if you're looking for the best sound quality possible (for a dj
cartridge), i recommend checking out the grado dj series...


over the years i have tried basically every cartridge i
could find:  stanton, shure m44, ortofon dj/nightclub, etc.
all of them have their own strengths and weaknesses but i've just
never been satisfied with the fidelity from any of them.  go to a
hi-fi shop that carries audiophile quality phonographs/needles
and you'll see how clean a good piece of vinyl can really sound.
anyway grado has been making really high-quality (read: more
expensive than your car) stylii for years so when they introduced
a dj cartridge last year for under a hundred bucks, i was all
over it.  i bought the grado dj-200s for less than what i payed
for my ortofons or my shures and i have not regretted it once.
to my ears they just sound better than the ortofons, which are
generally regarded as best sounding dj carts on the market.  i
will say that the shure m44 and the ortofon dj is a much stronger
needle in terms of the abuse it will take.  i wouldn't recommend
the grados if they're going to see alot of club use or really
heavy scratching (or if your friends are just heavy handed)... i
have had my current stylii for about six months and i can tell
they need replacing -- but i'm a freak and i change my needles
every three or four months anyway so part of that my just be a
psychological thing with me (i always say better to replace your
stylus than your record collection).  also my grados are able to
cut through some scratches that a "thicker" needle will sometimes
have trouble with -- all those moodymann records where the groove
is really shallow tend to track a little better.

just a suggestion... i've done quite a bit of experimenting with
different cartridges so i'd be glad to answer any questions

stewart  (not a sales rep for grado)


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