: *Re the part about ford: Ford is trying to label or
: brand Detroit techno.They want to own this. They want
: to reach a point where 'techno=cool=fun=Ford' and one
: owes itself to the other. I owe this eye opener to
: Miss G.
: The only way they'll own it is if its allowed. I'm not
: saying ban the DEMF or Ford's money. But rather, use
: them as the rich aunt. Sure, throw the money around
: all you want-but it doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to
: praise you or acknowledge you in my life liner notes.

the question is where to draw the line between using "them" being used by
i think a good example for this is the loveparade. once the parade itself
was very important for the underground scene but then all of this
marketing stuff came in and these days you have hundred of thousands of
people walking around with as much beer as they can carry and trying to be
techno for one day. and this is also the picture that the general public
has about our music. but there are still people who keep it real and who
cares about all the idiots anyway? if there's one out of one hundred who
knows, than that's cool. the loveparade weekend is still important, as a
gathering of our scene. there are so many parties going on at that
weekend, bringing the right people together, and this besides all the
corporate crap. and i think this is what's going to happen with the demf
as well. let the idiots do whatever they, or whatever the corporations
want them to do, and go on doing your own thing and believe in yourself.
and all of these nice thoughts being expressed here on 313 show that there
are people who care about and are aware of these problems and therefor are
also able to do something against "them". this may not be much, but the
victory is not important, what is important is that you fight.


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