<<----- Original Message -----
From: "(Truth Be Told)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>From the standpoint of the consumer it's great but I'm just pointing out a
(any) organizations point of view having booked some people in the past.
They would NOT be playing in my city the same weekend of my event.>>

That is just dandy, but I doubt you will be throwing a free event as big as
DEMF anytime soon. The key word here is FREE. People need to stop
bitching..its FREE. FREE. FREE!!!!!!!

once again, FREE.

Where else can you find an event like this (us) that is FREE? No where.
These are special curcimstances because its FREE. I am sure there is a lot
of sharing going on (flight and stuff) with DEMF and the Afterparties. So if
you ever throw a FREE event.. where the artists play for FREE... try and
make them sign a contract saying they cant play anywhere else in that
city... you might get Paul Van Sashoakenweed to play.


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