US music retail chains that used to only specialize in guitars and keyboards now
have dj rooms where they sell turntables, dj mixers, lighting, ect...ect....
On two separate occasions i've seen kids with their parents buying turntables,
also see more youth in the stores playing with techo toys like the groove
approved boxes and electribes.
So I'm not suprized by such commercials, I think theres also a commercial from
Mcdonalds where Ronald McDonald is dancing with a bunch of kids and one of the
kids meal characters is behind two turntables.
Go to a rave nowdayz and its just a bunch of kids with their baggy pants and
baseball caps that are into trance-disco loops-progressive house-drumnbass, you
dont see people that were into the scene in the early to mid 90's.

As far as the WMC, I hear more and more bad stuff about that place, people tell
me go once, experience all the bullshit, get it out of your system and don't
even waste your time with demo material.


> For the record, my sarcastic comment was based around 1) the acceleration of
> DJ/Turntable culture as a hot 'trend' in the US in particular (especially as
> evidenced in advertising - which is another topic altogether) and 2) my
> disdain for the proliferation of DJ's 'who don't know their place.' as
> evidenced at WMC this year.
> I find nothing wrong with someone wanting to learn to/be (a) DJ.  Hell, my
> own girlfriend is learning to spin.  Agreed, everyone starts somewhere.
> Nothing's wrong with the adult entertainment profession as long as you're
> cool with it (although its not for everyone).  Nor is there anything wrong
> with making your own CD's or shopping your original demo.  It's about how you
> present yourself.
> You couldn't walk around the (overly crowded) pool area this year and
> discreetly give a white label to anyone without being attacked by vinyl
> vultures.  And the worst part was that when you didn't have anything in the
> genre of music that they played or you said no, they were offended and felt
> like because they were "DJ Whothefuckever" from 'Oklahoma' and they spin on a
> cable carrier college/internet radio station you owed them something.
> If all that makes me elitist, fine.  I don't care.
> pw
> In a message dated 4/12/00 8:35:21 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >tsk tsk on a lot of levels.
> >*sigh*
> >
> >your whole post reads as elitist and I can't see that 313 is about
> >that, though I wonder at times. It's about innovative electronic music
> >and
> >people have to start somewhere. I hope it's also about those tones healing
> >people and a dream of a new world.
> >
> >So wot if it's a home burnt CD at least they are making music and trying.
> >Stripping is decent money, the notion of a living wage is an anethema in
> >the USA *spit*
> >
> >if you are talking about people more concerned with image than music, say
> >it.
> >*hmpmh*
> >
> >Emma
> >mee-thod
> >"it's in the way that you groove it"
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