I generally just let the 313 list be. Frankly it's been moribund lately and
probably has more subscribers outside of Detroit than inside; the flavor is
completely different than it was 20 years ago. And even typing "20 years
ago" about a mailing list feels weird.

I don't know what to think about the Derrick May beefing -- I'm not close
enough to any of the principles in that fight to know what's up.  I'd
rather that the focus stay on music, and to my mind, it's been 30 years
since Derrick May's really been musically relevant.

There are loads of Detroit producers and DJs who are doing great things
now, and I think we've all been remiss to not amplify those musicians.
There are vital new voices like Ash Lauryn, who deserve more attention:

And it's clear there's a lot of emotional upset and personal issues that
have spilled onto the list.  I don't want to say that's not appropriate
content, but it should be in the context that we're a group of friends,
widely dispersed geographically, with something in common. So keep in mind
you're talking to a friend, and they deserve respect even if you disagree
with them.

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