> describe "official". im sitting here looking at the finished US CD
> and LP versions of the album. they look just as official as the
> matt dear record, and they sell better too ; )

Are you certain its US. MAybe its being re-released (which happens a lot
when a small label puts out a record that then gets picked-up by a bigger
label). All I know is, the promo copy I just recieved- which is what
Rolling Stone would have also recieved- has a release date stated for May.

> anyway, its not necessarily about the past 3 months. and i dont
> object to LFO because they already have a fanbase that could
> benefit from reading a review of their record.

so popular stuff can be reviewed? huh? wha?

 but look over the
> last year and youll not see KDJ, andres, alton miller, larry
> heard, etc etc in major magazines. you might get a felix da
> housecat, but whatever.

why 'whatever to felix?' if the debate is open to discuss crystal method
vs. kdj, than i definately think felix falls somewhere in the fair play

'whatever'??? you're debate skills are faltering.

> tom
> ________________________________________________________________
> andythepooh.com

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