>>>i'm just posting to ask if anyone else has had hassles buying from
sonicgroove from europe? apparantly they have a $100 minimum and an american
express only policy.
this makes me livid. who spends $100 on vinyl they cant even hear first?
also american express cards are frankly much less wide spread outside the
USA. how exclusive is that? it *excludes* people.
anyone else had any hassles like this?
makes me SO angry

well, in their defense, because they have treated me well for many years, they
probably only take american express from foreign countries because it is more
difficult to demand payment from other credit card companies, especially across
national lines, and amex has guaranteed payment.

Nick said
>>>I haven't actually ordered mail order from them, but a friend of mine was
going to NYC and calling in in person (which is nice), and said that he'd
pick up some stuff if I wanted.
I spent ages looking at *that* catalogue and drafting up a list, but alas he
returned almost empty handed. Apparently they had only a fraction of what
they advertised as 'in stock', so you might be better off not bothering -
especially in light of the $100 miniimum, which is indeed their policy as
far as I know.<<<

sonic groove will order and look for stuff for you, and then send it to you.
that's what makes them great.  they will keep your wants on a list, and when
they find them, they will send them.  that is why you oftentimes have better
luck with rarities by mailorder than visit.  also, as i understand their
philosophy, their catalog is an attempt to be complete at music release history,
i don't think they acutally purport to have all of those records in stock.

have faith! sometimes they take a while, but they will usually come thru...

as for the $100 minimum.... i certainly don't have trouble finding $100 dollars
worth of records i want...


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