The fact of the matter is that no one is really making any money, Let's talk about the Underground for a minute, The Artist, the labels, the journalist not one of them makes a dime compared to the big Corporate Headz that found a new market and and exploited the crap out of it.

The fact is there is NO money in music journalism,

I write for an online magazine, I'm strictly volunteer. I make NO money doing this. Not a single penny. I just love music and want the people to hear the music I hear. Most of the time I have to go out and buy the records/CDs myself which gets rather expensive. And since I'm the only writer on staff that is concerned about underground dance music (it's primarily a indie-pop site) I have to do all the hussling to get anything to come my way. It's hard hard work and week after week I burn out completely. There's time I don't even want to look at a computer or try to think of new ways to say 'deep', 'hard', or 'soulful'. If you want to go to and check out Circuit Breaker and support the journos out there busting their butts for the music they love.


I hope you are
aware that
there are many so called Underground Labels and magazines that are not
Underground, they are owned by big corporate Labels, they control the main
market and brainwash people to believe a load of crap, they tie in good
artist to screwed up contracts and exploit, EXPLOIT, EXPLOIT!!!!!! and some
of us ignorant fools who love the music but have no idea about what is going
on underneath, are buying into all of their BS!!!! Wake Up and break

Rememeber Ken Ishi, poor victim.................Corporate Sony!!!!
Do you think his stuff is still as good as it used to be, cause I don't,
remember Juan Atkins, that R&S release, thats not Juan, why? Corporate stole
the soul.

The fact is there is NO money in music journalism,


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Keepin' it real, keepin' it UNDERGROUND..........Underground

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