At 04:50 PM 5/24/2002, you wrote:
Okay, I'm not one to say DEMF1 was greater than DEMF2, which was in turn greater than DEMF3 is likely to be....

that's a game of margins (like the "I was at Woodstock, or at such-and-such a Rolling Stones gig in London, or DEMF1, and if you weren't there, then you *missed* it all, buddy). In the book _Stars Don't Stand Still in the Sky_, Greil Marcus gets good digs in on this attitude, showing how useless it is....

That's definitely NOT anything like what I originally said, meant or implied - nor is it reflective of any kind of attitude on my part. I merely stated the difference *I* felt "in the air" between the two fests. Furthermore, people whom I know (my wife, for example) who are not "in the scene" at all felt it in the same way (and she isn't privy to the politics OR the artists involved). Funny how some people can find a whole lot which doesn't exist in the words of others. I understand that internet hermeneutics can be fraught with difficulties, but eisogesis is eisogesis. Attack me on my points, but not on your misconstrual of them, please. And note that I said I would be there and was looking forward to Alan's performance, among others.

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