My friend got turned back in uk.
He got busted when they got suspicious and googled his name.
he was down for playing one festival.
so best not to use your real name.

my friends band that just toured states and europe got past immigration
by shipping all there ampeg amps etc over before hand.  This is easier
than obtaining an artist/ working visa so they told me.  Another trick
they use is to get a fake reciept for a recording studio.  countries
like to see your spending money in their country.
If your a self funded DIY artist with no friends in the other country
it is almost imposible to go over with a working visa.

luckily japan doesn't seem to be so strict..went over a few months ago
with all my gear didn't even blink.


On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 8:48 AM, atomly<> wrote:
> [jonathan morse <>]
>> On 17August2009, at 16:27 , kent williams wrote:
>> >You A) don't travel with a load of gear, beyond a laptop B) don't show
>> >up as re-entering the same country multiple times in the same year.
>> yeah but that beard just screams "why yes, i would love a Body Cavity
>> Search thank you for asking"
>> ; )
> Haha...  Good (scary) to see what you really think of me.  :P
> And, to Kent, Yeah, I mean there are obviously things you can do to
> mitigate the risk of being denied entry when you're still at the illegal
> stage, but I was just trying to point out to people who try to make it
> as simple as, "if you don't have a work visa, you shouldn't play," that
> for a large portion of artists, that's just not financially possible.
> --
> :: atomly ::
> [ : : ...
> [ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
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