despite JT's reservations and the slight sense of lameness that i can't help feeling... well, it's only a bit of fun innit:

fullname: robert william webb
age: 28
hometown: leicester (uk).
currenthome: london (uk).
occupation: computer stuff.
subscribed: some time.
favoriterecord: New Order "Technique".
first313record: Retro Techno compilation. hooked ever since.
visited313: once, September 1999. made a massive impression on me. forever grateful to everyone who helped on that trip, and privileged to have met so many wonderful and friendly ppl. hobbies: music, being wrong, despairing at the current form and uncertain financial future of my beloved Nottingham Forest FC. currentlyplaying: Carl A Finlow "Definition" (Device), followed by ISAN "Lucky Cat" (Morr Music).

maybe we should do a webpage for this shit? it's kinda interesting to know who everyone is, tho the volume of emails (which i'm contributing to) is likely to get out of hand. George/Dan/[EMAIL PROTECTED] - can we tack something onto the side of the mythical list faq?


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