Re: XPI infrastructure needs some love

2010-09-07 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

--- Original message ---

From: Lapo Luchini
Sent: 7.9.'10,  20:39

Dear port committers,
I understand that infofarmer@ and miwi@ have no more enough free
time to be hyper-active about those and other ports (and btw, thanks
very much for the huge work you did in the past!), but is out there
anyone else out there with both a commit bit and some time on hand to
give a bit of love to the XPI ports?

Hey Lapo and all, nice to hear from you!

XPI stuff is one of those things that's crying to get 95% automated (along 
with CPAN, pypy, etc, but *not* along with generic ports). I would estimate 
it is about a week of work for a reasonably seasoned ports committer.

At the moment, I could provide input for anyone with enough time to 
undertake it, but can not implement it myself. 
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Re: pkg_delete: package 'libvorbis-1.2.0,3' doesn't have a prefix

2008-05-28 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 10:23:51PM -0400, Dan Langille wrote:
 Can you tell me why this portupgrade fails?
 creating seeking_example
 Making all in vq
 ---  Backing up the old version
 tar: +COMMENT: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
 tar: +DESC: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
 tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.

Because you lost a couple of files in /var/db/pkg?
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Re: pkg_delete: package 'libvorbis-1.2.0,3' doesn't have a prefix

2008-05-28 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 07:46:05AM -0400, Dan Langille wrote:
 On May 28, 2008, at 6:10 AM, Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
 On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 10:23:51PM -0400, Dan Langille wrote:
 Can you tell me why this portupgrade fails?
 creating seeking_example
 Making all in vq
 ---  Backing up the old version
 tar: +COMMENT: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
 tar: +DESC: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
 tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.
 Because you lost a couple of files in /var/db/pkg?
 A poor question on my part.
 How can I make this portupgrade succeed?

1. pkg_delete -af
2. rm -rf /var/db/pkg
3. touch /var/db/pkg/*/+{COMMENT,DESC}
4. pkg_delete -x failing package
5. ln -sf /usr/bin/true /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade

There is no right way. Portupgrade is a great tool which just
likes to really screw up once in a while. I guess it's a fair
payment for all the headaches it solves.
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Unicode plane 1 in rxft-unicode

2008-05-10 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
I wonder if anyone succeeded in getting subj working. The
simplest way to test it is:
 - install a plane one font (e.g. I've just committed code2001)
 - verify it's working in firefox (after a restart)
 - add something like 'xft:Code2001:size=19,xft:' to
   'URxvt*font:' in .Xresources, and merge it with
   xrdb -merge  .Xresources
 - restart rxvt and try to view a text file with the symbols

A good test case is this:

Wikipedia title page (with languages) also contains some plane
one symbols.

My rxvt is compiled with --enable-everything (which includes
--enable-unicode3) and with all encodings. Ctrl+Shift+Click shows
code point fffd for plane one characters, but then I've never
seen it show codes over 16 bits.

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Re: lzma: invalid option -- s

2008-04-28 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 07:33:35PM +0200, Hans Lambermont wrote:
 This might be interesting to multiple ports:
 7.0-R, fresh portsnap.
 # portmaster -bad
 === Gathering dependency list for graphics/ImageMagick from ports
 === Starting dependency check
 === The dependency for archivers/lzma
seems to be handled by lzmautils-4.32.5

Deinstall lzmautils and try again.
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Re: lzma (Re: HEADS UP: upgrading ImageMagick to 6.4.0-6)

2008-04-22 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 02:42:24PM -0500, Brooks Davis wrote:
 That's well hidden (DOC/lzam.txt in the tarball).  Someone
 should produce some sort of lzma-lite distribution that only
 does the basics.  Then this could be a practical option.

Unfortunately, a closer look dispelled the hope. The
public-domained files only show how to use the GPL'ed ones. I had
a conversation with the author, who is worried about incompatible
formats being spawned if he releases lzma from under LGPL. He
might change his mind in the future, though.

So I guess we'll have to stick to using lzma from ports for now.
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Re: lzma (Re: HEADS UP: upgrading ImageMagick to 6.4.0-6)

2008-04-22 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 08:57:08AM -0500, Brooks Davis wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 02:34:39PM +0400, Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
  On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 02:42:24PM -0500, Brooks Davis wrote:
   That's well hidden (DOC/lzam.txt in the tarball).  Someone
   should produce some sort of lzma-lite distribution that only
   does the basics.  Then this could be a practical option.
  Unfortunately, a closer look dispelled the hope. The
  public-domained files only show how to use the GPL'ed ones. I had
  a conversation with the author, who is worried about incompatible
  formats being spawned if he releases lzma from under LGPL. He
  might change his mind in the future, though.
 Too bad. :(  FWIW, I don't see any significant, incompatible competitors
 to bzip2 or ogg vorbis (for example).

It seems that GPL infects not only software, but minds also, with
pure FUD.
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Re: lzma (Re: HEADS UP: upgrading ImageMagick to 6.4.0-6)

2008-04-22 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 10:21:45AM -0400, Mikhail Teterin wrote:
 вівторок 22 квітень 2008 06:34 до, Andrew Pantyukhin Ви написали:
  So I guess we'll have to stick to using lzma from ports for now.
 Well, we lived with bzip2 from ports for quite a while...
 The real problem with lzma right now is that lzmautils (already marked as 
 incompatible with lzma) installs its own lzma executable, with incompatible 
 command-line arguments :-(
 Maybe, instead of marking the ports as mutually incompatible, one of them 
 could be modified to install executables under different names?..

We had a talk with naddy about it, but since there are people
using archivers/lzma with whatever syntax it has, in scripted
environments, I'm inclined not to surprise them very much. I
think a wrapper can be added to lzmautils for full
backwards-compatibility, I may look at it later.

Also, the lzmautils website claims it's of alpha-quality, so I'm
also hesitant to rely on it completely. At any rate, I think
having a reference implementation of lzma util in ports is a good
thing. OTOH, changing lzmautils' lzma to another name would
probably confuse gtar (I'm not sure though).
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Re: Operation not permitted after Updating ports

2008-04-21 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 12:15:09PM +0200, Johan Hendriks wrote:
 I have a small question
 After the update of a compat port i get the following errors
 after installing a port!
 Updating the pkgdb ...
 Operation not permitted - /usr/local/lib/compat/pkg/

Try something like chflags -R noschg /usr/local/lib/compat
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Re: lzma (Re: HEADS UP: upgrading ImageMagick to 6.4.0-6)

2008-04-21 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 10:07:54PM -0500, Brooks Davis wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 10:35:30PM -0400, Mikhail Teterin wrote:
   15 ??? 2008 10:21 ??, Brooks Davis ?? :
   Sadly, the author's licensing terms will limit the adoption of lzma.
   The BSD license is well established as the most restrictive acceptable
   license for successful, widely adopted compression schemes.
 I wouldn't necessicairly be opposed to seeing support for tar.lzma files
 in, but I don't think lzma has a signficant future if the
 licensing policy remains as is (i.e. complex and not clearly defined in
 the source files).

== qouth lzma.txt ==
SPECIAL EXCEPTION #3: Igor Pavlov, as the author of this code,
expressly permits
 you to use code of the following files: 
 BranchTypes.h, LzmaTypes.h, LzmaTest.c, LzmaStateTest.c,
 as public domain code. 

Without a more careful look, it sounds like enough to integrate
lzma in libarchive.
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Re: Utility for safe updating of ports in base system

2008-04-13 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 07:01:15PM +0200, clemens fischer wrote:
 On Fri, 21 Mar 2008 17:21:10 +1100 Peter Jeremy wrote:
  Note that UFS is a database: If I've understood you correctly, the
  main problem is that there is no appropriate index to map a port
  directory to an installed package name.  This could be fixed...
 sorry to be late.  how about creating a special directory holding
 symlinks from package names to port directories?

The other way around.
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Re: results of ports re-engineering survey

2007-12-12 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Wed, Dec 12, 2007 at 04:38:39AM -0500, Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:
 I have used FreeBSD since '95 and except for jerks like you
 have really enjoyed it.

Are you quite sure it would be there to enjoy if not for jerks
like us? :)
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Re: [RFC/P] Port System Re-Engineering

2007-12-03 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Sun, Dec 02, 2007 at 05:01:35AM -0500, Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:
 As has been hashed out in -ports@ over the last few days there is at
 least a need to examine weither or not the current ports system should
 remain as is or potentially be re-engineered in the future (estimates
 if and when needed vary from ASAP to 10-15 years).   I have
 volunteered to undertake a feasibility/pilot project to examine what
 changes (if any) are needed in the system (for the purposes of this
 thread I will not venture any of my own suggestions).   I have the
 following broad questions for people:

You would have saved the community a couple of expensive
bikesheds (and more to come, as usual) if you had cared to do
some research. All of the questions you ask have already been
answered hundreds of times on mailing lists over the years. By
starting the cycle anew, I'm afraid, you're only contributing to
the problem.

There are heaps of papers on package management out there. Look
for answers there and you will find them.

Most of us have our own engineering demons, who breed Napoleonic
plans in our heads - to solve every problem in a perfect way. The
sooner we learn to control them, the better.
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Re: how to distinguish direct/indirect requirements?

2007-11-26 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Fri, Nov 23, 2007 at 11:00:32PM +0100, Alex Dupre wrote:
 Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
  You can cd some/port/make depends
 One way only. It would be more useful to know which installed ports
 directly depend on a specific port.

As an obvious working (but not nearly correct) example:

pkg_direct_req pkg name or regexp

indirect_reqs=`pkg_info -Rx $1|egrep -v '(:|^$)'`
pkg_origin=`pkg_info -ox $1|grep -m1 /`
for i in $indirect_reqs;do
req_origin=`pkg_info -o $i|grep /`
depdirs=`cd /usr/ports/$req_origin;make -V _DEPEND_DIRS`
if echo $depdirs|grep -qw $pkg_origin;then
echo $i is a direct req
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Re: how to distinguish direct/indirect requirements?

2007-11-23 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Fri, Nov 23, 2007 at 10:49:35AM +0100, Lapo Luchini wrote:
 Is there a way to discriminate direct dependencies fro indirect
 ones, except from reading every single Makefile? (and knowing
 to full extent what USE_GNOME and similar lines really do take
 in as deps)

You can cd some/port/make depends, but personally, I've also
always thought that the difference between direct and indirect
dependencies should be embedded in the package system.
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Re: Package Building in the Large

2007-11-22 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Thu, Nov 22, 2007 at 07:13:04AM -0800, Jason C. Wells wrote:
 Not all dependencies had a package built for them.  For my list of 31 ports 
 that I actually desired to build there was a dependency list (make 
 all-depends-list) of 758 ports.  Of those 758 ports there were 427 packages 
 built.  I also ended up with shared a library version problem in at least 
 one port (grip) in spite of having started my build with a completely 
 vacant /usr/local.
 I would also like the portmanagers to know that I think they do a bang-up 
 job.   I just have my ultra narrow fussy roll your own way of doing things. 
  I am looking for the right method _for me_.  All of the above is no 

I usually just use pkg_create -b within simple shell scripts.
It's as simple as it gets and works every time.
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Re: ports/117266: New port: www/linux-netscape-navigator The All-New Netscape Navigator 9.0

2007-11-16 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Fri, Nov 16, 2007 at 03:32:44PM +0100, Pietro Cerutti wrote:
 The browser-prefs.js file indeed isn't part of the tarball, but gets
 anyway installed on my system:
  pkg_info -W
 was installed by package linux-netscape-navigator-
 The port uses the infrastructure provided by
 /usr/ports/www/linux-seamonkey/Makefile.common, as all other
 linux-gecko ports do. I think the cause is to be searched inside that

Yep, look at the post-patch target. I can't say if that should be
disabled for netscape until I examine the browser a bit deeper,
but I will.

In the meantime, could you please provide a complete shar or
tarball of the latest version in any form.

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Re: Can we have FireFox updated to ?

2007-11-05 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 03:22:35PM -0800, Xin LI wrote:
 Martin Nilsson wrote:
  I know that we have a ports freeze but FF have some very serious
  rendering bugs affecting most modern page layouts so it is not suitable
  to ship with any release.
 Yes, I think the change is trivial.  Here is a patch that updates it,
 but I would like to hear from ahze@ and portmgr@ first (we are in a
 ports freeze).

plugYou're welcome to try linux-firefox in the meanwhile/plug
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Re: NOPORTDOCS and man/info pages

2007-10-13 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Fri, Oct 12, 2007 at 09:54:36AM -0400, Chess Griffin wrote:
 I am working on some small cleanup patches to a couple port Makefiles
 and had a few questions on how to handle man/info pages.  
 I have come across a couple Makefiles that have something like this in
 .if defined(NOPORTDOCS)
 MAN1= portname.1
 INFO= portname
 It's my understanding after reading 5.9, 5.10, and 5.14.4 of the
 Porter's Handbook that the man and info page variables should be
 listed in the first part of the Makefile, before the .include or .include for example.  It also
 states in 5.14.4 that Note:  NOPORTDOCS only controls additional
 documentation installed in DOCSDIR.  It does not apply to standard man
 page and info pages.  This statement seems to indicate that the above
 snippet would still install the man/info pages even if NOPORTDOCS was
 I have also seen where the manpage and info page are then also listed
 in pkg-plist, which I gather should not be the case according to 5.9
 of the Porter's Handbook.
 So, my questions are:
 Is the above handling of the man and info pages correct?  It seems the
 answer is no, but just thought I would check.

Not really, but I guess there may be some special cases that
warrant the handling (e.g. megabytes of manpages, etc.)

 How does one choose not to install man and info pages if NOPORTDOCS
 does not apply to them?  I seem to recall that there is a
 NO_INSTALL_MANPAGES knob but am not sure if that's the answer or if there

Some people tried to respect some knobs, but in general we just
always install manpages. As for infopages, we usually only
install them when there are no manpages or if the manpages are

 Is is correct procedure to never include man and info pages in the
 pkg-plist like Porter's Handbook states?

Sometimes it's necessary to list manpages in plist. E.g. when
there are different sets of manpages for different languages.
MANLANG and MAN# can only handle one set across all languages.
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Re: Idea: static builds

2007-10-06 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Thu, Oct 04, 2007 at 11:03:04PM +0400, Dmitry Marakasov wrote:
 I just have an idea that may be useful: static port builds. This can
 help produce packages without any depends, which may be useful

What I'd like to see first is some quantitative research on the
benefits of it. Static builds are a lot more headache than one
could imagine from a number points of view.
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Re: Idea: static builds

2007-10-06 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Sat, Oct 06, 2007 at 09:20:24PM +0300, Diomidis Spinellis wrote:
 Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 04, 2007 at 11:03:04PM +0400, Dmitry Marakasov wrote:
 I just have an idea that may be useful: static port builds. This can
 help produce packages without any depends, which may be useful
 What I'd like to see first is some quantitative research on the
 benefits of it. Static builds are a lot more headache than one
 could imagine from a number points of view.
 I can give you quantitative data on the benefits of shared objects.  On a 
 web server running FreeBSD 6.2 I found 98 shared objects sharing 16,790,901 
 bytes of memory through 1,002 mappings.
 Without shared libraries the corresponding binaries would require 
 198,815,270 bytes - an order of magnitude more.
 On freefall I found 58 shared objects sharing 11,285,262 bytes of memory 
 through 2,127 mappings. Without shared libraries the corresponding binaries 
 would require 515,107,268 bytes - 50 times more.
 These are not just memory savings, but, more importantly on a modern 
 system, they contribute to improved locality in the code cache.
 I've put the Perl script I used for obtaining these figures at

Cool :) Here's what I get on our hosting server (lots of PHP
FastCGI processes):

115 shared objects sharing 23242679 of memory with 11800
mappings. Without shared libraries 4806500943 bytes would be
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Re: configure editors/vim

2007-09-15 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Fri, Sep 14, 2007 at 07:07:46PM -0700, David E. O'Brien wrote:
 Brownie ports for someone that can explain why this always happens for me
 with ports that have OPTIONS:
 bash$ make
 cd /usr/ports/editors/vim  make config;
 ===  Switching to root credentials to create /var/db/ports/vim
 ===  Returning to user credentials
 [3]+  Stopped WITH_OPTIONS=1 make

/var/db/ports/*/options, the place where options are kept, is
only accessible to root.
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Re: configure editors/vim

2007-09-14 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Thu, Sep 13, 2007 at 02:01:22PM +0200, Gergely Sánta wrote:
 I'm a developer using gvim with it's tagging through exctags (somehow ctags 
 never worked for me). As vim port have no configuration options, it can't 
 be configured easyly through 'make config'. I'm too lazy for digging 
 Makefile for options every time I compile new version of vim, I added 
 configuration options to Makefile.
 I'm new to FreeBSD, also to it's Ports, so maybe I don't see the reasons, 
 these options aren't in the Makefile, but maybe they should be there. 
 Anyway, I attach my change, maybe it will be acceptable to have it's way to 
 ports. And if not, maybe it will help for someone else too :)

It's interesting to hear that from a vim (power?) user :)
Personally I resent dialog(1) because it's so much faster, more
hassle-free and convenient to edit make.conf(5) with vim.
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vim-script ports

2007-09-14 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Wed, Oct 18, 2006 at 10:29:05AM +0400, Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
 Any particular reason for no vim scripts in ports?
 I'm gonna make some, if there's no secret taboo.

Better late than never :-) For the past two days I've been
playing with some vim scripts. Here's a pre-alpha version of and a tiny sample port:

The infrastructure has a separate server side, a simple shell
script running on a server box which retrieves vim scripts from, jumps through a couple of hoops and makes tar.bz2
distfiles out of them. I'll publish it later, along with make
hooks for maintainer convenience. It's all very simple so far and
I'll try to keep it that way.
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Re: status

2007-09-12 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Wed, Sep 12, 2007 at 01:18:31PM +0100, Shaun Amott wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 11, 2007 at 02:00:14AM +0400, Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
  So am I missing something or is it as trivial as using these four
  lines instead of one:
 This is even uglier than our existing work-around solutions. :-)

You snipped the question I was trying to answer, which was is it
possible? Now IMHO the current way of handling options is ugly
as a whole. We're trying to use paradigms from other languages in
make. A make solution would look more like this:
other BSD's have used this approach for some time now and it
looks a lot cleaner than all the hacks we have, at least to my
eyes. The reason I'm not rallying for cosmetics like that is that 
I fail to see make(1) as a future-proof base for ports.
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Re: status

2007-09-10 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Mon, Sep 10, 2007 at 06:58:34PM +0200, Pav Lucistnik wrote:
 Dmitry Marakasov píše v po 10. 09. 2007 v 19:26 +0400:
  * Pav Lucistnik ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 It's possible to use this feature, but only on -CURRENT and -STABLE
 FreeBSD systems newer than certain date. No existing release supports 
 - it will be supported in upcoming 6.3 and 7.0.
Erm, isn't ports code (more or less) release-independent? What's missing
in existing FreeBSD versions that's needed to support
   The make only looks into /usr/share/mk for includes, until told
   otherwise. is included before, so it
   can't be found. Base system was modified to install stub of the same
   name into /usr/share/mk to workaround this problem.
  Understood. Then we really have to wait till 5.5 and 6.2 EOL to use That's a bit strange to wait multiple years for an
  useful feature, aren't there any workaround planned?
 The question is, are there any workarounds possible?

So am I missing something or is it as trivial as using these four
lines instead of one:

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Re: Upgrading to squid-2.6.15 is not recommended.

2007-09-10 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Mon, Sep 10, 2007 at 12:04:29PM +0400, Sergey Matveychuk wrote:
 Thomas-Martin Seck wrote:
 * RW [EMAIL PROTECTED] [gmane.os.freebsd.devel.ports]:
 The squid site is recommending that people skip 2.6.15 and go straight
 to 2.6.16
 The Squid maintainer can not resist to recommend that people look
 at what the FreeBSD port of Squid-2.6.STABLE15 actually delivers. :-)
 I'd like to thank Thomas-Martin Seck for maintaining squid ports. It's the 
 one of little numbers ports those I'm sure work and stable after upgrade. 
 Really great work!

Same here. Squid is one of those ports I'm always proud to show 
off to my Linux-stuck friends. That said, I'm very grateful to 
hundreds of other maintainers. This is just a convenient moment 
to say that tmseck really does a great job.

Thanks, man!
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Re: [HEADSUP] import coming soon

2007-09-10 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On Tue, Sep 11, 2007 at 09:12:26AM +1000, Edwin Groothuis wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 11, 2007 at 01:50:39AM +0400, Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
  On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 10:57:50AM +1000, Edwin Groothuis wrote:
   On Sat, Sep 08, 2007 at 06:40:23PM +0200, Erwin Lansing wrote:
On Sat, Sep 08, 2007 at 10:30:51AM +0200, Henrik Brix Andersen wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 07, 2007 at 11:33:42PM +, Mark Linimon wrote:
  The main feature of the change will be to allow USE_PERL5= 5.8.0+ 
  PERL_MODBUILD).  As a side-effect, the remaining few stragglers that
  attempt to keep perl5.003 going will be dropped.  (Other committers
  have also been removing that code).
 Great! A big thank you to all who helped get this work done :)
Let me chime in and thank everyone, especially Gabor for writing and
Mark for testing this.  This was a long needed feature that gets rid of
a huge number of cumbersome workarounds.  Thanks a lot!
   An idea for next summer: PERL_RUN_DEPENDS=Foo::Bar
   (I know I've done by best for this one, and it failed here and there)
  That would really be a killer feature. Applicable to other areas
  like CPAN-like repos (rubygems, pypi, pear/pecl, etc.)
 See It came
 into once, but it was removed after people complained
 too much.

What I am thinking about is not having to specify which port to
install from. A module name should be enough. Some kind of
(CPAN-based?) registry is needed for this to work.
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Re: FreeBSD Port: rsyslog-1.17.4

2007-08-04 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

 Trying to install rsyslog from ports and getting the following error:

 net.h:72: warning: struct sockaddr_storage declared inside parameter list
 net.h:72: warning: its scope is only this definition or declaration, which
 is probably not what you want
 omfwd.c: In function `doAction':
 omfwd.c:571: error: `AI_NUMERICSERV' undeclared (first use in this function)
 omfwd.c:571: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
 omfwd.c:571: error: for each function it appears in.)
 omfwd.c: In function `parseSelectorAct':
 omfwd.c:854: error: `AI_NUMERICSERV' undeclared (first use in this function)
 *** Error code 1

 Stop in /usr/ports/sysutils/rsyslog/work/rsyslog-1.17.6.
 *** Error code 1

 Stop in /usr/ports/sysutils/rsyslog/work/rsyslog-1.17.6.
 *** Error code 1

 Stop in /usr/ports/sysutils/rsyslog.

 System is FreeBSD 5.x STABLE, here is uname:
 FreeBSD 5.5-STABLE FreeBSD 5.5-STABLE #0: Fri Jul 20
 10:08:31 CDT 2007
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/MDACC1  i386

 Is there an issue with my system, or is something broken in the code?

I'm afraid 5.x may have differences from 6.x substantial
enough to break rsyslog. I'll wait for our package-building
cluster and see if it can reproduce the error, but if it
does, I'll probably just mark rsyslog broken on 5.x.
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Re: mail/horde

2007-08-01 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin
On 7/20/07, Jonathan Horne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Friday 20 July 2007 08:36:38 Jonathan Horne wrote:
  i am trying to setup mail/horde on a test box,
  but so far i am not having much success.  can
  anyone direct me to a place where i might find
  tips or documentation for setting up the *current*
  port version of horde?

 sorry, i meant to say www/horde-meta.

Why don't you try to contact its maintainer (cc'ed)?

Good luck!
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Re: FreeBSD Port: lzma-4.48

2007-07-06 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 7/6/07, Eric Kingston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There is a bug in LZMA running on amd64.  LZMA, an archiver port,
segmentation faults on files  1-5 GB in size.  I've tested this on three
different xeon dual multi-core processor servers.  In each case, lzma core
dumps in the exact same spot and the resulting file size for each is exactly
the same.  Files less than 1 GB seem to work ok.  LZMA seems to work on any
size file without a problem on the FreeBSD i386 platform.  When I spoke with
a friend of mine, he says that he compresses 160GB files daily without a
problem, on his i386 systems.

P.S.  Here is my machine info..

FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p5 FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p5 #0: Sun Jun
17 13:37:57 MDT 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/ELROND  amd64

Thanks for your report! To achieve the best/quickest
possible result, could you also:
1. Try a previous version
2. File your bug report with the 7zip project
3. Get a gdb backtrace out of the coredump

I'm sorry but I don't have time to do it all right
now. I will look into it at the first opportunity,

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Re: jdk - broken dependency on compat6x

2007-06-28 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 6/28/07, Greg Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, Jun 28, 2007 at 08:58:22PM +0400, Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
 The c.6 dependency does not work if you have linux
 base installed (thanks to /compat/linux/lib/libc.6)

 How about depending on z.3 instead?

How about LIB_DEPENDS only checks native shared libraries for a native port?
This seems like it could easily affect a whole variety of ports once
linux base is installed.

switching to ports@

Yes, sounds like a sane idea. Actually, to simplify
it, we can always ignore libs in linuxbase. Linux
ports only use run_depends anyway. So it boils down
to an extra grep -v in lib_depends processing in

Still, it will probably take no less than a month
to get it committed, so how about changing the java
ports now and saving many users a headache?
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Re: compat6x

2007-06-06 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 6/6/07, Kris Kennaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is anyone working on a compat6x port?

mnag is
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Re: More speed increases for make-ing ports

2007-05-24 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 5/24/07, Mark Linimon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, May 22, 2007 at 05:34:32PM +0400, Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
 A seemingly better way may be to make these system vars
 available in make by default.

Doesn't help anyone who runs -RELEASE, so a non-starter.

You can go ahead and say that about almost every commit
to src. They don't help release-runners immediately, but
we're not in a hurry, are we.
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Re: Discontinued projects

2007-05-24 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 5/24/07, Thierry Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Le Jeu 24 mai 07 à 12:16:26 +0200, Gabor Tjong A Hung [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 What happens with discontinued projects?
 They seem to pollute our ports tree. seems to indiacte that the project is
 discontinued. Shouldn't its port be removed from the ports tree then?
 I've noticed the same with several other ports. aka editors/MathPlanner

Well, if they are still usuable, why would we remove them?

In the future, they might break for some reason (unfetchable, broken
with a new compiler version, not compatible with some dependency, etc.):
at this time, let's see if someone take time to fix them; if not, they
will be marked as deprecated, and then removed.

Moreover, many abandoned projects continue to live
in OS-local repositories. Debian have dozens (hundreds?)
of such packages, our ports also have some.
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Re: More speed increases for make-ing ports

2007-05-22 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 5/22/07, Kris Kennaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, May 22, 2007 at 01:47:23AM -0500, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
 This small modification cuts off about 25% off pkg_version on my system.

 Basically recursively finds all the dependencies, but many
 of them are listed many times.  This makes make work extra hard when it
 doesn't have to.  I simply weed out the repeated entries.

 --- Tue May 22 01:29:08 2007
 +++  Tue May 22 01:29:22 2007
 @@ -655,6 +655,8 @@
  _USE_GNOME+= ${${component}_USE_GNOME_IMPL} ${component}
  . endfor

 +_USE_GNOME!=(for i in ${_USE_GNOME}; do ${ECHO_CMD} $$i; done) | sort -u
  # Setup the GTK+ API version for pixbuf loaders, input method modules,
  # and theme engines.

Be careful, != assignments may add thousands of process invocations to
large targets like 'make index' and can slow it down dramatically.

Right, and uniqueness logic can be implemented in make.
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Re: More speed increases for make-ing ports

2007-05-22 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 5/22/07, Alexander Leidinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Quoting Andrew Pantyukhin [EMAIL PROTECTED] (from Tue, 22 May
2007 11:55:39 +0400):

 On 5/22/07, Kris Kennaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, May 22, 2007 at 01:47:23AM -0500, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
 This small modification cuts off about 25% off pkg_version on my system.

 Basically recursively finds all the dependencies, but many
 of them are listed many times.  This makes make work extra hard when it
 doesn't have to.  I simply weed out the repeated entries.

 --- Tue May 22 01:29:08 2007
 +++  Tue May 22 01:29:22 2007
 @@ -655,6 +655,8 @@
  _USE_GNOME+= ${${component}_USE_GNOME_IMPL} ${component}
  . endfor

 +_USE_GNOME!=(for i in ${_USE_GNOME}; do ${ECHO_CMD} $$i; done) | sort -u
  # Setup the GTK+ API version for pixbuf loaders, input method modules,
  # and theme engines.

 Be careful, != assignments may add thousands of process invocations to
 large targets like 'make index' and can slow it down dramatically.

 Right, and uniqueness logic can be implemented in make.

Be proactive and tell/point out how... :)

TMTOWTDI. There are several examples in bsd.*.mk. The
obvious one is flags (you set or unset flag vars
first, then traverse them and add what you need to
the list). In recent versions of our make you can
also use ${VAR:O:u}
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Re: More speed increases for make-ing ports

2007-05-22 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 5/22/07, Stephen Montgomery-Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
 On 5/22/07, Alexander Leidinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quoting Andrew Pantyukhin [EMAIL PROTECTED] (from Tue, 22 May
 2007 11:55:39 +0400):

  On 5/22/07, Kris Kennaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tue, May 22, 2007 at 01:47:23AM -0500, Stephen Montgomery-Smith
  This small modification cuts off about 25% off pkg_version on my
  Basically recursively finds all the dependencies, but
  of them are listed many times.  This makes make work extra hard
 when it
  doesn't have to.  I simply weed out the repeated entries.
  --- Tue May 22 01:29:08 2007
  +++  Tue May 22 01:29:22 2007
  @@ -655,6 +655,8 @@
   _USE_GNOME+= ${${component}_USE_GNOME_IMPL} ${component}
   . endfor
  +_USE_GNOME!=(for i in ${_USE_GNOME}; do ${ECHO_CMD} $$i; done) |
 sort -u
   # Setup the GTK+ API version for pixbuf loaders, input method
   # and theme engines.
  Be careful, != assignments may add thousands of process invocations to
  large targets like 'make index' and can slow it down dramatically.
  Right, and uniqueness logic can be implemented in make.

 Be proactive and tell/point out how... :)

 TMTOWTDI. There are several examples in bsd.*.mk. The
 obvious one is flags (you set or unset flag vars
 first, then traverse them and add what you need to
 the list). In recent versions of our make you can
 also use ${VAR:O:u}

I must admit I was looking for the :u.  Definitely a good feature -
maybe it could be invoked in the make file conditional on an appropriate
value of OSVERSION.

Incidently if you want to save a few more != assignments, I notice that
setting the variables
in /etc/make.conf will do this for you.

A seemingly better way may be to make these system vars
available in make by default. They may even be compiled
in - to achieve virtually no performance impact (except
for a bit larger default var table).
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Re: HEADS UP: Gstreamer80 is scheduled for removal in 9 days.

2007-05-22 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 5/22/07, Michael Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

multimedia/gstreamer80 has been marked DEPRECATED and has an
EXPIRATION_DATE of 2007-05-31.

The following ports depend on gstreamer80

Please update your ports to use gstreamer 0.10. We will probably
extend the removal since there are so many ports
that depend on gstreamer80.

Seems like many of those depend indirectly (through wxgtk
or otherwise).
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Re: HEADS UP: Gstreamer80 is scheduled for removal in 9 days.

2007-05-22 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 5/22/07, Michael Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On May 22, 2007, at 11:29 AM, Jona Joachim wrote:

 On Tue, 22 May 2007 19:18:57 +0400
 Andrew Pantyukhin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 5/22/07, Michael Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 multimedia/gstreamer80 has been marked DEPRECATED and has an
 EXPIRATION_DATE of 2007-05-31.

 The following ports depend on gstreamer80

 Please update your ports to use gstreamer 0.10. We will probably
 extend the removal since there are so many ports
 that depend on gstreamer80.

 Seems like many of those depend indirectly (through wxgtk
 or otherwise).

 Yes, wxgtk26 depends on gstreamer80.
 Will wxgtk26 be updated to use gestreamer 0.10 or should those ports
 that depend on wxgtk26 be modified to use wxgtk28 instead?

We're one of the only projects that still has wxgtk26 depending on
gentoo, fedora, debian, etc don't.

I was about to say you're talking like you're not on
the gnome team, but I see fjoe is maintainer, so we
should all probably just blame Max :-)
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Re: minimizing downtime on upgrades? (for example: mysql 4.1 - 5.0 or php)

2007-05-22 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 5/22/07, Olivier Mueller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Some freebsd-beginner questions about how to maintain a production
server up to date day after day, with a practical example: now I have
to update a 6.1-based server from mysql 4.1 to mysql 5.0, minimizing
the downtime during the upgrade.

In the past under other OS'es I would have taken the mysql source,
compiled the whole, and then on upgrade time:
- stopped the services (httpd, etc.)
- mysqldump of all tables
- stopped mysqld
- removed the old version (+backup)
- 'make install'ed the new one
- started mysqld
- imported the db and restarted the other services
- 2-3 minutes downtime, depending on the size of the databases

Now I can't really do that under FreeBSD: if I want to prepare (just
make in the ports directory) the mysql50-server part, it answers:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/databases/mysql50-server]# make
===  mysql-server-5.0.41 cannot install: MySQL versions mismatch:
  mysql41-client is installed and wanted version is mysql50-client.
*** Error code 1
Stop in /usr/ports/databases/mysql50-server.

So I can only do that after the installation of mysql50-client, which
means all the services will have to be stopped during the compilation of
mysql50-server, which usually takes some time.

Isn't there a better way?  How do you handle such cases?

Same questions for php upgrades: on php5 upgrade, all the other php5-*
packages have to be compiled too, and keeping the webserver running
during this time is probably not the best idea.

You raise a very good question. Concurrent versions have
been a major feature of some enterprise-class package
management systems for years now. Through local hacks,
FreeBSD ports only enable us to achieve that in a tiny
amount of cases (e.g. you can have multiple [but fixed]
versions of autoconf installed at the same time).

To make the feature available on a larger scale, we'll
need to rework much of our current infrastructure. E.g.
most probably we'll have to install ports into dedicated

This springs has already reignited many talks about the
ports system. Let's hope we'll see some substantial
results by the end of the year.
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Re: 7.2 ports merged into the FreeBSD Ports Tree

2007-05-20 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 5/20/07, Dag-Erling Smørgrav [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Peter Jeremy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 That rates as the biggest commit I recall seeing:
 - Affecting 7868 files
 - Updating 6168 ports
 - Creating 255 new ports
 - 700KB, 14553 line commit message

The commit message never showed up in my inbox...

Freshports never saw it, either:
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Re: HEADS UP: xorg 7.2 ready for testing

2007-05-13 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 5/13/07, Kris Kennaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sun, May 13, 2007 at 01:11:15AM +0400, Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
 On 5/13/07, Kris Kennaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, May 13, 2007 at 01:00:51AM +0400, Andrew Pantyukhin wrote: failed, probably because my system is quite
  dirty. Even after I removed the conflicting files, it just
  failed. I've made the merge myself and been living happily
  ever since (so far).
 Hmm, would be nice to know why.

 I'll try to look closer at it on my laptop. Something tells
 me it'll fail there too, because it's my development system
 and it's as dirty as it gets.

Running sh -x will help.

It fails at line 81. The problem is when there are
empty dirs in /usr/X11R6, they cause File exists
errors, but don't get deleted. Reproducible this

# rm -rf /usr/X11R6
# mkdir /usr/X11R6
# run mergebase
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Re: [NEW PORT] ports-mgmt/pkg - smart tool for managing FreeBSD ports

2007-05-12 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 5/12/07, Andy Kosela [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

I would like to present to you the new utility to deal with the ports
system. The main goal of this project is to provide one common tool
for managing ports and packages instead of relying on many
applications (pkg_add, pkg_delete, pkg_info, pkg_version etc.).
Actually it is a smart wrapper written in /bin/sh to the previously
mentioned applications. It also uses external tool portmaster written
also in /bin/sh by Doug Barton to work with the ports compiled from
source. Pkg tool automates upgrading installed packages, outputs
valuable information about packages/ports and overall simplifies
working with the FreeBSD Ports Collection. It uses no external
databases like portupgrade, just simplicity and minimalism are its
main goals.

You can test the latest version by installing the package from here

I commited pkg-1.0 with send-pr to the ports tree a few days ago. It
is awaiting approval...

Feel free to send any suggestions, new ideas and of course bug

First of all, can you consider renaming it to something
less ambitious? A tool named pkg is already present in
some other systems (e.g. pkgjam in NetBSD). It would be
a pity to see your tool, however marvelous it is,
squatter the name just because it was the earliest one.

That said, your tool is very welcome.

P.S. You wanted to post your message to ports@, not
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Re: HEADS UP: xorg 7.2 ready for testing

2007-05-12 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

Reporting success on one of my desktops. It's a current/i386
box with a little over 1000 packages (after the upgrade).

I used portupgrade-devel, but started with stale INDEX. For
this reason or not, I stumbled upon the libXft quirk. Stopped
the upgrade when I saw a few pkg_create's to take far too
long because of dependency loop, rebuilt the INDEX with
make index (portsdb -U didn't work for me), ran pkgdb -F
and after that portupgrade -a finished without any major
surprises. failed, probably because my system is quite
dirty. Even after I removed the conflicting files, it just
failed. I've made the merge myself and been living happily
ever since (so far).

Waiting for portupgrade -a to finish on my laptop.

Thanks, Kris and all of you guys for making this step as
painless as possible - for me and everyone.

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Re: HEADS UP: xorg 7.2 ready for testing

2007-05-12 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 5/13/07, Kris Kennaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sun, May 13, 2007 at 01:00:51AM +0400, Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
 Reporting success on one of my desktops. It's a current/i386
 box with a little over 1000 packages (after the upgrade).

 I used portupgrade-devel, but started with stale INDEX. For
 this reason or not, I stumbled upon the libXft quirk. Stopped
 the upgrade when I saw a few pkg_create's to take far too
 long because of dependency loop, rebuilt the INDEX with
 make index (portsdb -U didn't work for me), ran pkgdb -F
 and after that portupgrade -a finished without any major

Can you confirm that you started by doing portupgrade -Rf libXft and
it still gave the dependency loop?

Nope, I actually misread UPDATING and thought portupgrade-devel
didn't need it. [ try s/nor/not/ in the message :) ] failed, probably because my system is quite
 dirty. Even after I removed the conflicting files, it just
 failed. I've made the merge myself and been living happily
 ever since (so far).

Hmm, would be nice to know why.

I'll try to look closer at it on my laptop. Something tells
me it'll fail there too, because it's my development system
and it's as dirty as it gets.
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Re: HEADS UP: xorg 7.2 ready for testing

2007-05-10 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 5/11/07, Edwin Groothuis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, May 10, 2007 at 05:28:17PM -0400, Kris Kennaway wrote:
 Dear porters,

 We are now ready for xorg 7.2 testing!  Over the past week we have
 done extensive tests of various upgrade scenarios, fixed many
 remaining bugs, and now the upgrade is looking good.  Of course, we
 can't possibly test everything, so that's where you come in.  What we
 need now is for everyone to download this tarball: is only 28Mb is only 461 Kb

In fact, that's what we've been promised - a diff :-)
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Re: www/linux-firefox JavaScript Versions?

2007-05-02 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 5/2/07, Jesse Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Why is www/linux-firefox version built using JavaScript version
1.4? Check the link below to see the JavaScript version you are using:

linux-firefox uses the official binary from AFAICT,
the browser check is just bogus.
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Re: sudo insults

2007-05-02 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 5/2/07, Dan Casey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm guilty of not reading the handbook.. I just assumed that revision
had to be bumped up.  Or perhaps the reason for bumping it up is to
prevent systems from recompiling the port for no reason.

Anyway, I have attached the fixed unified diff.

Committed, thanks!
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Re: xpi updates

2007-05-02 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 3/30/07, Andrew Pantyukhin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear xpi-extensions maintainers,

Some of you granted me an implicit approval for
routine updates of your xpi ports. That was some
time ago and now I ask you to renew the approval.
If you want to, just reply to this mail (you
don't need to include all the recipients, of
course) to tell me it's okay.

I would gladly send you patches for approval, but
in most cases an update takes a few seconds, while
the total time spent on patches and approvals can
amount to minutes per update. It's just a question
of efficiency.

Dear Chin-San, Andrey and Stanislav!

All other xpi-maintainers have already responded. Here's
a short list of out-of-date extensions:


I'll be glad if you could grant me an implicit approval
to update your xpi-ports for you whenever I perform
version-bump sweeps of my own ports.

Stanislav, welcome to our little xpi club :-) When dealing
with others' ports I usually try to be as little intrusive
as possible - performing only the very necessary/minor
changes and keeping the style intact.

Anyway, it's okay if all of you prefer to keep your ports
to yourself, but I would appreciate a (negative) response
anyway just to be sure it's not a matter of a lost e-mail.

Thanks guys!
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Re: Bundling Kwiki

2007-04-23 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 4/23/07, Cheng-Lung Sung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Quote from

Kwiki is *really* simple to install now. _All_ the Perl dependencies
 come with Kwiki, and are /preinstalled/. This means you just need Perl
 5.8.3 and a web server. Well actually we give you a web server too!...


Eventually all this work will make it back to CPAN, but likely not for a

The kwiki-trunk-*.tar.gz already do so (bundling almost every plugin)
I think I'd better take off these plugins from ports tree before
'Ingy dot net' put them back.

Just IMHO. :-)

That *really* simple was directed to poor Linux/Solaris
admins, who mostly have to install everything manually.
Bundles are evil :-) It's your call, of course, and
considering the devs aren't going to push the stuff back
to CPAN for a while, it seems you've made the right choice.

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Bundling Kwiki

2007-04-22 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

First of all, thanks for taking up the initiative and
updating Kwiki. It's a worthy project.

Do we want to bundle Kwiki into a single port? In ports
we usually consider bundling (of any software project)
a harmful thing, as opposed to modularizing. I haven't
looked at those new Kwiki snapshots, but is it too hard
to update all those p5-Kwiki-* ports instead of merging
them into the main one?

Never mind if it's too much work...

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Re: Warnings added to INDEX

2007-04-20 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 4/20/07, Kris Kennaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

../../www/linux-seamonkey/Makefile.common, line 43:
warning: duplicate script for target post-extract ignored

Fixed, sorry.

Thanks for a heads-up!
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Re: PHP error

2007-04-09 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 4/9/07, Beech Rintoul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a port which calls php -m as a test from the makefile. Problem
is if I do php -m I get the following:

stargate# php -m
/libexec/ /usr/local/lib/php/20060613/ Undefined
symbol ssl_onceonlyinit

I tried rebuilding php  the module involved, but no joy.

Does anyone have a suggestion? I'm running the following:

FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT #113: Sun Apr  8 08:27:49 AKDT 2007

This worked about a month ago.

Did you follow UPDATING when upgrading ports? In
particular, there's been a gettext and some other
interesting updates.

If all else fails, go the pkg_delete -a way.
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Re: Package A should replace Package B

2007-04-09 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 4/9/07, Alagarsamy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I had package A and package B. Package A does all the functions of
Package B and some more functions.  So installing package A  should
replace package B. So i need to have a 'REPLACES' like directive in
Makefile of Package A which says package A should replace package B.
currently I can't find 'REPLACES' directive. Is there any otherway we
can achieve this ?

Not this time of year, and it's not as simple as
you sound. Just tell the user he needs to remove
some packages before installing this one, and/or
just set CONFLICTS.
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: gnono-1.9.1_1 failed on amd64 7]

2007-04-03 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 4/4/07, Kris Kennaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

cc1: warnings being treated as errors
In file included from 
 from /usr/local/include/libgnome-2.0/libgnome/gnome-init.h:30,
 from game.c:31:
/usr/local/include/popt.h:444: warning: type qualifiers ignored on function 
return type
gmake[3]: *** [game.o] Error 1
gmake[3]: Leaving directory `/work/a/ports/games/gnono/work/gnono-1.9.1/src'
gmake[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/work/a/ports/games/gnono/work/gnono-1.9.1/src'
gmake[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/work/a/ports/games/gnono/work/gnono-1.9.1'
gmake: *** [all] Error 2
*** Error code 2


popt has a few places like this:
const char *const poptStrerror(const int error)...

I see the samba project patched this:

Should we do the same?
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Re: FreeBSD and NetBSD's pkgsrc: A strategic synergy for awesomeness

2007-04-01 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 4/2/07, Bill Moran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

OK.  I have to know ... who took all the time to write that all

Look into the headers and grep our mailing-list archives
for peculiar ones, like bofh ;-)
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Re: FreeBSD Port: twiki-4.1.0,1

2007-03-30 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 3/30/07, David Christensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Thank you for your reply.

 Be sure to backup your data before every update if you use twiki from
 ports. It (the port) doesn't support updates, only the first time
 install. Personally, I maintain my twiki installation manually.
 Twiki is quite complicated to make a good port out of it.


I'm trying to get a fresh install working.  Should I
download the current version, or will you be releasing
an updated port?

Either way, be sure to know that 4.1.0 (and maybe 4.1.1)
has security holes in it.
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xpi updates

2007-03-30 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

Dear xpi-extensions maintainers,

Some of you granted me an implicit approval for
routine updates of your xpi ports. That was some
time ago and now I ask you to renew the approval.
If you want to, just reply to this mail (you
don't need to include all the recipients, of
course) to tell me it's okay.

I would gladly send you patches for approval, but
in most cases an update takes a few seconds, while
the total time spent on patches and approvals can
amount to minutes per update. It's just a question
of efficiency.

Here's a tentative list of outdated extensions:
display qouta
adblock plus
cutemenus crystalsvg
session manager

That's a small list and it means you're doing a
great job!

In other news, engine has been
updated. New releases are to be found in addons/
XPI_NUM subfolders (as opposed to extensions/

So if you're updating/adding a recent release
from, you should notice the
number in its URL (usually 3 or 4 digits) and set
XPI_NUM=number in the port. The xpi infrastruc-
ture will then seek the distfiles in the proper

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Re: FreeBSD Port: twiki-4.1.0,1

2007-03-28 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 3/29/07, David Christensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I recently made and installed TWiki 4.1.0, and have run into some issues.  When 
check the TWiki project site:

they have released a newer version.  Should I download and install that, or will
you be updating the FreeBSD port soon?

Be sure to backup your data before every update if you
use twiki from ports. It (the port) doesn't support
updates, only the first time install. Personally, I
maintain my twiki installation manually.

Twiki is quite complicated to make a good port out of
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Re: How many distfile downloads

2007-03-24 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 3/24/07, Karel Miklav [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm thinking about putting a larger distfile on my
server and I'd like to know how it will affect the

How many downloads can be expected from automated
processes? Is there any statistics for port
popularity or something? Could somebody please
give me a number of downloads for his distfiles?

I'm thinking about setting up an automated on-demand
mirroring for BSD ports. Until that happens, I can
deal with some requests manually. Tell me more about
your distfile, if you want to.

As for stats, my hoster password-protects them, I'll
try to publish them though. You can get anywhere
from 0 downloads to 100-200 a day depending on many
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Re: New port - please review

2007-03-24 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 3/25/07, KillFill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello Marcin!

actually the BSD# ports repo, already got gnome-subtitles!

already as in 2 hours after Marcin's mail?

It happens all the time - two people working on the
same thing independently. I'm sure you both did a
great job porting gnome-subtitles. Just be sure to
mention each other when it gets committed.

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Re: Ports management tools in the base (Was: Re: cvs commit: www/en/projects/ideas ideas.xml)

2007-03-21 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 3/21/07, Alexander Leidinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When you need a program which needs a newer lib than installed on a
production system, but you don't get a maintenance window to update
all other programs which use this lib, then not having the old lib
will hurt.

When the reason for the library version bump also requires to change
some parts in the source of the programs which make use of the lib,
you have to update all programs at once. If some programs have bugs in
more recent versions which you can't accept in production and when you
need to install a program which needs the new lib version, you are
busted when you don't have the old lib around.

But don't you smell an architectural flaw here (of the
ports system) and don't you feel that working around it
in a tool in the base system might only mess things up
even more?..
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Re: Ports management tools in the base (Was: Re: cvs commit: www/en/projects/ideas ideas.xml)

2007-03-21 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 3/21/07, Pav Lucistnik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Andrew Pantyukhin píše v st 21. 03. 2007 v 11:31 +0300:
 On 3/21/07, Alexander Leidinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  When you need a program which needs a newer lib than installed on a
  production system, but you don't get a maintenance window to update
  all other programs which use this lib, then not having the old lib
  will hurt.
  When the reason for the library version bump also requires to change
  some parts in the source of the programs which make use of the lib,
  you have to update all programs at once. If some programs have bugs in
  more recent versions which you can't accept in production and when you
  need to install a program which needs the new lib version, you are
  busted when you don't have the old lib around.

 But don't you smell an architectural flaw here (of the
 ports system) and don't you feel that working around it
 in a tool in the base system might only mess things up
 even more?..

No I don't see a systematic flaw here. Or you suggest we reset all
shmajors everywhere to zero?

I would suggest that multiple versions of any port
should be allowed to be installed simultaneously -
and without the burden of introducing versioned

I do not volunteer just yet to propose an outline
of a solution to make that possible, but workarounds
have a tendency to be tolerated in the long run once
introduced into the base system. objformat tool is a
nice example of such a workaround.
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Re: Ports management tools in the base (Was: Re: cvs commit: www/en/projects/ideas ideas.xml)

2007-03-21 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 3/21/07, Pav Lucistnik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Andrew Pantyukhin píše v st 21. 03. 2007 v 13:55 +0300:
 On 3/21/07, Pav Lucistnik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Andrew Pantyukhin píše v st 21. 03. 2007 v 11:31 +0300:
   On 3/21/07, Alexander Leidinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
When you need a program which needs a newer lib than installed on a
production system, but you don't get a maintenance window to update
all other programs which use this lib, then not having the old lib
will hurt.
When the reason for the library version bump also requires to change
some parts in the source of the programs which make use of the lib,
you have to update all programs at once. If some programs have bugs in
more recent versions which you can't accept in production and when you
need to install a program which needs the new lib version, you are
busted when you don't have the old lib around.
   But don't you smell an architectural flaw here (of the
   ports system) and don't you feel that working around it
   in a tool in the base system might only mess things up
   even more?..
  No I don't see a systematic flaw here. Or you suggest we reset all
  shmajors everywhere to zero?

 I would suggest that multiple versions of any port
 should be allowed to be installed simultaneously -
 and without the burden of introducing versioned

How would that work? I'm curious.

Several systems have such a feature. SEPP for one.

 I do not volunteer just yet to propose an outline
 of a solution to make that possible, but workarounds
 have a tendency to be tolerated in the long run once
 introduced into the base system. objformat tool is a
 nice example of such a workaround.

Let's say I prefer a working system now than neatly designed system in

Will you have figured out how to work around similar
problems with all other dependency cases by 2014?
There are libraries in interpreted languages, static
libs, and just old programs that require old programs
to function.
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Re: Problems running pkgdb -fF

2007-03-20 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 3/19/07, Joe Marcus Clarke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Running pkgdb -Ff today gives me the following error:

Just a me too here, and this problem appears during
portupgrade runs, too.

Also, portupgrade-devel has been almost unusable for
me for some time now, on different machines. It's
dependency harvesting is quite strange; portupgrade -a
starts installing a lot of irrelevant packages.
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Re: Problems running pkgdb -fF

2007-03-20 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 3/20/07, Sergey Matveychuk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
 On 3/19/07, Joe Marcus Clarke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Running pkgdb -Ff today gives me the following error:

 Just a me too here, and this problem appears during
 portupgrade runs, too.

Try the patch please. I could not find a box where I can reproduce the
error, so it's not tested. Just a obvious quick fix.

Index: pkgtools.rb
RCS file: /cvsroot/portupgrade/pkgtools/lib/pkgtools.rb,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.16.2.4 pkgtools.rb
--- pkgtools.rb 27 Feb 2007 11:34:59 -
+++ pkgtools.rb 20 Mar 2007 17:18:35 -
@@ -790,8 +790,7 @@
   contents_file = $pkgdb.pkg_contents(pkgname)

   if grep_q_file(/[EMAIL PROTECTED] \t]+ORIGIN:/, contents_file)
-command = shelljoin('sed',
-   s|^\\(@comment[ \t][
+command = sed s|^\\(@comment[ \t][ \t]*ORIGIN:\\).*$|\\1#{origin}|
 command = (cat; echo '@comment ORIGIN:#{origin}')

Stale origin: 'x11-wm/fluxbox-devel': perhaps moved or obsoleted.
- The port 'x11-wm/fluxbox-devel' was moved to 'x11-wm/fluxbox' on
2007-03-19 because:
   Merged into x11-wm/fluxbox
1x11-wm/fluxbox: not found
^(@comment[: not found
sed: 1: s: substitute pattern can not be delimited by newline or backslash
Fixed. (- x11-wm/fluxbox)

At least the error is shorter now. I can make my
/var/db/pkg available if you want.
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Re: Port Makefiles and the MANPREFIX macro

2007-03-04 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 9/15/06, Kris Kennaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Fri, Sep 15, 2006 at 02:25:14AM -0400, Kris Kennaway wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 15, 2006 at 07:22:15AM +0100, Matt Dawson wrote:
  Hi all,
  Currently doing battle with some port updates and I have come across a
  strange problem. It's probably my fault, but some guidance would be
  Three of the ports I maintain have decided that the man pages belong in
  ${PREFIX}/share/man/man(n). Now, reading the Porter's Handbook, it appears
  this is exactly what the MAN[n]PREFIX macro is for, and sure enough after
  removing the man page from pkg-plist and telling the Makefile about it, the
  ports system compresses the resultant man page in its new location. So far 
  However, on deinstall, if appeand two lots of ${PREFIX} when trying to 
  the man page. For example, grig installs a man page
  to /usr/local/share/man/man1/grig.1 (for a ${PREFIX} of /usr/local). The
  deinstall routine trys to delete grig.1.gz
  from /usr/local/share//usr/local/share/man/man1, which is just a little
  crazy. Note the two slashes between the two iterations of the MANPREFIX.
  Any clues, folks? I'd like to get these updates in before the ports tree is
  frozen for 6.2 if at all possible.

 Don't include MANPREFIX=${PREFIX}... since it's apparently being used
 as ${PREFIX}${MANPREFIX}; you could confirm this by reading

Actually this appears to be incorrect, I'm not sure what is the cause.

There appears to be an obscure bug in make(1). This line:
ignores the substitution under some conditions (e.g.
non-standard MANPREFIX). I'm not aware of a solution
(and I don't feel like diving into make guts right now),
but a workaround is to s/:=/=/ (which needs a fix in
case of mancompressed).

Thoughts will be much appreciated, I have to jump through
hula hoops to work around the problem in some ports.
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Re: Porting a Linux application to FreeBSD

2007-02-12 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 2/13/07, Tom McLaughlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Mon, 2007-02-12 at 14:35 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was referred here by some people in the hackers@ list because I
 asked a porting related question and I should have asked it on this
  I was wondering steps people had used in the past for porting
 linux applications, in particular applications that need libpng (i.e.
 the differences between FreeBSD and Linux's libpng, if there are any).
 I ran configure with no arguments and with the
 --with-png=/usr/local/lib argument, but both sets of arguments fail
 saying that they require png_read_png (just a C generated autoconf
 test). The odd thing that I discovered too when I manually tried to
 compile the autoconf generated C file is that it segfaulted when I
 tried to execute the program (not sure if this behavior's intended or

Linux does not have it's own libpng and neither do we.  Most Linux
distros and us use libpng from  I took a quick look at the
current libpng in the ports tree and it appears to have png_read_png().
With out seeing a Makefile for the ports system and some error output it
is hard to comment as to the specific reason stuff is failing for you.

Yes, but my money says
will help, it always(x0.999) does :-) It's one
of those things everyone knows about but no one
commits into Mk/* because we enjoy routine so
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Re: Warning added to index build

2007-02-07 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 2/7/07, Kris Kennaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Someone recently added the following warning to a port makefile, which
shows up during e.g. index builds:

Makefile, line 47: warning: duplicate script for target post-patch ignored

Can someone please fix it? :)

That's make's built-in warning when a target is redefined.
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Re: Port Imgseek

2007-02-07 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 2/8/07, Alfredo Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Is it possible you can make me the maintainer for Imgseek port?

Sure, but before you ask that question you really
should preempt our why?, if you please. I mean
all we know about you is that you have a horny
email address and a name that yields 512k results
in Google, and you maintain one port (assigned to
you after a similar request).

I mean I honestly believe you're a great guy, but
please tell us a bit about yourself, what you're
planning to do with imgseek and fluxconf and we'd
very much like to see a patch or an idea of yours
concerning the ports.

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Re: LIB_DEPENDS not really required for build?

2007-02-04 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 2/4/07, Gerald Pfeifer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I always relied on LIB_DEPENDS applying both at install time as well as
build time, and strictly so, but apparently I was confused?

  % cd $PORTSDIR/lang/gcc42 ; make
  ===   gcc-4.2.0_20070131 depends on shared library: gmp.7 - not found
  ===Verifying install for gmp.7 in /home/gerald/ports//math/libgmp4
 = No directory for gmp.7.  Skipping..
  ===   gcc-4.2.0_20070131 depends on shared library: mpfr.1 - not found
  ===Verifying install for mpfr.1 in /home/gerald/ports//math/mpfr
 = No directory for mpfr.1.  Skipping..
  ===   gcc-4.2.0_20070131 depends on shared library: iconv.3 - found

And on it went to build the port, only dying later, at install time,
wasting two hours. :-(

Ignoring dependencies like this looks very, very bogus to me.

IMnsHO the user explicitly should provide NO_DEPENDS to get this
behavior, which may lead to build failures, wrong package lists,
and run-time failures.


You should take another look at the excerpt you
posted. Looks like portsdir has been redefined.
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Re: LIB_DEPENDS not really required for build?

2007-02-04 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 2/4/07, Gerald Pfeifer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sun, 4 Feb 2007, Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
 You should take another look at the excerpt you
 posted. Looks like portsdir has been redefined.

Yes, PORTSDIR has been redefined to point to where my ports reside. ;-)

I fully understand that I am missing these dependencies.  They simply do
not exist on that system.

My complaint is that the build should stop immediately, with a clear error
message, instead of forging ahead and silently do the wrong thing or fail
at a later stage, during build, installation, or run-time.

It's been written in big red letters that partial/broken
ports trees are not supported.
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Re: Package management on many hosts

2007-01-31 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 1/31/07, Paul Chvostek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So ... on the topic of large-scale FreeBSD deployment ...

How are people handling package version consistency in large groups of
servers?  If you have a web farm with 10 hosts, plus 3 hosts in a QA
farm, and you want to make sure you're using the same version everywhere
and upgrading production to the version you tested last week in QA, do
you just do it manually, perhaps using portdowngrade on each host, or
installing binary packages built on one host?

Next, how are people dealing with portaudit info for groups of servers?
Is the old standard of a cronjob for daily `portaudit -a` results still
the best option?

I'm putting together some tools to help with this stuff, but I'd hate to
duplicate a perfectly functional wheel.

The things you're talking about is what makes (some)
enterprise proprietary Unix flavors competitive (e.g.
HP-UX). Both BSD and Linux crowds would certainly
like to have this kind of functionality, but it's
currently in the planning phase. Enterprise Linux has
been aiming there for years, but it's still clumsy at

So I guess you're left with a bunch of hacks, and
unless some magic collection of scripts surfaces, I'd
say you have the right ideas. I'd stick with building
packages on QA boxes and using portupgrade -PP or a
similar solution on production ones.

Good luck!
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Re: REPLACES variable in Makefile ?

2007-01-30 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 1/30/07, Alagarsamy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I want to know whether we are having REPLACES variable just
like CONFLICTS variable in the Makefile ?

I have two packages A and B. Package A is already installed.
I want to install package B which should automatically replace the
package A. In case, if there is no REPLACES variable,  is there any
other way to do this ?

Your end-user desire is clear, but if you want to
go a bit further and propose a solution you should
probably examine systems where this already works
(I'd start with debian).

Currently in ports, you just have to bark at users
to perform some actions manually.
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Re: gcc42 Build Error

2007-01-30 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 1/28/07, Beech Rintoul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm getting the following updating gcc42:

Maybe not enough memory? It's a one fat thing.
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Re: Non-daemon programs requiring kernel modules

2007-01-29 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 1/29/07, Alexander Leidinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Quoting Andrew Pantyukhin [EMAIL PROTECTED] (from Sun, 28 Jan
2007 21:58:28 +0300):

 On 1/28/07, Alexander Leidinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quoting Andrew Pantyukhin [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sun, 28 Jan
 2007 18:35:30 +0300):

 I'm porting a simple util requiring aio(4). My plan is
 to install a wrapper script which includes rc.subr(8)
 and uses its required_modules mechanism.

 If anyone has a better idea, please tell me.

 Just tell at port/package install time the requirement. Every linux
 program needs the linux module or the corresponding kernel option. If
 the code is not available at runtime, the user will get an error. Unix
 is not for dumb people, so I don't think we need this low-level

 That's one opinion. But Unix is also not about dumb
 developers. As a ports developer, my job is to make
 it easier for users to run third-party software and
 that's just what I'm trying to do to the extent of
 my skills and motivation...

I agree, but if you are interested in a general solution, how do you
want to apply it to the linux stuff?

See my original message.

grep /etc/rc.d for required_modules. Should we remove
all that and just fail when needed modules are not
present? The solution is not general, but it helps. I'm
always more interested in a small step forward we make
than a big leap we discuss.
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Re: pkg-plist question

2007-01-27 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 1/28/07, makc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm going to update my port which lives in ${LOCALBASE}.
The new version offers to install qt-designer plugin to ${QT_PREFIX} --- to
${X11BASE} in other words.
Is there a way to handle this in pkg-plist?

You can use something like '@cwd %%X11BASE%%', but
consider it a last resort. Try stuffing the plugin
into LOCALBASE somehow, or create a separate port
installing the plugin.
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Restricting (human) language and character set in /usr/ports

2007-01-13 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

I'm not sure if there's a policy already, but it seems
we have discussed this before.

Can we limit /usr/ports (the whole ports collection) to
English language and ASCII characters? This restriction
should probably apply to all text data (with possible
exception for patches).

I know many of us would like to see i18n/l10n efforts in
ports collection, but for now, in my opinion, we might
need to focus on plain English.

I'll start poking maintainers soon if there's no
articulate objection.
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Re: xlockmore - serious security issue

2007-01-13 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 6/14/06, Simon L. Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 2006.06.13 18:51:48 +0400, Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
 On 6/13/06, Anish Mistry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tuesday 13 June 2006 07:54, Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
  On 6/13/06, Anton Berezin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Tue, Jun 13, 2006 at 03:18:16PM +0400, Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
The problem is that xlockmore exits all by itself when
left alone for a couple of days. It works all right overnight,
but when left for the weekend, it almost certainly fails. I
just come to work and see that my workstation is unlocked,
what a surprise.
 I just stick with a blank screen and works fine for several weeks at a
 time.  I found some of the GL screensavers to cause problems.

 Ask me - we should mark this port forbidden and/or make
 and entry in vuxml until we resolve this issue. Let's make
 blank screen the default behavior or something. To leave
 this as is is unacceptable.

FORBIDDEN and a VuXML entry seems in a way a bit overkill to me seems
a bit overkill to me, since it's not really a vulnerability, but I'm
open to input.

As mentioned by others, xlockmore is fundamentally flawed
wrt. guaranteeing that the screen stays locked in that the
screensavers code can kill the lock, which it should not be able to

Has anyone contacted the xlockmore author for comment on this issue?

One thing we could do right now is to add a message at install time
warning that xlockmore might unlock the screen (a bit like the Pine

High time we settled on something.

Now that we had this discussion, I only use the swarm
mode and never had any problems with it. But what
about those who still don't know about the issues?
I've been in situations where accidental unlocking
was unacceptable. In most cases unlocking implies
immediate root access to the local machine (which
is also possible, but more complicated, with plain
physical access), but more importantly - decrypted
auth info in RAM, such as ssh keys. This is a major
security breach. IMHO, we can't overestimate it.

I'm quite sure an ignorable/overlookable message is
not enough. A user must fully understand all the
implications of this software being used. If it's
fundamentally flawed, let's forbid/remove it _until_
the author has a statement for us, not after that.
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Re: Restricting (human) language and character set in /usr/ports

2007-01-13 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 1/13/07, Robert Huff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Andrew Pantyukhin writes:

  I'm not sure if there's a policy already, but it seems
  we have discussed this before.

  Can we limit /usr/ports (the whole ports collection) to
  English language and ASCII characters? This restriction
  should probably apply to all text data (with possible
  exception for patches).

I don't follow this issue (much), so could you explain what's
broken about the /status quo/?

It depends on what you mean by /status quo/, but in
short, when I look at COMMENT, pkg-descr, pkg-message,
comments in Makefile and other such text data, I
expect to see English language and ASCII characters.

There are ports that don't follow this expectation and
I'd like to change that.
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Re: Restricting (human) language and character set in /usr/ports

2007-01-13 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 1/14/07, Doug Barton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
 On 1/13/07, Robert Huff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Andrew Pantyukhin writes:

   I'm not sure if there's a policy already, but it seems
   we have discussed this before.
   Can we limit /usr/ports (the whole ports collection) to
   English language and ASCII characters? This restriction
   should probably apply to all text data (with possible
   exception for patches).

 I don't follow this issue (much), so could you explain what's
 broken about the /status quo/?

 It depends on what you mean by /status quo/, but in
 short, when I look at COMMENT, pkg-descr, pkg-message,
 comments in Makefile and other such text data, I
 expect to see English language and ASCII characters.

 There are ports that don't follow this expectation and
 I'd like to change that.

I'm not sure it's quite so cut and dry as that. For example, I think
it's probably reasonable for the /usr/ports/language ports to have
some non-ascii stuff to start with.

I'm not against non-ascii, but there's no notion
of character set in /usr/ports. I work in UTF-8
and it's visible to me, as it is to many other
people working in many different charsets.

There are several ways to deal with non-ascii
characters, the two most effective being:
(a) select a universal charset (I would love to
   see UTF-8 in that role)
(b) introduce special markers, defining current

I can not agree with people selecting random
charsets and me having to guess them. Automated
information brokers, like freshports, also have
problems with this.

As for the language, I expect everything within
the FreeBSD project to be present at least in
English. L10n overlaps with multiple charset
support and without both concepts implemented
one way or another (like they are in FDP), I
think presenting content exclusively in English
is the only solution.

Is there a problem you're trying to solve here, or is this just a
matter of tidying things up a bit?

To me it looks like a matter of consistency and
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Re: linux-mozilla, linux-firefox and linux-realplayer

2007-01-09 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 1/8/07, Stevan Tiefert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I hope that this is the right mailinglist. If not say it!

freebsd-ports would probably be more correct. (Cc'ing there)

I had to visit a web-site with realplayer-contents and that was the reason to
install the port linux-realplayer. It seems that linux-realplayer wants to
copy his plugins into


Then I have to install the port linux-mozilla port before the
linux-realplayer. But the security-database didn't allow me to install
linux-mozilla, EVEN I updated my ports-tree like the error-message
recommends! OK, then I tried to install linux-firefox. That worked, but I
couldn't see the contents.

I had to copy by hand the files and nphelix.xpt into


I think that it is a problem, if I am not allowed to install linux-mozilla and
the ports linux-realplayer and linux-firefox are not willing to work
together. Maybe somebody can fix this small problem in these ports?

This is not a small problem. Several approaches have
been tried to fix the general problem you're talking
about and none perfected yet.

Please have patience or try to look into the issue
and provide a patch.

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Re: DEPENDS -- is it time to remove it?

2007-01-05 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 1/5/07, RW [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Isn't DEPENDS still a sensible way of making
one metaport depend on another. For example
if someone wanted to create a personal desk-
top metaport that depends on KDE, xorg etc.

People need programs, not ports. It's more
sensible to run_depend on files than just on
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Re: PLIST_FILES question

2007-01-03 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 1/3/07, Gabor Kovesdan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Beech Rintoul schrieb:
 Thanks to everyone who responded. I somehow missed that handbook section, but
 I have it figured out now. What I needed to do is the following:

 .if defined(WITH_MYSQL)
 PLIST_FILES=  include/proftpd/mod_sql.h

 The  extra header file is not copied to include unless that option is checked
 and hard coding it in pkg-plist broke the pkg build. It didn't show up on
 pointyhat because that option is off by default.

Oh, do you want to mix PLIST_FILES and pkg-plist, did
I catch it right? That should not be done.

Why not?

You can list that file in pkg-plist as
%%MYSQL%%include/proftpd/mod_sql.h and do the following in Makefile:

if defined(WITH_MYSQL)
[...another things here...]

PLIST_SUB+= MYSQL=@comment 

Look at e.g. security/amavisd-new, I do something similar there.

PLIST_FILES is a bit simpler to use. Personal feelings
about the variable, or whether it smells well when mixed
with pkg-plist are interesting, but they are not quite
relevant if there's no technical problem.
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2006-12-20 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

I'm looking at libvisual 0.4. I have the base
port ready and there's no major issue with
-plugins. The developers went the versioned way
so that the new version can safely coexist with
0.2, so it makes sense to me to repocopy
libvisual to libvisual04.

I'm also planning to split the -plugins the
gstreamer way into 10-20+ separate libvisual-
plugins-xxx04 ports.

I don't want to move current libvisual to
libvisual02 and make the new one just libvisual
(at least right now), as it's pretty pointless
with 0.6 coming along the way.

Speak up now if you have anything to say. I
guess I'll start with the base port and make
plugins one by one starting soonish.


P.S. I had never touched libvisual before I
started porting LiVES [1]. If there are willing
experts, I'll be very glad to hear from them.

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Detecting real python (perl/ruby/.so/...) dependencies

2006-12-19 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

It's never clear what a program really needs. Ports
solve this problem (mostly), but whenever you make
an update or port something new, you face the same

Developers tend to maintain a list of dependencies,
but you're in big luck if you find it up-to-date
and accurate. It would be nice to verify anyway.

So I need to find out what modules does a particu-
lar python program require. I can grep for import,
but many modules are present in our python bundle.
Is there a way to see:

1) Which of the modules are present, and any single
file for each of them, so we can map to installed

2) Which of the modules are not present

Ideally, also

3) A hint as to where can I find a missing module,
maybe from some CPAN-like repo

4) Whether the module is critical for the app, e.g.
whether it's imported inside a try block

I've seen something like this for Perl, but not
for Python apps. If you successfully use an automa-
ted way of detecting dependencies for Python (and
maybe other languages like Perl, Tcl/Tk, Ruby, or
maybe even C/C++, based on headers or something),
please share.

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Re: HEADS UP : security/gnupg will be upgraded to 2.0.1

2006-12-11 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 12/12/06, Jun Kuriyama [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just think security/gnupg should be used as what
you should choose for GnuPG.  If new ports user
wants to install GnuPG, I hope there is
security/gnupg as recommended stable version.

An unversioned directory is the maintainer-designated
default version of a port. Unless its upgrades break
a whole bunch of ports (like python did), it's none
of our business when and why they happen. An advance
heads-up is nice, but redundant.

Doug, privately kept, but prompt versioning ways are
one of the ports {trade,hall}marks. Gentoo is broken
and Debian is stale, we're fighting somewhere in
between, thanks to sane decisions our contributors

Shaun, whatever versioned dirs might seem to imply,
they don't imply (in)stability or (in)compatibility.
The unversioned one is the default one, that's it.

Hitting users with new versions, but leaving them
a chance to survive seems like a nice policy to me.

To conclude, I understand how Jun feels and think
that instead of bitching about his reasoning, we
should be insanely grateful for more than 8 years
of his impeccable gnupg maintainership.


This is all my humble 4:30AM opinion anyway :-)
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cups-pstoraster vs. ghostscript 8.15

2006-12-07 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

It looks like both ports install some similar
files into share/ghostscript/8.15, in particular

Frank, could you please look at it or should I
mark the two ports as conflicting right away?

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Re: SciTE // patch error

2006-12-02 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 02 Dec 2006 19:37:19 +0100, vermaden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi, I can not install/built scite editor from
ports, I got the following error message:


# make
===  Found saved configuration for scite-gtk2-1.71_1
= scite171.tgz doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/.
= Attempting to fetch from
scite171.tgz  100% of 1269 kB   86 kBps 
===  Extracting for scite-gtk2-1.71_1
= MD5 Checksum OK for scite171.tgz.
= SHA256 Checksum OK for scite171.tgz.
===  Patching for scite-gtk2-1.71_1
===  Applying FreeBSD patches for scite-gtk2-1.71_1
tr: Illegal byte sequence
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/editors/scite.


Please try running make in another locale, like
env LANG=C LC_ALL=C make or
env LANG=en_US.ISO8859-1 LC_ALL=en_US.ISO8859-1 make
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Re: apache + php + mysql startup order

2006-11-30 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 11/30/06, Dmitry Pryanishnikov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm trying to write an automated rc.d-script that should
check MySQL database before it's used by the
Apache+PHP hosting.

If I were you, I'd make my php scripts handle temporary
db outages. Don't forget that most hosting providers have
web and sql servers on separate machines.
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Re: New portmgr member: Pav Lucistnik

2006-11-24 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 11/23/06, Erwin Lansing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Portmgr is pleased to announce that Pav Lucistnik has accepted the
challenge of being a portmgr member.

Terrific! We should now guess if it will be
portmgr on steroids or pav on sedatives :-)
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Re: Ports with version numbers going backwards: www/eyeos

2006-11-05 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin


** The following ports have a version number that sorts before a previous one **

I think I fixed it:

Sorry for not letting you know immediately and
sorry for the mess.

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Re: firefox 2.0

2006-10-26 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 10/26/06, Peter Jeremy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There are over 200 other ports that have Firefox listed as a
dependency.  Firefox 2.0 is presumably a major upgrade compared to
Firefox 1.5 and it's highly likely that the upgrade would adversely
impact at least one of those other ports - necessitating more last
minute fixes.

From what I see it's minor, 1.5 broke much more things, but

portmgr/gnome are not yet fully recovered from the gnome
update. As I see it, we'd better let eager users learn to install
new Firefox from ports.
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zabbix update

2006-10-26 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

I decided to try zabbix out and had to update the port:

There are still a few todo items, like pgsql 8.1 schema

It seems that Sergey has been inactive for quite a while,
though he did surface this October. If neither he, nor
anyone else knowledgeable of zabbix, wish to maintain
it, I'll consider taking it.

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Re: zabbix update

2006-10-26 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 10/26/06, Sergey Matveychuk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
 I decided to try zabbix out and had to update the port:

 There are still a few todo items, like pgsql 8.1 schema

 It seems that Sergey has been inactive for quite a while,
 though he did surface this October. If neither he, nor
 anyone else knowledgeable of zabbix, wish to maintain
 it, I'll consider taking it.


Personally I don't object for changing of inactive maintainers, but I
think we should follow formal maintainer timeout rules described in TPH.

You mean after 29 months of inactivity and a couple of
time-outs, we should not be impertinent enough to reset
the maintainer? You're probably right :-)

Anyways, I'd be happy to hear from Sergey and even
happier to have him maintain zabbix further.

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Re: Problem with compiling firefox

2006-10-23 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 10/23/06, Klaus Friis Østergaard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have a amd64 box with freebsd 5.4, during
upgrading with portupgrade I have a problem
with Firefox.

Could you please perform the gnome-related updated as
described in /usr/ports/UPDATING

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Re: gnome update

2006-10-23 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 10/23/06, Ganbold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm trying to update gnome to 2.16 using portmaster for more than 3 days :(

portmaster is good, but you really should use portupgrade
if you're stumbling over and over again.

1. Every time after some error when I try to run portmaster -r pkg-config\*
it starts from the beginning. Maybe there is some option to skip updated
ports. How to tell portmaster to skip updated ports?

No. Neither portmaster, nor portupgrade has this option, or
any session management for that matter.

2. After upgrading some port it asks whether to delete the source file
or not. I don't want to press button everytime.
Is it possible to have option something like '[y][n][Allyes][allnO]'?

-D switch disables distfile-cleaning functionality

3. While portmaster running, I manually updated libtheora port. When
portmaster reaches libtheora, it stops with error.
Is it possible for portmaster to give user some choices in this case
like [Skip]...?

IIRC, it's on Doug's todo list.
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Vim scripts

2006-10-18 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

Any particular reason for no vim scripts in ports?
I'm gonna make some, if there's no secret taboo.

Also, now that vim comes with a spellchecker, I'll
start thinking about dictionaries. I already use
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Re: PHP Vulnerabilities and Suhosin

2006-10-08 Thread Andrew Pantyukhin

On 10/6/06, Alex Dupre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Andrew Pantyukhin ha scritto:
 I've noticed we have WITH_SUHOSIN option. It may
 alleviate some security issues. In particular, suhosin
 0.9.6 fixes this latest issue. Can we somehow make
 this option influence PKGNAME (suffix, prefix, version
 or revision) so I can mark php+suhosin 0.9.6 safe in

No, because what fixes the problem is the suhosin extension
(security/php-suhosin) and not the suhosin patch.

I think we should mark suhosin 0.9.5 as vulnerable to
encourage an upgrade (in the same advisory). What do
you think?
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