...>Also, for Mr. Superstar DJ his own self, in regards to this album
of yours which is selling like hotcakes in Europe, that continent's
collective dodgy taste in music just demonstrates how shit your tunes >are,

Europe? shit taste in music? well which continent was it ignored techno for over a decade? Europe produces a wealth of shit music...granted, so does America. But it was the interest of europeans which gave a platform to many of Detroit's artists during the late eighties and early nineties.

Whatever you think of the work on Warp, Disko B, Hybrid, F-Communications, Soma, Djax, etc. (need I go on...) don't be stupid enough to think that the music tastes of hundreds of millions of people can be summed up by what you've read in magazines (because if you have been here, you've obviously been going to the wrong places). That is the real mark of a pedestrian music consumer...


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