Here's my IG:

And here's my FB:

I'm maxed out on FB friends, but everything is public. You don't miss out
on anything if we can't be friends.

I try to be a public educator on the internet.

*Denise Dalphond, Ph.D.*
* <>*

On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 9:11 PM Mario De Block <> wrote:

> don't try to tell me having problems here, then - it's you yourself having 
> blocked
> me, with no reasoning. Especially not after my second mail. I didn't
> invite you on talking about rape culture. I only indicated it was an unjust
> suggestive point you tried to make.
> By the way, I nuanced what you didn't yourself. You tweeted, for instance:
> the 313 listserv is a place where racists & sexists thrive.
> the 313 Detroit techno listserv is a place where whitesplaining is the
> name of the game. & if you don't whitesplain & don't support the
> whitesplainers full tilt, you're villainous.
> techno and toxic whiteness are BFF. boyfriends 4ever.
> the 313 listserv is a place where mostly elderly white men will tell you who
> to listen to and who to like and what to think about it.
> on the 313 Detroit techno listserv, i'm accused, by kent williams, the elderly
> white man moderator, of making the list a shadow of what it used 2B. it's
> been dead [Skull] 4 years. boring AF. it's a shadow of its own death.
> I mean... The 313 list might better be (passively or actively) supported
> by its members, instead of openly accused of such behaviour, right?
> What do the other members think of this?
> I'm quite sure that anyone who's able to communicate constructively or at 
> least
> neutrally in an interpersonal sense (which is simply due as long as anyone
> doesn't cross lines with someone else), is welcome here. Of whatever 
> nationality,
> age, being a he/she/they, and with any possible skin colour or religion.
> As long as the love for Detroit and its culture is a structural link.
> And whoever crosses lines in whatever sense to anyone, should be able (or 
> brave
> enough) to be confronted with that, get into a righteous exchange, and take
> any eventual apt message, to get straight with facts and people. They
>  should not be blocked or unsubbed necessarily, but anyone in such interaction
> should be or feel invited to get into fair overthinking and conclusion, based
> on healthy exchange - with anyone being free of personal conclusion, but
> not free of interpersonal respect. Unless anything bad will take over and
> gets installed. A forum only exists by grace of anyone's constructive b
> ehaviour.
> This, at least, is my way of looking upon this.
> Mario
> ------------------------------
> *Van:* Denise Dalphond <>
> *Verzonden:* woensdag 1 juli 2020 2:37
> *Aan:* Mario De Block <>
> *CC:* Kevin Kennedy <>; list 313 <>
> *Onderwerp:* Re: FW: What this list is and isn't about
> All my internet is public cause I’m tryin to get globally famous. Tell
> your friends. I don’t need to talk to you about rape culture, bro. I need
> to be able to talk about music in a safe environment, which this ain’t. I’m
> thankful for social networks.
> Read on.

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