I dont have the book in front of me, but I'm sure you mean to say "preps" not
"prebs". Preps is short for "preppies" I think it's a term borrowed from our
more affluent neighbors. Something to do with Preparation Colleges. Imagine
ghetto kids dressing like Grosse Pointers!! (I guess it's funnier if you live
here.) Pink and Green Izods, yellow sweaters wrapped around their shoulders,
Dock Siders, wayfarers (sp), cotton Dockers, the whole nine yards (minus the
mansion and yatch of course).

"Roland van Oorschot .-=[ SCouT ]=-." wrote:

> At 10:34 02/22/2000 -0500, Dan Sicko wrote:
> > >"Jit jit jit
> Eeeuh... Dan?
> Page 38 of your book: Two Party System
> Page 39 : 'The "jits" were the hip, "streetified" kids, and were generally
> less affluent than the prebs. "Jit" was
> also the name of a frenetic dance, presumably descended from the 1930s
> jitterbug.'
> And what a 'preb' is, is also described on that page :-D
> Great book! ;-)
> Greetz,
> Roland
> *=-
> Ik sluit m'n ogen voor een hoop dingen, maar ik zie alles!
> urL : http://listen.to/scout -=[GeeWizz! Now with RealAudio!]=-
> maiL : scout[AT]tb-303[DOT]org
> -=*

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