You A) don't travel with a load of gear, beyond a laptop B) don't show
up as re-entering the same country multiple times in the same year.

In a sense, getting sent home is a sort of perverse sign you've arrived.

I did find out this weekend how to get the hairy eyeball from everyone
in uniform in the Salt Lake City airport yesterday: don't shave for a
week, wear dark glasses and a Moodyman T Shirt.

On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 3:03 PM, atomly<> wrote:
> ["Odeluga, Ken" <>]
>> But if you haven't got a visa/work permit, you haven't got a visa/work 
>> permit.
>> I'm no apologist for regulations or overzealous bureaucracy, but the
>> fact that the rules have been re-tightened in recent years has been
>> made crystal clear.
>> If the paper work is not in your possession before you travel, you're
>> making an unwise decision to get on that plane.
>> It's the responsibility of the agent and the promoter to make sure
>> that this paper work has been dealt with before the artist departs.
>> If it's not been taken care of, this is not a very professional thing
>> to let happen.
>> You can't buck reality unfortunately. It's not a question of
>> generosity or not on the part of the immigration staff.
>> It just is.
>> Nowadays, anyway.
>> And the immigration regulations for Europeans wanting to do temporary
>> work in the States are just as stringent, by the way.
> Well, this is all very easy to say, but the reality of the situation is
> such, then, that this means you'll be seeing a lot less artists
> (particularly smaller, up-and-coming artists) coming through your town.
> For example, I know there are many gigs I've played in the past where
> they simply would not have happened had I actually tried to do
> everything legally, because financially it just would not have been
> feasible.
> --
> :: atomly ::
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