I would content that one can create experimental techno, using the procedures of assembly that define the language. The deciding factor would be that one chooses the materials and elements of creation according to a certain premise, one's experimental hypothesis, and then devises a method of evaluation in order to decide whether one's experiment was successful, or whether one's hyposthesis was correct. It is the difficulty of evaluating the results of one's experiment that make the concept of "experimental" music difficult, not the limiting language and structures of techno. Of course, if one uses a subjective criteria of "making good music" to evaluate the experiment, while starting the composition process with a limited number of rules or materials in order to construct one's music, one still might end up with something that could be loosely defined as "experimental". I still wouldn't see composing music without any preconceptions as being experimental, however, rather I would say the opposite, experimental music comes out of preconcieved and narrowly defined sets of materials, rules, processes, or algorhythms. Anyway this seems like one valid way to conceptualize the possibility of experimental music. --dave

----Original Message Follows----
To: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: Re: [313] Techno Visual Arts + sonic boom
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 07:53:29 PDT

I would disagree.  Experimentation does not exist.  You state, "so if I sit
down to make a track, if I do not start out with a concrete idea but instead
figure it out as i go, then this is "experimental" no matter how straight
ahead the resulting track is".  There is no possible way to start something
without having any idea of it before hand.  Simply being conscious of your
actions is enough information to disqualify your argument.  To truly
"experiment", in techno for example, you would have to step outside of the
structure or language of "techno"; meaning "create" something "new" in
techno.  It is not possible to do this because of the limitations of
language or structure of "techno" (or what ever you are referring to).  You
can only "assemble" never "experiment".  Looking forward to any comments.

Jared Wilson

CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: Re: [313] Techno Visual Arts + sonic boom
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 15:23:27 +0100 (BST)

> Micho,
> I realy do not believe what you are doing or have done would be
> "experimental".

If it involves experimentation it is experimental - so if I sit down to
make a track, if I do not start out with a concrete idea but instead
figure it out as i go, then this is "experimental" no matter how straight
ahead the resulting track is.


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