On Oct 10, 2018, at 2:36 PM, Eric <e...@deptj.eu> wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Oct 2018 11:10:24 -0600, Warren Young <war...@etr-usa.com> wrote:
>> On Oct 10, 2018, at 10:39 AM, Eric <e...@deptj.eu> wrote:
>>> * mailing lists come to me, I don't have to go and get them
>> So do Fossil email alerts.
> Do they thread?

They do in Apple Mail, which is the only thing I’ve tested it in.  

If Fossil email alerts aren’t threading properly in your mailer, let us know 
which one it is, so we can see what additional headers Fossil might need to 

Here’s the code that appends the In-Reply-To header when the message isn’t the 
first in a thread:


Incidentally, I invite Keith to switch that page into “blame” mode and look at 
the user name column before yelling about “some crappy forum software” again.

> go elsewhere to reply.

The plan is to finish the SMTP server implementation in Fossil, which will 
allow email submission, among other things.

My understanding is that finishing the Fossil SMTP server is high on drh's 
to-do list, but I don’t suppose he’d be all that upset if someone else 
contributed the work.  A good bit of the code is already in place, so you have 
a good starting point:


>> Fossil forum subscribers don't need a password ...
> OK, but one or two "forums" among many - I prefer to have a password
> anyway.

Fossil lets you do it either way, because Fossil makes a distinction between 
users and subscribers:


A subscriber-only user has no password, but also has no identity to the server 
other than the long hex subscriber code they can uniquely present to the server 
to adjust their subscription settings.  They can read the forum and get alerts, 
but they can only post anonymously.

If you want a named identity on the Fossil forum, you have to sign up as a 
user, and then you do need to manage a password.  That’s probably a good thing, 
since users have more power in the repository.  Users can be granted the 
ability to post without going through moderation, for example.

>>> * mailing lists are easy to read selectively and/or skim read
>> Yes, just like Fossil email alerts.
> I haven't seen an alert yet, unless it looks exactly like a normal
> single-message email!

If you have "To unsubscribe: https://fossil-scm.org/forum/unsubscribe” and 
other stuff in the footer of the email, that’s a Fossil alert email.

If you aren’t getting those, visit 


If that doesn’t redirect you to /alerts, you aren’t subscribed to email alerts 

>>> * I can keep my own (possibly selective) archive
>> You can clone a Fossil forum repository
> Too much overhead, how often must I clone …

You must clone only once per machine where you want the clone to exist.

To automatically update that clone, add something like this to your user’s 

    42 2 * * * /usr/local/bin/fossil all sync

That updates all Fossil repositories known to your local Fossil installation, 
based on values stored in a SQLite database that Fossil keeps in $HOME/.fossil.

Since the SQLite source code is also managed by Fossil, you might want to have 
a clone of that repository as well anyway.  The “fossil all sync” command will 
keep that up-to-date as well.

>> As for selective archives, Fossil will let you delete content from a 
>> repository:
> Too tedious

I agree, but then, I don’t see why I’d bother to weed my forum archives in the 
first place.  I *want* a complete archive.

In fact, I’m eagerly waiting for drh to get around to importing the past 
mailing list traffic into the forum, so I can stop going to mail-archive.com, 

> it's local!

So is a Fossil forum repo clone.  Say

    $ fossil ui -R /path/to/fossil-forum.fossil

to open the forum clone in your default web browser.  The result will look an 
awful lot like what you see at https://fossil-scm.org/forum, because it’s 
running the same code, from a very nearly identical repository.

The only differences in the public instance’s repository are a few categories 
of info purposely not synced with the clone:

1. The user table, for security and PII reasons.

2. Certain local-only settings, such as the ones involved in the email server 
configuration, so that each clone doesn’t try to send email alerts on each new 
forum post, too.

Over time, a clone and the repo it cloned from can diverge in other ways.  For 
example, changes to the skin aren’t automatically sync’d down, on purpose, 
since you may have local changes you want to keep.  You can pull such changes 
down on demand with the “fossil conf pull” commands.  You might therefore want 
to follow the “fossil all sync” command with a “fossil all conf pull all” 
command, if the local machine never has local-only configuration changes.

> Unless I'm looking for the
> solution to a problem, in which case I will do a web search.

…which will get you one result for each matching post from The Mail Archive, 
one from Gmane, one from Nabble… 

Isn’t it better to search one archive directly?

>> That can't happen
>> with Fossil, due to the durability of its block chain technology.
> Unless you lose the whole thing :-)

   “Only wimps use tape backup. REAL men just upload their important stuff on 
ftp and let the rest of the world mirror it.”

   — Linus Torvalds

Times have changed a bit, so it’s GitFosCurial instead of FTP and CloudBlazeBox 
instead of tape, but you get the idea.

The Fossil forum repository is mirrored in at least six different places to my 
personal knowledge.  I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m off by at least an order of 
magnitude of the number of actual regularly-synchronized clones.

> no need to dig for the password

Again, you don’t need a password at all if you’re a Fossil subscriber only.

Fossil could do better about letting a user — distinct from a “subscriber” — 
stay logged in.  One particular weakness is that it only allows one active IP 
at a time, so if you log in from two different locations, then go back to the 
first location, you have to log back in.

Patches to fix that will be thoughtfully considered, and probably eagerly 
applied. ;)

> struggle with how the particular interface works.

We’re also open to suggestions and patches for that.  The interface has 
improved markedly over the past few months of development.

>> Fossil forums are especially nice in this regard, since there is currently
>> no subforum feature, so you don't have to go digging through them
>> to find out what's new.  The forum's front page lists new posts in
>> newest-first order, with the unread posts in a brighter hyperlink color.
> "Currently"? You don't want subforums, there's a good search, and it
> might be reasonable to allow tagging posts.

Here’s the relevant thread if you want to catch up on the conversation we’ve 
had on that topic already:


Maybe you have new ideas to contribute.  Or better, patches.
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