> But US ravers are far less annoying than ours. I was actually quite
> impressed by the calibre of the US raver. Say what you like! At least they
> were getting down to Kenny Larkin and K Hand.

if you are talking about ravers then they were well educated. i agree here
with lauryn, you got to know your past, not to have some big respect and
serve better. from that knowleg you create your musical taste.

at the end i comfort my self, by looking in my parents, in their youth they
were "ravers", rockers in full, nice music dont know nothing about it and at
the and, they were just stop listening . and ok.

today i see ravers like people that have to belong somewhere in society,
after some time, when they find them self, they not gonna care anymore who
is carl craig, and who is paul oakenfold.(when that happens ill be happiest
man on earth).
so why do you people care about them?

and about musical knowlege, i live and play in croatia, first time i have
oportunity to talk with someone about music was last year with robert(marlek
from the list), and this year in Zadar with some guy from NYC.


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