>   This is where I see a market for something like Final Scratch; you can 
> leave your precious,
> limited-edition, glow-in-the-dark vinyl, autographed & hand-numbered record 
> at home & still take
> the music on that record with you. Maybe you take along a few mp3's of stuff 
> that you don't own
> (naughty!) or can't find, or something you just wrote yourself. I doubt it's 
> expected or even
> intended to mark the end of the vinyl record industry. It's a means of 
> *playing* digital media,
> *not* a means of distribution, so I don't follow these Napster comparisons. 
> If you look at the
> setup area of the website you'll notice the mixer still has the phono ins set 
> up for playing
> records the old-fashioned way. ("Back in my day, sonny..")

I think digital distribution will eventually push out vinyl and cd and
every other form of music distribution... but we're talking a long time in
the future.  clearly finalscratch is an indicator of this trend, as is
napster.  but there are a lot of economic concerns that'll need to be
sorted out first, not to mention the cultural ones that've been brought up
so loudly here.

it'll be a slow transition, and we won't see it happen for a good 10 or 15
years. for now, i see finalscratch as more of a practical thing than
anything. if you're going on a world tour where you do 4 to 6 hour sets
every night (as rich and many other djs do), which would you rather lug
around? hundreds of pounds of vinyl or a 4 pound notebook?  you can carry
the laptop on the plane, not worry about it getting lost in transit,
listen to your tracks on the plane, whatever.

in the future I'm sure we'll see things like finalscratch being able to
control your favorite music software, further allowing the blending of
live pa and dj set.  or who knows what else.  i can't see anything that
extends your creative capabilities the way this does as anything but a
good thing.


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