---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Cyclone Wehner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I think there's a perception that Big Boi is the regular homeboy 
and Andre
>the flamboyant eccentric, but Big Boi is still pretty out there.
>They're both individuals.

i never really considered big boi to be "regular" or anything, but 
his style is certainly more compatible with other hiphop. its like 
any other genre of music, sometimes if you go too far outside of 
it, it just sounds bad as opposed to sounding "different". 

>I love the Andre CD too. I don't think it's try-hard at all, very
>spontaneous in fact.
>The songs are great. That's my view.
>I guess the Common album got the same reaction, but I loved that 

i really dont know what to say about that common record. common 
used to be a top emcee, now hes on some joker type business. and 
you can talk all you want about not trying to appeal to white 
media, but common now endorses coca-cola. they werent offering 
that circa "i used to love h.e.r.". sad. i found his record to be 
nearly as unlistenable as andre 3000's. 

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Cyclone Wehner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>That's funny, I actually thought there was a real parallel 
between the 
>OutKast and Erykah album! That and the Common record, and The 
Roots album
>Phrenology too.
>Both the Badu album and the OutKast are departing from what is 
expected of
>urban music.
>It's the antithesis of Chingy, et al, who I feel are making very 
>They're testing their (US) urban audience, Black and white.
>Does anyone really believe they're making albums to please the 
white media

i definitely do. the "return of rock" thats been being hyped in 
the media since the strokes album a couple years ago seems to have 
penetrated hiphop, and mostly in a bad way. like you look at that 
cody chestnutt cat. his record was decent, but it was also a 
little less a result of the hype as it was part of the cause. the 
roots went on to remake and release that track of his "the seed". 
common now thinks he's jimi hendrix, which i might agree with him 
on if he showed anything resembling his old mic virtuosity. 
wearing tiedye shirts doesnt make you hendrix. andre 3000 im not 
even sure what tip he's on, but its just bad. really i think i was 
the only person in america who hated that last album before this. 
as he's become more and more "outrageous", the quality of his 
music has suffered. the erykah album was good because it took the 
style that shes into and made it atmospheric as opposed to "rock" 
sounding. even lenny kravitz's presence doesnt make it any more 
rock than her other stuff, which was not at all (lenny can do r+b 
pretty damn well when he wants to). even the remake of the NERD 
album was garbage IMO. i saw them live recently, and it was mostly 
underwhelming. spymob is a weak band, and the original electronic 
studio versions of the tracks of that album sounded much more 
cutting edge than throwing some distorted guitar licks in does. 

>I'd give 'em way more cred than that.
>Regardless if OutKast annoy The Source, good. It's hit an all-
time low with
>Benzino's ridiculous self-promotional schemes, anyway.

wasnt there 2 covers of the most recent source, one with andre and 
one with big boi? i didnt read it, but i dont think that the 
source was against the album by any means. 

>Anyway, everyone maintains it was Erykah who got Andre wearing 
>clothes. ;)

yeah but he missed the plot. erykah looks good in her slightly 
eccentric outfits, andre looks like a turd. 




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