All these faults seem to beg the question: (to me at least)
if trance so crap, why do so many millions of people like ?

The answer, if we care to face it, will lead us back to something dark and
sad about human nature.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jernej Marusic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 10:52 AM
>To: 'Brendan Nelson'; 'fabrice Lig';
>Subject: RE: (313) Los hermanos/trancey/Detroit techno...
>Don't forget the unfunky tr*nce bass lines. I don't know if I ever heard
>a tr*nce track that didn't  have either one bass not between each kick
>drum (pk pow pk pow...), or an arpaggiated 3 note bass line that goes
>"tadadam tadadam ...". I've challenged some people I know who play
>tr*nce to name me one track with different bass line, and they we're
>unable to :)
>I'm talking of modern tr*nce, as there seamed to be more diversity in
>what was classified as tr*nce pre 95 or something.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Brendan Nelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: 11. december 2002 11:34
>To: fabrice Lig;
>Subject: RE: (313) Los hermanos/trancey/Detroit techno...
>| -----Original Message-----
>| From: fabrice Lig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>| Sent: 10 December 2002 22:31
>| I know what is trance music...It was huge here.
>| Could we try to find a list of differences...
>| On the paper, finaly there is common points...
>| Melodies, chords, ...
>| But in the reality...
>| I give you the first difference ;-)
>| 1)Detroit music is funky.
>That's definitely true - I can't remember if it was Eddie Fowlkes or
>Kevin Saunderson who said "the hardness in techno comes from funk", but
>I've always seen funk as the main differentiator between Detroit techno
>and the trance sound.
>What makes trance unfunky? I think that a large amount of it comes down
>to the drum programming. Trance producers, I can imagine, must glue over
>the "shuffle" button on their drum machines so that it can never be
>turned on. Also, you can imagine that if a trance producer does anything
>with the hi-hats other than "open hi-hat between each kick drum, closed
>hi-hat on the beat", he/she would get arrested by the Trance Police for
>But even when Detroit records use those most basic of drum patterns,
>there is still a funk there that you don't find in trance. Why?

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