At 10:34 02/22/2000 -0500, Dan Sicko wrote:

>"Jit jit jit

Eeeuh... Dan?
Page 38 of your book: Two Party System

Page 39 : 'The "jits" were the hip, "streetified" kids, and were generally less affluent than the prebs. "Jit" was also the name of a frenetic dance, presumably descended from the 1930s jitterbug.'

And what a 'preb' is, is also described on that page :-D

Great book! ;-)



Ik sluit m'n ogen voor een hoop dingen, maar ik zie alles!

urL : -=[GeeWizz! Now with RealAudio!]=-
maiL : scout[AT]tb-303[DOT]org


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