From: Kent williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>On Sun, 28 May 2000, stephen wrote:
>> DJT1000 has become somewhat of a controversial figure in Detroit, very
>> opinionated, not afraid to speak his mind.  I'm sure he has burned a 
>> few bridges and stepped on peoples tows in the process and Carl Craig 
>                                     ^-->toes
>> being one of them.
>> And lets face it, Alan Oldman does not carry the same stature he once
>> had during the techno glory days with his Fast Forward radio show.
>Not like I'm calling you out on this one or anything, but do you know
>either of these men personally, or have any first hand knowledge of
>the truth of anything you've written above?
>Sometimes in life I think you'll find you learn a lot by keeping
>your mind open, your eyes open, and your mouth shut, until you got
>something to say...

Good job of kissing ass, Slick, not to mention furthering the innate
parochialism and pedestal-building in your "scene".  Considering your daddy
T1000's inane stance on the difficulty of fathoming someone gaining interest
in techno from a hip-hop background (like many people who are true music
lovers rather than pedestrian music consumers, I personally got into both at
the same time), you would both do well to follow the advice contained in
your last sentence (unless you really are the yipping poodle that you seem
to be).  Also, for Mr. Superstar DJ his own self, in regards to this album
of yours which is selling like hotcakes in Europe, that continent's
collective dodgy taste in music just demonstrates how shit your tunes are,
and my friend if sufficiently irritated by that album ("Nuttin' but Presets"
I believe it's called...sounds like it anyways) that he wants him money
back.  There is a definite difference between popular music and good music.
Keep your cookie cutters out of the studio and leave the making of music to
those who can.  Fucking nerds...


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