For some reason my mind seems to want to call 'em the "Sconyonies" :^)
Wasnt there also the Pony something or other gang? I recall the phrase
"Pony Down" being thrown around a bit. Oh! and let's not forget the Young
Boys, Inc. (wonder if there really were Incorporated?)
I wasnt down with the gangs though. couldnt afford Top 10's , Kangaroos,
Jingle Boots or a Max Julian at the time. now lets see you decipher those
fashion items oldtimer!
no comment on the dances.

Dan Sicko wrote:

> >"Jit jit jit
> > Smurf ... Smurf"
> > Errol Flynn .... Errol Flynn"
> > Schoolcraft ... Schoolcraft"
> man, those are some esoteric dance calls!  :)
> I might be able to pull off one out of four ... anyway, you should know
> that the "Errol Flynns" were a gang (I kid you not) and Schoolcraft of
> course is still a road running through the West side of the city.
> Furthermore, "Sconies" was also a gang if I'm not mistaken ... a strange
> malapropism of  "Corleones"
> Any other 313ers care to fill in the gaps?
> -d
> ----------------------
> Dan Sicko
> http://www.reverbmag.com
> http://www.techno-rebels.com

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