oh it didn't surprise me as much as this kid asking kurt from drop bass if
the second coming was his second party. gotta love dumb ohio promoters.
especially ones that fall out of their limo coming to a party cuz they're
in too big of a k hole.

i just get a lil salty when dumb kids don't know the history. it's
something i always felt obligated to learn. respect for the elders in a
sense. knowing where it all comes from and having a good idea of where it
is going. *shrugs* not just MY favorite music but a good comprehensive
knowledge of music in general in the scene (and otherwise). not that i'm
all well versed in opera or happy hardcore either, but i at least have
SOME semblance of a clue in life.

that's just me though and my approach on all things. of course i shouldn't
expect others to do the same or be surprised if they don't care. i guess i
just get disappointed.


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