> I think it´s normal thing -when you have a opposite opinion 
> to write so - and this might offend people  

one can state opposition to an opinion without attacking the character 
of the person from whom that opinion comes.

> I have a provocative example here, only to show you when 
> your idea doesn´t bring any solution
> when you do have someone with a dumb idea sitting infront of you - 
> what are you gonna do ? let´s say for example some nazi ? 
> Will you say - hey, my opinion is - we´re all brothers on this 
planet  -
> But you´re au right with your way of thinking ? 

okay.  someone asked why so many people are on rich's nut sack.  i 
replied with some pretty generic reasons in effort to spark a debate 
(and what a debate it is!) and now i'm spewing 'dumb ideas' and being 
compared to hitler.  

how amusing!

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