Name: Tristan Watkins
Sex: Male
Age: 27, Leo
Born: St. Meryn, Cornwall, UK
Raised: Santa Monica, CA; Burbank, CA; Ann Arbor MI; Iowa City, IA. Adult
stints in Seattle and Baltimore suburbs. Spent a lot of time in Detroit this
Living currently: Southwest Washington, DC (it might be home)
On list since: '97/'98???
Record/CD Collection: 14 crates of records and a few piles. Lots of CDs,
constantly shrinking due to theft. Grrr...
Occupation: Regulatory complaint analyst / Reporting specialist / wanna-be
DBA, AKA Jack-of-all-trades for a major telecom
Hobbies: Music (working desparately to make this more than a hobby for 7
years), DJing (doing less and less of this, but still active after 9 years),
Film (doing more of this with my new DVD player, and being in a good market
for movies), fine ales

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