne Waldman
Well, right now they can't get gradients AND rounded borders. I seem to 
remember there is no way currently, although it probably could be added, 
to put gradient backgrounds on our generated images.
If they have to give us button-bits anyway, could we use html tables or 
something to piece them together so they could get rounded corners and 
gradient backgrounds?

- Jeanne


Note to self: Test with latest build before saying anything...

Tabs no longer use image package. However, while thinking about it last 
night, I'm not sure that desuporting generated image buttons is a so nice 
idea. I would rather like to see a new component like 
tr:composedImageButton or something like that working exactly like the 
current tr:commandButton and remove image generation from 
tr:commandButton. This way users would have all possibilities: create 
buttons with gradients and create buttons with round borders.

¬ Simon


I just tested those style classes, they're prety nice.However, I think 

the results are better with simply the following

 margin: 0px; 
 padding: 0px;

 background-image: url(background.jpg);

 background-color: transparent;

 margin:  0px; 
 padding: 0px;


 background-image: url(background.jpg);

It seems that Firefox supports button background-images natively, it 

works even without the cell and the result is better oveall. Sadly div 
does not work well. 

This solution also has its drawback since you cannot use round borders. 

For buttons it might not be a huge issue, but navigationPane might hurt, 
especially for tabs. So until we can provide users with an equal 
flexibility system  for tabs I will be 

-1 on removing image package 
+1 on removing button dependancy toward image package.

¬ Simon

Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2006-08-17 12:55
Please respond to adffaces-dev

   Subject:Re: Button skinning (was Re: [Proposal] Skin hooks 
for mouseOver and onPress)

We had a customer that wanted to put background images on our buttons. 
He couldn't do this with our buttons unless they had a container 
(I haven't tested this in ages, but I remember that he was right), so what
he did was wrap our command button in a afh:cellFormat and put a 
styleClass on both.
The problem was that he couldn't style buttons that were rendered as a 
of another component, so some of his buttons had a gradient background and 
some didn't. 

I recommend that we wrap our button html tag with
a div or something so that the skinner can put background images on the 

The following is how he skinned the commandButton:

   margin: 0px; padding: 0px;
   border-top: 1px solid #afc6d7; border-left: 1px solid #afc6d7;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #66; border-right: 1px solid #66;
   background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: bottom left;
   background-color: #ff;
   text-align: center;
   vertical-align: middle;
   margin: 0px; padding: 2px 4px 2px 4px;
   border: 0px;
   background-color: transparent;
   font: 12px Tahoma, Helvetica, sans-serif;
   text-align: center;
   vertical-align: middle;

   afh:cellFormat styleClass=ButtonCell
  af:commandButton text=#{webStrings.OK}

Adam Winer wrote:


Oh, that...

That opens up a new topic:  what the heck should we do about
Trinidad button skinning?

As a little background:  ADF Faces had a large image-generation
subsystem code-named Tecate that took text, metadata, and
other images, and composited them into single images.  This
let us have fancy-looking buttons containing, for example,
translatable text.  Instead of trying to get thousands of button
images translated (which would have been a nightmare), developers
just got text translated as normal and Tecate did the heavy lifting
at runtime.

It was used for more than buttons - tabs and global buttons (now
hint=buttons on navigationPane) also went through this system.

At a certain point, we decided this was just a bad idea, and that a
better approach was a straightforward HTML and CSS skinning
approach.  So, most of the code moved away from Tecate.

As of Trinidad, though, buttons were still left on it.  And, as a 


we have the large org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.image package -
and all of the code in there - just for one simple feature.

I'd really like to come up with a simpler button skinning strategy,
and kill the image package altogether.  The simplest possible
strategy is just HTML along the lines of:

button class=af_commandButton.../button

-- Adam

Re: Button skinning (was Re: [Proposal] Skin hooks for mouseOver and onPress)

2006-08-17 Thread Jeanne Waldman
We had a customer that wanted to put background images on our buttons. 
He couldn't do this with our buttons unless they had a container 
(I haven't tested this in ages, but I remember that he was right), so what

he did was wrap our command button in a afh:cellFormat and put a styleClass on 
The problem was that he couldn't style buttons that were rendered as a part
of another component, so some of his buttons had a gradient background and some didn't. 

I recommend that we wrap our button html tag with
a div or something so that the skinner can put background images on the 

The following is how he skinned the commandButton:

   margin: 0px; padding: 0px;
   border-top: 1px solid #afc6d7; border-left: 1px solid #afc6d7;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #66; border-right: 1px solid #66;
   background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: bottom left;
   background-color: #ff;
   text-align: center;
   vertical-align: middle;
   margin: 0px; padding: 2px 4px 2px 4px;
   border: 0px;
   background-color: transparent;
   font: 12px Tahoma, Helvetica, sans-serif;
   text-align: center;
   vertical-align: middle;

   afh:cellFormat styleClass=ButtonCell
  af:commandButton text=#{webStrings.OK}

Adam Winer wrote:

Oh, that...

That opens up a new topic:  what the heck should we do about
Trinidad button skinning?

As a little background:  ADF Faces had a large image-generation
subsystem code-named Tecate that took text, metadata, and
other images, and composited them into single images.  This
let us have fancy-looking buttons containing, for example,
translatable text.  Instead of trying to get thousands of button
images translated (which would have been a nightmare), developers
just got text translated as normal and Tecate did the heavy lifting
at runtime.

It was used for more than buttons - tabs and global buttons (now
hint=buttons on navigationPane) also went through this system.

At a certain point, we decided this was just a bad idea, and that a
better approach was a straightforward HTML and CSS skinning
approach.  So, most of the code moved away from Tecate.

As of Trinidad, though, buttons were still left on it.  And, as a result,
we have the large org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.image package -
and all of the code in there - just for one simple feature.

I'd really like to come up with a simpler button skinning strategy,
and kill the image package altogether.  The simplest possible
strategy is just HTML along the lines of:

 button class=af_commandButton.../button

-- Adam


Unless those exist and are not documented it would not work because the
button image is composed of 8 part, one background and one text all 

together in a single image. So using CSS :hover and :active on the 9
selectors would not work. Furthermore if I remember well :hover and
:active works only for links under IE.

Maybe those are managed by the skin already but I never figured it out
though. Jeanne, can you confirm please?


2006-08-16 16:47
Please respond to adffaces-dev

Subject:Re: [Proposal] Skin hooks for mouseOver and

Isn't this just :hover and :active?

-- Adam

 Hello all,

 I just had a flashback from my ADF Faces project. In that project we
 wanted to use a different image on mouse over event. In the end we had
 use commandLink with an image and some JavaScript events instead. 
So my

 suggestion about button would be to add skin state hooks for mouseOver
 mouseDown occuring on buttons to improve their LF and thus user


Re: Tr : Skin selector XML, where?

2006-08-17 Thread Jeanne Waldman

skin-selectors.xml in trinidad/src/site/xdoc


Oh dang... I sent it on the wrong list at first...

¬ Simon

- Forwarded by Simon Lessard/NOTES on 2006-08-17 10:18 -

2006-08-17 09:37
Please respond to adffaces-user

   Subject:Skin selector XML, where?

Hello Jeanne,

Can you tell me where the XML file used to store skin selector information 

was added when you have time please?


¬ Simon

Re: Little usability issue with inputNumberSpinbox component

2006-08-17 Thread Jeanne Waldman

I'll look into moving that up.



I'm not sure if it will be generalized, but I think the increment arrow is 
a bit hard to hit on the new inputSpinbox component. I believe it would be 
better to place the onmousedown event on the td rather than the anchor 

Do you think it would be ok or do you see another potential issue ?

¬ Simon

Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2006-08-17 12:55
Please respond to adffaces-dev

   Subject:Re: Button skinning (was Re: [Proposal] Skin hooks 
for mouseOver and onPress)

We had a customer that wanted to put background images on our buttons. 
He couldn't do this with our buttons unless they had a container 
(I haven't tested this in ages, but I remember that he was right), so what
he did was wrap our command button in a afh:cellFormat and put a 
styleClass on both.
The problem was that he couldn't style buttons that were rendered as a 
of another component, so some of his buttons had a gradient background and 
some didn't. 

I recommend that we wrap our button html tag with
a div or something so that the skinner can put background images on the 

The following is how he skinned the commandButton:

   margin: 0px; padding: 0px;
   border-top: 1px solid #afc6d7; border-left: 1px solid #afc6d7;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #66; border-right: 1px solid #66;
   background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: bottom left;
   background-color: #ff;
   text-align: center;
   vertical-align: middle;
   margin: 0px; padding: 2px 4px 2px 4px;
   border: 0px;
   background-color: transparent;
   font: 12px Tahoma, Helvetica, sans-serif;
   text-align: center;
   vertical-align: middle;

   afh:cellFormat styleClass=ButtonCell
  af:commandButton text=#{webStrings.OK}

Adam Winer wrote:


Oh, that...

That opens up a new topic:  what the heck should we do about
Trinidad button skinning?

As a little background:  ADF Faces had a large image-generation
subsystem code-named Tecate that took text, metadata, and
other images, and composited them into single images.  This
let us have fancy-looking buttons containing, for example,
translatable text.  Instead of trying to get thousands of button
images translated (which would have been a nightmare), developers
just got text translated as normal and Tecate did the heavy lifting
at runtime.

It was used for more than buttons - tabs and global buttons (now
hint=buttons on navigationPane) also went through this system.

At a certain point, we decided this was just a bad idea, and that a
better approach was a straightforward HTML and CSS skinning
approach.  So, most of the code moved away from Tecate.

As of Trinidad, though, buttons were still left on it.  And, as a 


we have the large org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.image package -
and all of the code in there - just for one simple feature.

I'd really like to come up with a simpler button skinning strategy,
and kill the image package altogether.  The simplest possible
strategy is just HTML along the lines of:

button class=af_commandButton.../button

-- Adam



Unless those exist and are not documented it would not work because the
button image is composed of 8 part, one background and one text all 

together in a single image. So using CSS :hover and :active on the 9
selectors would not work. Furthermore if I remember well :hover and
:active works only for links under IE.

Maybe those are managed by the skin already but I never figured it out
though. Jeanne, can you confirm please?


2006-08-16 16:47
Please respond to adffaces-dev

   Subject:Re: [Proposal] Skin hooks for mouseOver and

Isn't this just :hover and :active?

-- Adam


Hello all,

I just had a flashback from my ADF Faces project. In that project we
wanted to use a different image on mouse over event. In the end we 



use commandLink with an image and some JavaScript events instead. 

So my

suggestion about button would be to add skin state hooks for 



mouseDown occuring on buttons to improve their LF and thus user





[Proposal] new prefix-name for custom skin properties

2006-07-11 Thread Jeanne Waldman

I submitted an issue about this.
I wanted to make sure we have consensus on -oam- instead of -ora- before 
I implement this.

Project: MyFaces ADF-Faces
   Type: Improvement


John Fallows wrote:

On 6/25/06, Martin Marinschek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

+1 for the proposal in a whole
+1 for using inhibit - I like it more than reset or null

Agreed.  +1 proposal, +1 inhibit.

suggestion for ca new prefix-name: changing ora to oam (org apache 

Yes, this is another part of the repackaging effort.  Are we limited to 3
chars here?




On 6/24/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there,

 I have another skinning proposal. This is a useful feature that is in
 xss that I think we should port to skinning css. It is the css 

 resetting feature.

 A bit of background first. Trinidad defines a base skin. We call this
 skin 'simple'. It defines basic, simple css properties for the 

 components. An application developer can create a skin, and this
 automatically extends the simple skin. Think of the simple skin as a
 base class in Java. You can extend one skin from another, but they are
 all derived from the base skin.

 When a skin extends the base skin, it is ADDING style properties to 

 base skin's style properties.

 Let's say the base skin defines the font-size for the
 af|inputText::label selector. This means that your skin will inherit
 this font. Your skin can redefine font-size, and put a new font-size
 instead. But currently, you can't say, I don't want any font-size
 specified on af|inputText::label.

 I'm proposing that we come up with a skinning syntax that allows the
 person writing a skin to do this.

 We have this feature in the .xss syntax. In .xss, you'd do this:

 style name=foo resetProperties=true/
 or to reset one property, you'd do this:
 style name=foo
  property name=font-size/

 How could we do this in css-syntax?

 One proposal is to add a special property like our '-ora-rule-ref'
 property. (by the way, we'll need another discussion on whether to
 change the -ora- prefix, and what to change it to).

 Here is a proposal:

 .foo {-ora-inhibit: all}
 .bar {-ora-inhibit: text-align font-size color} // inhibit/reset/null
 out these specific properties

 Let me know what you think.



Your JSF powerhouse -
JSF Consulting, Development and
Courses in English and German

Professional Support for Apache MyFaces

Re: Follow-up on skin issues

2006-07-10 Thread Jeanne Waldman



I redid the test with the menuList, you were right about the 
menuList::selected, it's just ignored completely. The bold weight I was 
seeing on the selected field was coming from .AFDefaultBoldFont:alias, 
sorry about that.

However, I had other comments about the skin from users. Another example 
of badly answering skin is with the messages component. If the user 
specifies the following selectors, he'll assume that he'll get a message 
zone using a green background:

   background-color: green;


   padding-left: 20px;

   border-top-style: solid;
   border-top-color: #ff;
   border-top-width: 3px;
   width:   100%;

Sadly, the resulting background will be gray because 
.AFLightAccentBackground:alias will be used because simple skin import it 
on ::body selector. Of course, one could inhibit ; background-color on 
body, but again the user will have to execute the page first to figure it 

Also, I would like to open a discussion on the pertinence of applying 
.AFDefaultFont:alias and .AFLinkForeground:alias prety much everywhere in 
the page. I think those two alone cause the most troubles for the end 
user. I think we could coerce those in some predefined selectors in the 
final CSS:

I think that these aliases are really nice to have because it is a quick 
hook for a person to change the colors of the entire application.
If the skinner doesn't like this hook, then he can use the inhibit 
feature to inhibit these properties.

AFDefaultFont:alias -- *

AFDefaultFont:alias -- h1 *
AFDefaultFont:alias -- h2 *
AFDefaultFont:alias -- h3 *
AFDefaultFont:alias -- h4 *
AFDefaultFont:alias -- .panelHeaderClass *


AFLinkForeground:alias -- a:link
AFLinkForeground:alias -- *:link

That way they would be applied to everything, but at a lower priority 
inside the cascading style chain, thus making easier to override the style 
on child elements using the skin rather than sometimes being forced to use 

The skinner could add style definitions like this:
* {font-family: Ariel}
h1 * {font-family:Ariel}
then he could inhibit the AFDefaultFont:alias's properties to get this 
We don't map our alias style definitions to html constructs like you are 
suggesting. They are simply
mechanisms to include in other styles to make it quicker to make changes 
to multiple components.

I think documenting what skin style keys include would be useful to a 

That sounds acceptale?

We could document how the skinner can inhibit these global selectors, 
once we add the inhibit feature.


Simon Lessard
Fujitsu Consulting

Re: Follow-up on skin issues

2006-07-10 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Hi Simon,

Thanks again for your feedback. It would be awesome if we could get more 
feedback from users of the skinning feature.

I could see a configuration setting where you can say you want your skin 
to inherit from simple or to inherit from nothing at all.

But I really think this will cause way more problems than it solves.
I think the inhibit feature would have helped so much that you wouldn't 
have wanted or needed to inhibit everything. :)

And of course, we definitely need better documentation.
Ideally, we should have one source of truth -- the .xss files and base 
.css files if any, and it would be awesome to be able to generate 
documentation off of that that shows each skin selector and what it 
includes... this would be before the step that resolves the included styles.

- Jeanne


Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform 1.4

Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2006-07-10 15:47
Please respond to adffaces-dev

   Subject:Re: Follow-up on skin issues




I redid the test with the menuList, you were right about the 
menuList::selected, it's just ignored completely. The bold weight I was 
seeing on the selected field was coming from .AFDefaultBoldFont:alias, 
sorry about that.

However, I had other comments about the skin from users. Another example 
of badly answering skin is with the messages component. If the user 
specifies the following selectors, he'll assume that he'll get a message 
zone using a green background:

  background-color: green;


  padding-left: 20px;

  border-top-style: solid;
  border-top-color: #ff;
  border-top-width: 3px;
  width:   100%;

Sadly, the resulting background will be gray because 
.AFLightAccentBackground:alias will be used because simple skin import it 


on ::body selector. Of course, one could inhibit ; background-color on 
body, but again the user will have to execute the page first to figure it 



Also, I would like to open a discussion on the pertinence of applying 
.AFDefaultFont:alias and .AFLinkForeground:alias prety much everywhere in 


the page. I think those two alone cause the most troubles for the end 
user. I think we could coerce those in some predefined selectors in the 
final CSS:


I think that these aliases are really nice to have because it is a quick 
hook for a person to change the colors of the entire application.
If the skinner doesn't like this hook, then he can use the inhibit 
feature to inhibit these properties.

The question then is how often will the skinners inhibit everything. If 
inhibit is used for more than 50% of the selectors, it makes automatic 
inheritance quite obsolete.

Another compromise I see would be to make it so that simple skin does not 
include aliases in any pseudo-element selector, or don't use aliases at 
all, that is :

af|messages {
 // rule ref allowed in simple skin

af|messages:body {
 // rule ref not allowed in simple skin

This would ensure that most components get easily skinned without having 
to inhibit prety much everything since you often want to change the look 
of the whole component. Also, if simple skin don't use any alias, it will 
really be simple, once inheriting from a different skin than simple is 
implemented, nothing would prevent Trinidad to have more than one base 
skin: simple skin not using any rule ref and maybe minimal using what 
simple skin currently uses. By the way, maybe those names should be 
changed, I don't know if it's only in French, but here minimal often means 
less than simple, not the other way around. Of course, it's only a 
semantic debate here.

As a metric, we planned 10 days for the skin on our ADF Faces project. The 
result was a 775 lines (including comments and blank lines) file that took 
25 days to create. Comparatively, all other tasks were finished about 10% 
faster than planned. Of course, that's only one project and one cannot 
generalize from it. Furthermore, inbithit was not supported at this time 
either. That being said, I believe there's still some teachings to get out 
of it.


AFDefaultFont:alias -- *

AFDefaultFont:alias -- h1 *
AFDefaultFont:alias -- h2 *
AFDefaultFont:alias -- h3 *
AFDefaultFont:alias -- h4 *
AFDefaultFont:alias -- .panelHeaderClass *


AFLinkForeground:alias -- a:link
AFLinkForeground:alias -- *:link

That way they would be applied to everything, but at a lower priority 
inside the cascading style chain, thus making easier to override the 


on child elements using the skin rather than sometimes being forced to 




The skinner could add style definitions like this:
* {font-family: Ariel}
h1 * {font-family:Ariel}
then he could inhibit the AFDefaultFont:alias's properties to get

Re: Tr :Re: [Proposal] inhibiting css properties in skin definition file

2006-07-06 Thread Jeanne Waldman

I'll give this a try when I get a chance. Thanks.

- Jeanne



Maybe I didn't copy the example properly. Here's a working (unworking) 
example I just tested:

   background-color: blue;

This won't show any change in the page as .AFLightBackground:alias will 
define the used background-color.

Simon Lessard
DMR Conseil Inc. (
Téléphone : (418) 653-6881

Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform 1.4

Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2006-07-05 18:52
Please respond to adffaces-dev

   Subject:Re: Tr :Re: [Proposal] inhibiting css properties 
in skin definition file

Hello again,

I just ran your example of
color: red;

background-color: blue;
by putting this in the purple skin (purpleSkin.css file)

And I created a new skin called purpleExtension. In 
purpleExtensionSkin.css, I add this:

color: yellow;

Then I created a purpleExtension skin that extends the purple skin by 
adding this in the adf-faces-skins.xml file:


And I added this to a .jspx demo:

   af:outputText value=HELLO THERE! 

And when the skin was purpleExtension it was blue background, yellow 

And when the skin was purple it was blue background, red color.

So, it works for me.

- Jeanne

Jeanne Waldman wrote:


Hi there,

Yes, I have some comments (been busy).

First of all, it appears to be a bug that the skin's selector's 
property does not take precedence. We should submit an issue for this.

As for the other issues:
1) Add a new keyword like -super or -inherit that would make the current
selector inherit the properties defined by its parent
  The skinning css file should work like css, in that it cascades the 
styles from the parent skins. So I think the -super is implicit, and 
we shouldn't have a -super keyword.

2) Add a -suppressProperty or -inhibit property to remove some items 

by calling a -super
- Jeanne -:
  This is the same as my proposal:
  .bar {-ora-inhibit: text-align font-size color} // 

3) Add also a -suppressImport or -inhibitImport that would remove an
-ora-rule-ref from the parent.
- Jeanne -:
  This is similar to the -ora-inhibit: all feature. We don't 
necessarily know what aliases our parent has included. It is much 
easier to inhibit all, then add back what you care about.

4) Give priority to the more specific over the more general relatively 


the imported aliases.
  - Jeanne -:
  I agree. I didn't think it worked this way, so it must be a bug. 
I'll want to do some tests of my own.




We would like to work on this improvement. Is there any comments 
about our suggestion ? If no, then we will proceed as indicated 
below. Otherwise, please let us know.


Eric Marcoux...
Fujitsu Consulting 
Member of the quebec JUG (

Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform 1.4
Sun Certified Web Component Developer for J2EE
Sun Certified Business Component Developer for J2EE

-Réacheminé par Eric Marcoux-QC/DMR/CA le 05/07/2006 03:21PM -

   Pour :
   Date : 03/07/2006 08:33AM
   Objet : Re: [Proposal] inhibiting css properties in skin
   definition file


   I just finished a project using ADF Faces and I have some insight
   to share
   about the problems we had with the skin.

   I like the inhitbit idea. However, I think the semantic of
   overriding a
   selector should be modified. More specifically, let examine the
   ADF Faces behavior.

   In Base skin definition let say we have

color: red;

background-color: blue;

   In customSkin.css we got

color: yellow;

   Then, the resulting CSS will use

color: red;
background-color: blue;

   Which is a very odd behavior for two reason:
   It seems that the -ora-rule-ref get resolved after everything
   else, thus
   overwriting style placed in the overriden

Re: Tr :Re: [Proposal] inhibiting css properties in skin definition file

2006-07-06 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Can you give me another example?
It appears that the Trinidad code no longer has this skinning key (this 
is a bug).

Also, are you using the Trinidad code in your tests?

- Jeanne

Jeanne Waldman wrote:

I'll give this a try when I get a chance. Thanks.

- Jeanne



Maybe I didn't copy the example properly. Here's a working 
(unworking) example I just tested:

   background-color: blue;

This won't show any change in the page as .AFLightBackground:alias 
will define the used background-color.

Simon Lessard
DMR Conseil Inc. (
Téléphone : (418) 653-6881

Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform 1.4

Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2006-07-05 18:52
Please respond to adffaces-dev

   cc:Subject:Re: Tr :Re: [Proposal] inhibiting 
css properties in skin definition file

Hello again,

I just ran your example of
color: red;

background-color: blue;
by putting this in the purple skin (purpleSkin.css file)

And I created a new skin called purpleExtension. In 
purpleExtensionSkin.css, I add this:

color: yellow;

Then I created a purpleExtension skin that extends the purple skin by 
adding this in the adf-faces-skins.xml file:

And I added this to a .jspx demo:

   af:outputText value=HELLO THERE! 

And when the skin was purpleExtension it was blue background, yellow 

And when the skin was purple it was blue background, red color.

So, it works for me.

- Jeanne

Jeanne Waldman wrote:


Hi there,

Yes, I have some comments (been busy).

First of all, it appears to be a bug that the skin's selector's 
property does not take precedence. We should submit an issue for this.

As for the other issues:
1) Add a new keyword like -super or -inherit that would make the 

selector inherit the properties defined by its parent
  The skinning css file should work like css, in that it cascades 
the styles from the parent skins. So I think the -super is implicit, 
and we shouldn't have a -super keyword.

2) Add a -suppressProperty or -inhibit property to remove some items 

by calling a -super
- Jeanne -:
  This is the same as my proposal:
  .bar {-ora-inhibit: text-align font-size color} // 

3) Add also a -suppressImport or -inhibitImport that would remove an
-ora-rule-ref from the parent.
- Jeanne -:
  This is similar to the -ora-inhibit: all feature. We don't 
necessarily know what aliases our parent has included. It is much 
easier to inhibit all, then add back what you care about.

4) Give priority to the more specific over the more general 


the imported aliases.
  - Jeanne -:
  I agree. I didn't think it worked this way, so it must be a bug. 
I'll want to do some tests of my own.




We would like to work on this improvement. Is there any comments 
about our suggestion ? If no, then we will proceed as indicated 
below. Otherwise, please let us know.


Eric Marcoux...
Fujitsu Consulting 
Member of the quebec JUG (

Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform 1.4
Sun Certified Web Component Developer for J2EE
Sun Certified Business Component Developer for J2EE

-Réacheminé par Eric Marcoux-QC/DMR/CA le 05/07/2006 03:21PM -

   Pour :
   Date : 03/07/2006 08:33AM
   Objet : Re: [Proposal] inhibiting css properties in skin
   definition file


   I just finished a project using ADF Faces and I have some insight
   to share
   about the problems we had with the skin.

   I like the inhitbit idea. However, I think the semantic of
   overriding a
   selector should be modified. More specifically, let examine the
   ADF Faces behavior.

   In Base skin definition let say we have

color: red;

background-color: blue;

   In customSkin.css we got

color: yellow;

   Then, the resulting CSS will use

color: red

Re: Tr : Re: ProcessTrain Number of Stops before segmenting configurable?

2006-07-06 Thread Jeanne Waldman
That's a good analysis, and what we usually go through when we decide on 
an attribute or a skin property.
I personally don't think we'd need it at the specific level, which I've 
been calling 'per instance'. I think global to the processTrain within 
an application/skin is good enough.

- Jeanne



I could do that as well since it would indeed be a nice enhancement, 
However, I don't know what would be best between a skin property and a tag 
attribute. Pro of skin property is that since the skin knows what kind of 
images it use, it would be the best placed to know how many station can be 
safely rendered. However, skin property is global and will prevent any 
overload at specific level. Maybe we could have both, a 
-default-visible-number-stations and a tag atttribute, the tag attribute, 
if present would be the one used?


Simon Lessard
Fujitsu Consulting
- Forwarded by Simon Lessard/NOTES on 2006-07-06 16:26 -

Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2006-07-06 16:20
Please respond to adffaces-user

   Subject:Re: ProcessTrain Number of Stops before 
segmenting configurable?

This could be an enhancement. It would be a good example of using a 
skinning property.

You could add a skin property, like -ora-number-visible-stations (note, 
I'll have to follow through on the thread regarding changing the -ora- 
to something else).

So in the skin file you'd do this:
af|processTrain {-ora-number-visible-stations: 10 }
(The default would be 6)

Then we'd need to change the train renderer to honor this number instead 
of hard-coding it to 6. Then ALL processTrain components that are 
defined in the application will use this property value defined in the 

- Jeanne




Threshold is currently fixed to 6 visible stations and add a 7th that is 
the arrow pointing to the next set of steps. This parameter is not 
configurable at this time.


Simon Lessard
Fujitsu Consulting



Re: inhibiting css properties in skin definition file

2006-07-06 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Before I can comment on your examples, I'd like to be able run them. :)

When I run the menuList demo, my html is

lispan class=OraNav3
a onclick=submitForm('_idJsp3',1,{source:'_idJsp11:_idJsp12'});return false; 
href=# class=OraLinkPage 1/a/span/li

lispan class=OraNav3Selected
a onclick=submitForm('_idJsp3',1,{source:'_idJsp11:_idJsp13'});return false; 
href=# class=OraLinkPage 2/a/span/li

lispan class=OraNav3
a onclick=submitForm('_idJsp3',1,{source:'_idJsp11:_idJsp14'});return false; 
href=# class=OraLinkPage 3/a/span/li

... you'll see there is no af_menuList_selected, etc. Do you see something 
Which demo are you running?



Hmmm... strange...  I just reproduced it using the current snapshot 
release on Trinidad site and the selector works fine. Here's my skin.

.AFDefaultFont:alias {
 color:   inherit; 
 font-size:   10pt;

 font-weight: inherit;

.AFLightBackground:alias { 
 background-color : red;


af|menuList { }

af|menuList::selected { 
 font-weight:  bold;

 background-color: blue;

and the page:

af:menuList listStyle=none
 af:commandNavigationItem text=Selected selected=true/
 af:commandNavigationItem text=Unselected/

You'll see that the ::selected works because of the bold font weight that 
will be given to the selected item. 

Note that if you remove the inherit from AFDefaultFont:alias, the font 
will no longer be bold, which is another skin/rendering bug as the 
af|menuList:selected class is applied on the td element while the 
default font is applied directly on the a and if you don't specify any 
weight in that font alias, you'll inherit the font-weight: normal from 
base skin. That very strange behavior almost drove crazy the one in charge 
of the skin on the project we finished 1 week ago.

With inhibit, you would have to override DefaultFont to inhibit 
font-weight This is much better than without the option, but I believe it 
will still be annoying for the end user, hence why I proposed to not 
inherit from parent by default. Without inherit by default, the selector 
would still have to be overridden, ut the user would not have to inhibit 

The above example is, I believe, a good example why automatically 
inheriting the parent's properties is not really respecting the cascading 
style rule. An user creating the following skin would expect to see a 
menuList with both items using a font-size of 10pt with the selected item 
being in bold with a blue background:

.AFDefaultFont:alias {
 font-size: 10pt;

af|menuList::selected { 
 font-weight:  bold;

 background-color: blue;

I'll try to post more irritating example we found out while creating our 

Simon Lessard
Fujitsu Consulting

Re: Tr :Re: [Proposal] inhibiting css properties in skin definition file

2006-07-05 Thread Jeanne Waldman
 -ora-rule-ref(selector: aliasChild:alias);
 someProperty3 : someValue6;

Then the resulting CSS for the parent skin would use for selector
 someProperty1 : someValue4;
 someProperty2 : someValue2;
 someProperty3 : someValue3;

and the resulting CSS for child skin would use:
 someProperty1 : someValue4;
 someProperty2 : someValue5;
 someProperty3 : someValue6;

Sounds good?

Simon Lessard
DMR Conseil Inc. (
Téléphone : (418) 653-6881

Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform 1.4

2006-06-29 20:17
Please respond to adffaces-dev

   Subject:Re: [Proposal] inhibiting css properties in
definition file

On 6/25/06, Martin Marinschek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 +1 for the proposal in a whole
 +1 for using inhibit - I like it more than reset or null

Agreed.  +1 proposal, +1 inhibit.

suggestion for ca new prefix-name: changing ora to oam (org apache

Yes, this is another part of the repackaging effort.  Are we
limited to 3
chars here?




 On 6/24/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi there,
  I have another skinning proposal. This is a useful feature
that is in
  xss that I think we should port to skinning css. It is the css
  resetting feature.
  A bit of background first. Trinidad defines a base skin. We
call this
  skin 'simple'. It defines basic, simple css properties for the
  components. An application developer can create a skin, and this
  automatically extends the simple skin. Think of the simple
skin as a
  base class in Java. You can extend one skin from another, but
they are
  all derived from the base skin.
  When a skin extends the base skin, it is ADDING style
properties to
  base skin's style properties.
  Let's say the base skin defines the font-size for the
  af|inputText::label selector. This means that your skin will
  this font. Your skin can redefine font-size, and put a new
  instead. But currently, you can't say, I don't want any font-size
  specified on af|inputText::label.
  I'm proposing that we come up with a skinning syntax that
allows the
  person writing a skin to do this.
  We have this feature in the .xss syntax. In .xss, you'd do this:
  style name=foo resetProperties=true/
  or to reset one property, you'd do this:
  style name=foo
   property name=font-size/
  How could we do this in css-syntax?
  One proposal is to add a special property like our '-ora-rule-ref'
  property. (by the way, we'll need another discussion on whether to
  change the -ora- prefix, and what to change it to).
  Here is a proposal:
  .foo {-ora-inhibit: all}
  .bar {-ora-inhibit: text-align font-size color} //
  out these specific properties
  Let me know what you think.


 Your JSF powerhouse -
 JSF Consulting, Development and
 Courses in English and German

 Professional Support for Apache MyFaces


Author: Pro JSF and Ajax: Building Rich Internet Components, Apress

Re: Tr :Re: [Proposal] inhibiting css properties in skin definition file

2006-07-05 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Hello again,

I just ran your example of
color: red;

background-color: blue;
by putting this in the purple skin (purpleSkin.css file)

And I created a new skin called purpleExtension. In 
purpleExtensionSkin.css, I add this:

color: yellow;

Then I created a purpleExtension skin that extends the purple skin by 
adding this in the adf-faces-skins.xml file:


And I added this to a .jspx demo:

   af:outputText value=HELLO THERE! styleClass=someSelector/

And when the skin was purpleExtension it was blue background, yellow color.
And when the skin was purple it was blue background, red color.

So, it works for me.

- Jeanne

Jeanne Waldman wrote:

Hi there,

Yes, I have some comments (been busy).

First of all, it appears to be a bug that the skin's selector's 
property does not take precedence. We should submit an issue for this.

As for the other issues:
1) Add a new keyword like -super or -inherit that would make the current
selector inherit the properties defined by its parent
   The skinning css file should work like css, in that it cascades the 
styles from the parent skins. So I think the -super is implicit, and 
we shouldn't have a -super keyword.

2) Add a -suppressProperty or -inhibit property to remove some items 

by calling a -super
- Jeanne -:
   This is the same as my proposal:
   .bar {-ora-inhibit: text-align font-size color} // 

3) Add also a -suppressImport or -inhibitImport that would remove an
-ora-rule-ref from the parent.
- Jeanne -:
   This is similar to the -ora-inhibit: all feature. We don't 
necessarily know what aliases our parent has included. It is much 
easier to inhibit all, then add back what you care about.

4) Give priority to the more specific over the more general relatively to
the imported aliases.
   - Jeanne -:
   I agree. I didn't think it worked this way, so it must be a bug. 
I'll want to do some tests of my own.


We would like to work on this improvement. Is there any comments 
about our suggestion ? If no, then we will proceed as indicated 
below. Otherwise, please let us know.


Eric Marcoux...
Fujitsu Consulting 
Member of the quebec JUG (

Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform 1.4
Sun Certified Web Component Developer for J2EE
Sun Certified Business Component Developer for J2EE

-Réacheminé par Eric Marcoux-QC/DMR/CA le 05/07/2006 03:21PM -

Pour :
Date : 03/07/2006 08:33AM
Objet : Re: [Proposal] inhibiting css properties in skin
definition file


I just finished a project using ADF Faces and I have some insight
to share
about the problems we had with the skin.

I like the inhitbit idea. However, I think the semantic of
overriding a
selector should be modified. More specifically, let examine the
ADF Faces behavior.

In Base skin definition let say we have

 color: red;

 background-color: blue;

In customSkin.css we got

 color: yellow;

Then, the resulting CSS will use

 color: red;
 background-color: blue;

Which is a very odd behavior for two reason:
It seems that the -ora-rule-ref get resolved after everything
else, thus
overwriting style placed in the overriden selector.
With inhibit, you could suppress the background-color. However, I
know if that's the best solution. Let think in OOP:
What happen when you override a method? The parent method will
never be
called and thus, you'll never automatically inherit some
treatment, unless
you do a call to super.methodName.

This would be, I believe, the best way to work with the skin as
well since
you don't have to know what properties are set by the parent.
it's planned to be able to extends any skin in the future, I
believe it
will be hard for the framework users to know all the properties
they need
to suppress from the parent

[Proposal] inhibiting css properties in skin definition file

2006-06-23 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Hi there,

I have another skinning proposal. This is a useful feature that is in 
xss that I think we should port to skinning css. It is the css property 
resetting feature.

A bit of background first. Trinidad defines a base skin. We call this 
skin 'simple'. It defines basic, simple css properties for the Trinidad 
components. An application developer can create a skin, and this 
automatically extends the simple skin. Think of the simple skin as a 
base class in Java. You can extend one skin from another, but they are 
all derived from the base skin.

When a skin extends the base skin, it is ADDING style properties to the 
base skin's style properties.

Let's say the base skin defines the font-size for the 
af|inputText::label selector. This means that your skin will inherit 
this font. Your skin can redefine font-size, and put a new font-size 
instead. But currently, you can't say, I don't want any font-size 
specified on af|inputText::label.

I'm proposing that we come up with a skinning syntax that allows the 
person writing a skin to do this.

We have this feature in the .xss syntax. In .xss, you'd do this:

style name=foo resetProperties=true/
or to reset one property, you'd do this:
style name=foo
property name=font-size/

How could we do this in css-syntax?

One proposal is to add a special property like our '-ora-rule-ref' 
property. (by the way, we'll need another discussion on whether to 
change the -ora- prefix, and what to change it to).

Here is a proposal:

.foo {-ora-inhibit: all}
.bar {-ora-inhibit: text-align font-size color} // inhibit/reset/null 
out these specific properties

Let me know what you think.


Re: [Proposal] skinning platform, agent, and language features

2006-06-21 Thread Jeanne Waldman

I have another comment to add to my email.

Look at the css spec definition for pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes 

   * Pseudo-elements create abstractions about the document tree beyond
 those specified by the document language. For instance, document
 languages do not offer mechanisms to access the first letter or
 first line of an element's content. CSS pseudo-elements allow
 style sheet designers to refer to this otherwise inaccessible
 information. Pseudo-elements may also provide style sheet
 designers a way to assign style to content that does not exist in
 the source document (e.g., the :before and :after
 generate.html#before-after-content pseudo-elements give access
 to generated content).
   * Pseudo-classes classify elements on characteristics other than
 their name, attributes or content; in principle characteristics
 that cannot be deduced from the document tree. Pseudo-classes may
 be dynamic, in the sense that an element may acquire or lose a
 pseudo-class while a user interacts with the document. The
 exception is ':first-child' #first-child, which /can/ be deduced
 from the document tree

Think about the Trinidad components as html components. Just like a html 
component can have pieces -- first letter, first line, a Trinidad 
component can have pieces ::label, ::content.
We base the skinning keys around the concept of components and 
pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements.
This works well with icons. Icons are usually a piece of a component, 
like selectInputColor::launch-icon. It's not a style class.

The user is skinning a component, and we give them the pieces of the 
component that they can skin via the skinning keys.

If we turn our skinning key format from the way it is in Trinidad to a 
style-class-centric format, we lose the component-ness of the api.


Jeanne Waldman wrote:

Catalin Kormos wrote:

IMO, it's not just the 3rd party parsers use advantage, another 
would be that most of the class selectors the skinner provides would 
end up

as they were specified in the final CSS. After all, most components will
just define a list of class selectors that can be used to customize 

appearence, right? or how do you see this generaly?


In case of a component that can be in more than one state at one 
time, that

component will still need to let the user customize each state's style
separately, as far as i can tell, and then it will renderer the
corresponding class selectors in its class attribute, right? (some 

class could take care of determining the right selectors).

I would simply let the user use the composite style classes, like
so that we don't have to document all the possible combination of states.
Let's say there are 5 states a component can be in. That's a lot of 

About the :hover issue, if we take af:inputText disabled='true'/, with
CSS2 only, the skinner could have at his disposal a class selector
.af-inputText-disabled and in case he wants to change that style on 
over, he could add the following selector 
.af-inputText-disabled:hover to
the skin, and have both selectors rendered as they were specified by 
him, no
transformation needed. (this works for most browsers, at least IE and 
won't know about this for anything else than links, but there are 

to make them work as expected for any html element). The final html code
would look like input type=text disabled='true'

With DHTML, the user could have two class selectors, one for disabled 

one for disabled:hover, .af-inputText-disabled and
.af-inputText-disabled-hover, and the mouse over is detected with JS 

could interchange the selector in the class attribute.

Overall, I don't have a problem with simply documenting the style 
classes that
we output, instead of putting it in a css-3 format. However, the idea 
when we
came up with the css-3 format is that we don't want to document our 
css style
classes, because those can change, and we don't want people to rely on 

and I think if we documented our css style classes, they would be more
inclined to rely on them.
Instead we document an 'api' -- the css-3 skinning keys, which is an
abstraction of the styleclasses . We can then map these
to the actual style classes if we want or the html implementation,
like, af|processTrain::step can map to .af_processTrain A{}.
Then the html implementation can change to something else, and behind 
the scenes
we can change the mapping, and the user won't have to change his 
skinning definitions.

Looking forward to your comments.


On 6/21/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So are you saying the benefit of css2-syntax instead of css-3 syntax is
that we can use a 3rd party parser, and that is it?
The namespace is in css-3 syntax, but really that is it, right

Re: [Proposal] skinning platform, agent, and language features

2006-06-21 Thread Jeanne Waldman

I never commented on this email I just realized. See below.

Catalin Kormos wrote:

Hi Adam,

Sorry if this was confusing, i certainly wouldn't want to write a 
pretty new

framework for skinning, and this to be used only by Tomahawk. As Martin
mentioned we did compare existing approaches besides Trinidad's, like the
one from Tobago and I also took a look at Exadel Visual Component 
skinning. As far as i know these are all the current approaches for 
JSF and
Trinidad's is the one choosed to be based on, all the features it 
offers are

realy nice and there is room for more, like what Jeanne would like to
implement, right?

The goal is to work on making the Trinidad's skinning framework become 
skinning framework for MyFaces. There are things to be changed though. 
going all the way with CSS, and not use XSS for the base skins, allow 
to extend each other and not just a base skin, and allow @import rules 
to be


Our goal is to get rid of XSS for base skins as well, if possible. We 
first need to add

all the features that are in XSS to CSS before we can do that.
In Trinidad, skins can extend other skins. In JDeveloper 10.1.3, you 
couldn't do this, but in
Trinidad, you can. You the extends element in the adf-faces-skins.xml 
Yes, I'd like @import rules to be used, too. That's something that we'd 
need before we get rid of
XSS, since XSS allows this. It would be nice to know if we can pass 
through the @import into
the generated css file or if it is another skinning file and we need to 
process it.

The most important changes i was planning to do are related to parsing 

merging the CSS files. Right now, Trinidad uses CSS3 syntax for component
selectors, and has it's own way of parsing that syntax. What i want to 
do is

use a standard CSS2 compliant parser (an implementation of SAC,, with minimal extensions, for 
example to

recognize @agent rules, and have an internal model based on DOM Level 2
Style specifications ( This could
determine also changing the naming of the component selectors to use CSS2
valid syntax from the beginning but would eliminate the transformation of
CSS3 syntax into CSS2 syntax that currently occurs.

I would certainly appreciate your feedback on these plans, and help to 

to the best approach for bringing Trinidad skinning framework into the
overall MyFaces world.


On 6/14/06, Martin Marinschek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Adam,

inspired means it will be based on the ADF Faces skinning framework. We
evaluated Tobago's and Trinidad's thing, and we decided for the Trinidad
way. Whatever extensions we write, will go to both Trinidad and Tomahawk
(the definitive goal would be a common module we could both base upon).



On 6/14/06, Adam Winer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 One quick comment:  I don't see a reason to write a skinning framework
 inspired by the Trinidad skinning.  Trinidad is part of MyFaces;  
 not work on taking the Trinidad skinning framework and bringing it 

 the overall MyFaces world?

 -- Adam

 On 6/14/06, Catalin Kormos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi there,
  I just want to say that it sounds to me like a very good ideea, 

  same skin take care of browsers incompatibilities for example, 

  having different skins take care of that, with need of user
  i'm working on the future skinning framework for MyFaces (at least i
 hope it
  will become that), which is very much inspired by the current 
state of

  ADF Faces skinning. It's going to be done during the Google's SoC
  btw. Would be ok if i take some inspiration from this too? :)
  A concern of mine would be about the :lang pseudo selector. Maybe 

 one i
  didn't get quite right, but wouldn't this interfere with the 

  of the :lang pseudo selector, for styling components that renderer
  different lang attribute value, maybe on the same page? this might
  the case for ADF Faces components though.


Your JSF powerhouse -
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build pom problem

2006-06-20 Thread Jeanne Waldman

Hi there,

Does anyone know what's up with this error?

Project ID: org.apache.myfaces.core:myfaces-api

Reason: Error getting POM for 'org.apache.myfaces.core:myfaces-api' from 
the rep

ository: Error transferring file

from the specified remote repositories:
 central (,
 java-net (,
 central-corporate-legacy (,
 central-corporate (,
 snapshots-corporate (

I'm figuring some website is down, and I need to wait?


Re: [Proposal] skinning platform, agent, and language features

2006-06-20 Thread Jeanne Waldman
So are you saying the benefit of css2-syntax instead of css-3 syntax is 
that we can use a 3rd party parser, and that is it?

The namespace is in css-3 syntax, but really that is it, right?

As far as the 'states', it is possible for a component to be in more 
than one state at a time.
Currently, we do not have a component like this, but I can see that it 
is possible.
Like, how about if we add a state called hover to inputText, and the 
end user wants special styling
when the inputText component is disabled and the user hovers over it. As 
the component
writer, you could write code to detect when the mouse hovers over the 
inputText, and you would

add a styleclass of p_AFHover, so the html would look like:
input class=af_inputText p_AFHover p_AFDisabled/ and when the user 
moves the mouse

away, you'd take off the hover style class using DHTML and it would be:
input class=af_inputText p_AFDisabled

You would document for the skinners the 'states' like this:
:disabled - This pseudo-class is used to style the inputText when it is 
disabled af:inputText disabled='true'/

:hover - This pseudo-class is used when the user hovers over the component

And in the skin .css file the skinner can say, hey, I want the 
background of the inputText to turn pink when
the user hovers over when it is disabled. He'd then write the following 
skin definition:

af|inputText::content:disabled:hover {background-color:pink}

The code parses this file and creates a style class definition like this:

.af_inputText.p_AFDisabled.p_Hover {background-color:pink}

What do you think of that? :)

- Jeanne

Catalin Kormos wrote:

I don't want to say that css2 syntax would help, just trying to figure 
if it can be possible to provide the same feature using css2 syntax. 

and generating a new css file for the browser must be done in this case
also, and merging child skin's css file with parent skin's css file. 3rd
party css2 parsers do understand our :alias, will return this as a
conditional selector, the actual name doesn't seem to have influence, 
so it

will do the same for :rtl, or :ltri'm not yet sure if the :rtl pseudo
selector is used only for icons, is it?

af|inputText:disabled:read-only:active  - could this be specified by the
user using 4 different class selectors? a default style with
.af-inputText, a disabled style with .af-inputText-disabled, a 

style with .af-inputText-readOnly and a active style with
.af-inputText-active? the component can have only one of those 
states at

one time, right? i would appreciate it if you could explain to me this a
little bit more, what is taken from the user and what is rendered in the
final css.


On 6/19/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Catalin Kormos wrote:

 Thanks for bringing the use of CSS3 syntax into discussion, this was
 one of
 the things that put me a lot into thinking actualy :). From what i can
 all the features you mentioned can be achieved with CSS2 syntax too.
 Here is
 how i'm imagining to make this work:

 - selector inclusion with :alias, this one marks any selector that is
 a place holder for common style properties. This is alright by CSS2
 too (a standard parser will return it), and all selectors that end 

 :alias are actualy removed from the final CSS, their content beeing
 in other selectors. The inclusion by another selector will look like
 this :
 content:url(.bgColor:alias), this beeing the current solution, 
but not

 100% sure about it yet.

 - right-to-left support, this is achieved by using :rtl pseudo 

 right? this one can get used from the beginning with another naming
 strategy, like component selector name ending with -rtl.

How is this better than :rtl?

 - skinning icons, all selectors names that define an icon, end with
 Icon or
 -icon, right? so these can be easily identified when parsing, and they
 be removed from the final CSS, and the image url used to get the right

This is what we are doing now.

 - abstracting out the html/styleClass implementation, maybe i 
didn't get

 this right, but isn't the component making the decision which selector
 use depending on its state? it could end up looking like
 af-inputText-disabled and af-inputText.

This can get difficult when there are multiple states a component can be
like disabled, readOnly, active, etc. The user can specify this with
pseudo-classes like this:
af|inputText:disabled:read-only:active. We render input
class=af_inputText p_AFDisabled p_AFReadOnly p_Active.

 I hope this makes sense to you too :)

I do not understand how using css2 syntax would help. You still need to
parse the skin css file and generate a new css file for the browser.
I understand that you can use a 3rd party parser, since 3rd party
parsers don't understand our :alias, :rtl
pseudo-classes, is that right?
We have a stand-alone parser that uses the batik jars. We considered

Re: Question concerning skinning and concerning renderer engine

2006-06-20 Thread Jeanne Waldman


I'm the one that answered your OTN question. I didn't realize you were 
spending days and weeks of research on this! I'm sorry about that. I was 
told you found a different component.

I'd say it is impossible to do what you want to do unless you add these 
image 'hooks' in base.desktop's You would 
need to muck with the rendering code to put in additional skinnable hoos 
like those that are there already. Then you would set those image hooks 
to either null images, or very basic images in the SimpleDesktopSkin. 
Then, you would document these hooks, like we do in the 
skin-selectors.xml document, and the end user (you?) can add their own 
images to these hooks, and make the processTrain look like the one in 
the 'oracle' skin.

I haven't had a good look at the base ProcessTrainRenderer, so I'm not 
sure how hard it would be to put in the hooks that you need.

The ADF Faces code is now in apache, and renamed to Trinidad. You can 
create an issue

, and maybe someone can fix this issue for you. Or you could check out 
the code and make the contribution yourself. It would be reviewed and 
committed by someone with committer status.

I hope this helps. Maybe you'll get additional suggestions on this forum.

- Jeanne



After some days/weeks of research done by a small group of people and the 
facts that we havn't found a lot of useful information, i'm turning to 
this dev mailing list in a hope that someone might know the information we 
are looking for !

The main goal is to allow a ProcessTrain component to be fully skinnable. 
More precisely, to make every aspect of it be aliased to a user created 
image. From the information gathered so far, a skinning file (the .css) 
permits the modification of 4 aspects (images) which are Visited / 
Unvisited / Active / Disabled. This was answered in the forum under the 
link below... from someone who's part of this mailing list =) !   (thx for 
that answer btw)

However, this isn't sufficient to our needs, thus we kept digging to see 
if the rendering engine itself could somehow be modified so the images 
used by it to create the visual look of the ProcessTrain could be 

Those images (the 19   *.gif starting with the letter t) are hold in :

While digging in the code, we ended at the, which is 
under the path :


Clearly, from this class definition, it is possible in a way to get the 
URI and get the Path since both method exists. This is where we met our 
wall and thus bring my question that follow.

Is it possible to access the information (probably a sort of collection or 
table array) where the intern references are kept that link the images 
used to render a ProcessTrain ?
Or, is this rendering and aliasing of those images kept out of reach from 
the developper, thus, what we are trying to do, is in fact impossible 

If someone is knowledgeable enough to answer those questions (be it only 
partly) any pieces of informations would help us at this point.


Re: build pom problem

2006-06-20 Thread Jeanne Waldman

tried again after update of trinidad code, and deleted repository.
Perhaps Matt and my settings.xml file is different than yours?

Matthias Wessendorf wrote:

also 20 minutes ago (or so) I removed one of the deps. (was listed 

can you give it again a try?


On 6/20/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm on 2.0.4. And I had done a clean build. Matthias, did you get a new,
fresh checkout of the trinidad code?
I can try one more time...

Matthias Wessendorf wrote:

 Ok ladies and gents,

 I killed my complete maven2 local repo.
 did a mvn install in plugins
 did a mvn install in adf-faces

 and myfaces-api-1.1.2.jar (and pom) is downloaded in the desired 


 What m2 version do you use?
 (just for the case)

 mvn -v gave me:

 Maven version: 2.0.4


 On 6/20/06, Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It looks like I have no problem.

 will try the hard thing. killing local repo

 stay tuned dude.


 On 6/20/06, Dennis Byrne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Not at work ... but when I am home.  In the meantime, what happens
 if you check out 1.1.2 and build it locally?
  Dennis Byrne
  -Original Message-
  From: Matthias Wessendorf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 05:55 PM
  Subject: Re: build pom problem
  Hey dennis,
  can you also give this *problem* a try?
  On 6/20/06, Dennis Byrne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I believe Craig had the same problem recently. ???[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

   Dennis Byrne
   -Original Message-
   From: Matt Cooper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 05:32 PM
   Subject: Re: build pom problem
   Hi Matthias,
   I think I'm seeing the same error as Jeanne.  Are you saying
 that we need to
   modify a POM to fix it or download JARs manually?
   I'm starting over from a clean slate; I've deleted my
 .m2/repository and am
   building a freshly downloaded (totally clean) source folder.


   [INFO] Error building POM (may not be this project's POM).
   Project ID: org.apache.myfaces.core:myfaces-api
   Reason: Error getting POM for
 'org.apache.myfaces.core:myfaces-api' from the
   repository: Error transferring file
   from the specified remote repositories:
 central (,

 central-corporate (,
  Matthias Wessendorf
  Aechterhoek 18
  48282 Emsdetten
  mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

 Matthias Wessendorf
 Aechterhoek 18
 48282 Emsdetten
 mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

Re: build pom problem

2006-06-20 Thread Jeanne Waldman

It was the settings.xml file. Now that I have Matthias's, it works.
Mine was missing a central-mirror repository.


Matthias Wessendorf wrote:

Well, I have that one from bali.

will mail you offline.


On 6/20/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

tried again after update of trinidad code, and deleted repository.
Perhaps Matt and my settings.xml file is different than yours?

Matthias Wessendorf wrote:

 also 20 minutes ago (or so) I removed one of the deps. (was listed

 can you give it again a try?


 On 6/20/06, Jeanne Waldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm on 2.0.4. And I had done a clean build. Matthias, did you get 
a new,

 fresh checkout of the trinidad code?
 I can try one more time...

 Matthias Wessendorf wrote:

  Ok ladies and gents,
  I killed my complete maven2 local repo.
  did a mvn install in plugins
  did a mvn install in adf-faces
  and myfaces-api-1.1.2.jar (and pom) is downloaded in the desired
  What m2 version do you use?
  (just for the case)
  mvn -v gave me:
  Maven version: 2.0.4
  On 6/20/06, Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It looks like I have no problem.
  will try the hard thing. killing local repo
  stay tuned dude.
  On 6/20/06, Dennis Byrne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Not at work ... but when I am home.  In the meantime, what 

  if you check out 1.1.2 and build it locally?
   Dennis Byrne
   -Original Message-
   From: Matthias Wessendorf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 05:55 PM
   Subject: Re: build pom problem
   Hey dennis,
   can you also give this *problem* a try?
   On 6/20/06, Dennis Byrne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I believe Craig had the same problem recently. ???

Dennis Byrne
-Original Message-
From: Matt Cooper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 05:32 PM
Subject: Re: build pom problem

Hi Matthias,

I think I'm seeing the same error as Jeanne.  Are you saying
  that we need to
modify a POM to fix it or download JARs manually?

I'm starting over from a clean slate; I've deleted my
  .m2/repository and am
building a freshly downloaded (totally clean) source folder.




[INFO] Error building POM (may not be this project's POM).

Project ID: org.apache.myfaces.core:myfaces-api

Reason: Error getting POM for
  'org.apache.myfaces.core:myfaces-api' from the
repository: Error transferring file

from the specified remote repositories:
  central (,
  central-corporate (,

   Matthias Wessendorf
   Aechterhoek 18
   48282 Emsdetten
   mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com
  Matthias Wessendorf
  Aechterhoek 18
  48282 Emsdetten
  mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

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