finalscratch may force independant label's and artist to think, work, or promote differently. who knows what kind of products can be >created to compliment or expand finalscratch too. should be an exciting >time for djs.

many of the points you made were total valid, and i agree on them. HOWEVER, you forgot something very important: we're talking about an issue here that even the big Records label, with their virtually unlimited cashflow, have been unable to nic; digital distribution. Now, mp3's certainly didn't spell the doom of big record labels yet (hell, i think they profited off of suing everyone). But it did take a chunk of change out of their profit. At that point in time, i could care less: Big labels didn't play with the boys that i like (except for the grand pubahs, but i can care less about them). Big record labels need to go away, but little ones need to stay. And THAT'S why i fear this for the little records labels: if a small portion of their profit margin goes, they could easily sink under. Yeah, vinyl sales aren't going to tube out, but they will go down quite a bit, at least at first. and considering how much it costs to put out vinyl, you're going to see a lot less vinyl out there. You're going to see vinyl from people who are able to put out a couple hundred copies MAYBE at a time, and will only be able to distribute that locally. I'm very excited and horrified to see what is going to happen to music as a whole in the next 5 years.

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