I saw the mid-end of this last night. It's been one of
the better things I've seen on tv lately. In the end I
thought 'electronic music is next for the bastardizing
whip'. I now understand why MTV USA has left it alone
for the most part and chooses to remain publically
ignorant.Because it doesn't appeal to the "mook". 
 (The part about buying programming completely fit in
with the 'cheapo' reputation MTV has amongst
production houses.)

 From someone who's into the repeat cycles of society,
culture and the younger gens etc. I found the show
really interesting and thought provoking. I think the
most disturbing image was the room full of 11 year
olds and early teens taking a break at the 'model
search' to pump and grind on one another.
I also found it interesting that the ICP crowd thinks
sticking up the middle finger is the most interesting
way to 'fight the man'. I wondered why these people
channel that energy into anger instead of creativity.
Why it was their minds went that way instead of
I'll stop there...like i said...thought provoking.

 Basically, what it boils down to is...unless we break
the cycle-we're our own worst enemy.

*Re the part about ford: Ford is trying to label or
brand Detroit techno.They want to own this. They want
to reach a point where 'techno=cool=fun=Ford' and one
owes itself to the other. I owe this eye opener to
Miss G.
The only way they'll own it is if its allowed. I'm not
saying ban the DEMF or Ford's money. But rather, use
them as the rich aunt. Sure, throw the money around
all you want-but it doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to
praise you or acknowledge you in my life liner notes.

on a lighter note if you're in Ann Arbor, MI get on
down to Stucci's and Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream-it's
free ice cream for lunch day.:)

sorry so long.

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