||so why do you people care about them?

 Exactly.. My discovery of electronic music in general, and techno in 
particular, really had
nothing to do with raves. I would go to hear music I liked, and ended up 
partying and meeting new
people - *not* the other way around. I would still be listening to the same 
music I do now had I
never been to a single rave. 

 Here in the midwest US it's very rare to see a techno artist on the bill for a 
rave. [There's a
calendar of midwest events at http://www.mw-raves.org/calendar/cal - for the 
When it does happen and I reluctantly decide to go I'm usually disappointed. 
For example, a couple
of months ago in Columbus there was a rave called "Polarity" with Stewart 
Walker, Todd Sines, &
Titonton Duvante all doing live PA's. The promoter had all the live acts on one 
of the crappiest
sound systems imaginable [we jokingly decided they had found it on the side of 
the road], in a
side room with the vendors and maybe 50 ppl, while no-name locals played 
progtrance/etc for the
raver majority on the main system upstairs. 

 That's basically what raves are to me: A crappy venue, filled with 
disinterested kids, that I
sometimes put up with to hear the music I like. Other than that, in my opinion 
not only did the
"rave scene" die [most likely from an overdose] years ago, it has nothing at 
all to do with
Detroit techno. It's an arrangement I can live with.


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