On Fri, 24 May 2002, Mxyzptlk wrote:

>True enough. Ignoring reality and shutting down constructive discussion can
>also be seen as a negative attitude and that is also a fact.
>Because I don't see what you see does not mean my eyes are closed or I
>cannot "feel" accurately. Be careful of what you construe as condescension.

point well taken, and thanks for the thoughtful feedback.  i was a
little leary about passing that post on, and the last thing i'm trying
to do here is shut down constructive discussion.

i was at demf both years and had an excellent time depite the problems
people had with the organization of the event.  i see what people are
talking about in regards to this now famous article, but i think to
dwell on it or give it that any weight whatsoever detracts greatly from
the spirit of the gathering.  that's just my opinion.

i think what will determine people's perception of the event this year
largely depends on where in the CITY (not just at hart plaza) they
choose to spend their time.  as has been pointed out, there are so many
good parties after the music ends on the stages at midnight.

all that said, i still feel like you all are lucky to be able to attend
this thing at all... what's done is done as far as the organization of
the event goes.  and i don't think there's any use in bitching and
moaning about carol or the egotistical capitalistic corporate bullsh*t
that seems to be trying to take over the event.

here in milwaukee we have a week long music fest called summerfest which
was mainly started as a music festival, but capitalism has taken it's
toll on that and people care less about the music and more about the
shopping, beer, food, etc... all available at inflated prices for your
enjoyment.  just to get in the festival gates (yes, there are gates)
also costs around $10 per person... which can add up if you are trying
to take a family out for a good time.  also, the music showcased there
is often more mainstream and sub-par and rarely is any new or
experimental music showcased... while there is still potential for so
much more if people would just take more of an interest (which your
community has already done... props).

what i'm saying is it's now up to y'all to enjoy yourselves despite all
that and maybe, if you feel like it, devise some plot to more properly
represent the music and preserve the original intent of this festival
(surely that must be possible...)  but i think setting it up as a
personal battle would not achieve that end...

again, just my opinion.  and i'm jealous. :P



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