Nahhh. While I respect the levels that you have thought through all of this, all your analysis is based on the (weak, IMHO) assumption that Jaguar DOES sample that TCOY track, and I'm arguing that it *DOESN'T*. So everything else you conclude is based on that assumption, and it's not an assumption I buy whatsoever, so the rest of it to me is a moot point.

I mean, go dig out Jaguar again and tell me that's a sample... IMHO there is no way. Have you ever tried to sample stuff and use it in a track? There's extraordinary difficulty in finding a clean enough version of that string part of the track to be able to sample it and make Jaguar with it. Still, everyone's ears are subjective and it's something neither of us can conclusively prove one way or the other. :)

Matt MacQueen

On Monday, August 4, 2003, at 07:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Devil's Advocate -
If you sampled a piece of music but never cleared it legally - and, knowing this, if it was discovered that you did sample the music and it leaked out you ran the very great risk of being sued - especially if you had a fairly high profile court case over that same piece of music - would *you* tell
anyone that you used a uncleared sample in the music?

since I wasn't there during your conversation I don't know exactly what you talked about except for what you mentioned below, however, I noticed that
you said, "he
told me about alot of other elements in the track". So did he not tell you
about _this_ particular element? I'll proceed then to ask if he didn't
could it be because it was a sample?

end Devil's Advocate

personally, I don't care if it's Mad Mike or George Michael - if it was a
sample, some is owed some money. It should be a level playing field.

I'm not a musicologist but I do deal with this sh*t every day and they
sound suspiciously similar. Accidental or not - that's not a defense
anymore. If you pull onto a road and don't see a speed limit sign and then decide to floor the gas pedal, that doesn't mean you aren't breaking the law. If you have accidentally infringed upon someone else's copyright - the
prosecution has the right to ask that you remove all offending material
from the market and you can still owe them a truck load of money.


<[EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Matt MacQueen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> thms.com> cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 313@hyperreal.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/04/03 07:06 PM Subject: Re: (313) "Jaguar" Strings on 80s House record?

so let me get all of this correct.......according to everyone here on
this list the general opinion is that UR and rolando sampled this TCOY
track????  and did not make it them selfs.....man with all of the
bullshit that surrounded the jaguar you think someone  else would have
dug this up if it was true....but its probably not true......... the
last time i was in detroit i talked with mike for a good long time like
7 hours...and its kinda funny we talked about the jaguar...and he never
mentioned that he or rolando sampled a record to make it...i mean he
told me about alot of other elements in the track....unless of course he was lying ......in order for UR to have sampled that track then it would
mean that Mad Mike and the rest of UR were lying to everyone in the
world.....I THINK NOT....if the track sounds like it then its probably a
coincidence ...but i doubt that UR would put on this elaborate hoax to
fool everyone.....lets be real...i mean UR has been this whole
time....the fact that people think UR sampled this record in paticular
makes me laugh...... i have heard that same beginning of the melody ALOT
from various tracks from the 70's & 80's...as well as the general
arrangements in that track....my opinion...and maybe you can all laugh
at me when someone sue's UR ...but i don't think it will happen....


Matt MacQueen wrote:

On Monday, August 4, 2003, at 06:23 PM, Matt MacQueen wrote:

no one has mentioned the possibility that they both sampled
strings from the same source and then flipped them differently.
obviously this house track was made during a period of sample
heavy marrs/coldcut influenced stuff. so its entirely possible the
strings are from an old song and that they both sampled the same
original track, just different parts and in different ways.

Interesting theory.  But I'd wager that the strings in Jaguar were
PLAYED, and are not a sample to begin with. Esp. with that crazy solo
at the end.

Just to clarify I mean in Jaguar I bet they were PLAYED live on a
keyboard (which has a string patch or whatever), not played on an
actual real analog stringed instrument (a la Metro Area or Kelley Polar

Matt MacQueen

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