[web2py] SQLFORM.grid export missing computed fields

2012-10-19 Thread k0aun9
Hi Guys,

I have a grid with two more columns with computed fields using below 
implementation -

links = [{'header':'column1','body':lambda row: function1(row.id)}]

It displays as I expected, but when I tried to export to csv (csv=True 
parameter is set) that column is missing.

Am I missing something or it is not supported in grid.

Appreciate if someone could point me to the right direction.



[web2py] Re: PythonAnywhere, upgrading to latest Web2Py?

2012-10-19 Thread Hansel Dunlop
Thanks for the tip, sorry it took me so long to say that. I must have 
switched off notifications from Google Groups some time in the past. 

Hmm, okay so we should probably let existing users know that they can make 
that fix and then try the upgrade. By default we will be installing the 
latest stable version soon anyway. 



On Friday, 7 September 2012 10:34:49 UTC+1, Nico Zanferrari wrote:

 Hello Hansel!

 You can also easily fix the upgrade script as described 
 herehttps://groups.google.com/d/msg/web2py/glJjRw-TLKU/AkmktM7XExYJ and 
 let existing users decide directly from the administrative interface!
 In this way the upgrade to 2.0.8 seems to work fine, except for a ticket 
 error at the end of the upgrade that hangs the application until you reload 
 the web app. And a silly Running on %s on the administrative interface 
 itself under the version number.

 Thank you for the great work,


[web2py] Re: auth.wiki() '_create' doesn't redirect properly

2012-10-19 Thread villas
If you request a page that doesn't exist,  then you are directed to 
_create.  It would be nice to be able to suppress that behaviour.  You have 
to be logged in to go on and create the page.  

If you call a wiki page inside a view with auth.wiki(slug='mywrongpage') it 
does not always redirect correctly.  You can work around this by using 
LOAD(),  which is in fact better.  So I'm only mentioning this for Massimo 
in case he wanted the auth.wiki() inside views to remain as a feature,  in 
which case it would have to be fixed.  I think it should be deprecated if 
it dosn't add  anything.  Zen... There should be one -- and preferably 
only one -- obvious way to do it.

On Friday, October 19, 2012 2:02:18 AM UTC+1, Bill Thayer wrote:

 Back on the original topic. When I click on a menu item I also get 
 re-directed back to the _create page. Is this a permission thing perhaps? 
 Now that I mention it, isn't there supposed to be a field to select the 
 permission level for the page?


Re: [web2py] Re: cannot upgrade to 2.1.1 from GUI on Pythonanywhere

2012-10-19 Thread Hansel Dunlop
Excellent, thanks very much Nico. Greatly appreciate your work.

On Wednesday, 17 October 2012 22:25:35 UTC+1, Nico Zanferrari wrote:

 Hi Hansel. 
 I've just changed a single line of code in the default PA installation, 
 following rochacbruno suggestion on 
 https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/web2py/glJjRw-TLKU/AkmktM7XExYJ . 
 This allows everyone to simply upgrade by themselves to the latest version 
 from the web2py administrative console, if they wish so.

 My suggestion is to implement ASAP this simple fix on all existing web2py 
 installations on PythonAnywhere, And from tomorrow you should use  version 
 2.1.1 as the new base install version of web2py, as Massimo pointed out.

 Thank you,


[web2py] Ajax / cid with A helper not working

2012-10-19 Thread lyn2py
I looking at web2py book here:


Tha A helper takes a special argument called cid. It works as follows:
 {{=A('linked page', _href='http://example.com', cid='myid')}}
 div id=myid/div

 and a click on the link causes the content to be loaded in the div. This 
 is similar but more powerful than the above syntax since it is designed to 
 refresh page components. We discuss applications of cid in more detail in 
 Chapter 12, in the context of components.
 These ajax features require jQuery and static/js/web2py_ajax.js, which 
 are automatically included by placing {{include 'web2py_ajax.html'}} in 
 the layout head. views/web2py_ajax.html defines some variables based on 
 request and includes all necessary js and css files.

Here's what I've done:

index page:
{{extend layout.html}}
div id=post1234/div

But when I click on the link, nothing appears in the div id=post1234 /.
I didn't make changes to layout.html, which means, web2py_ajax.html is 
already included.

When it is a normal link (aka no cid in the A helper), the page (view) 
loads fine.


Re: [web2py] Re: tags and speed

2012-10-19 Thread andrej burja

Thank you for your explanation. It is really helpful  
The address of the chapter in the book is Efficient search by tag and i 
choose this approach because i thought that search would be the most 
important thing of the application (that was right)
The table tag is similar like in your example 2, but only one tag per row, 
game_id  tag
1 excitement
1 funny

I learned some lessons:
- do usability testing ass soon as possible (it came as a surprise for me 
that using Datatables is the most useful)
- be prepared for lots of data: my initial assumption was 200 games, and 
now i have more than 1000.

I will try with cache first. 


On Friday, October 19, 2012 1:21:37 AM UTC+2, Niphlod wrote:

 old mean bad thing about normalized vs denormalized model.
 Don't know what you read in the cookbok, but here's the thing.
 You have a game pacman that is tagged as arcade, and a game invaders 
 tagged as horror

 First things first: you may want to change horror to needs parent 
 around later in the future. That's why you may want to create an external 
 tags table and reference it in your games one.
 tags table
 1 arcade
 2 horror

 game_name tags
 pacman   1
 invaders  2

 To display
 pacman arcade
 invaders horror
 you just need a simple join. Changing record 2 of the tags table allows 
 you to have
 pacman arcade
 invaders needs parents around

 Next problem on the line: you want multiple tags for a single game 
 (invaders needs both arcade and horror tags). 
 Welcome to normalization hell. Books have been written about it in the 
 last 60-70 years, with terms like 3NF and Cardinality all around ^_^

 Let's take this by examples

 1) you change the tags table like this
 id tag_name game_id
 1 arcade 1
 1 arcade 2
 2 horror 2
 getting tags for a single game is fast, change horror to needs parents 
 around is fast, getting all possible tags is enough fast (depending on the 
 number of rows of the tags table)
 fetch the right tags for every game can be slow

 2) you create a games table like this 
 id game_name tags
 1 pacman |arcade|
 2 invaders |arcade|horror|
 getting tags for a single game is fast, updating a tag for a game is quite 
 changing all horror to needs parents around can be fast only if done 
 outside web2py with a manual replace, getting all possible tags can be slow

 3) you create a games table like this
 id game_name tags_id
 1 pacman |1|
 2 invaders |1|2|
 getting tags for a single game is fast, updating a tag for a game is quite 
 fast, changing horrors is fast
 changing all horror to needs parents around can be fast only if done 
 outside web2py with a manual replace, getting all possible tags can be slow

 So, with no need to change tag names from horror to needs parents 
 around, I'd say the right way for displaying your table is 2) 
 (list:string), else 3) (list:reference). 
 If you need to suggest previously entered tags (i.e. you don't want to 
 end having arcade, arcady, arcadian, 'rcade spat all around), I'd 
 still go for 2) + one separate table (or a cached list) holding all 
 previously entered tags, just to speedup the suggestion phase (hoping 
 users won't screw up).
 Method 1) is faster only when:
 - tags are more than the games
 - cleaning normalization logics are heavy
 - you need to update tag names often
 - the only need is displaying tags for a single game (direct query on a 
 single table, the tags one)
 - you need to compute something like how many times the arcade tag is 
 applied to all my games (i.e. for a tag cloud)

 There are several other methods, and all of them in the end do the job. 
 You just need to see what are your requirements and choose carefully. Your 
 agenda is:
 - spend the less time possible with queries you have to invoke often
 - pay the price of your model in high computations for other things (or, 
 let's save the results of those computations externally once every hour)


Re: [web2py] Re: pythondiary

2012-10-19 Thread rif

I was working for the last few hours on supporting appadmin's queries into 
web2admin and these are my conclusions:

- executing queries and displaying them in the same smartgrid table would 
complicate the code very much (smartgrid already supports smart queries and the 
possibility of using both of them generates too many conditions)
- the appadmin and web2admin target two different needs although some features 
overlap (the ability to run powerful queries might not be a good idea to expose 
to the clients)
- if dal queries are a must for the admin then maybe the appadmin should stay 
as it is and web2admin should only be an optional plugin

Either way I hope more people would find out about it.


vineri, 19 octombrie 2012, 06:39:31 UTC+3, rochacbruno a scris:

 To don't let this issue to get lost, I created a ticket about this: 


[web2py] Re: Ajax / cid with A helper not working

2012-10-19 Thread Niphlod
please check that your link is rendered to something like

a onclick=web2py_component(/app/default/view/1,puppa);return false; 

If that's the case, and it's not working, then something is off with the 
javascript (this functionality relies on web2py.js loaded).

Anyway, this works on the welcome app.

On Friday, October 19, 2012 1:03:01 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:

 I looking at web2py book here:


 Tha A helper takes a special argument called cid. It works as follows:
 {{=A('linked page', _href='http://example.com', cid='myid')}}
 div id=myid/div

 and a click on the link causes the content to be loaded in the div. This 
 is similar but more powerful than the above syntax since it is designed to 
 refresh page components. We discuss applications of cid in more detail 
 in Chapter 12, in the context of components.
 These ajax features require jQuery and static/js/web2py_ajax.js, which 
 are automatically included by placing {{include 'web2py_ajax.html'}} in 
 the layout head. views/web2py_ajax.html defines some variables based on 
 request and includes all necessary js and css files.

 Here's what I've done:

 index page:
 {{extend layout.html}}
 div id=post1234/div

 But when I click on the link, nothing appears in the div id=post1234 /.
 I didn't make changes to layout.html, which means, web2py_ajax.html is 
 already included.

 When it is a normal link (aka no cid in the A helper), the page (view) 
 loads fine.


[web2py] is commit necessary for update_or_insert() in scheduler

2012-10-19 Thread Adi
Just noticed that records won't get updated when I call update_or_insert 
from scheduler, unless I include commit. Should it be like that? 





[web2py] There were changes in MS SQLServer driver?

2012-10-19 Thread Jose

I have a production application that uses MS SQL Server in a UNIX 
environment, running web2py version 1.99.4.

the connection is: dal  unixodbc  freetds  sqlserver.

I'm trying to migrate to web2py  version 2.1.1, but fails to connect to the 

type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'(Failure to connect, tried 5 times: 
Traceback (most recent call last): File 
/usr/home/jose/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 6754, in __init__ self._adapter 
= ADAPTERS[self._dbname](**kwargs) File 
/usr/home/jose/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 3034, in __init__ if do_connect: 
self.reconnect() File /usr/home/jose/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 582, in 
reconnect self.connection = f() File /usr/home/jose/web2py/gluon/dal.py, 
line 3032, in connector return self.driver.connect(cnxn,**driver_args) 
Error: ('IM002', '[IM002] [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not 
found, and no default driver specified (0) (SQLDriverConnectW)') )

the connection is:
db = DAL

Any idea?



[web2py] Re: is commit necessary for update_or_insert() in scheduler

2012-10-19 Thread Niphlod
in any external process when you use dal you should commit to save changes. 
web2py commits at the end of the request by default, but in the scheduler 
(it is an external process, after all) you should do it manually. 
You must think to the scheduler as a web2py shell (launched with web2py.py 
-M -S yourapp), the execution environment is the same.

On Friday, October 19, 2012 3:33:32 PM UTC+2, Adi wrote:

 Just noticed that records won't get updated when I call update_or_insert 
 from scheduler, unless I include commit. Should it be like that? 





[web2py] Re: SQLFORM.grid export missing computed fields

2012-10-19 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Links are not included in the csv export. The proper way to do it would be 
to use computed fields or virtual fields. Yet the grid must be improved to 
support it. Please open a ticket.


On Friday, 19 October 2012 04:33:37 UTC-5, k0aun9 wrote:

 Hi Guys,

 I have a grid with two more columns with computed fields using below 
 implementation -

 links = [{'header':'column1','body':lambda row: function1(row.id)}]

 It displays as I expected, but when I tried to export to csv (csv=True 
 parameter is set) that column is missing.

 Am I missing something or it is not supported in grid.

 Appreciate if someone could point me to the right direction.



[web2py] Re: There were changes in MS SQLServer driver?

2012-10-19 Thread Jose

I found this [1] that I had asked. I see that the same error occurred with 
version 1.99.7

[1] https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/web2py/OlUTguqcqpw



[web2py] Re: Ajax / cid with A helper not working

2012-10-19 Thread lyn2py

I looked up source and pasted it wholesale here:

a href=/testapp/view/2?_signature=55b3689d7a3d25c3607631da547ad3139b3e47af 
 false;Title Title Title/a

It looks like the quotation marks are not appearing correctly? 

On Friday, October 19, 2012 9:03:24 PM UTC+8, Niphlod wrote:

 please check that your link is rendered to something like

 a onclick=web2py_component(/app/default/view/1,post1234);return 
 false; href=/app/default/view/1title/a

 If that's the case, and it's not working, then something is off with the 
 javascript (this functionality relies on web2py.js loaded).

 Anyway, this works on the welcome app.

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 1:03:01 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:

 I looking at web2py book here:


 Tha A helper takes a special argument called cid. It works as follows:
 {{=A('linked page', _href='http://example.com', cid='myid')}}
 div id=myid/div

 and a click on the link causes the content to be loaded in the div. 
 This is similar but more powerful than the above syntax since it is 
 designed to refresh page components. We discuss applications of cid in 
 more detail in Chapter 12, in the context of components.
 These ajax features require jQuery and static/js/web2py_ajax.js, which 
 are automatically included by placing {{include 'web2py_ajax.html'}} in 
 the layout head. views/web2py_ajax.html defines some variables based on 
 request and includes all necessary js and css files.

 Here's what I've done:

 index page:
 {{extend layout.html}}
 div id=post1234/div

 But when I click on the link, nothing appears in the div id=post1234 
 I didn't make changes to layout.html, which means, web2py_ajax.html is 
 already included.

 When it is a normal link (aka no cid in the A helper), the page (view) 
 loads fine.


[web2py] Re: Ajax / cid with A helper not working

2012-10-19 Thread Niphlod
yep, indeed there seems to be a problem in your rendered link. Can you see 
if removing user_signature the link works ?

On Friday, October 19, 2012 3:41:24 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:

 I looked up source and pasted it wholesale here:

 a href=/testapp/view/2?_signature=55b3689d7a3d25c3607631da547ad3139b3e47af 
  false;Title Title Title/a

 It looks like the quotation marks are not appearing correctly? 

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 9:03:24 PM UTC+8, Niphlod wrote:

 please check that your link is rendered to something like

 a onclick=web2py_component(/app/default/view/1,post1234);return 
 false; href=/app/default/view/1title/a

 If that's the case, and it's not working, then something is off with the 
 javascript (this functionality relies on web2py.js loaded).

 Anyway, this works on the welcome app.

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 1:03:01 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:

 I looking at web2py book here:


 Tha A helper takes a special argument called cid. It works as follows:
 {{=A('linked page', _href='http://example.com', cid='myid')}}
 div id=myid/div

 and a click on the link causes the content to be loaded in the div. 
 This is similar but more powerful than the above syntax since it is 
 designed to refresh page components. We discuss applications of cid in 
 more detail in Chapter 12, in the context of components.
 These ajax features require jQuery and static/js/web2py_ajax.js, 
 which are automatically included by placing {{include 
 'web2py_ajax.html'}} in the layout head. views/web2py_ajax.html 
 defines some variables based on request and includes all necessary js 
 and css files.

 Here's what I've done:

 index page:
 {{extend layout.html}}
 div id=post1234/div

 But when I click on the link, nothing appears in the div id=post1234 
 I didn't make changes to layout.html, which means, web2py_ajax.html is 
 already included.

 When it is a normal link (aka no cid in the A helper), the page (view) 
 loads fine.


Re: [web2py] Re: is commit necessary for update_or_insert() in scheduler

2012-10-19 Thread Adnan Smajlovic
Thank you Niphlod!

Every day I thank you, Massimo and everyone who contribute, for a
scheduler, and web2py in general :) The scheduler is now on autopilot,
simulating a workflow and works like a charm... Just loading large data
through it, and will see how will app behave once all is in... We'll also
switch to nginx and uwsgi, hopefully that will be a good move.

On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 9:38 AM, Niphlod niph...@gmail.com wrote:

 in any external process when you use dal you should commit to save
 changes. web2py commits at the end of the request by default, but in the
 scheduler (it is an external process, after all) you should do it manually.
 You must think to the scheduler as a web2py shell (launched with web2py.py
 -M -S yourapp), the execution environment is the same.

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 3:33:32 PM UTC+2, Adi wrote:

 Just noticed that records won't get updated when I call update_or_insert
 from scheduler, unless I include commit. Should it be like that?






[web2py] Re: There were changes in MS SQLServer driver?

2012-10-19 Thread Jose
I answer myself

db = DAL

must explain the dsn:
db = DAL



[web2py] Scheduler conflict

2012-10-19 Thread Mike Anson
I upgraded to the newest web2py (2.1.1)

Launch it with:
./web2py.py -i xxx.xxx.xx.xx -p 8000 -c /etc/ssl/certs/cert-file.crt -k 
/etc/ssl/certs/key-file.key -a apassword -K applicationName

When I run the -K application (ie scheduler) I am then unable to access the 
admin or front end of the site. I simply see the dreaded Safari Cannot 
connect to server message.

The scheduler does nothing crazy. It updates a file in /tmp/ with the 
current date/time 3 times over a 60 second period.

Had anyone else experienced this?


[web2py] Re: cron not work in 2.0.9

2012-10-19 Thread Márcio
Thanks, worked perfectly. Great work.


[web2py] Re: Scheduler conflict

2012-10-19 Thread Niphlod
-K starts the scheduler. Scheduler and webserver are meant to be executed 
on different processes.
So, web2py.py -i  -p 8000 -a apassword in one shell and web2py.py -K 
applicationName in another one.

From 2.0.0 onwards, there is the possibility to start two separate 
processes from one command line, but you have to use -X too.
So, ./web2py.py -i xxx.xxx.xx.xx -p 8000 -c /etc/ssl/certs/cert-file.crt -k 
/etc/ssl/certs/key-file.key -a apassword -K applicationName -X
does what
./web2py.py -i xxx.xxx.xx.xx -p 8000 -c /etc/ssl/certs/cert-file.crt -k 
/etc/ssl/certs/key-file.key -a apassword
./web2py.py -K applicationName
previously did in older versions.

On Friday, October 19, 2012 4:55:26 PM UTC+2, Mike Anson wrote:

 I upgraded to the newest web2py (2.1.1)

 Launch it with:
 ./web2py.py -i xxx.xxx.xx.xx -p 8000 -c /etc/ssl/certs/cert-file.crt -k 
 /etc/ssl/certs/key-file.key -a apassword -K applicationName

 When I run the -K application (ie scheduler) I am then unable to access 
 the admin or front end of the site. I simply see the dreaded Safari Cannot 
 connect to server message.

 The scheduler does nothing crazy. It updates a file in /tmp/ with the 
 current date/time 3 times over a 60 second period.

 Had anyone else experienced this?


[web2py] Re: Scheduler conflict

2012-10-19 Thread Mike Anson
Thanks for that Niphlod.

On Friday, 19 October 2012 11:10:17 UTC-4, Niphlod wrote:

 -K starts the scheduler. Scheduler and webserver are meant to be executed 
 on different processes.
 So, web2py.py -i  -p 8000 -a apassword in one shell and web2py.py -K 
 applicationName in another one.

 From 2.0.0 onwards, there is the possibility to start two separate 
 processes from one command line, but you have to use -X too.
 So, ./web2py.py -i xxx.xxx.xx.xx -p 8000 -c /etc/ssl/certs/cert-file.crt 
 -k /etc/ssl/certs/key-file.key -a apassword -K applicationName -X
 does what
 ./web2py.py -i xxx.xxx.xx.xx -p 8000 -c /etc/ssl/certs/cert-file.crt -k 
 /etc/ssl/certs/key-file.key -a apassword
 ./web2py.py -K applicationName
 previously did in older versions.

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 4:55:26 PM UTC+2, Mike Anson wrote:

 I upgraded to the newest web2py (2.1.1)

 Launch it with:
 ./web2py.py -i xxx.xxx.xx.xx -p 8000 -c /etc/ssl/certs/cert-file.crt -k 
 /etc/ssl/certs/key-file.key -a apassword -K applicationName

 When I run the -K application (ie scheduler) I am then unable to access 
 the admin or front end of the site. I simply see the dreaded Safari Cannot 
 connect to server message.

 The scheduler does nothing crazy. It updates a file in /tmp/ with the 
 current date/time 3 times over a 60 second period.

 Had anyone else experienced this?


[web2py] Re: auth.wiki() '_create' doesn't redirect properly

2012-10-19 Thread Alan Etkin
 If you request a page that doesn't exist,  then you are directed to 
_create.  It would be nice to be able to suppress that behaviour. 
 You have to be logged in to go on and create the page.

That could be easily fixed by adding an auth.is_logged_in() check, but what 
would be the correct behavior in that case?

BTW: I didn't get what feature is the one to be deprecated.


Re: [web2py] [OT] Ubuntu 12.10 will no longer ship with Python 2

2012-10-19 Thread Francisco Costa
Python2 is also installed by default, and importantly, /usr/bin/python is 
still a symlink to python2.7


[web2py] Re: auth.wiki documentation?

2012-10-19 Thread Alan Etkin

 Is there any advanced documentation on auth.wiki similar to the 
 plugin_wiki chapter in the book?

AFAIK it's an experimental feature yet which would explain the lack of 
documentation. There are some examples posted at this group. We could build 
some docs out of the source code, although it seems that there isn't much 
help in gluon.tools docstrings.


[web2py] Re: The web2py grid/crud plugin you've always dreamed about! Options

2012-10-19 Thread Jacinto Parga Fernández
I'm working with web2py 2.1.1 and I have the same problem with PowerGrid

What is then __init__.py  solution?


El martes, 9 de agosto de 2011 11:45:52 UTC+2, peter escribió:

 I found the problem, it was caused by having something in _init_.py 

 On Aug 8, 4:10 pm, peter peterchutchin...@gmail.com wrote: 
  And where does the custom_importer get its paths from, because they 
  seem different in some apps to in others. 
  So how can I check the paths or change them. 
  On Aug 8, 1:08 pm, Bruno Rocha rochacbr...@gmail.com wrote: 
   it is imported by the web2py custom_importer 
   On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 8:26 AM, peter peterchutchin...@gmail.com 
Let me ask the question the other way round. How come powergridapp 
does find the module powergrid. If I look at the current working 
directory, it is the web2py folder, and if I look at sys.path, it 
not have the applications folder in there, so how come the 
 from plugin_PowerGrid.PowerGrid import PowerGrid 
statement succeeds in finding the module when it is relative to the 
applications path? what path is it using to find the powergrid 
and where does it get this path from? 
On Aug 6, 6:01 pm, peter peterchutchin...@gmail.com wrote: 
 It is 1.98.2 
 On Aug 6, 5:28 pm, Bruno Rocha rochacbr...@gmail.com wrote: 
  What is your web2py version? 
  The plugin works only in 1.97+ 
  Em 06/08/2011 08:55, peter peterchutchin...@gmail.com 
   I have powergridapp working on my system, however when I added 
   powergrid plugin to my app I get 
   No module named plugin_PowerGrid.PowerGrid 
   Yet, the file organisation seems to be the same. I have 
   plugin_PowerGrid within my modules folder and PowerGrid.py 
   Any help appreciated. 
   Peter- Hide quoted text - 
  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text - 
 - Show quoted text - 
   Bruno Rocha 
   [ About me:http://zerp.ly/rochacbruno] 
   [ Aprenda a programar:http://CursoDePython.com.br] 
   [ O seu aliado nos cuidados com os animais:http://AnimalSystem.com.br] 

   [ Consultoria em desenvolvimento web:http://www.blouweb.com]- Hide 
 quoted text - 
   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text - 
  - Show quoted text -


[web2py] Re: manage_groups AD problem

2012-10-19 Thread Teddy Nyambe
I am having trouble with manage_group=True, when I enable it i am
getting Invalid Login but without it logins work. Does AD Group
Management in web2py work?

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: Loading modules fails - web2py 2.1.1(and earlier) / python 2.7.1 / Mac OS X

2012-10-19 Thread Luciano Laporta Podazza
Well it seems that after a lot of research and specially after posting this 
question that I found the solution.

I've tried facebook-sdk module and had to modify just one line to make it 

facebook.py, line 49:
# Find a JSON parser
import simplejson as json


# Find a JSON parser
import gluon.contrib.simplejson as json

And that's all. Hope it helps anybody!

On Thursday, October 18, 2012 1:43:29 PM UTC-3, Luciano Laporta Podazza 

 Hello, first of all thank you Massimo and you people for this awesome 
 framework! I'm in love with it! :D

 I've tried to load some facebook modules and none of them works, at least 
 on Mac OS.

 This is what I did:

 1. Get facebook api from one of these repos:

 2. Copy them on modules/ like this:

 3. Load it from the controller, e.g. facepy module:
 def index():
 from facepy import graph_api

 It doesn't matter what I try, I always get some errors:
 - type 'exceptions.ImportError' No module named facepy (or other 
 module's name)
 - With facebook-sdk it says that simplejson can't be loaded 'cause it 
 doesn't exists(and it exists and works!)
 - it doesn't matter the way I put the module folder under modules/, for 
 example modules/facebookmodule/sub-dir/module.py and then from 
 facebookmodule.subdir import module. I always get the error that the module 
 does not exists.
 - I even tried copying the module under site-packages and it seems to load 
 the module(I get no errors about it) but then I get the error that 
 simplejson doesn't exists(and this is not true).

 A friend of mine tried this on GNU/Linux and modules works perfectly, so 
 it seems the issue is related with Mac OS.

 Any ideas?. please note that I'm a newbie with python and web2py.

 LOT of thanks in advance :)


[web2py] CPU and memory issues with apache

2012-10-19 Thread Marin Pranjić
Not sure if web2py has anything with this. Could be.

First issue is that CPU jumps up  to 100%. I am watching it with htop and 
it happens every few minutes, 'apache2' process is using it.
Site becomes unresponsive.

I tried to restart apache several times but it didn't help.
However, after server reboot CPU is back to normal and mostly below 2% 

Another issue is the memory. After server reboot memory consumption is 
25%. After some time it goes up to 85%.
I have a controller that calls subprocess.Popen and sometimes it doesn't 
work because of Cannot allocate memory.
This makes the memory consumption an issue.
It seems that only apache memory is growing (still using htop to check it).

I am not an apache expert and not sure what to do. I can provide additional 
details if needed.
I hope someone can help :)



[web2py] Re: web2py.com offline

2012-10-19 Thread Alan Etkin
 El viernes, 20 de julio de 2012 14:22:36 UTC-3, Dave escribió:can't get 
to the website today

Me neither


Re: [web2py] Is this possible?

2012-10-19 Thread Richard Vézina
Ok, now I understand... That should work.

About the suggestion, I have no single key for table and field tuple... The
database table is not normalized and the only way I found so far is to use
a composed pk formed with table and field to refer to unique field entry.
If I had not identical field name in differents tables I could avoid that.

Anyway, until now it has work well, I may need to better engineer this part
of my database in the future thought.



On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 6:31 PM, Niphlod niph...@gmail.com wrote:

 you are calling db.table1 somewhere. In my code there is no db.table1 at
 alljust tried, works. Readable example

 tablename = 'test1'
 labels = dict(test1_foo='test1label')
 Field('foo', label=labels[%s_foo % tablename])

 BTW: you'd be better off separating table name and field name in your
 labels dict (or even, structure it as
 If you have a table named *foo* with a field *bar* and a table *foob*with a 
 *ar* you are going to display the same label for both ;-)

 On Thursday, October 18, 2012 11:09:56 PM UTC+2, Richard wrote:

 I still get type 'exceptions.AttributeError' 'DAL' object has no
 attribute 'table1'

 You right that I didn't need call db.table._tablename and
 db.table.field.name... I was just trying something else before then I
 forget I didn't need to call those attributes.

 Anyway, I think it is not possible since model is not yet define.

 FYI dblables_en is a dict like this one {'table1field1':



 On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 4:40 PM, Niphlod nip...@gmail.com wrote:

 you are asking to python to evaluate a variable that doesn't exists.
 It seems that you know the tablename and fields in advance (because
 dblabels_en is somewhat filled already) so why can't you just

 tablename = 'test1'
 Field('foo', label=T(dblabels_en[%s_foo % tablename])))


 On Thursday, October 18, 2012 9:57:09 PM UTC+2, Richard wrote:


 Is it possible to do that?

 I can do
 table.field.name http://db.table.field.name]**)

 Inside table model definition table is not yet define then I can
 refer to it.

 I try with lambda with no succes.

 Do you see a way to refer to the db.table._tablename in order to make
 it execute only once that the model is defined?






Re: [web2py] is there a way to do something like that (tooltip and label)

2012-10-19 Thread Richard Vézina

It works!

Thanks Bruno.


On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 5:54 PM, Bruno Rocha rochacbr...@gmail.com wrote:

 Try this:

 db.table.field.label =  *CAT(*T(dblabels[concat]),
 A(I(_class='icon-info-sign'), _href=##, _id=example1, _rel=popover,
 **{'_data-content': 'Help comment here!', '_data-original-title': 'Help
 comment title...'})*)*



[web2py] how to loop through tables with 1M records?

2012-10-19 Thread Adi

I just tried to perform a select() on a mysql table with 700k records. All 
available memory on my mac was consumed to the point that I had to kill the 

I reduced number of fields just to id, and got the results after some time, 
but wondering if there is some better approach in order to loop through all 
records with all needed fields?



Re: [web2py] how to loop through tables with 1M records?

2012-10-19 Thread Vasile Ermicioi
_last_id = 0
for row in db(db.table.id_last_id).select(limitby=(0,_items_per_page),
#do something
_last_id = row.id


Re: [web2py] how to loop through tables with 1M records?

2012-10-19 Thread Adi
Thank you Vasile for your quick response. This will be perfect. 

On Friday, October 19, 2012 2:02:41 PM UTC-4, Vasile Ermicioi wrote:

 _last_id = 0
 for row in db(db.table.id_last_id).select(limitby=(0,_items_per_page), 
 #do something
 _last_id = row.id


[web2py] Trunk, error after login

2012-10-19 Thread Marin Pranjić

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/www-data/test-web2py/gluon/main.py, line 561, in wsgibase
session._try_store_on_disk(request, response)
  File /home/www-data/test-web2py/gluon/globals.py, line 703, in 
cPickle.dump(dict(self), response.session_file)
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/copy_reg.py, line 70, in _reduce_ex
raise TypeError, can't pickle %s objects % base.__name__
TypeError: can't pickle function objects

It happens with trunk and 2.1.1 but not with 2.0.9



Re: [web2py] is there a way to do something like that (tooltip and label)

2012-10-19 Thread Richard Vézina
Why is this not working :

CAT(T(dblabels[concat]), *' ',* A(I(_class='icon-info-sign'), _href=##,
_id=example1, _rel=popover, **{'_data-content': T(dbtooltips[concat]),
'_data-original-title': 'Titre du commentaire d\'aide'}) if
dbtooltips[concat]!='' and dbtooltips[concat]!=None else None)

I get : type 'exceptions.TypeError' cannot concatenate 'str' and
'NoneType' objects

When it execute in normal web2py flow it failed with the above error, but
it works in shell.


On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 1:47 PM, Richard Vézina ml.richard.vez...@gmail.com


 It works!

 Thanks Bruno.


 On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 5:54 PM, Bruno Rocha rochacbr...@gmail.comwrote:

 Try this:

 db.table.field.label =  *CAT(*T(dblabels[concat]),
 A(I(_class='icon-info-sign'), _href=##, _id=example1, _rel=popover,
 **{'_data-content': 'Help comment here!', '_data-original-title': 'Help
 comment title...'})*)*



[web2py] Re: Trunk, error after login

2012-10-19 Thread Niphlod
doesn't happen here. What are you storing into session ?

On Friday, October 19, 2012 8:26:09 PM UTC+2, Marin Pranjić wrote:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/www-data/test-web2py/gluon/main.py, line 561, in wsgibase
 session._try_store_on_disk(request, response)
   File /home/www-data/test-web2py/gluon/globals.py, line 703, in 
 cPickle.dump(dict(self), response.session_file)
   File /usr/lib/python2.7/copy_reg.py, line 70, in _reduce_ex
 raise TypeError, can't pickle %s objects % base.__name__
 TypeError: can't pickle function objects

 It happens with trunk and 2.1.1 but not with 2.0.9



Re: [web2py] is there a way to do something like that (tooltip and label)

2012-10-19 Thread Richard Vézina
With a SPAN(' ') it get away.


On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 2:30 PM, Richard Vézina ml.richard.vez...@gmail.com

 Why is this not working :

 CAT(T(dblabels[concat]), *' ',* A(I(_class='icon-info-sign'), _href=##,
 _id=example1, _rel=popover, **{'_data-content': T(dbtooltips[concat]),
 '_data-original-title': 'Titre du commentaire d\'aide'}) if
 dbtooltips[concat]!='' and dbtooltips[concat]!=None else None)

 I get : type 'exceptions.TypeError' cannot concatenate 'str' and
 'NoneType' objects

 When it execute in normal web2py flow it failed with the above error, but
 it works in shell.


 On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 1:47 PM, Richard Vézina 
 ml.richard.vez...@gmail.com wrote:


 It works!

 Thanks Bruno.


 On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 5:54 PM, Bruno Rocha rochacbr...@gmail.comwrote:

 Try this:

 db.table.field.label =  *CAT(*T(dblabels[concat]),
 A(I(_class='icon-info-sign'), _href=##, _id=example1, _rel=popover,
 **{'_data-content': 'Help comment here!', '_data-original-title': 'Help
 comment title...'})*)*



[web2py] Re: manage_groups AD problem

2012-10-19 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Are you talking about ldap_auth?

On Friday, 19 October 2012 02:38:39 UTC-5, software.ted wrote:

 I am having trouble with manage_group=True, when I enable it i am 
 getting Invalid Login but without it logins work. Does AD Group 
 Management in web2py work? 

 Kind regards, 


[web2py] Re: There were changes in MS SQLServer driver?

2012-10-19 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
So, is the issue closed?

On Friday, 19 October 2012 09:51:40 UTC-5, Jose wrote:

 I answer myself

 db = DAL

 must explain the dsn:
 db = DAL



[web2py] web2py.com is down

2012-10-19 Thread Richard
As in the object



Re: [web2py] how to loop through tables with 1M records?

2012-10-19 Thread Niphlod
the set returned by select is always a full result set, because it is 
extracted and parsed alltogether. 
Slicing with limits is good (and recommended, if possible). Just remember 
that you can save a lot of time and memory passing cacheable=True to the 
select() function. References will be stripped off the normal Rows 
record, as long as other convenience functions like update_record and 
delete_record. If you can live without those, for large queries I'd go with 
select(cacheable=True) all the time

On Friday, October 19, 2012 8:17:38 PM UTC+2, Adi wrote:

 Thank you Vasile for your quick response. This will be perfect. 

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 2:02:41 PM UTC-4, Vasile Ermicioi wrote:

 _last_id = 0
 for row in db(db.table.id_last_id).select(limitby=(0,_items_per_page), 
 #do something
 _last_id = row.id


Re: [web2py] web2py.com is down

2012-10-19 Thread Francisco Costa
confirm, web2py.com is down

On Friday, October 19, 2012 7:48:25 PM UTC+1, Richard wrote:

 As in the object



[web2py] Re: Trunk, error after login

2012-10-19 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Do you have a lazy virtual fields in a table and then store records with 
the lazy virtual field in the session?

On Friday, 19 October 2012 13:26:09 UTC-5, Marin Pranjić wrote:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/www-data/test-web2py/gluon/main.py, line 561, in wsgibase
 session._try_store_on_disk(request, response)
   File /home/www-data/test-web2py/gluon/globals.py, line 703, in 
 cPickle.dump(dict(self), response.session_file)
   File /usr/lib/python2.7/copy_reg.py, line 70, in _reduce_ex
 raise TypeError, can't pickle %s objects % base.__name__
 TypeError: can't pickle function objects

 It happens with trunk and 2.1.1 but not with 2.0.9



[web2py] Re: Form, with Dropbox and distinct values from db.

2012-10-19 Thread Niphlod
in your code, macaddr is a resultset of your query. Basically it's a list 
of Rows objects, done like this

[ {'mac_addr' : value}, {'mac_addr':value1}, {'mac_addr' : value2}]

you should reduce the list of dictionaries to a list of values.

def get_macaddr():
# Grab distinct MAC addresses from DB
macaddr = db(db.wifiusage).select(db.wifiusage.mac_addr, distinct=True)  
macaddr = [row.mac_addr for row in macaddr] #line added by Niphlod

form = SQLFORM.factory(
  Field('macaddr', label='Select a MAC Address', requires=IS_IN_SET(

return dict(form=form)

And everything should work ok.

On Thursday, October 18, 2012 1:02:44 AM UTC+2, Jason Jeremias wrote:

 So I'm trying out Web2py, I'm a complet newbie.  I've been using python to 
 write CGI for years, I have python cgi that I use to display data from 
 mysql db.  Its pretty simple and I thought I'd trying to recreate it using 
 web2py.   Basically its a simple html form that has a drop box and a submit 
 button.  The drop box is filled with mac addresses from a database.  So 
 basically you select the mac address, hit submit and it brings back all the 
 data in the db related to that mac address.  

 My current cgi program uses a simple function to grab the distinct mac 
 addresses from the db and put them in to a dropdown.

 def PrintSelectMAC():
   db = MySQLdb.connect(localhost,myuser,mypass,wifi_usage)
   cursor = db.cursor()
   sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT(mac_addr) from wifi_usage'
   data = cursor.fetchall()

   print (bSelect MAC Addresses:/BBR \n)
   print (SELECT NAME=\mac_addr\)

   for row in sorted(data):
 macaddr = row[0]
 print (OPTION VALUE=\%s\%s) %(macaddr, macaddr)

   print (/SELECT)

 I'm trying to get just this far with Web2py and I'm running into a 
 learning curve or something.  Here's what I've done so far..

 in my Model (db.py) I have added..

 db = DAL(mysql://myuser:mypass@localhost/wifi_usage)
 Field('u_date', 'date'),
 Field('account_id', 'string', length=16),
 Field('mac_addr', 'string', length=20),
 Field('upstream', 'integer'),
 Field('downstream', 'integer'),
 Field('total', 'integer'),
 Field('location', 'string'),
 Field('package', 'string')

 So this worked well.  I then populated this database with data.

 in my controller (index) I added:

 def get_macaddr():
 # Grab distinct MAC addresses from DB
 macaddr = db(db.wifiusage).select(db.wifiusage.mac_addr, 

 form = SQLFORM.factory(
   Field('macaddr', label='Select a MAC Address', 

 return dict(form=form)

 I created a get_macaddr.html view.  It looks like this.
 {{extend 'layout.html'}}
 h1This is the get_macaddr.html template/h1

 Here's the issue.  My Form dropdown box. contains entries that look like 

 Row {'mac_addr': '0123456789ab'}

 What I want is it to contain just the macaddress ''0123456789ab' for the 

 I have to admit the syntax is messing with me.  I'm sure I'm doing 
 something silly, Perhaps I've been doing cgi to long.  I want to stick with 
 it and learn web2py, what am I doing wrong?



[web2py] Re: Trunk, error after login

2012-10-19 Thread Marin Pranjić
I have virtual and lazy fields on auth_user table and I store them in auth 
on each request.

Lazy field is the the issue because I store lambda  in auth.
I just tried to remove it and it works without it.

So, I have:
if auth.user:
  auth.user.something = lambda: ...

And this fails.

I can live without it but I thought it was safe because auth is filtering 
the fields, right?

Dana petak, 19. listopada 2012. 20:52:15 UTC+2, korisnik Massimo Di Pierro 
napisao je:

 Do you have a lazy virtual fields in a table and then store records with 
 the lazy virtual field in the session?

 On Friday, 19 October 2012 13:26:09 UTC-5, Marin Pranjić wrote:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/www-data/test-web2py/gluon/main.py, line 561, in wsgibase
 session._try_store_on_disk(request, response)
   File /home/www-data/test-web2py/gluon/globals.py, line 703, in 
 cPickle.dump(dict(self), response.session_file)
   File /usr/lib/python2.7/copy_reg.py, line 70, in _reduce_ex
 raise TypeError, can't pickle %s objects % base.__name__
 TypeError: can't pickle function objects

 It happens with trunk and 2.1.1 but not with 2.0.9



Re: [web2py] CPU and memory issues with apache

2012-10-19 Thread Richard Vézina
Look like a memory leaks...

Maybe you could profile your app with web2py included profiler...

You just need to add -F profileroutputfile.txt at the end of the
initialization web2py string


On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 1:24 PM, Marin Pranjić marin.pran...@gmail.comwrote:

 Not sure if web2py has anything with this. Could be.

 First issue is that CPU jumps up  to 100%. I am watching it with htop and
 it happens every few minutes, 'apache2' process is using it.
 Site becomes unresponsive.

 I tried to restart apache several times but it didn't help.
 However, after server reboot CPU is back to normal and mostly below 2%

 Another issue is the memory. After server reboot memory consumption is
 25%. After some time it goes up to 85%.
 I have a controller that calls subprocess.Popen and sometimes it doesn't
 work because of Cannot allocate memory.
 This makes the memory consumption an issue.
 It seems that only apache memory is growing (still using htop to check it).

 I am not an apache expert and not sure what to do. I can provide
 additional details if needed.
 I hope someone can help :)




[web2py] Re: Trunk, error after login

2012-10-19 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
The problem is that auth stores itself in session (session.auth = auth)
Now sure why this worked before. 


On Friday, 19 October 2012 14:02:35 UTC-5, Marin Pranjić wrote:

 I have virtual and lazy fields on auth_user table and I store them in auth 
 on each request.

 Lazy field is the the issue because I store lambda  in auth.
 I just tried to remove it and it works without it.

 So, I have:
 if auth.user:
   auth.user.something = lambda: ...

 And this fails.

 I can live without it but I thought it was safe because auth is filtering 
 the fields, right?

 Dana petak, 19. listopada 2012. 20:52:15 UTC+2, korisnik Massimo Di Pierro 
 napisao je:

 Do you have a lazy virtual fields in a table and then store records with 
 the lazy virtual field in the session?

 On Friday, 19 October 2012 13:26:09 UTC-5, Marin Pranjić wrote:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/www-data/test-web2py/gluon/main.py, line 561, in wsgibase
 session._try_store_on_disk(request, response)
   File /home/www-data/test-web2py/gluon/globals.py, line 703, in 
 cPickle.dump(dict(self), response.session_file)
   File /usr/lib/python2.7/copy_reg.py, line 70, in _reduce_ex
 raise TypeError, can't pickle %s objects % base.__name__
 TypeError: can't pickle function objects

 It happens with trunk and 2.1.1 but not with 2.0.9



[web2py] Re: CPU and memory issues with apache

2012-10-19 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
What web2py version? What Python version? What apache version? Do you get 
the leak running with rocket?

On Friday, 19 October 2012 12:24:07 UTC-5, Marin Pranjić wrote:

 Not sure if web2py has anything with this. Could be.

 First issue is that CPU jumps up  to 100%. I am watching it with htop and 
 it happens every few minutes, 'apache2' process is using it.
 Site becomes unresponsive.

 I tried to restart apache several times but it didn't help.
 However, after server reboot CPU is back to normal and mostly below 2% 

 Another issue is the memory. After server reboot memory consumption is 
 25%. After some time it goes up to 85%.
 I have a controller that calls subprocess.Popen and sometimes it doesn't 
 work because of Cannot allocate memory.
 This makes the memory consumption an issue.
 It seems that only apache memory is growing (still using htop to check it).

 I am not an apache expert and not sure what to do. I can provide 
 additional details if needed.
 I hope someone can help :)



Re: [web2py] how to loop through tables with 1M records?

2012-10-19 Thread Adnan Smajlovic
I'm afraid, limitby will not work, since it returns limited set, and I
guess it's not possible to dynamically change the limit, so I'll have to
sort of loop through some kind of subqueries, or use the original query
with limited set of fields (takes 60secs for 700k records, not ready to
test on 2-3M records), insert them into scheduler and then let scheduler
deal with updating full records in it's own time :) Will try now using

I know I sound like a kid in a candy store, and I'm not patronizing, but
truly love scheduler... Reminds me of 8 years ago working with FileNet
Visual Workflow :)

On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 2:51 PM, Niphlod niph...@gmail.com wrote:

 the set returned by select is always a full result set, because it is
 extracted and parsed alltogether.
 Slicing with limits is good (and recommended, if possible). Just remember
 that you can save a lot of time and memory passing cacheable=True to the
 select() function. References will be stripped off the normal Rows
 record, as long as other convenience functions like update_record and
 delete_record. If you can live without those, for large queries I'd go with
 select(cacheable=True) all the time

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 8:17:38 PM UTC+2, Adi wrote:

 Thank you Vasile for your quick response. This will be perfect.

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 2:02:41 PM UTC-4, Vasile Ermicioi wrote:

 _last_id = 0
 for row in db(db.table.id_last_id).**select(limitby=(0,_items_per_**page),
 #do something
 _last_id = row.id



Re: [web2py] how to loop through tables with 1M records?

2012-10-19 Thread Vasile Ermicioi

 _last_id = 0
 for row in db(db.table.id_last_id).select(limitby=(0,_items_per_page),
 #do something
 _last_id = row.id

have you tried it and   it doesn't work?
do you understand the logic?


Re: [web2py] how to loop through tables with 1M records?

2012-10-19 Thread Vasile Ermicioi
increase _items_per_page to 20 000


[web2py] pep8

2012-10-19 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
It was pointed out by our friend Andriy that web2py has poor pep8 
So we made a huge number of changes to make it more compliant. We changed 
every .py file in web2py using an automated tool (autopep8) except 
feedparser, simplejson, fpdf and pyrpf (third party modules).

It now passes all tests. Yet I want to release 2.1.2 asap and it would be 
great if you could check out the code in trunk and confirm it still works 
for you.



Re: [web2py] how to loop through tables with 1M records?

2012-10-19 Thread Adnan Smajlovic
Yes Vasile, I tried, and understand the logic... May change it slightly and
use it as subquery with an offset. The problem is that I'm dealing with
legacy tables that go up to 3 million rows, and have lot of columns that
need to be checked, so your solution will work, and I will be loading data
in sets with changed limitby(min, max)... Thank you very much for your help!

On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 3:30 PM, Vasile Ermicioi elff...@gmail.com wrote:

 increase _items_per_page to 20 000



Re: [web2py] how to loop through tables with 1M records?

2012-10-19 Thread Vasile Ermicioi

 _last_id = 0
 for row in db(db.table.id_last_id).select(limitby=(0,_items_per_page),
 #do something
 _last_id = row.id

you don;t need to change anything to load all data,  this code is loading
everything in slices as you need,
all records are ordered by id, and next query will load all next
_items_per_page items
db.table.id_last_id - will skip all previous records


Re: [web2py] Re: tags and speed

2012-10-19 Thread andrej burja
should i use

 .select(..., cacheable=True)



what is the difference?


On Friday, October 19, 2012 1:20:08 PM UTC+2, andrej burja wrote:


 Thank you for your explanation. It is really helpful  
 The address of the chapter in the book is Efficient search by tag and i 
 choose this approach because i thought that search would be the most 
 important thing of the application (that was right)
 The table tag is similar like in your example 2, but only one tag per row, 
 game_id  tag
 1 excitement
 1 funny

 I learned some lessons:
 - do usability testing ass soon as possible (it came as a surprise for me 
 that using Datatables is the most useful)
 - be prepared for lots of data: my initial assumption was 200 games, and 
 now i have more than 1000.

 I will try with cache first. 


 On Friday, October 19, 2012 1:21:37 AM UTC+2, Niphlod wrote:

 old mean bad thing about normalized vs denormalized model.
 Don't know what you read in the cookbok, but here's the thing.
 You have a game pacman that is tagged as arcade, and a game invaders 
 tagged as horror

 First things first: you may want to change horror to needs parent 
 around later in the future. That's why you may want to create an external 
 tags table and reference it in your games one.
 tags table
 1 arcade
 2 horror

 game_name tags
 pacman   1
 invaders  2

 To display
 pacman arcade
 invaders horror
 you just need a simple join. Changing record 2 of the tags table allows 
 you to have
 pacman arcade
 invaders needs parents around

 Next problem on the line: you want multiple tags for a single game 
 (invaders needs both arcade and horror tags). 
 Welcome to normalization hell. Books have been written about it in the 
 last 60-70 years, with terms like 3NF and Cardinality all around ^_^

 Let's take this by examples

 1) you change the tags table like this
 id tag_name game_id
 1 arcade 1
 1 arcade 2
 2 horror 2
 getting tags for a single game is fast, change horror to needs parents 
 around is fast, getting all possible tags is enough fast (depending on the 
 number of rows of the tags table)
 fetch the right tags for every game can be slow

 2) you create a games table like this 
 id game_name tags
 1 pacman |arcade|
 2 invaders |arcade|horror|
 getting tags for a single game is fast, updating a tag for a game is 
 quite fast
 changing all horror to needs parents around can be fast only if done 
 outside web2py with a manual replace, getting all possible tags can be slow

 3) you create a games table like this
 id game_name tags_id
 1 pacman |1|
 2 invaders |1|2|
 getting tags for a single game is fast, updating a tag for a game is 
 quite fast, changing horrors is fast
 changing all horror to needs parents around can be fast only if done 
 outside web2py with a manual replace, getting all possible tags can be slow

 So, with no need to change tag names from horror to needs parents 
 around, I'd say the right way for displaying your table is 2) 
 (list:string), else 3) (list:reference). 
 If you need to suggest previously entered tags (i.e. you don't want to 
 end having arcade, arcady, arcadian, 'rcade spat all around), I'd 
 still go for 2) + one separate table (or a cached list) holding all 
 previously entered tags, just to speedup the suggestion phase (hoping 
 users won't screw up).
 Method 1) is faster only when:
 - tags are more than the games
 - cleaning normalization logics are heavy
 - you need to update tag names often
 - the only need is displaying tags for a single game (direct query on a 
 single table, the tags one)
 - you need to compute something like how many times the arcade tag is 
 applied to all my games (i.e. for a tag cloud)

 There are several other methods, and all of them in the end do the job. 
 You just need to see what are your requirements and choose carefully. 
 Your agenda is:
 - spend the less time possible with queries you have to invoke often
 - pay the price of your model in high computations for other things 
 (or, let's save the results of those computations externally once every 


[web2py] Re: There were changes in MS SQLServer driver?

2012-10-19 Thread Jose

El viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012 15:48:26 UTC-3, Massimo Di Pierro 

 So, is the issue closed?




[web2py] Version 2.1.1 error: Table' object has no attribute '_id'

2012-10-19 Thread Omi Chiba
My app was working fine with Version 1.99.2. I upgrade to Version 2.1.1 and 
it shows this error.
I'm using DB2 for my database. PDTFF is new table defined by web2py so it 
has id field but the others are existing and doesn't have id field.

*Traceback (most recent call last):*
  File C:\web2py\gluon\restricted.py, line 209, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
  File C:/web2py/applications/fedex/controllers/default.py, line 205, in 
  File C:\web2py\gluon\globals.py, line 187, in lambda
self._caller = lambda f: f()
  File C:\web2py\gluon\tools.py, line 2838, in f
return action(*a, **b)
  File C:/web2py/applications/fedex/controllers/default.py, line 116, in 
form = SQLFORM(db.PDTFF,record)
  File C:\web2py\gluon\sqlhtml.py, line 1038, in __init__
inp = self.widgets.options.widget(field, default)
  File C:\web2py\gluon\sqlhtml.py, line 226, in widget
options = requires[0].options()
  File C:\web2py\gluon\validators.py, line 2500, in _options
options = self.other.options()
  File C:\web2py\gluon\validators.py, line 484, in options
  File C:\web2py\gluon\validators.py, line 471, in build_set
records = self.dbset(table).select(*fields, **dd)
  File C:\web2py\gluon\dal.py, line 8726, in __call__
query = self.db._adapter.id_query(query)
  File C:\web2py\gluon\dal.py, line 631, in id_query
return table._id != None
  File C:\web2py\gluon\dal.py, line 7636, in __getitem__
return ogetattr(self, str(key))
AttributeError: 'Table' object has no attribute '_id'

*Function argument list*
(self=Table TDMKNP00 (KNCTCD,KNKNCD,KNKNNM), key='_id')

# coding: utf8

# Employee info table on HELPDESK
Field('name', length=255),
Field('location', length=255),
Field('emailaddress', length=255))

# Dept Master
Field('BUSEC1', length=3),
Field('BUBURK', length=12),

# Country Master
Field('CNCNCD', length=3),
Field('CNCNNM', length=30),

# Area 2 Master
Field('KNCTCD', length=3),
Field('KNKNCD', length=2),
Field('KNKNNM', length=30),

# Purchase Order
Field('H2DNO', length=8),
Field('H2TRD1', 'integer'),
Field('H2JJDN', length=8),
Field('H2JJGN', 'integer'),
Field('H2JDNO', length=8),
Field('H2JGNO', 'integer'),
Field('H2JCSC', length=3),
Field('H2HSKB', length=1),
Field('H2KSM', length=3),
Field('H2PRCD', length=15),
Field('H2PRKJ', length=50),
Field('H2TRS', 'integer'),
Field('H2HZS', 'integer'),

# Open FedEx Purchase Order 
Field('H2DNO', length=8),
Field('H2TRD1', 'integer'),
Field('H2JJDN', length=8),
Field('H2JJGN', 'integer'),
Field('H2JDNO', length=8),
Field('H2JGNO', 'integer'),
Field('H2JCSC', length=3),
Field('H2HSKB', length=1),
Field('H2KSM', length=3),
Field('H2PRCD', length=15),
Field('H2PRKJ', length=50),
Field('H2TRS', 'integer'),
Field('H2HZS', 'integer'),

# Received Order
Field('J2DNO', length=8),
Field('J2GNO', 'integer'),

# FedEx Request Output file
Field('FFDNO', length=8, label='HJ#'),
Field('FFTRD', 'date', label=Requested),
Field('FFJCSC', length=3, label=Dept),
Field('FFBURK', length=12, label=Dept Name),
Field('FFJDNO', length=8, label=JJ#),
Field('FFJGNO', 'integer', label=JJ line#),
Field('FFJJDN', length=8, label=J# (JP)),
Field('FFJJGN', 'integer', label=J line# (JP)),
Field('FFACCT', length=9, label=FedEx Acct #),
Field('FFCUST', length=30, label=Company Name),
Field('FFNSD', 'date',label=Delivery Due),
Field('FFPRCD', length=15,label=Product Code),
Field('FFPRKJ', length=50,label=Part Number),
Field('FFTRS', 'integer',label=Quantity),
Field('FFTSK1',length=35,label=Name 1),
Field('FFTSK2',length=35,label=Name 2),
Field('FFODA1',length=30,label=Address 1),
Field('FFODA2',length=30,label=Adderss 2),
Field('FFKYSC',length=12,label=Customer Order#),

[web2py] Re: Ajax / cid with A helper not working

2012-10-19 Thread lyn2py
I dropped the user_signature. Now it looks like:

a href=/testapp/view/2 
 false; Title Title Title /a

Still doesn't work. 

I'm on Version 2.0.9 (2012-09-17 21:37:10) stable. 

On Friday, October 19, 2012 9:51:52 PM UTC+8, Niphlod wrote:

 yep, indeed there seems to be a problem in your rendered link. Can you see 
 if removing user_signature the link works ?

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 3:41:24 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:

 I looked up source and pasted it wholesale here:

  false;Title Title Title/a

 It looks like the quotation marks are not appearing correctly? 

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 9:03:24 PM UTC+8, Niphlod wrote:

 please check that your link is rendered to something like

 a onclick=web2py_component(/app/default/view/1,post1234);return 
 false; href=/app/default/view/1title/a

 If that's the case, and it's not working, then something is off with the 
 javascript (this functionality relies on web2py.js loaded).

 Anyway, this works on the welcome app.

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 1:03:01 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:

 I looking at web2py book here:


 Tha A helper takes a special argument called cid. It works as follows:
 {{=A('linked page', _href='http://example.com', cid='myid')}}
 div id=myid/div

 and a click on the link causes the content to be loaded in the div. 
 This is similar but more powerful than the above syntax since it is 
 designed to refresh page components. We discuss applications of cidin 
 more detail in Chapter 12, in the context of components.
 These ajax features require jQuery and static/js/web2py_ajax.js, 
 which are automatically included by placing {{include 
 'web2py_ajax.html'}} in the layout head. views/web2py_ajax.html 
 defines some variables based on request and includes all necessary js 
 and css files.

 Here's what I've done:

 index page:
 {{extend layout.html}}
 div id=post1234/div

 But when I click on the link, nothing appears in the div id=post1234 
 I didn't make changes to layout.html, which means, web2py_ajax.html is 
 already included.

 When it is a normal link (aka no cid in the A helper), the page 
 (view) loads fine.


[web2py] Re: Version 2.1.1 error: Table' object has no attribute '_id'

2012-10-19 Thread Omi Chiba
It looks this line failed. Here I simply edit the record provided by user's 

 form = SQLFORM(db.PDTFF,record) 

On Friday, October 19, 2012 3:27:53 PM UTC-5, Omi Chiba wrote:

 My app was working fine with Version 1.99.2. I upgrade to Version 2.1.1 
 and it shows this error.
 I'm using DB2 for my database. PDTFF is new table defined by web2py so it 
 has id field but the others are existing and doesn't have id field.

 *Traceback (most recent call last):*
   File C:\web2py\gluon\restricted.py, line 209, in restricted
 exec ccode in environment
   File C:/web2py/applications/fedex/controllers/default.py, line 205, in 
   File C:\web2py\gluon\globals.py, line 187, in lambda
 self._caller = lambda f: f()
   File C:\web2py\gluon\tools.py, line 2838, in f
 return action(*a, **b)
   File C:/web2py/applications/fedex/controllers/default.py, line 116, in 
 form = SQLFORM(db.PDTFF,record)
   File C:\web2py\gluon\sqlhtml.py, line 1038, in __init__
 inp = self.widgets.options.widget(field, default)
   File C:\web2py\gluon\sqlhtml.py, line 226, in widget
 options = requires[0].options()
   File C:\web2py\gluon\validators.py, line 2500, in _options
 options = self.other.options()
   File C:\web2py\gluon\validators.py, line 484, in options
   File C:\web2py\gluon\validators.py, line 471, in build_set
 records = self.dbset(table).select(*fields, **dd)
   File C:\web2py\gluon\dal.py, line 8726, in __call__
 query = self.db._adapter.id_query(query)
   File C:\web2py\gluon\dal.py, line 631, in id_query
 return table._id != None
   File C:\web2py\gluon\dal.py, line 7636, in __getitem__
 return ogetattr(self, str(key))
 AttributeError: 'Table' object has no attribute '_id'

 *Function argument list*
 (self=Table TDMKNP00 (KNCTCD,KNKNCD,KNKNNM), key='_id')

 # coding: utf8

 # Employee info table on HELPDESK
 Field('name', length=255),
 Field('location', length=255),
 Field('emailaddress', length=255))

 # Dept Master
 Field('BUSEC1', length=3),
 Field('BUBURK', length=12),

 # Country Master
 Field('CNCNCD', length=3),
 Field('CNCNNM', length=30),

 # Area 2 Master
 Field('KNCTCD', length=3),
 Field('KNKNCD', length=2),
 Field('KNKNNM', length=30),

 # Purchase Order
 Field('H2DNO', length=8),
 Field('H2TRD1', 'integer'),
 Field('H2JJDN', length=8),
 Field('H2JJGN', 'integer'),
 Field('H2JDNO', length=8),
 Field('H2JGNO', 'integer'),
 Field('H2JCSC', length=3),
 Field('H2HSKB', length=1),
 Field('H2KSM', length=3),
 Field('H2PRCD', length=15),
 Field('H2PRKJ', length=50),
 Field('H2TRS', 'integer'),
 Field('H2HZS', 'integer'),

 # Open FedEx Purchase Order 
 Field('H2DNO', length=8),
 Field('H2TRD1', 'integer'),
 Field('H2JJDN', length=8),
 Field('H2JJGN', 'integer'),
 Field('H2JDNO', length=8),
 Field('H2JGNO', 'integer'),
 Field('H2JCSC', length=3),
 Field('H2HSKB', length=1),
 Field('H2KSM', length=3),
 Field('H2PRCD', length=15),
 Field('H2PRKJ', length=50),
 Field('H2TRS', 'integer'),
 Field('H2HZS', 'integer'),

 # Received Order
 Field('J2DNO', length=8),
 Field('J2GNO', 'integer'),

 # FedEx Request Output file
 Field('FFDNO', length=8, label='HJ#'),
 Field('FFTRD', 'date', label=Requested),
 Field('FFJCSC', length=3, label=Dept),
 Field('FFBURK', length=12, label=Dept Name),
 Field('FFJDNO', length=8, label=JJ#),
 Field('FFJGNO', 'integer', label=JJ line#),
 Field('FFJJDN', length=8, label=J# (JP)),
 Field('FFJJGN', 'integer', label=J line# (JP)),
 Field('FFACCT', length=9, label=FedEx Acct #),
 Field('FFCUST', length=30, label=Company Name),
 Field('FFNSD', 'date',label=Delivery Due),
 Field('FFPRCD', length=15,label=Product Code),
 Field('FFPRKJ', length=50,label=Part Number),
 Field('FFTRS', 'integer',label=Quantity),
 Field('FFTSK1',length=35,label=Name 1),
 Field('FFTSK2',length=35,label=Name 2),
 Field('FFODA1',length=30,label=Address 1),

Re: [web2py] how to loop through tables with 1M records?

2012-10-19 Thread Adnan Smajlovic
i put it exactly as it is, but it stopped working after 1000 records...
will double check again.

On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 3:47 PM, Vasile Ermicioi elff...@gmail.com wrote:

 _last_id = 0
 for row in db(db.table.id_last_id).select(limitby=(0,_items_per_page),
 #do something
 _last_id = row.id

 you don;t need to change anything to load all data,  this code is loading
 everything in slices as you need,
 all records are ordered by id, and next query will load all next
 _items_per_page items
 db.table.id_last_id - will skip all previous records



Re: [web2py] how to loop through tables with 1M records?

2012-10-19 Thread Vasile Ermicioi
also _last_id = row.id after your code inside the loop is required


Re: [web2py] how to loop through tables with 1M records?

2012-10-19 Thread Niphlod
it's missing the outer loop.

_last_id = 0
while True:
rows = db(db.table.id_last_id).select(limitby=(0,_items_per_page), 
if len(rows) == 0:
for row in rows:
#do something 
_last_id = row.id

Should work.

On Friday, October 19, 2012 10:52:06 PM UTC+2, Adi wrote:

 i put it exactly as it is, but it stopped working after 1000 records... 
 will double check again.

 On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 3:47 PM, Vasile Ermicioi 

 _last_id = 0
 for row in db(db.table.id_last_id).select(limitby=(0,_items_per_page), 
 #do something
 _last_id = row.id

 you don;t need to change anything to load all data,  this code is loading 
 everything in slices as you need,
 all records are ordered by id, and next query will load all next 
 _items_per_page items
 db.table.id_last_id - will skip all previous records


[web2py] Re: Ajax / cid with A helper not working

2012-10-19 Thread Niphlod
Right now I can't switch to 2.0.9 . Can you try current trunk ?

On Friday, October 19, 2012 10:44:33 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:

 I dropped the user_signature. Now it looks like:

 a href=/testapp/view/2 
  false; Title Title Title /a

 Still doesn't work. 

 I'm on Version 2.0.9 (2012-09-17 21:37:10) stable. 

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 9:51:52 PM UTC+8, Niphlod wrote:

 yep, indeed there seems to be a problem in your rendered link. Can you 
 see if removing user_signature the link works ?

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 3:41:24 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:

 I looked up source and pasted it wholesale here:

  false;Title Title Title/a

 It looks like the quotation marks are not appearing correctly? 

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 9:03:24 PM UTC+8, Niphlod wrote:

 please check that your link is rendered to something like

 a onclick=web2py_component(/app/default/view/1,post1234);return 
 false; href=/app/default/view/1title/a

 If that's the case, and it's not working, then something is off with 
 the javascript (this functionality relies on web2py.js loaded).

 Anyway, this works on the welcome app.

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 1:03:01 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:

 I looking at web2py book here:


 Tha A helper takes a special argument called cid. It works as follows:
 {{=A('linked page', _href='http://example.com', cid='myid')}}
 div id=myid/div

 and a click on the link causes the content to be loaded in the div. 
 This is similar but more powerful than the above syntax since it is 
 designed to refresh page components. We discuss applications of cidin 
 more detail in Chapter 12, in the context of components.
 These ajax features require jQuery and static/js/web2py_ajax.js, 
 which are automatically included by placing {{include 
 'web2py_ajax.html'}} in the layout head. views/web2py_ajax.html 
 defines some variables based on request and includes all necessary 
 js and css files.

 Here's what I've done:

 index page:
 {{extend layout.html}}
 div id=post1234/div

 But when I click on the link, nothing appears in the div 
 id=post1234 /.
 I didn't make changes to layout.html, which means, web2py_ajax.html is 
 already included.

 When it is a normal link (aka no cid in the A helper), the page 
 (view) loads fine.


[web2py] Re: Ajax / cid with A helper not working

2012-10-19 Thread lyn2py
My results on the latest git clone,
Version 2.1.1 (2012-10-19 14:59:27) dev
--- The same as before. the quotation marks are still quot;
In addition, I have lost my dropdown menus (response.menu).

I thought maybe I created a new app on the trunk and ported over all my 
controllers, models, database, views. But still have the above 2 not 
working (the cid and the dropdown menus)

On Saturday, October 20, 2012 5:13:09 AM UTC+8, Niphlod wrote:

 Right now I can't switch to 2.0.9 . Can you try current trunk ?

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 10:44:33 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:

 I dropped the user_signature. Now it looks like:

 a href=/testapp/view/2 
  false; Title Title Title /a

 Still doesn't work. 

 I'm on Version 2.0.9 (2012-09-17 21:37:10) stable. 

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 9:51:52 PM UTC+8, Niphlod wrote:

 yep, indeed there seems to be a problem in your rendered link. Can you 
 see if removing user_signature the link works ?

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 3:41:24 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:

 I looked up source and pasted it wholesale here:

  false;Title Title Title/a

 It looks like the quotation marks are not appearing correctly? 

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 9:03:24 PM UTC+8, Niphlod wrote:

 please check that your link is rendered to something like

 a onclick=web2py_component(/app/default/view/1,post1234);return 
 false; href=/app/default/view/1title/a

 If that's the case, and it's not working, then something is off with 
 the javascript (this functionality relies on web2py.js loaded).

 Anyway, this works on the welcome app.

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 1:03:01 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:

 I looking at web2py book here:


 Tha A helper takes a special argument called cid. It works as 
 {{=A('linked page', _href='http://example.com', cid='myid')}}
 div id=myid/div

 and a click on the link causes the content to be loaded in the div. 
 This is similar but more powerful than the above syntax since it is 
 designed to refresh page components. We discuss applications of cidin 
 more detail in Chapter 12, in the context of components.
 These ajax features require jQuery and static/js/web2py_ajax.js, 
 which are automatically included by placing {{include 
 'web2py_ajax.html'}} in the layout head. views/web2py_ajax.html 
 defines some variables based on request and includes all necessary 
 js and css files.

 Here's what I've done:

 index page:
 {{extend layout.html}}
 div id=post1234/div

 But when I click on the link, nothing appears in the div 
 id=post1234 /.
 I didn't make changes to layout.html, which means, web2py_ajax.html 
 is already included.

 When it is a normal link (aka no cid in the A helper), the page 
 (view) loads fine.


[web2py] Re: Version 2.1.1 error: Table' object has no attribute '_id'

2012-10-19 Thread Omi Chiba
It worked when I specified single prymarykey. It's kind of make sense but 
why it worked previously and not working current?


# Area 2 Master
Field('KNCTCD', length=3),
Field('KNKNCD', length=2),
Field('KNKNNM', length=30),

# Area 2 Master
Field('KNCTCD', length=3),
Field('KNKNCD', length=2),
Field('KNKNNM', length=30),

On Friday, October 19, 2012 3:48:53 PM UTC-5, Omi Chiba wrote:

 It looks this line failed. Here I simply edit the record provided by 
 user's select.

  form = SQLFORM(db.PDTFF,record) 

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 3:27:53 PM UTC-5, Omi Chiba wrote:

 My app was working fine with Version 1.99.2. I upgrade to Version 2.1.1 
 and it shows this error.
 I'm using DB2 for my database. PDTFF is new table defined by web2py so it 
 has id field but the others are existing and doesn't have id field.

 *Traceback (most recent call last):*
   File C:\web2py\gluon\restricted.py, line 209, in restricted
 exec ccode in environment
   File C:/web2py/applications/fedex/controllers/default.py, line 205, 
 in module
   File C:\web2py\gluon\globals.py, line 187, in lambda
 self._caller = lambda f: f()
   File C:\web2py\gluon\tools.py, line 2838, in f
 return action(*a, **b)
   File C:/web2py/applications/fedex/controllers/default.py, line 116, 
 in next
 form = SQLFORM(db.PDTFF,record)
   File C:\web2py\gluon\sqlhtml.py, line 1038, in __init__
 inp = self.widgets.options.widget(field, default)
   File C:\web2py\gluon\sqlhtml.py, line 226, in widget
 options = requires[0].options()
   File C:\web2py\gluon\validators.py, line 2500, in _options
 options = self.other.options()
   File C:\web2py\gluon\validators.py, line 484, in options
   File C:\web2py\gluon\validators.py, line 471, in build_set
 records = self.dbset(table).select(*fields, **dd)
   File C:\web2py\gluon\dal.py, line 8726, in __call__
 query = self.db._adapter.id_query(query)
   File C:\web2py\gluon\dal.py, line 631, in id_query
 return table._id != None
   File C:\web2py\gluon\dal.py, line 7636, in __getitem__
 return ogetattr(self, str(key))
 AttributeError: 'Table' object has no attribute '_id'

 *Function argument list*
 (self=Table TDMKNP00 (KNCTCD,KNKNCD,KNKNNM), key='_id')

 # coding: utf8

 # Employee info table on HELPDESK
 Field('name', length=255),
 Field('location', length=255),
 Field('emailaddress', length=255))

 # Dept Master
 Field('BUSEC1', length=3),
 Field('BUBURK', length=12),

 # Country Master
 Field('CNCNCD', length=3),
 Field('CNCNNM', length=30),

 # Area 2 Master
 Field('KNCTCD', length=3),
 Field('KNKNCD', length=2),
 Field('KNKNNM', length=30),

 # Purchase Order
 Field('H2DNO', length=8),
 Field('H2TRD1', 'integer'),
 Field('H2JJDN', length=8),
 Field('H2JJGN', 'integer'),
 Field('H2JDNO', length=8),
 Field('H2JGNO', 'integer'),
 Field('H2JCSC', length=3),
 Field('H2HSKB', length=1),
 Field('H2KSM', length=3),
 Field('H2PRCD', length=15),
 Field('H2PRKJ', length=50),
 Field('H2TRS', 'integer'),
 Field('H2HZS', 'integer'),

 # Open FedEx Purchase Order 
 Field('H2DNO', length=8),
 Field('H2TRD1', 'integer'),
 Field('H2JJDN', length=8),
 Field('H2JJGN', 'integer'),
 Field('H2JDNO', length=8),
 Field('H2JGNO', 'integer'),
 Field('H2JCSC', length=3),
 Field('H2HSKB', length=1),
 Field('H2KSM', length=3),
 Field('H2PRCD', length=15),
 Field('H2PRKJ', length=50),
 Field('H2TRS', 'integer'),
 Field('H2HZS', 'integer'),

 # Received Order
 Field('J2DNO', length=8),
 Field('J2GNO', 'integer'),

 # FedEx Request Output file
 Field('FFDNO', length=8, label='HJ#'),
 Field('FFTRD', 'date', label=Requested),
 Field('FFJCSC', length=3, label=Dept),
 Field('FFBURK', length=12, label=Dept Name),
 Field('FFJDNO', length=8, label=JJ#),

Re: [web2py] Re: tags and speed

2012-10-19 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
 .select(..., cacheable=True)

does not cache anything. It just generates a simpler Rows object without 
methods and without a link to db.

.select(, cache=(cache.ram,3600))

does the caching.

On Friday, 19 October 2012 15:06:06 UTC-5, andrej burja wrote:

 should i use

  .select(..., cacheable=True)



 what is the difference?


 On Friday, October 19, 2012 1:20:08 PM UTC+2, andrej burja wrote:


 Thank you for your explanation. It is really helpful  
 The address of the chapter in the book is Efficient search by tag and i 
 choose this approach because i thought that search would be the most 
 important thing of the application (that was right)
 The table tag is similar like in your example 2, but only one tag per 
 row,  so: 
 game_id  tag
 1 excitement
 1 funny

 I learned some lessons:
 - do usability testing ass soon as possible (it came as a surprise for me 
 that using Datatables is the most useful)
 - be prepared for lots of data: my initial assumption was 200 games, and 
 now i have more than 1000.

 I will try with cache first. 


 On Friday, October 19, 2012 1:21:37 AM UTC+2, Niphlod wrote:

 old mean bad thing about normalized vs denormalized model.
 Don't know what you read in the cookbok, but here's the thing.
 You have a game pacman that is tagged as arcade, and a game invaders 
 tagged as horror

 First things first: you may want to change horror to needs parent 
 around later in the future. That's why you may want to create an external 
 tags table and reference it in your games one.
 tags table
 1 arcade
 2 horror

 game_name tags
 pacman   1
 invaders  2

 To display
 pacman arcade
 invaders horror
 you just need a simple join. Changing record 2 of the tags table allows 
 you to have
 pacman arcade
 invaders needs parents around

 Next problem on the line: you want multiple tags for a single game 
 (invaders needs both arcade and horror tags). 
 Welcome to normalization hell. Books have been written about it in the 
 last 60-70 years, with terms like 3NF and Cardinality all around ^_^

 Let's take this by examples

 1) you change the tags table like this
 id tag_name game_id
 1 arcade 1
 1 arcade 2
 2 horror 2
 getting tags for a single game is fast, change horror to needs 
 parents around is fast, getting all possible tags is enough fast 
 (depending on the number of rows of the tags table)
 fetch the right tags for every game can be slow

 2) you create a games table like this 
 id game_name tags
 1 pacman |arcade|
 2 invaders |arcade|horror|
 getting tags for a single game is fast, updating a tag for a game is 
 quite fast
 changing all horror to needs parents around can be fast only if done 
 outside web2py with a manual replace, getting all possible tags can be slow

 3) you create a games table like this
 id game_name tags_id
 1 pacman |1|
 2 invaders |1|2|
 getting tags for a single game is fast, updating a tag for a game is 
 quite fast, changing horrors is fast
 changing all horror to needs parents around can be fast only if done 
 outside web2py with a manual replace, getting all possible tags can be slow

 So, with no need to change tag names from horror to needs parents 
 around, I'd say the right way for displaying your table is 2) 
 (list:string), else 3) (list:reference). 
 If you need to suggest previously entered tags (i.e. you don't want to 
 end having arcade, arcady, arcadian, 'rcade spat all around), I'd 
 still go for 2) + one separate table (or a cached list) holding all 
 previously entered tags, just to speedup the suggestion phase (hoping 
 users won't screw up).
 Method 1) is faster only when:
 - tags are more than the games
 - cleaning normalization logics are heavy
 - you need to update tag names often
 - the only need is displaying tags for a single game (direct query on a 
 single table, the tags one)
 - you need to compute something like how many times the arcade tag is 
 applied to all my games (i.e. for a tag cloud)

 There are several other methods, and all of them in the end do the 
 You just need to see what are your requirements and choose carefully. 
 Your agenda is:
 - spend the less time possible with queries you have to invoke often
 - pay the price of your model in high computations for other things 
 (or, let's save the results of those computations externally once every 


[web2py] Custom import creates module name conflicts (2.1.1)

2012-10-19 Thread Jim Karsten
I upgraded to v 2.1.1 and now see problems with module name conflicts due 
to the custom importer. Previously I used v2.0.9 without problems.

I have a custom application module named utils.py. This appears to conflict 
with the gluon.utils module. I was able to simulate using the basic web2py 
zip file and then creating a simple module 
applications/welcome/modules/utils.py. When I access the welcome default 
page, I get this error: 

Traceback (most recent call last): 
File /root/tmp/web2py/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 209, 
in restricted exec ccode in environment 
File /root/tmp/web2py/web2py/applications/welcome/models/db.py, line 42, 
in from gluon.tools import Auth, Crud, Service, PluginManager, prettydate 
File /root/tmp/web2py/web2py/gluon/custom_import.py, line 89, 
in custom_importer return 
File /root/tmp/web2py/web2py/gluon/tools.py, line 30, in from utils 
import web2py_uuid 
ImportError: cannot import name web2py_uuid 

I disabled the custom importer by issuing a return immediately in 
gluon/custom_import.py def custom_import_install() and the problem goes 

I can also correct this specific issue if I change this line in 

-from utils import web2py_uuid 
+from gluon.utils import web2py_uuid 

This last change works, but it isn't a complete solution. For example, in 
another application I have a constants.py module. It is conflicting with a 
constants module MySQLdb makes use of. Deep in the code of MySQLdb there is 
a line:

from constants import CLIENT, FIELD_TYPE 

That import fails as it tries to find those classes in my custom module. I 
can always rename my custom module, but this becomes a cat and mouse game. 
I can't know every module name already in use. 

Any suggestions for this? It's a bit of a show stopper for me. Perhaps an 
option should be available to disable the custom importer. 


[web2py] Admin Mobile Interface

2012-10-19 Thread lyn2py
I may be slow to catch up on this, since I have *just* upgraded to 2.1.1 
(trunk)... but I had to say it!

The admin mobile interface is very cool!
I haven't played with all the features yet though. Working great as far as 
I can see.

Thank you guys!


[web2py] Re: Admin Mobile Interface

2012-10-19 Thread lyn2py
On this point, can we have a button on the mobile interface to 'switch' 
back to the web interface?

On Saturday, October 20, 2012 6:02:16 AM UTC+8, lyn2py wrote:

 I may be slow to catch up on this, since I have *just* upgraded to 2.1.1 
 (trunk)... but I had to say it!

 The admin mobile interface is very cool!
 I haven't played with all the features yet though. Working great as far as 
 I can see.

 Thank you guys!


[web2py] Re: Ajax / cid with A helper not working

2012-10-19 Thread Niphlod
something is off with your controller. Try to post a minimalist app to 
reproduce the problem, I can't simulate your issue.

On Friday, October 19, 2012 11:35:51 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:

 My results on the latest git clone,
 Version 2.1.1 (2012-10-19 14:59:27) dev
 --- The same as before. the quotation marks are still quot;
 In addition, I have lost my dropdown menus (response.menu).

 I thought maybe I created a new app on the trunk and ported over all my 
 controllers, models, database, views. But still have the above 2 not 
 working (the cid and the dropdown menus)

 On Saturday, October 20, 2012 5:13:09 AM UTC+8, Niphlod wrote:

 Right now I can't switch to 2.0.9 . Can you try current trunk ?

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 10:44:33 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:

 I dropped the user_signature. Now it looks like:

 a href=/testapp/view/2 
  false; Title Title Title /a

 Still doesn't work. 

 I'm on Version 2.0.9 (2012-09-17 21:37:10) stable. 

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 9:51:52 PM UTC+8, Niphlod wrote:

 yep, indeed there seems to be a problem in your rendered link. Can you 
 see if removing user_signature the link works ?

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 3:41:24 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:

 I looked up source and pasted it wholesale here:

  false;Title Title Title/a

 It looks like the quotation marks are not appearing correctly? 

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 9:03:24 PM UTC+8, Niphlod wrote:

 please check that your link is rendered to something like

 a onclick=web2py_component(/app/default/view/1,post1234);return 
 false; href=/app/default/view/1title/a

 If that's the case, and it's not working, then something is off with 
 the javascript (this functionality relies on web2py.js loaded).

 Anyway, this works on the welcome app.

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 1:03:01 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:

 I looking at web2py book here:


 Tha A helper takes a special argument called cid. It works as 
 {{=A('linked page', _href='http://example.com', cid='myid')}}
 div id=myid/div

 and a click on the link causes the content to be loaded in the 
 div. This is similar but more powerful than the above syntax since it 
 designed to refresh page components. We discuss applications of cidin 
 more detail in Chapter 12, in the context of components.
 These ajax features require jQuery and static/js/web2py_ajax.js, 
 which are automatically included by placing {{include 
 'web2py_ajax.html'}} in the layout head. views/web2py_ajax.html 
 defines some variables based on request and includes all necessary 
 js and css files.

 Here's what I've done:

 index page:
 {{extend layout.html}}
 div id=post1234/div

 But when I click on the link, nothing appears in the div 
 id=post1234 /.
 I didn't make changes to layout.html, which means, web2py_ajax.html 
 is already included.

 When it is a normal link (aka no cid in the A helper), the page 
 (view) loads fine.


Re: [web2py] web2py.com is down

2012-10-19 Thread Luther Goh Lu Feng
Seems up for me

On Saturday, October 20, 2012 2:52:15 AM UTC+8, Francisco Costa wrote:

 confirm, web2py.com is down

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 7:48:25 PM UTC+1, Richard wrote:

 As in the object



[web2py] Re: Removing need for first and last name in auth

2012-10-19 Thread HittingSmoke
The issue says fixed, so am I to understand there's now a way to customize 
the auth.navbar Welcome message that hasn't been documented yet or was this 
simply a fix for the breakage issues?

On Monday, January 30, 2012 6:51:45 AM UTC-8, Anthony wrote:

 On Sunday, January 29, 2012 7:36:07 PM UTC-5, HittingSmoke wrote:

 I'd like to use auth with only a username instead of first and last 
 name. I defined my own tables without a first and last name but it 
 still causes issues throughout the app. 

 For instance, when I try to use appadmin to add a user to a new auth 
 group I get an error (type 'exceptions.KeyError' 'first_name') if 
 there is no first and last name fields in the database. If I create 
 them but make them unreadable and unwritable the page will load but 
 all of the entries in the User ID dropdown say None None (user ID 

 The default validator for auth_permission.user_id and auth_event.user_id 

 IS_IN_DB(db, '%s.id' % settings.table_user_name,
 '%(first_name)s %(last_name)s (%(id)s)')

 After calling auth.define_tables(), you can change those to:

 db.auth_permission.user_id.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, '%s.id' %
 settings.table_user_name, '%(username)s (%(id)s)')

 Perhaps this should happen automatically when the first_name and last_name 
 fields are not included in auth_user.

 The auth Welcome bar is also fixed to the first name field and if not 
 used it will says Welcome, None. 

 You can easily replace the navbar by removing auth.navbar from the 
 layout.html view and replacing it with a custom navbar. However, we should 
 make auth.navbar more customizable. Please open an issue (
 http://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list) and reference this thread.



[web2py] trunk - 404 not found

2012-10-19 Thread Vasile Ermicioi
for this url,

but works fine with 1.99.4


[web2py] Re: Custom import creates module name conflicts (2.1.1)

2012-10-19 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Good catch. Fixed in trunk

On Friday, 19 October 2012 16:54:54 UTC-5, Jim Karsten wrote:

 I upgraded to v 2.1.1 and now see problems with module name conflicts due 
 to the custom importer. Previously I used v2.0.9 without problems.

 I have a custom application module named utils.py. This appears to 
 conflict with the gluon.utils module. I was able to simulate using the 
 basic web2py zip file and then creating a simple module 
 applications/welcome/modules/utils.py. When I access the welcome default 
 page, I get this error: 

 Traceback (most recent call last): 
 File /root/tmp/web2py/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 209, 
 in restricted exec ccode in environment 
 File /root/tmp/web2py/web2py/applications/welcome/models/db.py, line 42, 
 in from gluon.tools import Auth, Crud, Service, PluginManager, prettydate 
 File /root/tmp/web2py/web2py/gluon/custom_import.py, line 89, 
 in custom_importer return 
 File /root/tmp/web2py/web2py/gluon/tools.py, line 30, in from utils 
 import web2py_uuid 
 ImportError: cannot import name web2py_uuid 

 I disabled the custom importer by issuing a return immediately in 
 gluon/custom_import.py def custom_import_install() and the problem goes 

 I can also correct this specific issue if I change this line in 

 -from utils import web2py_uuid 
 +from gluon.utils import web2py_uuid 

 This last change works, but it isn't a complete solution. For example, in 
 another application I have a constants.py module. It is conflicting with a 
 constants module MySQLdb makes use of. Deep in the code of MySQLdb there is 
 a line:

 from constants import CLIENT, FIELD_TYPE 

 That import fails as it tries to find those classes in my custom module. I 
 can always rename my custom module, but this becomes a cat and mouse game. 
 I can't know every module name already in use. 

 Any suggestions for this? It's a bit of a show stopper for me. Perhaps an 
 option should be available to disable the custom importer. 


[web2py] Re: Admin Mobile Interface

2012-10-19 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I assume you mean in the mobile admin demo. I just added as you suggested. 
Good idea.

On Friday, 19 October 2012 17:20:28 UTC-5, lyn2py wrote:

 On this point, can we have a button on the mobile interface to 'switch' 
 back to the web interface?

 On Saturday, October 20, 2012 6:02:16 AM UTC+8, lyn2py wrote:

 I may be slow to catch up on this, since I have *just* upgraded to 2.1.1 
 (trunk)... but I had to say it!

 The admin mobile interface is very cool!
 I haven't played with all the features yet though. Working great as far 
 as I can see.

 Thank you guys!


Re: [web2py] web2py.com is down

2012-10-19 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
It was down but probably a network issue since I could not connect with ssh 

On Friday, 19 October 2012 18:07:46 UTC-5, Luther Goh Lu Feng wrote:

 Seems up for me

 On Saturday, October 20, 2012 2:52:15 AM UTC+8, Francisco Costa wrote:

 confirm, web2py.com is down

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 7:48:25 PM UTC+1, Richard wrote:

 As in the object



Re: [web2py] I am looking for specifics : how to db.define_table in sub directories in the MODELS directory !

2012-10-19 Thread Le Don X
Definitely clearer !  ... Thanks a bunch guys ! ...

in conclusion :

whenever one decides to do the conditional model approach for performance
concerns  or else ...
database tables better be defined first ! even more so if there are
reference fields in the tables involved! in which case a table creation
logic would need to be in place prior to the deployment of a conditional
model scheme !


[web2py] Re: pep8

2012-10-19 Thread Brian M
Things appear alright after a quick test drive of trunk here.

On Friday, October 19, 2012 2:31:31 PM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 It was pointed out by our friend Andriy that web2py has poor pep8 
 So we made a huge number of changes to make it more compliant. We changed 
 every .py file in web2py using an automated tool (autopep8) except 
 feedparser, simplejson, fpdf and pyrpf (third party modules).

 It now passes all tests. Yet I want to release 2.1.2 asap and it would be 
 great if you could check out the code in trunk and confirm it still works 
 for you.



Re: [web2py] how to loop through tables with 1M records?

2012-10-19 Thread Adnan Smajlovic
Does work. Thank you both very much!

Now that I have thousands of queued/backlogged tasks in a scheduler, I
noticed that my regular tasks, which are of higher priority will be on hold
until everything else gets processed. Maybe, it would be a good idea to
have a field for a priority of a task? (just a thought)

On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 5:11 PM, Niphlod niph...@gmail.com wrote:

 it's missing the outer loop.

 _last_id = 0
 while True:
 rows = db(db.table.id_last_id).select(limitby=(0,_items_per_page),
 if len(rows) == 0:
 for row in rows:

 #do something
 _last_id = row.id

 Should work.

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 10:52:06 PM UTC+2, Adi wrote:

 i put it exactly as it is, but it stopped working after 1000 records...
 will double check again.

 On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 3:47 PM, Vasile Ermicioi elf...@gmail.comwrote:

 _last_id = 0
 for row in db(db.table.id_last_id).selec**t(limitby=(0,_items_per_page),
 #do something
 _last_id = row.id

 you don;t need to change anything to load all data,  this code is
 loading everything in slices as you need,
 all records are ordered by id, and next query will load all next
 _items_per_page items
 db.table.id_last_id - will skip all previous records





video: http://vimeo.com/24653283


[web2py] Re: Ajax / cid with A helper not working

2012-10-19 Thread lyn2py
Hi Niphlod,

Thanks for the suggestion, I finally figured out what's wrong. I had the 
code $(document).ready(function()... when that was removed, it worked.

On Saturday, October 20, 2012 6:27:01 AM UTC+8, Niphlod wrote:

 something is off with your controller. Try to post a minimalist app to 
 reproduce the problem, I can't simulate your issue.

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 11:35:51 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:

 My results on the latest git clone,
 Version 2.1.1 (2012-10-19 14:59:27) dev
 --- The same as before. the quotation marks are still quot;
 In addition, I have lost my dropdown menus (response.menu).

 I thought maybe I created a new app on the trunk and ported over all my 
 controllers, models, database, views. But still have the above 2 not 
 working (the cid and the dropdown menus)

 On Saturday, October 20, 2012 5:13:09 AM UTC+8, Niphlod wrote:

 Right now I can't switch to 2.0.9 . Can you try current trunk ?

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 10:44:33 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:

 I dropped the user_signature. Now it looks like:

 a href=/testapp/view/2 
  false; Title Title Title /a

 Still doesn't work. 

 I'm on Version 2.0.9 (2012-09-17 21:37:10) stable. 

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 9:51:52 PM UTC+8, Niphlod wrote:

 yep, indeed there seems to be a problem in your rendered link. Can you 
 see if removing user_signature the link works ?

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 3:41:24 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:

 I looked up source and pasted it wholesale here:

  false;Title Title Title/a

 It looks like the quotation marks are not appearing correctly? 

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 9:03:24 PM UTC+8, Niphlod wrote:

 please check that your link is rendered to something like


 If that's the case, and it's not working, then something is off with 
 the javascript (this functionality relies on web2py.js loaded).

 Anyway, this works on the welcome app.

 On Friday, October 19, 2012 1:03:01 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:

 I looking at web2py book here:


 Tha A helper takes a special argument called cid. It works as 
 {{=A('linked page', _href='http://example.com', cid='myid')}}
 div id=myid/div

 and a click on the link causes the content to be loaded in the 
 div. This is similar but more powerful than the above syntax since it 
 designed to refresh page components. We discuss applications of 
 cid in more detail in Chapter 12, in the context of components.
 These ajax features require jQuery and static/js/web2py_ajax.js, 
 which are automatically included by placing {{include 
 'web2py_ajax.html'}} in the layout head. views/web2py_ajax.html 
 defines some variables based on request and includes all 
 necessary js and css files.

 Here's what I've done:

 index page:
 {{extend layout.html}}
 div id=post1234/div

 But when I click on the link, nothing appears in the div 
 id=post1234 /.
 I didn't make changes to layout.html, which means, web2py_ajax.html 
 is already included.

 When it is a normal link (aka no cid in the A helper), the page 
 (view) loads fine.


[web2py] Where does auth.wiki save pages to?

2012-10-19 Thread HittingSmoke
I can't find them in my database...


Re: [web2py] Re: manage_groups AD problem

2012-10-19 Thread Teddy Nyambe
Yes that's one am referring to. The moment I introduce the parameter
manage_groups users fail to login against AD...this is my sample code:

from gluon.contrib.login_methods.ldap_auth import ldap_auth
auth.settings.login_methods = [ldap_auth(mode='ad', manage_groups= True,
bind_dn = 'CN=Admin,DC=example,DC=co,DC= zm', bind_pw = 'ADPASSWORD',
group_dn = 'DC= example,DC=co,DC=zm', group_name_attrib = 'cn',
group_member_attrib = 'member', group_filterstr = 'objectClass=Group',
server='xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx', base_dn='dc=example,dc=co,dc=zm')]
Any reason why group management is not working? Is there another way I can
use AD users and assign rolls to certain users?

Teddy L.
 On Oct 19, 2012 8:46 PM, Massimo Di Pierro massimo.dipie...@gmail.com

 Are you talking about ldap_auth?

 On Friday, 19 October 2012 02:38:39 UTC-5, software.ted wrote:

 I am having trouble with manage_group=True, when I enable it i am
 getting Invalid Login but without it logins work. Does AD Group
 Management in web2py work?

 Kind regards,

