clarify that: your "unqualified" opinion.

tom, why are you so pissed? who cares...people can say whatever they want...i think energy is better spent not arguing over tossed-off comments...why not stop and try to understand someone else's viewpoint...if you find no value in it, write it off, dont waste your energy arguing...i dont know if i agree with atomly but there is always room for criticism and improvement

>I think
>the festivals in 2000 and 2001 were some of the best lineups ever
>in North America and were diverse enough and groundbreaking
enough to
>draw in people from all over the continent and even the world.
>then, though, I feel like the festival has shifted its focus from
>groundbreaking and forward-thinking to the nostalgiac and

i dont think its that easy to blame the roster for any decline in demf success/fun. the first year it was fresh and new. ford was running commercials on tv with model 500 and plugging the festival in mainstream publications. there was as much or more nostalgic/established stuff the first year as any other.

i just hope for a focus on live music. artists actually performing their own stuff adds so much more energy and vitality and personality to the experience. i think. the first year seemed to have an excellent balance of live stuff and dj'ing, with the balance shifting towards dj's ever since. i mean 1st year you had scion, poobahs, dbx, adult, guy called gerald, scan 7, puzzlebox showcase, etc etc etc all live! there's been good live stuff every year but they really covered the spectrum 1st year. last year only a few names on the roster even had "live" next to their name, leaving me to guess or just hope that some of the others would be live too...but i couldnt afford to go just guessing and hoping. hype it up! accentuate the personalities in electronic music! put on something to show the uninitiated its real music not just dj/club culture


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